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World Boss Rewards

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5 minutes ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

Oh no, I make use of unidentified gear. That drop is OBVIOUSLY not worthless. I have a stack of over 100 green, around 50 blue and around 30 yellow just waiting to be sold on the TP right now, in fact.

Common sense should dictate what is obviously not worthless. Please use it.

Well, then your "math" in the opening post is simply dishonest, because it doesn't factor in any of the other rewards you gain. Rare unidentified gear alone counts up to more than one gold extra if you do four bosses an hour, plus lower tier gear and other crafting materials, plus karma, plus map bonus rewards, plus spirit shards from experience gain on a lvl 80 if you're maxed out on masteries for the region, plus rewards from pre-events that often have a lot of foes that drop crafting materials, and so on.


We are not talking "4 gold at most". We are talking "5+ gold minimum" if you really restrict yourself to doing world bosses only, not participating in events you pass, not harvesting nodes you come across, not doing anything with the time between bosses but port to the next one and wait there.

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You earn a couple pieces of unidentified gear per world boss. I play that content daily, it takes literal days to get that many pieces for selling. You do the math, if you honestly believe that you're right and I'm wrong.

Doing the math isn't difficult.

For example; Seconds ago I checked the trade post. My 140 pieces of green unidentified gear, which took me days to collect, is worth 2 gold 71 silver and 60 copper. My 96 pieces of blue gear is worth 97 silver and 90 copper. My 27 pieces of yellow gear(That huge number drop should tell you the rarity) is worth 5 gold 22 silver and 72 copper.

Give this man a gold star! Spending days farming world bosses for unidentified gear earns you a whopping 9 gold! This suggestion will CLEARLY break the entire games economy!

I think the biggest problem that you're all ignoring is magic find. I'm only a year or so old. I have 69%(honestly) magic find. I have 27 pieces of yellow unidentified(roughly) after literal days of farming world bosses.

The worst part of all of your arguments is, I didn't even start this topic for me alone. I started it because when I first started the game I needed gold to make my builds and I had to pass a fair sized learning curve to get that gold. My builds are done now, I don't need the gold, outside of, what I consider, dumb gold sinks like the griffon, and I'll probably never throw gold at THAT anyway. It's just not worth it when I could save that gold to eventually grind out a skyscale, which I fully intend on doing someday.

Bottom line is, you're strawmaning by acting like this is solely for my benefit. It's not. It'll benefit a decent sized portion of the player base.

Edited by Ignaeon.3675
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23 minutes ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

How exactly does giving a tiny bit of gold per world boss kill disadvantage YOU, when you're already off doing something else other than gold farming?


because it createsadditional stream of raw gold injection into the system, that drives up the prices of everything, meaning that my little gameplay rewards for kitten I am doing would not longer be sufficient to mantain reasonable progress on my long-term goals.


also what other poster said about how the optimized gold farming works (where most of the gold comes rom other players on tp)


as for unids, in case you didn't know they best value to get out of them is to identify them and then salvage, not just sell it straight out on tp. People buying those things on tp are atually making profits by buying the things, identifying them and then salvaging/reselling.

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You are selling the gear unidentified?  That's not profitable, but it is less labor-intensive.


Do keep in mind, the Devs don't really encourage 'farming' World Bosses, or they would not put a cap on the Rare gear drop for each World Boss. 


I do hope you edited your OP, and other posts, as they don't subscribe to this '4 Gold per hour' revised suggestion.


Also, I have to agree, your signature is annoying. 

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56 minutes ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:


because it createsadditional stream of raw gold injection into the system, that drives up the prices of everything, meaning that my little gameplay rewards for kitten I am doing would not longer be sufficient to mantain reasonable progress on my long-term goals.


also what other poster said about how the optimized gold farming works (where most of the gold comes rom other players on tp)


as for unids, in case you didn't know they best value to get out of them is to identify them and then salvage, not just sell it straight out on tp. People buying those things on tp are atually making profits by buying the things, identifying them and then salvaging/reselling.

