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ANet Please! How Others See GW2 PvP!

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On 7/25/2021 at 4:59 AM, Hirosama Nadasaki.6792 said:



The downed state skills, like any other skills, need balancing. 

But removing downed state as a mechanic entirely just because some of the skills related to it are unbalanced is akin to removing an entire profession from the game because some of its builds are overpowered.

How would that remove a class from the game/PvP? Are you playing PvP downed state constantly? People give little shait about the downstate of their class when picking and build it for PvP.. I never once thought about mine. Because at the end, you should always try and survive in PvP.

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On 7/24/2021 at 6:24 AM, Locuz.2651 said:


"the grass is always greener"


Before we start the entire downed state discussion....

You know how dead wow arena/RBGs is (even when compared to GW2)? 

I played wow arena untill last season.  It was literally unplayable. Not figuratively but quite literally unplayable. 


Ppl stare at the ladders and they are like "wow thats a lot of players compared to GW2. They forget that wow doesnt have decay and 99% of the player base plays purely for the weekly cap. Once a week ....and when they are geared they stop playing. 


I ended last season at 2640 in 3's. The last 6-8 months of the season we had max 40-50 players playing within 300 rating range of mine during peakdays. Right now the last 3 hours 72 1800+ players played in entire Europe. ...thats right after new season release and during a peak day.


If we didnt have a full team we would be sitting in LFG menu for 2+ hours looking for a suitable teammate. Just to see only ppl with 1000+ less rating experience pop up.  Or worse obvious boosted players. Wow pvp is filled to the brim with boosting services (for euros) up to a point that about 50% or more of the 2k+ playerbase is boosted. 


That means that if you would have a full team you could play.  You would play against 2200 MMR teams tho, who happen to have 2 or 3 former worldchampions or similar in their team.  So that means you play against the best in the world....yet get 5 points for wins...and 25 for losses. This isnt rare either....at least 50% of the games where versus boost groups.  





This, right, here.

I'm also a long time WoW vet, not playing quite at your rating, usually in the 2300-2400 range and on US server, but I felt the same exact issue that you did.  Looking at ladders is very misleading because of no decay.


Yes, downstate sucks.  I think very few people could come up with a decent argument as to why downstate is better than a non-downstate system, but you can't say other games PvP modes are thriving so much compared to GW2's, because they really aren't.


The real issue, IMO, is that the vast majority of people that play MMOs play for the PvE.  WoW and FFXIV are the two biggest because they easily have the best PvE endgame of any game out right now, I don't think there's a game that even comes close.  Once players realize games like GW2, BDO, ESO, etc. have very lackluster PvE endgame, they leave for games that put more focus on it.


And these games seem so much more active and populated because of the huge PvE playerbase, which isn't inaccurate, but if you're playing an MMO for PvP, which I imagine most of us still playing GW2 are, the active playerbases in the PvP scene are probably not too far off from each other.

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On 7/23/2021 at 10:27 AM, Luclinraider.2317 said:

Our Theme Song


I've been trying to get some friends on WoW Arena to come play GW2 with me and they always say "If it didn't have downed state".


Then they usually quote this as GW2 theme song.


Please remove downed state from all PvP in EoD Anet. It may promote people from other games to come here...especially since people are leaving WoW in mass...the problem is FF14 is getting them all instead of us.


People are afraid it could hurt SPvP instead of help....but I don't think that's even possible at this point. The game mode has a couple hundred players on peak Saturday times....you can't hurt it, it's already dead. Also, I always see people say "No, they do that in WvW and it's horrible", but every time I play the no downed state WvW weekends it seems like there's 3x as many players playing....so.....it seems to bring people in.


It's worth a try, at this point, GW2 PvP has nothing left to lose!

I 100% agree. It's really cheesy when your team has way more downs on the enemy team, but the other team has 1 intelligent player who can finish people easy, they finish your 1 downed player and now you all are suddenly at a disadvantage. If you think about it, the team that got the most downs clearly has more skill, but one player has one good moment and it's all nullified (and sometimes that moment doesn't even require much skill -> enemy engi pops invuln potion and finishes your team mate),

If they're allergic to removing downstate permanently then they should consider removing at least the rally mechanic, but I would prefer it gone altogether. Sometimes smart players will down you and walk away because they know it takes you longer to rez that way.

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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