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Legendary suggestions

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About a month ago, I finished my first legendary, gorgeous Astralaria, and my frost-and-stars themed firebrand has been very happily wielding it ever since. Aside from the mystic coins-and-amalgamated gemstones slog at the end, I really enjoyed making it. I enjoyed the collections, I enjoyed going back to old maps and doing events that I wouldn’t do otherwise, I enjoyed the theme of the whole thing, and I love the end result.

So! I think in a month or so, I’d like to start on making my next one, once I’ve stockpiled some mats and some gold. The trouble is that I can’t decide which one! There are a few that I have my eye on, and I’d love to get some input on which you guys think I should go for next.

Chuka and Champawat – I’ve finished the first tier collection, and loved it. I’ve heard the collections have a cool story and you get tiger cubs to play with. And it’d fit nicely on my animal tamer sylvari ranger.

The Bifrost/Nevermore – finished the first tier collections for both of these as well. My main is a staff weaver and I’d love her to have a legendary – though the staff skin she currently uses actually fits her aesthetic way better than either of these. But the Nevermore collections again look awesome, and the Bifrost would fit her better aesthetically.

Howler – I love the way it looks. No idea which character I’d use it on, but I’m sure I’d find one!

Frenzy – I have no idea why I want to make Frenzy, but I do.

My current characters are a butterfly/winged insect-themed weaver, my above mentioned frost-and-stars themed firebrand, an animal tamer sylvari ranger, an extremely piratey double-dagger-wielding thief, a steampunky engineer, and a revenant and necro that I don’t really play very much and aren’t really themed in any way yet, so are open to ideas.

So … give me your ideas! Which should I go for? Or sell me on your favourite legendary that isn’t mentioned here! What did you enjoy making most? What do you think would suit my characters and why? What cool gadgets do you get when making them? Which are you proudest to use?

I'm not really interested in just buying a precursor, or in making any of the latest legendaries that don't involve collections, but anything goes in relation to the others :)

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My advice would be to pick one that's either a perfect fit for a character who is unlikely to change their theme or main weapon, or one which suits several characters and which you personally like. It helps that you enjoy the collections, but even so it'd be a waste of time and resources, and quite disappointing, to make a legendary you then get bored with and either stop using or feel you're forcing yourself to use because it'd be a waste not to.

There's no right or wrong answer there. My first legendary was The Dreamer which a lot of people hate, but I've never regretted making it and years later the absurdity of firing unicorns at people still makes me smile. The conventional wisdom at the time was to make Sunrise/Sunset/Eternity because they're some of the most popular and because my main character is a ranger and greatsword was considered one of the best weapons for a ranger. Then times changed, balance updates happened and if I'd followed that advice I'd now be stuck with a legendary I don't like and have little use for.

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Why not, all of them in time? ^^

I can vouch for Nevermore and Chukas entire collections are definitely worth it, Chuka more so.The Howler is a great Warhorn skin that isn’t too flashy and would suit a lot of themes as well.

So, whichever one will get the most use I’d say!

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@"Danikat.8537" said:There's no right or wrong answer there. My first legendary was The Dreamer which a lot of people hate, but I've never regretted making it and years later the absurdity of firing unicorns at people still makes me smile.

I don't mind the absurdity of firing unicorns at people, nor the rainbows everywhere. What I very much do mind, though, is the noise of firing unicorns at people.

That said, I think the noise of Quip is marginally worse.

To date, I've completed Rodgort (the hard way) and Howler (aided by finding Howl in a box somewhere). I wouldn't suggest either of them as "first choice" in terms of looks and effects (to say nothing of the fact that one's a torch and the other's a warhorn, make of that what you will), although the "wielded" aura of Howler is pretty nice. Both of them have "weak" footfalls. I'm currently about 70 Spirit Shards short of having Kudzu.

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@Steve The Cynic.3217 said:

@Danikat.8537 said:There's no right or wrong answer there. My first legendary was The Dreamer which a lot of people
, but I've never regretted making it and years later the absurdity of firing unicorns at people still makes me smile.

I don't mind the
of firing unicorns at people, nor the rainbows everywhere. What I very much
mind, though, is the
of firing unicorns at people.

That said, I think the noise of Quip is marginally worse.

You know you can disable both right? There's a drop-down on the sound settings menu called something like 'custom item sounds' where you can choose to reduce the frequency or completely disable either your own item effects or other people's.

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@Danikat.8537 said:There's no right or wrong answer there. My first legendary was The Dreamer which a lot of people
, but I've never regretted making it and years later the absurdity of firing unicorns at people still makes me smile.

I don't mind the
of firing unicorns at people, nor the rainbows everywhere. What I very much
mind, though, is the
of firing unicorns at people.

That said, I think the noise of Quip is marginally worse.

You know you can disable both right? There's a drop-down on the sound settings menu called something like 'custom item sounds' where you can choose to reduce the frequency or completely disable either your own item effects or other people's.

Sure, but unfortunately there isn't an option "Disable Quip and Dreamer sounds only". ;) :p

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Howler could be such a perfect Legendary for any Norn character but sadly it suffers from the same lack of overall quality that Frostfang (another perfectly Norny Legendary) in contrast to other Legendaries...

There’s no contest between them and Astralia and Verdach. None. Those are just objectively better Legendaries.

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@Oglaf.1074 said:There’s no contest between them and Astralia and Verdach. None. Those are just objectively better Legendaries.

That's flavor, I prefer Frostfang's appearance and theme over Astralaria, same for Howler compared Verdarach. Verdarach just looks ridiculously big to me and very unwieldy.

As for the actual topic... I could definitely recommend Chuka and Champawat for the accompanying story and features (such as the tigers).Other than that, I'd go for a Staff if you're about multiclassing. Other than Engineer and Warrior, all other professions can use a Staff in one way or another, so you'd actually get to play with it pretty often. Same thing for Sword and Daggers, but from what you listed, I think that you'd be best off with a Staff, just because you've already given it more thought and interest.

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@Vornollo.5182 said:

@Oglaf.1074 said:There’s no contest between them and Astralia and Verdach. None. Those are just objectively better Legendaries.

That's flavor, I prefer Frostfang's appearance and theme over Astralaria, same for Howler compared Verdarach. Verdarach just looks ridiculously big to me and very unwieldy.

As do I, for Norny reasons. However there is no denying that they’re less “Legendary” the their newer counterparts. Heck the draw effect alone on Verdach blows Howler out of the water.

No pun intended.

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