How so? Ecto is worth basically the same as yellow unidentified and the other materials are worth copper, generally speaking.

"My 27 pieces of yellow gear(That huge number drop should tell you the rarity) is worth 5 gold 22 silver and 72 copper."
Just checked and 27 pieces of ecto is worth 5 gold 54 silver and 85 copper.

Yes, in greater amounts, ecto is worth FAR more. FAR FAR FAR MORE!

But that's not the point in the first place!

I honestly do understand the concept of a player economy. I do. But you can get 25 gold per day from fractal dailies. Just, poof, gold from nowhere. Is that not saturating the economy? How many people turn gold into gems? How often do they do it? Exchange fees? Listing fees? Waypoint fees? There are dozens of ways that gold entering the economy goes "POOF!" and dozens of ways for new gold to enter the economy with a "POOF!". In fact, given the playerbase I'd wager 10's of thousands of gold is introduced into the economy EVERY day, and 10's of thousands is just lost to TP fees, waypoint fees and gold-to-gems everyday. That's what an economy is, the constant change of supply and demand. Giving players that choose to do world bosses every day, a minority I'm sure, 4 gold per hour isn't gonna rupture the space time continuum.

Edited by Ignaeon.3675
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8 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

You are selling the gear unidentified?  That's not profitable, but it is less labor-intensive.


Do keep in mind, the Devs don't really encourage 'farming' World Bosses, or they would not put a cap on the Rare gear drop for each World Boss. 


I do hope you edited your OP, and other posts, as they don't subscribe to this '4 Gold per hour' revised suggestion.


Also, I have to agree, your signature is annoying. 

What? I edited the OP like 2 hours ago to reflect the greatly reduced gold influx.

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5 minutes ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

Signatures can be turned off, as another person stated. Most people don't seem to have a signature at all, so I just assumed most people turn them off.

Frankly, cant see it on the mobile website, but if you are getting complaints you may want to tune it down some.


Some of the forums i go to had signatures taken away because folks abused them with length/images and annoying other posters with them. Only takes one person to have the feature ruined for everyone else.

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15 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

Frankly, cant see it on the mobile website, but if you are getting complaints you may want to tune it down some.


Some of the forums i go to had signatures taken away because folks abused them with length/images and annoying other posters with them. Only takes one person to have the feature ruined for everyone else.

Thanks for the concern. I toned it down as soon as someone reasonably rational mentioned it in an not insulting way. lol

Edited by Ignaeon.3675
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To exemplify the "more is more is more is more is more"-slippery slope:

World Boss loot gets upgraded to 50s and a guaranteed exotic drop along with everything else we already have. Give it 6 months, people will want more. So drops are upgraded to 1g, a guaranteed exotic and additional crafting mats depending on the boss and the characters level. Give it 6 months, people will want more. So drops get upgraded to 1.5g, a guaranteed exo, mats and a token that lets you buy ascended weapons for the price of 50 tokens. Give it 6 months, people will want more. So the drops get updated to 2g, an exo, mats and ascended gear will now cost 25 tokens only. Give it 6 months, people will want more...

You get the picture...

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2 hours ago, lokh.2695 said:

To exemplify the "more is more is more is more is more"-slippery slope:

World Boss loot gets upgraded to 50s and a guaranteed exotic drop along with everything else we already have. Give it 6 months, people will want more. So drops are upgraded to 1g, a guaranteed exotic and additional crafting mats depending on the boss and the characters level. Give it 6 months, people will want more. So drops get upgraded to 1.5g, a guaranteed exo, mats and a token that lets you buy ascended weapons for the price of 50 tokens. Give it 6 months, people will want more. So the drops get updated to 2g, an exo, mats and ascended gear will now cost 25 tokens only. Give it 6 months, people will want more...

You get the picture...

