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Everything posted by bigo.9037

  1. I think its more of that he sees the writing on the wall and would rather have a constructive forum post that the devs can be influenced by in order to stave off a massive nerf (see Rampage) and instead get small number tweaks. But it was almost time for Anet to start treating other professions after Ranger, Mesmer and Necromancer. All that made OP Boonbeast and Sniper Ranger got reworked or was removed. Ranger has been replaced by Spb, Weavers and Holos :) This from a PvP point of view, in WvW we cannot talk about balancing XD Necros atm are not the strongest class, and have far less sustain dmg and mobility compared to rangers thieves revs or guards. Before we get hit everyone else needs to be taken down to our level before they decide what to do. As for mes: I dunno man Pu mes? maybe > @bigo.9037 said: Personally, i don't know about doing that. Rapid fire is avoidable by hiding behind a pillar or an object and aegis and magnetic aura counter it. rapid-fire hits like what 5-6 times? that's maybe 10-12k and if it misses after a few of those hits you don't hit for full damage, and it does have a cd so i disagree. It hits 10 times but yea I guess. Cd 8 secs At least rangers aren't going invis ccing you and one shot, like Pu mes or thief, and its out in the open and you actually see them and can avoid them and cast aegis or somethin.But rangers(slb) have a certain amount of stealth, 50+% quickness uptime, 25 might most of the time, nearly permanent stability. High alacrity uptime, resistance, permanent protection, fury etc. Not to mention dmg immunity. So unless you're running a lot of boon corrupt and ranger is already fighting outnumbered, slb is still superior imo.Mes and thief are able to run away better than rangers that's true.
  2. Personally, i don't know about doing that. Rapid fire is avoidable by hiding behind a pillar or an object and aegis and magnetic aura counter it. rapid-fire hits like what 5-6 times? that's maybe 10-12k and if it misses after a few of those hits you don't hit for full damage, and it does have a cd so i disagree. It hits 10 times but yea I guess. Cd 8 sec on RF
  3. This is to tell you that the profession has received important nerfs. In fact it was not a dueling build if equipped in full berserker. The fact that you didn't like how it was played doesn't make it any less strong. xD Each trait of every profession should be "good". 1 evasion replaced with 15 endurance is a heavy nerf.However even the sword was nerfed, now it has less mobility and higher cds, only the ax has not received any modifications. LB is not only AA, Hunter's Shot and Point Blank Shot are also useful in duels and Rapid Fire does not need to force 1500 points to do good damage. For small-scale fights I suggest you try a warrior or a Holo after you feel even better. :) I still disagree. GS auto nerf was not a huge deal. Zerk sicem ranger was never a strong 1vX etc. build. It's a 1shot gimmick and still is. And what is your point about lb #3 and #4? You mentioned AA nerf and I said that it literally doesn't matter cus you're not gonna deal any significant dmg on LB Aa anyway? Unless you're running a gimmick build but then my point still stands. To dodge, you need 50 endurance. Before we had 1 evasion every AA closure, now we get 15 endurance, but if this is not a big nerf I don't actually know what can be called a big nerf. As I wrote in my previous post in team fights it was not necessary to use the build with a Berserker equipment it was possible to adapt it using different equipment, I am sorry that you have not had the chance to try it. Certainly, however, without unlockable attacks in small team fights, the build is now almost unusable, given that every organized team will certainly have an FB.This build is now relegated to one shot pugs. You wrote in a previous post that LB's damage only applies to AA, I pointed out that this is not the case, every bow skill has its uses and these skills are also good for dueling. There are also many videos of dueling rangers who use LB / GS and not Ax / Ax you should take a look. You should try Warrior, Holos or even the bunker weaver build or the old condition mirage which in WvW has no limit to understand what OP really is because, the fact that you are a good player and that you believe Slb is strong does not mean that this profession must be nerfed, and this is not a valid point.I think you got the wrong idea. I also use LB, but the nerf to LB dmg only applies to the AA chain, not RF, hunters and point blank shot. The dmg on those skills is still the same. Only LB AA got nerfed, and longbow AA nerf only nerfed sicem 1shot rangers. I personally haven't seen any roaming groups running around with FB, that seems kinda lame. Support in a 3 man party?
