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NEVER design anything like Trials of Koda again. Ever.

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This is the most frustrating and anti-fun, grief-promoting type of event I have ever experienced. There is no redeeming qualities in its design. I literally have to run around griefing the trial primers in order to get a new one to spawn in a reasonable amount of time. Someone is there trying to do that one? Too bad. Its them or me. Either I help them and wait another hour just for a small chance to get the one I need, or I rush the event, deny that player the one they need, so that I can get a 60  second reroll and hope its what I need. Best case scenario (and also the least likely) is that no one is doing it and I can safely fail the primer without hurting someone else. This is so badly designed and frustrating.

Edit: Came to reread this to see if I felt differently after my sodium levels came down. I don't. Just gave me ptsd. smh.

Edited by Harrada.8041
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8 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

On the one hand they are certainly not great.


On the other hand there isn't really much need to worry about other people trying to do them since if there were such other people around you wouldn't have to go around doing them to push things along.

If I read the OP correctly, then they're actually saying they fail the events on purpose because that speeds up the respawn of other trials? So if there are other players trying to finish said event the OP actually is griefing said players by sabotaging their events?


What I'd like to know is why they even feel the need to fail an event rather than finish it. ANet has always tried to design events and achievements so that nobody would benefit from failing any events, so if finishing a trial event actually leads to an extended spawn time for the next (which I find hard to believe, as I've seen successful trials back to back in Bjora often), then I'm sure they'd want to know about it to fix it, just like they did with a lot of other events in the past.

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2 hours ago, Rasimir.6239 said:

If I read the OP correctly, then they're actually saying they fail the events on purpose because that speeds up the respawn of other trials? So if there are other players trying to finish said event the OP actually is griefing said players by sabotaging their events?


What I'd like to know is why they even feel the need to fail an event rather than finish it. ANet has always tried to design events and achievements so that nobody would benefit from failing any events, so if finishing a trial event actually leads to an extended spawn time for the next (which I find hard to believe, as I've seen successful trials back to back in Bjora often), then I'm sure they'd want to know about it to fix it, just like they did with a lot of other events in the past.

They probably want a specific trial to spawn. The "cooldown" after a failed trial is shorter than one after succesful one, so if a wrong trial spawns (one you don't need), it's probably better to fail it than finish it. Or at least that's what OP claims. Honestly, haven;t been in Bjora in ages, so i am not sure how it really works.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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19 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

They probably want a specific trial to spawn. The "cooldown" after a failed trial is shorter than one after succesful one, so if a wrong trial spawns (one you don't need), it's probably better to fail it than finish it.

How do you know that the cooldown is shorter after a failed trial? Do you have a source for that? I've tried to search for that info, but not even the wiki says anything about it.


I've participated in a trial at least once when another primer event was already active before the trial event was finished, which seems to imply that it doesn't make a difference whether you win of loose the primer event (unless there's a way to make it fail considerably quicker than to finish it, in which case again I think it's something ANet would want to fix like they fixed similar event conditions in other places over the years).

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Also missing the worst part of these. The one that takes place in the room that is only accessible during the Drakkar event. It might sometimes be accessible outside the event but the event is the most reliable. Unless they have fixed it at some point. Not in the habit of checking on that all the time and I don't remember seeing any patch notes about it.

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I like the Koda Trials. The design is (mostly) great, in fact, as it helps randomize repeating content with bonus stuff to do. Would prefer more Koda Trials-styled random bonus objectives to events.


However, I don't like tying achievements necessary to complete the meta achievement to them, nor not having notable bonus rewards for doing them.

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I completed this achievement but I hated it. I also did it for my partner because they couldn't stomach it either. 
It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't necessary for the meta achieve at the time. To be honest, most of the events in Bjora Marches kind of helped to kill my passion for the game. 

I don't know if I want to see these kind of events canceled, but maybe do something to encourage co-operation more or put them on a timer to make them easier to pick up and do. 

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