Let's not paint the developers as push overs. They rarely do something just because a portion of the community whines about it. The developers aren't stupid.
And yes, at this point, I'm considering myself whining. But that doesn't lessen the fact that I'm right. lol
In the end, it's up to the developers to decide if my idea holds real merit, on any of the idea's several levels, and frankly I honestly expect that if any of the idea is implemented at all, it'll only be the 50s per world boss per day for a total of 6 gold per day from world bosses. But that's not gonna stop me from asking for a tiny bit of convenience that won't even be a drop in the bucket that is 10's of thousands of gold coming and going into the economy daily from the whopping 800,000 daily average of players.

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1 minute ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

Let's not paint the developers as push overs. They rarely do something just because a portion of the community whines about it. The developers aren't punks.
And yes, at this point, I considering myself whining. But that doesn't lessen the fact that I'm right. lol

Right with what? That players would like to have guaranteed legendary drops from autoattacking the jungle wurm? Sure. But would it be good for the game? I doubt it. Of course we want to feel rewarded when we are being rewarded. And Anet has had some blunders with that(remember when the worlds leaders thanked us for dealing with scarlet by sending us two blues and five junk items?). But handing out too much, lessens the incentive to play the game or leads to inflation where you technically get 20g for killing a world boss, but also any item that you would want to buy with that gold increases in price tenfold.

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2 minutes ago, lokh.2695 said:

Right with what? That players would like to have guaranteed legendary drops from autoattacking the jungle wurm? Sure. But would it be good for the game? I doubt it. Of course we want to feel rewarded when we are being rewarded. And Anet has had some blunders with that(remember when the worlds leaders thanked us for dealing with scarlet by sending us two blues and five junk items?). But handing out too much, lessens the incentive to play the game or leads to inflation where you technically get 20g for killing a world boss, but also any item that you would want to buy with that gold increases in price tenfold.

Yall remember when precursors sold for 150 or less gold? I sure do. Gold was "harder" to obtain but worth more back then. 

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2 hours ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

How so? Ecto is worth basically the same as yellow unidentified and the other materials are worth copper, generally speaking.


when identifying you always have a chance for up in rarity (I often gets rares out of blues), ecto from rares can be up to 3 per item, not to mention chance for named exotics which can get really pricey (hence the "/reselling" part)


2 hours ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

"My 27 pieces of yellow gear(That huge number drop should tell you the rarity) is worth 5 gold 22 silver and 72 copper."
Just checked and 27 pieces of ecto is worth 5 gold 54 silver and 85 copper.


and getting 27 ecto from 27 identifying and salvaging 27 pieces of rare unid is really low roll there - while still giving more value. And that is discounting all the exotics that can drop from identifying rares.


2 hours ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

But you can get 25 gold per day from fractal dailies. Just, poof, gold from nowhere. Is that not saturating the economy?


Fractals are much higher time and gear investment than world bosses, and there is alot less people doing those. Just because there exist one avenue for adding gold into the system, does not mean we should just throw more and more. (also fratals also toss much more materials into the mix, which balances it out)


2 hours ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

There are dozens of ways that gold entering the economy goes "POOF!"


Existance of gold sinks does not justify adding more generators of raw gold generation. Also, the more people do gold->gem convertion the higher the price of getting same amount of gems, which also impacts me negatively 😉


2 hours ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

Giving players that choose to do world bosses every day, a minority I'm sure, 4 gold per hour isn't gonna rupture the space time continuum.


ok so firstly, your are most likely wrong on the "minority" part, considering that there is actually quite alot of players whose daily routine in gw2 starts and ends with world boss train.... it is easy routine that already generates decent money over time. And obody is saying that it's going to "rupture the space time continuum" I am saying that adding more raw gold printing tho those activities as it is, is going to lead to further gold inflation.


48 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

Yall remember when precursors sold for 150 or less gold? I sure do. Gold was "harder" to obtain but worth more back then. 

yeah, I remember when I considered 100g a huge amount that I am never going to be able to get xD goold old times 🙂



43 minutes ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

You're a kiddo, plain and simple.