  4. This is to tell you that the profession has received important nerfs. In fact it was not a dueling build if equipped in full berserker. The fact that you didn't like how it was played doesn't make it any less strong. xD Each trait of every profession should be "good". 1 evasion replaced with 15 endurance is a heavy nerf.However even the sword was nerfed, now it has less mobility and higher cds, only the ax has not received any modifications. LB is not only AA, Hunter's Shot and Point Blank Shot are also useful in duels and Rapid Fire does not need to force 1500 points to do good damage. For small-scale fights I suggest you try a warrior or a Holo after you feel even better. :) I still disagree. GS auto nerf was not a huge deal. Zerk sicem ranger was never a strong 1vX etc. build. It's a 1shot gimmick and still is. And what is your point about lb #3 and #4? You mentioned AA nerf and I said that it literally doesn't matter cus you're not gonna deal any significant dmg on LB Aa anyway? Unless you're running a gimmick build but then my point still stands.
  5. I think its more of that he sees the writing on the wall and would rather have a constructive forum post that the devs can be influenced by in order to stave off a massive nerf (see Rampage) and instead get small number tweaks. Writing on the wall? No, soulbeast has gone under the radar in wvw Balance forever. Since 2017 it has been nothing but slight changes and buffs while other specs got nerfed. Even the latest gs change is annoying but it doesn't change anything in smallscale wvw fights except for crippling throw being removed. It takes away the fun and.. feeling of playing when my favorite class/spec is so OP. If it was more on par with other specs you wouldn't feel like you got carried by build as much. "Slight changes" October 01, 2019 Long Range Shot: Reduced the minimum damage of this skill by 14% and the maximum damage by 11% in WvW only.July 16, 2019Sic 'Em: Reduced the bonus damage applied to a merged soulbeast from 40% to 25% in PvP and WvW onlyJuly 16, 2019Unstoppable Union: This trait no longer grants an unblockable boonOctober 01, 2019 Enduring Swing: This skill no longer evades for its duration. Its name has been changed to Enduring Swing. This skill now grants 15 endurance if it hits. Other skills have been changed only for Pvp and not for WvW, but this applies to all professions not only for Rangers.Sicem was a broken meme build, not actually that strong in a proper 1v1. Also it was even weaker 2v2 or 3v3 cus you would always get focused first and were useless cus so squishy you had to kite 90% of the time. Unblockable gone, fine, but other traits in that line are all really good too. Enduring swing yea slight nerf but nothing more. Lb dmg only applies to AA, which is not used much in a 1v1 or 2v2 or 3v3. Unless you're tower camping. So I disagree with your point. These "nerfs" hardly change anything except for GS aa chain and crippling throw removal.
  6. I think its more of that he sees the writing on the wall and would rather have a constructive forum post that the devs can be influenced by in order to stave off a massive nerf (see Rampage) and instead get small number tweaks. Writing on the wall? No, soulbeast has gone under the radar in wvw Balance forever. Since 2017 it has been nothing but slight changes and buffs while other specs got nerfed. Even the latest gs change is annoying but it doesn't change anything in smallscale wvw fights except for crippling throw being removed. It takes away the fun and.. feeling of playing when my favorite class/spec is so OP. If it was more on par with other specs you wouldn't feel like you got carried by build as much.
  7. Yea I'm very hopeful for this as well. I just hope it won't be until the end of 2020 that this actually happens.
  8. Title- “wvw” Post complaint- “duel” Nobody cares about your duels in wvw, stick to 1v1 complaints for spvp. And sometimes there are better players using a profession, and sometimes not. The devs will be blowing up professions and tackling major issues across the board, so participate in those threads instead of making another qq Ranger duel thread for wvw play no less. There is a lot that’s “busted and spammy” in the game, but I don’t see you posting in all the other professions sections... Here I’ll help you... Post your profession complaints here... https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/professions And read these and post there about professions... https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/90774/lets-talk-about-wvw-balance https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/90773/lets-talk-about-pvp-balance https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/93817/big-update-news I obviously stated that I know the other specs are spammy too, it's just that I don't hear a lot of people in ranger community or ranger players acknowledge that soulbeast actually needs to be toned down. The only people who agree with me are in my small guild. So I decided to post here.Also it's not duels per se it's nearly any small fight. Then post your duel complaints about professions in the profession section. And make sure to include what you'd buff on classes to make every spec, on every profession, better for wvw group play, bc there is more to wvw, and the game, than duels. Uhm.. this IS the profession section..Why should I call out every class and what needs to be changed on every class in a ranger section forum post? That doesn't make sense. I was calling for the ranger community to acknowledge we also have a spec that needs to be toned down.
