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  1. I imagine that part of the reason for the limits is to encourage homestead decorating to serve as a drain on as many different crafting materials as possible, rather than just on one. "I've made all the homestead materials I can with copper ore this week; well, better start buying with iron."
  2. I mean, FF14 has full controller support, and it's much more of the multiple-hotbars-of-abilities style of game design, similar to WoW. GW2 should honestly be much more straightforward to design controller support for.
  3. It's worth mentioning that the weekly time gate is per regular material per homestead material. So when it says you can craft 75 of the homestead metal material per week, or whatever the value is, it means you can craft 75 with copper, then another 75 with iron, then another 75 with gold . . . So not quite as much of a time gate as it appears at first glance.
  4. If we were getting a hub, we would've gotten it in the initial launch--and like you said, the expac is also directly attached to Divinity's Reach, so there's no real need. Based on how the initial story ends, the next zone is pretty clearly going to be the area directly west of Janthir Syntri, going through that wall of steam in the NW of JS.
  5. If the game had cutscenes, I imagine this request would be easier to grant. The fact that all dialogue happens during gameplay makes it tricky to stick a 'skip' button in there.
  6. Yeah, sounded an awful lot like they were laying a lot of groundwork for future expansions. The Dominion of Winds sent a representative. Granted, she wasn't too chatty, but still, everyone's favorite hermit nation is taking part in international politics. That's something. Norn exploring the Far Shiverpeaks Elonans exploring Dzalana Sylvari seeking magical aid for the Pale Tree, who's still ailing after being attacked by Mordremoth way back in LW2 Charr seriously considering declaring a new Khan-Ur The risk of other things coming in from the Mists It felt like the charr one got an extra dose of emphasis during the summit, so if I had to guess right now which one we're going to see next, my bet would probably be on that.
  7. So it's becoming increasingly common for mounts to have more than the two abilities that they have dedicated keybindings for, and the weird half measure we have for the keybindings for mount abilities is a bit annoying. Some abilities are tied to the 1-4 keys, same as weapons, and will be remapped if you remap your weapon skills. Then you have the two abilities tied to the C and V keys, which have their own keybindings. Visually, on the UI, the C and V abilities take the place of your 4 and 5 skills, so if you're going to remap them from their default places, it makes sense to move them to correspond with your 4 and 5 skills. The problem with this is that some mounts have a C ability, and some have a 4 ability. There's no overlap--there is no mount that has both a C and a 4 ability--but even so, the game doesn't like it when you do that, and if you have them both bound to the same key, it will only allow it to count as the C skill on a mount, so if the mount has a 4 ability instead, you just can't use it. All this is to say, can we please get the keybindings for mount abilities to be consistent across the board? Do away with the separate C and 4 abilities, and either make it so that all five mount skills can have unique keybindings, or hell, go the other way and do away with unique mount keybindings altogether, and just have them attached to the 1-5 weapon keybindings? Either would be better than the current in-between situation.
  8. Can we get a maskless version of the Rot Stalker Helm from the Wizard's Vault? That thing would be perfect for my necro if it was just the hood.
  9. I had that happen too, but specifically with Firefox. If it's the same with you, try a different browser.
  10. Ran into trouble buying the expansion as well. I eventually got it to work (and I don't know why it worked that time) but I'm going to lay it out here, in hopes that it helps the devs track down problems. Tried to buy it on my laptop using Safari. Put the expansion in the cart; it asks me to login to continue. When I try to login, it just says "Something went wrong, try again later". Try several more times with no change. (The fact that I was already logged in on the forums on that browser adds an extra dose of annoyance.) Change to my desktop, this time using Firefox. This time I can login, and I get to the payment screen, where is asks for the CVV for the card I have on file. It won't let me click on or type in the box for the CVV. I decide to try re-adding the card to see if that'll get around the problem; while I can type my name on the New Card Screen, it once again won't let me type the credit card number. It turns out that any text box that has that faded-out example text in the background (so the box for the card number saying xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx) can't be typed into or interacted with. Staying on my desktop, but now using Microsoft Edge. Now I can login, and I can fill in the needed card info, but when I do so I get the error code for incorrect card info (going off memory, but I think the code was 100411). I try re-adding the card--maybe the one on file is an older expired version--the re-added card gives the same error. I try swapping between the two versions of the same card now on file once or twice, and for some reason the purchase actually goes through. Couldn't tell you why. Never had this sort of trouble buying an expansion through the website before, not sure what's going on this time.
  11. It's already been confirmed that there will be a post-launch feature where you will be able to go up to a single gathering station and harvest from every node at once with one click. So if the node placement is less efficient than the home instance, it'll only be an issue for the next three months or so.
  12. Well, it is also getting a double jump in the expansion, which will help with the mobility quite a bit.
  13. Only if they had to step away in the middle of a fight for more than five minutes.
  14. The big thing I feel fishing needs is greater integration with cooking. Other than ambergris, the only use for fish is to cook foods that improve your fishing . . . so you can fish more to make more food that will let you fish more. It's a little too closed of a loop at the moment; fish needs to have a greater use than just to continue fishing.
  15. Very nice. Minor suggestion based on what we saw in the video, it would be nice if the manikins had an option to apply a stone or wood texture to them while placing them, so that they can look more like statues rather than just frozen clones of your character. Aside from that, the only thing on my personal wishlist that I didn't see here was the eventual ability to swap out the Kodan cabin with buildings in a different architectural style (having a version of the home in the styles of each of the playable races would be a good place to start). Even if all the houses had the same floor plan, just having different aesthetics would be nice. Something to consider for the future.
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