I always find it funny when rando on internet assumes age of other randos on the internet based on basically nothing, as we can see in this case 🙂


44 minutes ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

And the worst part is, you're basically calling the developers weak willed and incapable by suggesting they'd allow a slippery slope in the first place.


and the extra funny part is that this argument of yours is basically freebie ammunition against your own thread - what makes you think that devs are "wek willed and incapable" to bow down to YOUR request of increasing World Boss rewards? rewards they seem be fine with for the past years?


If they were to bow to your request, it is very logical they would budge when more people get a taste of it and decide to push for even more.

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1 hour ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

Let's not paint the developers as push overs. They rarely do something just because a portion of the community whines about it. The developers aren't stupid.
And yes, at this point, I considering myself whining. But that doesn't lessen the fact that I'm right. lol
In the end, it's up to the developers to decide if my idea holds real merit, on any of the idea's several levels, and frankly I honestly expect that if any of the idea is implemented at all, it'll only be the 50s per world boss per day for a total of 6 gold per day from world bosses. But that's not gonna stop me from asking for a tiny bit of convenience that won't even be a drop in the bucket that is 10's of thousands of gold coming and going into the economy daily from the whopping 800,000 daily average of players.


4 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:


So your saying they should not listen to you to not be weak willed and put their foot down.

Got it can you ask them to close down this silly suggestion then?


If you wanna make more money then do other things in addition to world bosses.

Or do gems to gold.

Nice! Add to his strawman like I didn't address that it was the Devs decision! You're so smart! So wise!

Edited by Ignaeon.3675
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17 minutes ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:


when identifying you always have a chance for up in rarity (I often gets rares out of blues), ecto from rares can be up to 3 per item, not to mention chance for named exotics which can get really pricey (hence the "/reselling" part)



and getting 27 ecto from 27 identifying and salvaging 27 pieces of rare unid is really low roll there - while still giving more value. And that is discounting all the exotics that can drop from identifying rares.



Fractals are much higher time and gear investment than world bosses, and there is alot less people doing those. Just because there exist one avenue for adding gold into the system, does not mean we should just throw more and more. (also fratals also toss much more materials into the mix, which balances it out)



Existance of gold sinks does not justify adding more generators of raw gold generation. Also, the more people do gold->gem convertion the higher the price of getting same amount of gems, which also impacts me negatively 😉



ok so firstly, your are most likely wrong on the "minority" part, considering that there is actually quite alot of players whose daily routine in gw2 starts and ends with world boss train.... it is easy routine that already generates decent money over time. And obody is saying that it's going to "rupture the space time continuum" I am saying that adding more raw gold printing tho those activities as it is, is going to lead to further gold inflation.


yeah, I remember when I considered 100g a huge amount that I am never going to be able to get xD goold old times 🙂



I always find it funny when rando on internet assumes age of other randos on the internet based on basically nothing, as we can see in this case 🙂



and the extra funny part is that this argument of yours is basically freebie ammunition against your own thread - what makes you think that devs are "wek willed and incapable" to bow down to YOUR request of increasing World Boss rewards? rewards they seem be fine with for the past years?


If they were to bow to your request, it is very logical they would budge when more people get a taste of it and decide to push for even more.

I'm only addressing a single point in this because you chose to pick apart individual segments without full context. Kiddo isn't an age, it's a mindset. Ever heard of "Kid at heart"? Age alone doesn't make someone an adult. "Adult" is a social construct, which is why different cultures have different opinions. If you want a "true and scientific" method for choosing, it would be age 26 or 27, when the brain starts to slow the myelination process. That's when grey matter becomes white matter.

But I sincerely appreciate that you would reinforce a strawman argument simply because you don't agree with me, as we both know that if you had agreed with me, you would have reinforced my decision to call him a kiddo.

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4 minutes ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

I'm only addressing a single point in this because you chose to pick apart individual segments without full context

Yes, I am cherypicking specific statements from the post when quoting, so that everyone knows which precise point I am adressing at which moment. Very handy, when big posts with alot of points to address pops up.