  9. Title- “wvw” Post complaint- “duel” Nobody cares about your duels in wvw, stick to 1v1 complaints for spvp. And sometimes there are better players using a profession, and sometimes not. The devs will be blowing up professions and tackling major issues across the board, so participate in those threads instead of making another qq Ranger duel thread for wvw play no less. There is a lot that’s “busted and spammy” in the game, but I don’t see you posting in all the other professions sections... Here I’ll help you... Post your profession complaints here... https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/professions And read these and post there about professions... https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/90774/lets-talk-about-wvw-balance https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/90773/lets-talk-about-pvp-balance https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/93817/big-update-news I obviously stated that I know the other specs are spammy too, it's just that I don't hear a lot of people in ranger community or ranger players acknowledge that soulbeast actually needs to be toned down. The only people who agree with me are in my small guild. So I decided to post here.Also it's not duels per se it's nearly any small fight.
  10. Its full because there is no set threshhold to how many ppl can get into a server like 450/500 for example.The numbers are calculated from the overall wvw population.Low population server can "rise" in population even without ppl joining them, by just having the same amount of players, while all the other servers lose players. A full server can open, if all the other servers get more players and numbers between them balance out. Its the players that has taken this to heart - especially commanders that only want to win - and not Anet. How many commanders do you even know who want to "win" anymore? From what I hear in discord most of the time now and for the last three years is "I just want bags." Or worse yet, "I just want fights. I don't give a kitten about capping...." Your commanders are few and far between that care about "winning". Now all they care about is "having fun". Winning for them is just ...not part of their equation any more. Well, there is no incentive to win, except maybe whats left of server pride. When you drop tiers, and land in a place where you have nothing to fight, you win and go back to the tiers with fights automatically. So why do stuff that you dont like, when you can do stuff thats fun for you? And if the majority of the zerg wanted to defend they can just open their own tag and defend, but guess what, they keep following the commander that wants to fight. Its anets fault for not giving anything for winning (more pips? Wow)Its a video game, ppl play it to have fun. Giving more rewards for winning promotes winning team joiners, which is not wanted aswell tho. Exactly. I don't like this idea of "if only rewards were better wvw would make gw2 super popular" ...Like... You think you can entice new players to play gw2 by giving them better rewards?? No. Wvw is about FUN. NOTHING ELSE! You shouldn't be able to get rich quick by playing 1 game mode in an mmorpg. You want money? Stop playing wvw just for pips. You want fun open world fights in all kinds of interesting scenarios?? Go wvw! Anet has to make wvw even more enjoyable, not give better rewards.
  11. Imo, what you want to do ( assuming you can handle condi cleansing decently) is get toughness instead of vitality..If you have a good amount of boons in your build I suggest doing a mix of berserker and commanders stats.
  12. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POgAENlZw8YPsIGKeaXrv0RkG-zVZYBRFBF4WIVghK6rQCLEysA6ND84gIG7h6jENlQbnjqZA-w
  13. Well then that makes my case even more clear I guess. Thought they took a hard hit after moastance nerf.
  14. Yea I'm hoping that will be good and sooner rather than later.The problem is that all these sustain boons, rotations etc. Scale WAYY too well with toughness stats. Which is exactly why healing needs to be toned down significantly.As I've mentioned in other threads the reason soulbeast isn't seen as competitive ( ik it's not the best in spvp, but I'm talking about wvw roaming here) is because word of mouth. But most people don't get the opportunity to fight really good rangers tbh. Obviously I agree soulbeast is a little bit too niche right now as it doesn't fill any roles in any game mode other than wvw roaming but still.
