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I thought that ...

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GW1 had dedicated Monk healers but there were plenty of builds geared towards entirely shutting them down, especially a Mesmer or Necromancer could literally make an opponent's Monk not only useless for the entire match, but a liability to have on your team. In Random Arenas where having a Monk on your team would guarantee a win 95% of the time, it was quite a sight to behold the rage when your Monk-less team would beat a team with a Monk when someone on your team was running a shutdown build. Good times. I'd be OK with a Scourge meta if at least GW2 had something like that.

Edited by SevlisBavles.3059
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You might be mistaken about something.

In their manifesto, Arenanet simply expressed that no profession will be hard-coded or developer-defined as a healer or tank.

But they always wanted players to be able to dedicate themselves to a role (be it healer, tank, boon spammer or whichever other role), if they wanted to.

The only thing that changed is that some people now feel pressed into specific roles due to the top end meta.


7 hours ago, SevlisBavles.3059 said:

GW1 had dedicated Monk healers.

Even GW1 doesn't have hard-coded profession roles.

I witnessed plenty of DPS monks in GW1.


7 hours ago, SevlisBavles.3059 said:

I'd be OK with a Scourge meta if at least GW2 had something like that.

PvP pretty much feels like Scourge meta at this point.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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23 hours ago, Nightcore.5621 said:

This game was different from other mmo games not havein dedicated healers tanks and so on as they said long time ago. A shame this game turned out to be just like evey other mmo out there. it runied the game. thats it. have a nice day


The claim was that the professions would be able to fill any role. And in a broad way, all professions can tank, deal damage and support.


The thing is that in the vanilla game, dealing damage ended up being the only role necessary to achieve optimals result so some people took a shortcut and ended up thinking like you.


All professions can heal. They are more or less effective but it's enough to claim that there is no "dedicated" healer.

All professions can tank (yes even thief if built properly).

All professions can support through boons share.

All professions can support through debilitating conditions.

All professions can deal strike damages.

All professions can deal condition damages.

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Healers are fine the passive aoe non sense have to go. We have only heal amulets nerfed and ppl cry because healing while scourge smiles. Like some ppl here said we need to look some things from gw and what i see is this game needs more d shots power block like things but mostly interupt to punish this braindead spam fiesta. Than we maybe see some skillfull meta. I hope anet don t listen to this forums because some ppl have no idea what they talk about. Gw2 has almost only hard cc and only interupt gameplay is thief and pb mes making 5% of total cc instead opposite which brings to conclussion that cc is just another thing being spamed mostly. I guess ppl like traffic jams and red circles.

Edited by CroTiger.7819
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Healers are really stupid and boring in this game because they refuse to add the ability to target allies, so every support skill is aoe (which makes it very easy to play) and usually heals yourself too so you are basically a tank + support rolled into one. It's like if every healer in overwatch was lucio but if lucio had the same HP as roadhog

Edited by Quadox.7834
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2 minutes ago, Quadox.7834 said:

Healers are really stupid and boring in this game because they refuse to add the ability to target allies, so every support skill is aoe (which makes it very easy) and usually heals yourself too so you are basically a tank + support rolled into one. It's like if every healer in overwatch was lucio but if lucio had the same HP as roadhog

That was GW1 gameplay but....skill based game=smaller playerbase=less revenue and in the gaming world at large in 2021, everything is about revenue.....everything

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