5 minutes ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

Kiddo isn't an age, it's a mindset. Ever heard of "Kid at heart"? Age alone doesn't make someone an adult. "Adult" is a social construct, which is why different cultures have different opinions.


oh going philosophical in here I see.

ok so lemme toss a dictionary at you:




Kiddo is an informal way to refer to or address a child or a person who’s younger than the speaker. It can be used for a person of any gender.

It’s typically intended to imply familiarity or affection. It’s especially used as a familiar way to address one’s own child or grandchild.

Kiddo is most often used in greetings or friendly speech, as in Hey there, kiddo or We’ll get ’em next time, kiddo.    

Kiddo is also often used as a more informal synonym for kid, as in Grandpa is spending time with the kiddos down at the lake. 

Kiddo can sometimes be used to imply that a person is inexperienced or lacks wisdom, as in Look, kiddo, leave this one to the professionals.

Example: Are you ready for the trip to Disneyland with your dad, kiddo?




a friendly or slightly condescending form of address.
"you're getting what you deserve, kiddo"


As for "Kid at heart" I will toss you this old folk wisdom: "Boys never grow up, it's only price of the toys that change".

I will ignore that whole bit about social constructism, it is beside the point.


I also find it lovely, that you chose to flat out ignore like 80% of my post that was all about countering your points and explaining issues with your arguments. only to hang on the side remark where I made fun of you calling other forum user "kiddo".

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After the last World-boss rush I don't want to see these things for months anyway ...


The bosses are super easy Brain AFK stuff, which I find nice here and there. They don't need huge wins, they need time adjustments. You wait there forever just so that the boss dies in 1min or less.

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55 minutes ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:


when identifying you always have a chance for up in rarity (I often gets rares out of blues), ecto from rares can be up to 3 per item, not to mention chance for named exotics which can get really pricey (hence the "/reselling" part)



and getting 27 ecto from 27 identifying and salvaging 27 pieces of rare unid is really low roll there - while still giving more value. And that is discounting all the exotics that can drop from identifying rares.



Fractals are much higher time and gear investment than world bosses, and there is alot less people doing those. Just because there exist one avenue for adding gold into the system, does not mean we should just throw more and more. (also fratals also toss much more materials into the mix, which balances it out)



Existance of gold sinks does not justify adding more generators of raw gold generation. Also, the more people do gold->gem convertion the higher the price of getting same amount of gems, which also impacts me negatively 😉



ok so firstly, your are most likely wrong on the "minority" part, considering that there is actually quite alot of players whose daily routine in gw2 starts and ends with world boss train.... it is easy routine that already generates decent money over time. And obody is saying that it's going to "rupture the space time continuum" I am saying that adding more raw gold printing tho those activities as it is, is going to lead to further gold inflation.


yeah, I remember when I considered 100g a huge amount that I am never going to be able to get xD goold old times 🙂



I always find it funny when rando on internet assumes age of other randos on the internet based on basically nothing, as we can see in this case 🙂



and the extra funny part is that this argument of yours is basically freebie ammunition against your own thread - what makes you think that devs are "wek willed and incapable" to bow down to YOUR request of increasing World Boss rewards? rewards they seem be fine with for the past years?


If they were to bow to your request, it is very logical they would budge when more people get a taste of it and decide to push for even more.

Okay, let's address it!

I've opened a stack of 100 yellows before with 280% magic find and got diddly squat. I'm sure it was just a crude roll of RNG, but that doesn't change the fact that because RNG favors you more often than not that it is a good way to dictate who gets what.

Yes, Fractals are far more effort than WB's. This is why they're worth so much gold daily and why I suggest so little gold per WB. The Funniest part is, I was more than willing to adjust my numbers for balance, right up until it felt like the community members who were commenting were becoming hostile.

Your third point is arguing against pure context that I was using to reinforce a separate but related point.