  15. I'm kinda starting to dislike soulbeast because of how OP and easy it is to get good results with (wvw roaming) despite the fact that I've been maining the class for years.Obviously this isn't only soulbeast, it's the game balance as a whole. Too much sustain, too much dmg. Health as a ranger is hardly relevant as long as you don't get low enough to risk getting downed in a single hit. Always have heals, blocks, evades, dmg immunity, stealth, stunbreakers, stab, condi cleanse or gap openers available. For a while now I've felt as though I'm good at playing ranger/soulbeast (and druid before pof), and I do still believe i am ( never afraid of fighting other soulbeasts, always assuming I'm going to win a 1v1) but recently I've started to occasionally question whether I'm actually that good or I'm just being carried by my build. It just feels so easy to get really good results. Like it's not supposed to be THAT easy. The only time I ever get in trouble is if there's 3+ people. If not, I can sustain/get away unless they are thief or mesmers. The low cooldowns on everything is just making it so spammable. This has been an issue for a while obviously.Used block at the wrong time? Np just swoop into smokefield, lb#4, #2,#3 and now it's ready again. Used heal even tho your hp was 100%, just for boons? Np. Use the same combo I just mentioned and heal will be ready again except you also have a 3s block as well unless you also screwing that up. See what I mean? You can screw up so much and still have LOTS of options to come back on top. There's hardly any punishment for mistakes. I didn't even mention merge skills that can improve sustain like smoke assault evade, siamoth dmg immunity. Obviously, fighting a really good holo or warrior will limit your options. But even then, everything is too spammable.About 2 months ago I dueled a guildmate holo who is currently top 15 on EU leaderboard. Obviously I couldn't win. But the amount of sustain my build has despite not having all too much toughness or healing power is just crazy. Holo is ofc also spammy in the same way but.. the point of this post is that we as ranger mains need to acknowledge our soulbeasts are pretty busted and spammy.Keep in mind, this is mostly an issue in wvw balance. TLDR, SOULBEAST LIKE OTHER ELITE SPECS SHOULD BE NERFED ALONG WITH OTHER SPECS.
  16. People who play wvw don't do it for gold/rewards.. what the kitten. They play cus it's fun! So if you wanna bring people in, you gotta maximize the amount of fun in a game. Most players don't play to make gold. This isn't a 2nd job.
  17. NO axe mainhand is WAY better 1v1 AND 1vX, LB in a 1v1 any decent person is would punish you, and axe kite very well with 5 target chill. (if traited)Wh offhand 4 more boons and healing, axe off hand is ok-ishStealth on ranger is very situational and often not the best play as ranger have low dmg output so you need to do constant dps to kill or cleave downs (esp more sustain oriented build)id say make lb 1200 range so ppl stop crying then buff all dmg exept auto 30 -50% Remove hunter shot as it fails too mutch and cant be relied on. (Ranger used to not have stealth at all ) Wrong. You can't kite 5 people with aoe chill as well as you can with stealth. Condi clears, teleports, leaps, jumps. You name it. Stealth only has 1 counter and that is reveal. Thus stealth is more versatile. It allows you to relocate and then get the first shot. Only way axe wins a 1v1 if the fighting area is small. If not, the fight will stall. ( Both usually have enough sustain to not die. ) Also, LB RF hits harder than axe #3. They have the same cooldown. Axe doesn't proc quick quickness sigil..Axe #2 deals nearly no dmg unless you are literally in melee range. I cant see any good with lb it is only a +1 weapon ( best used when adding ) Then you probably just don't know how to play it right. Nothing wrong with that. I don't know how to use sword or offhand dagger either. Yes cant get it to work as good as other weapons (ofc with so many non pvp players I get to "work" to a degree, but never against any of the skilled roamers ) but when I almost always kan kill 2 rangers (or SB) IF they use lb I realized that its bad and stopped using it. ( salvaged all my accended longbows :( )A lot of rangers are really bad. What you're describing is EXACTLY why most rangers are worse players than most other classes. Everyone fights the newbie ranger players, thus think rangers are bad. This myth is then perpetuated by others, making the newbie ranger players think they have to swap class cus ranger is bad. They swap class, forget ranger exist, and after playing for 2-3 years, they are finally good on their new class. Then they see newbie ranger in wvw, kill them ( cus they are new to game ) and the myth lives on forever. That's why i, who can 1v1 and win against like 99% of enemy wvw server and win on first try, still get chased down by necros 1v1 even tho necros are weak in 1v1 cus they rely on support. Soulbeast is not weak, and neither is longbow. Axe isn't necessarily weak, but it objectively speaking deals less dmg unless you're fighting in melee range.
