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We should get a buff


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Technically we can with axe2 into chill of death proc if the target is running glass. And you managed to get rid of their passive life savers beforehand. And their active ones. And both their dodges. And managed to get within 900 range of them without dying to pewpews, getting knocked back, or chain cced.........

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@Sephylon.4938 said:Technically we can with axe2 into chill of death proc if the target is running glass. And you managed to get rid of their passive life savers beforehand. And their active ones. And both their dodges. And managed to get within 900 range of them without dying to pewpews, getting knocked back, or chain cced.........

You've convinced me Axe 2 needs a nerf.

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@"Aridon.8362" said:Just saying necro is my favorite class. We should all just get buffs back to the point where we can just 1 shot people as scourge. I loved it so let's love it more.

Way to jinx the game update! Now all we have to look forward is, "We felt that Necromancer became a little over-tuned with the Sigil and Rune rework so..."

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@KrHome.1920 said:Speed of Shadows + Sigil of Cleansing (new version) - who needs a condi cleanse?!

Spectral Onslaught Reaper feels great now.

Entering shroud cleanses pretty much everything, leaving shroud 9 seconds later cleanses another 3 condis. Awesome!

Definitely a big boost when we fight condi foes. Unfortunately from a WvW perspective, we are still countered by range mobile foes.

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@trueanimus.4085 said:all we need i think is a buff to range.. everyone else has 1500.. thief, ranger, rev and even elem are able to hit cannons on 3rd floor smc. Our dps suffers becuase we have to be 1200 before we can drop anything substantial. buff our range to 1500 and we would be okay.In your wet dreams . Ele/rev dont have 1500 range autottacks as ranger LB, thief need to kneel and he cant move , cry me a river how hard you want 1500 range xD

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