I understand inflation, but how long do these players stay on this routine every day, at the start and before finishing? An hour on each end? So, 8 gold from WB's per day. We're also talking about, again, a community of 800,000. I'm not gonna pretend to know the player dispersion rate between servers, but are you telling me that a majority of that 800,000 starts and stops their daily routine with WB's? And even if they do, how long do they do it for? 2 to 4 hours per day? 8 - 16 gold per day? Each of those 800,000 players probably earns at least 2 - 5 gold per day already, that's just the newbs(New players, not noobs) that don't understand the game yet. A majority of that playerbase is at least partially established and earning, in my experience when I do go gold farming, 10-20 gold per day. And that's completely ignoring those 10's of thousands that dedicate weeks to gold farming, earning 50-100 gold per day.

I don't remember any of that. I'm only a year or so old on this game. I remember similar experiences on ESO. I've personally lived through and dealt with those exact experiences on Warframe. I understand how economies work. c(:

It's not logical that they would see the merit in my idea and take it as a precedent for further caving to community whining.
A slippery slope fallacy does not mean nothing should ever change. Change is powerful instrument for good and the developers don't have some convoluted legal system they have to follow that dictates if they agree with me than they must agree with everyone.

Just to clarify, my final point here is exactly why Lokh's argument was against a strawman and not me. At it's most basic, his argument is claiming that my suggestion is the same as setting a permanent precedent that the developers will forever be forced to adhere to.

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18 minutes ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

Yes, I am cherypicking specific statements from the post when quoting, so that everyone knows which precise point I am adressing at which moment. Very handy, when big posts with alot of points to address pops up.



oh going philosophical in here I see.

ok so lemme toss a dictionary at you:




As for "Kid at heart" I will toss you this old folk wisdom: "Boys never grow up, it's only price of the toys that change".

I will ignore that whole bit about social constructism, it is beside the point.


I also find it lovely, that you chose to flat out ignore like 80% of my post that was all about countering your points and explaining issues with your arguments. only to hang on the side remark where I made fun of you calling other forum user "kiddo".

I HATE this term and the entire idea of generalizing a populace based on clear mental illness, but, explain Karens. If the social construct value of adulthood isn't important, explain why hundreds of millions(If not billions) of adults around the world act like children?

Edited by Ignaeon.3675
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31 minutes ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

I've opened a stack of 100 yellows before with 280% magic find and got diddly squat. I'm sure it was just a crude roll of RNG, but that doesn't change the fact that because RNG favors you more often than not that it is a good way to dictate who gets what.


Well except there is mathematical models that were used that will calculate you expected average result, and those mathematical calculations have firmly established that identifying and then further processing is the optimal way to deal with unids for best stonks.


Even if you somehow didn't gat any exotic with 100 yellows (find it hard to believe tbh, but maybe you did got troleld by rng) then salvaging those will still give you more value in mats, than flat out sale of those unids. mathematically proven.


31 minutes ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

Yes, Fractals are far more effort than WB's. This is why they're worth so much gold daily and why I suggest so little gold per WB. The Funniest part is, I was more than willing to adjust my numbers for balance, right up until it felt like the community members who were commenting were becoming hostile.


And I would still say that ANY increase to current reward model for world bosses, which has been untouched for years is a risky business from inflation standpoint. Alot of people are running world bosses even without further incentive.


31 minutes ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

I understand inflation, but how long do these players stay on this routine every day, at the start and before finishing? An hour on each end? So, 8 gold from WB's per day. We're also talking about, again, a community of 800,000. I'm not gonna pretend to know the player dispersion rate between servers, but are you telling me that a majority of that 800,000 starts and stops their daily routine with WB's? And even if they do, how long do they do it for? 2 to 4 hours per day? 8 - 16 gold per day? Each of those 800,000 players probably earns at least 2 - 5 gold per day already, that's just the newbs(New players, not noobs) that don't understand the game yet. A majority of that playerbase is at least partially established and earning, in my experience when I do go gold farming, 10-20 gold per day. And that's completely ignoring those 10's of thousands that dedicate weeks to gold farming, earning 50-100 gold per day.