  18. NO axe mainhand is WAY better 1v1 AND 1vX, LB in a 1v1 any decent person is would punish you, and axe kite very well with 5 target chill. (if traited)Wh offhand 4 more boons and healing, axe off hand is ok-ishStealth on ranger is very situational and often not the best play as ranger have low dmg output so you need to do constant dps to kill or cleave downs (esp more sustain oriented build)id say make lb 1200 range so ppl stop crying then buff all dmg exept auto 30 -50% Remove hunter shot as it fails too mutch and cant be relied on. (Ranger used to not have stealth at all ) Wrong. You can't kite 5 people with aoe chill as well as you can with stealth. Condi clears, teleports, leaps, jumps. You name it. Stealth only has 1 counter and that is reveal. Thus stealth is more versatile. It allows you to relocate and then get the first shot. Only way axe wins a 1v1 if the fighting area is small. If not, the fight will stall. ( Both usually have enough sustain to not die. ) Also, LB RF hits harder than axe #3. They have the same cooldown. Axe doesn't proc quick quickness sigil..Axe #2 deals nearly no dmg unless you are literally in melee range. I cant see any good with lb it is only a +1 weapon ( best used when adding )Then you probably just don't know how to play it right. Nothing wrong with that. I don't know how to use sword or offhand dagger either.
  19. The new kick is significantly worse than the old one. All it has going for it is the very short evade. I use LB/GS and Smokescale/Gazelle. I know you didn't say it, but trust me, it's not a L2P issue on my part. Also, core ranger basically got gutted this patch as well. Playing it successfully at a high level involved using the GS auto evades and Crippling Throw ON PURPOSE (no RNG!) to survive and kill people. It was admittedly too strong for an AA chain imo.. I've just retrained muscle memory to evade manually. It hasn't gotten me into any trouble yet.. and the block changes make up for everything imo. Much more solid now. I've been asking for that for a while. But it is a shame the throw is gone. I can't speak for core ranger but when on slb I think it was too op. They should've just made it so you couldn't cast the third part of the chain multiple times. The evade was the reason why the 3/4 cast time was justified especially considering it doesn't even do that much damage. Pretty sure power stab is like 75% of maul dmg... Yeah I would like it if they didn't remove evade, but gs is still really strong melee weapon tbh. The block change makes gs feel stronger than it was before tbh but that's just me. It's usable but has a lot less utility with the loss of auto evades and crippling throw. You're not wrong but I definitely prefer the old version we had for literally 7 years since release. Messed up my muscle memory pretty badly and the weapon was pretty balanced with a low skill floor and high skill ceiling. GS where hit hard and now I dont think ranger is a viable roamer or 1v1 vs same skill (still get 15+ kill streak wvw solo everyday)Mostly roaming on my Reaper now :(I've had no issues in solo roaming after this change. Only problem has been group fights where I needed crippling throw to stay on target. Now I get kited more easily. I would probably swap to rune of speed if I didn't play almost exclusively solo on my ranger. But in 1v1 slb is still one of the best specs tbh.
  20. The new kick is significantly worse than the old one. All it has going for it is the very short evade. I use LB/GS and Smokescale/Gazelle. I know you didn't say it, but trust me, it's not a L2P issue on my part. Also, core ranger basically got gutted this patch as well. Playing it successfully at a high level involved using the GS auto evades and Crippling Throw ON PURPOSE (no RNG!) to survive and kill people. It was admittedly too strong for an AA chain imo.. I've just retrained muscle memory to evade manually. It hasn't gotten me into any trouble yet.. and the block changes make up for everything imo. Much more solid now. I've been asking for that for a while. But it is a shame the throw is gone. I can't speak for core ranger but when on slb I think it was too op. They should've just made it so you couldn't cast the third part of the chain multiple times. The evade was the reason why the 3/4 cast time was justified especially considering it doesn't even do that much damage. Pretty sure power stab is like 75% of maul dmg... Yeah I would like it if they didn't remove evade, but gs is still really strong melee weapon tbh. The block change makes gs feel stronger than it was before tbh but that's just me. It's usable but has a lot less utility with the loss of auto evades and crippling throw. You're not wrong but I definitely prefer the old version we had for literally 7 years since release. Messed up my muscle memory pretty badly and the weapon was pretty balanced with a low skill floor and high skill ceiling.Yea I agree. Crippling throw was super useful.