Citation needed for actuall numbers of players actively playing the game.

That aside, world bosses are easy and there is alot of people whom are quite happy with just playing 1-2h a day. It's people that actually run all those dedicated farms that are minority.


Also again, fractal farms does not drive inflation as hard, because again, it does not introduce just raw gold into the system, but also materials and items to cover for it. So impact on economy balances itself out there.


31 minutes ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

It's not logical that they would see the merit in my idea and take it as a precedent for further caving to community whining.


Well except it is - so far since they didn't touch that in years, there is argument to be made that they think itis fair as it is.


And now comes a person on forums suggesting that it is not, and not even getting alot of support from other forum users. At this point IF devs decided to cave in to one person, whom got criticized already on the very thread with suggestion, despite their data that for years seemed to show that rewards were whey they wanted them to be, that would mean they are not strong willed enough to weather hundreds of players demanding further increases.


31 minutes ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

A slippery slope fallacy does not mean nothing should ever change.

That is true, existance of fallacy dos not mean that we should ban all the changes. But when suggesting changes it would be still wise to consider the whole picture. World Bosses are fairly popular content even with rewards as it is. there is no need for further incentives to do that content, so why should they risk the negative aspects of you idea (increase in inflation rates) when there is no benefit to ofset it?


now if you have called for buff of rewards for something that is vaery unpupoler, let's say, vanilla dungeons (which rewards were butchered specifically to have people stop playing them anyway) we could talk. Or if for some reson people stopped doing world bosses, because they deemed it not worthy their time at all. Do you see where I am coming from here?


27 minutes ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

I HATE this term and the entire idea of generalizing a populace based on clear mental illness, but, explain Karens

I am unsure which precise term do you mean in here, got me a bit confused.


Also did you just call me Karen? I mean it's you who is suggesting more freebies......


27 minutes ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

If the social construct value of adulthood isn't important, explain why hundreds of millions(If not billions) of adults around the world act like children?


and again how is that relevant to your suggestion on increasing WB payouts again?


PS. since you did double post here quoting same post of mine I feel obliged to provide couple hints on how to avoid multiposting like that: first of, just next to the quote button, there is a big "+" button, clicking it starts a queue of posts to quote, which is remembered even when going through pages, and you can then press the button that will show up after clicking it, to insert all of quotes into single neat post.


Furthermore if you put couple enters in between lines of the quote, forum will automatically separate that part into multiple quotes,


and lastly when you select specific line of text on someone elses post the "quote" button will pop up next to selection, allowing you to only quote selected bit of text. I hope someone will find that set of advises usefull 🙂

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22 minutes ago, Ignaeon.3675 said:

405 views out of(Note that the first is judging every login per day and the second is Live):

How can you tell how much support my suggestion will and won't have in only a couple hours with those kinds of numbers against 405 views? Also, count the number of people who have criticized me. 10? Out of how many?

Just because someone viewed a thread, and didn't leave a comment either for or against the idea, doesn't correlate to overall acceptance.  Some may have not criticized the idea because it wasn't worth their time/energy to do so or perhaps other have already made the point for them.

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5 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Just because someone viewed a thread, and didn't leave a comment either for or against the idea, doesn't correlate to overall acceptance.  Some may have not criticized the idea because it wasn't worth their time/energy to do so or perhaps other have already made the point for them.

Vice versa. People who disagree are FAR more likely to comment. People who agree are less likely to comment simply on the merit that so many people have already disagreed or the fact that I've already stated so many arguments for. The biggest problem is, this isn't a poll with anonymity and most individuals won't want to get tangled in what, from my perspective, looks like a heated argument over the same thing said by multiple people over and over, echoing the same argument with differing phrasing.

I know, I know. I may as well have asked for this in my OP. That was my mistake.

Edited by Ignaeon.3675
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