  21. exploits@arena.net Way to dumb down the game. Instead of throwing a tantrum like a five year old. Make a constructive complaint and send it to ArenaNet if you don't agree with their decisions. They have made many questionable decisions in the past year. From buffing Holo to nerfing core guard and druid. Leaving mirage cloak unchecked, and Mercy signet in the game. I understand you don't want your main class nerfed, I understand how that feels.But at the end of the day, this wasn't intended behavior and should never have existed in the first place. And ranger GS is already very strong without it, having gap closer, evade, block, hard cc and burst all in the same weapon is a boon very few classes has access to.Many classes have seen nerfs this patch, so it's only fair that ranger gets theirs Also would like to point out:How the kitten is it dumbing down the game by removing the option to press 111111 to deal massive dmg while having 50% evade uptime with quickness? It's making you need to use more skills. Literally the opposite of dumbing down. Dumbing down as now the game are not viable to play as a GS/X Ranger not in PvE or any of the PVP modes it took a few builds out of game.And it never had 50% evade with quickness as evade lasts shorter under quickness ;)And massive dmg on ranger what ? plz look at what the other classes have plz I have hit 10k autos on people on full zerk while testing it in wvw. In a single powerstab hit. 10k while evading with quickness isn't high dmg to you?
  22. NO axe mainhand is WAY better 1v1 AND 1vX, LB in a 1v1 any decent person is would punish you, and axe kite very well with 5 target chill. (if traited)Wh offhand 4 more boons and healing, axe off hand is ok-ishStealth on ranger is very situational and often not the best play as ranger have low dmg output so you need to do constant dps to kill or cleave downs (esp more sustain oriented build)id say make lb 1200 range so ppl stop crying then buff all dmg exept auto 30 -50% Remove hunter shot as it fails too mutch and cant be relied on. (Ranger used to not have stealth at all ) Wrong. You can't kite 5 people with aoe chill as well as you can with stealth. Condi clears, teleports, leaps, jumps. You name it. Stealth only has 1 counter and that is reveal. Thus stealth is more versatile. It allows you to relocate and then get the first shot. Only way axe wins a 1v1 if the fighting area is small. If not, the fight will stall. ( Both usually have enough sustain to not die. ) Also, LB RF hits harder than axe #3. They have the same cooldown. Axe doesn't proc quick quickness sigil..Axe #2 deals nearly no dmg unless you are literally in melee range.
  23. The new kick is significantly worse than the old one. All it has going for it is the very short evade. I use LB/GS and Smokescale/Gazelle. I know you didn't say it, but trust me, it's not a L2P issue on my part. Also, core ranger basically got gutted this patch as well. Playing it successfully at a high level involved using the GS auto evades and Crippling Throw ON PURPOSE (no RNG!) to survive and kill people. It was admittedly too strong for an AA chain imo.. I've just retrained muscle memory to evade manually. It hasn't gotten me into any trouble yet.. and the block changes make up for everything imo. Much more solid now. I've been asking for that for a while. But it is a shame the throw is gone. I can't speak for core ranger but when on slb I think it was too op. They should've just made it so you couldn't cast the third part of the chain multiple times. The evade was the reason why the 3/4 cast time was justified especially considering it doesn't even do that much damage.Pretty sure power stab is like 75% of maul dmg... Yeah I would like it if they didn't remove evade, but gs is still really strong melee weapon tbh. The block change makes gs feel stronger than it was before tbh but that's just me.
  24. Here's the reason ppl do LB im wvw : LB#4 triggers quickness sigil which gives 5 s of quickness followed by RF without using utilities. Axe is better melee, but it cant kite at all. LB stealth has lower CD than smokescale blast with WH. So with LB you have 2 sources of stealth vs 1, which is important for 1v1/1vX. Also, Lb is easier to land dmg with at safer distances. Axe is 900 range, lb is 1500. Secondly, if you run double axe, axe #5 is too easy to avoid.
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