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Everything posted by bigo.9037

  1. Hi! This thread mostly aimed at arena net. List bugs you found. Nr1: "Protect me" says it gives barrier, but it doesn't. Not for pet either. Don't know if it was a mistake in tooltip, cus I didn't even know it was going to give barrier.
  2. Shortbow dmg is ABYSMAL.absolutely terrible. Condi ranger is so terrible you need to run sharpening stone just to do any dmg if the enemy isn't standing still in your bonfire and traps.Like seriously. How many shortbow skills do you need to use just to kill a sentry in wvw? On my longbow with half commanders half zerk I can use 1 rapid fire and deal 13-15k dmg in 1.5 seconds.And my Condi setup is dire + trailblazer. It makes no sense why shortbow should be so bad.
  3. Ehhhh I think Bear Stance could still be used to fulfill Condition clear needs.Griffon may still be usable if people did use them for Superspeed before. If I'm not mistaken it's cooldown is increased to 30s, even tho it's unused....So I'm not really sure. Again like I just stated in a previous reply, running the stance share / duration trait is probably not worth it and thus you're gonna lose 2 seconds of condi cleanse heals on that skill. But maybe it could work.
  4. Ehhhh I think Bear Stance could still be used to fulfill Condition clear needs.Griffon may still be usable if people did use them for Superspeed before. Dolyak stance is still going to be a must pick option, especially with the SotP nerf. It was a crappy skill before and is gonna get even worse. They nuked the damage off of CC skills and changed up some cooldowns but stab is still going to be absolutely necessary for any kind of group combat Un-nerfed One Wolf Pack is also going to be more powerful in a game where everyone is squishierBut we aren't squishy after patch. Also, I genuinely don't think a utility on that long cooldown is gonna be worth it when you have skills like qz on a 32s cooldown which is half. And considering that moastance is nerfed into the ground , I see no reason to run the stance share trait which is what increases dolyak stance duration to 9s (in wvw), so if you want to run 6s of stab once a minute.... By all means go ahead. I'm pretty sure qz will take it's place.
  5. Yea not a single one of them is worth it at this point.
  6. As power soulbeast main, I'm strongly considering condi druid. It has stealth.. condi cleanse.. and it will play well with ancient seeds. As for soulbeast, It's definitely going to be 99% running with smokescale instead of other pets. It has a gap closer, cc ( overall stab is nerfed so cc more important ). Depending on what the meta will be ( more condi builds? Less condi cus mirage nerfs? ) I think you will see 2 builds: Bm, nm and sb: now that pet merge / unmerge triggers pet swap traits AND nm still shares boon with your pet, your not gonna have the current ""problem"" of losing boons on pet swap because the new pet has 0 boons. Instead, your pet will always have boons ( at least I don't believe pets lose their boons when you unmerge ) and thus it'll be easier to keep boons on yourself. Obviously moa stance nerf limits the amount of boons you can maintain but still. Swap moastance for protect me. Other option which can work regardless of how many Condi builds are meta will ofc be: ws, bm, sb. And it's gonna run LR, QZ, protect me. QZ is gonna see more use because traites with WS the cooldown will be only 32s, LR and protect me is still 24. With dolyak at 60s cooldown I really doubt it's going to be performing better than QZ at close to 30s with condi clear and superspeed which you can use in many ways ( we lose dmg reduction but with QZ we can kite and avoid dmg more easily, OR use it as bait:Purposely get hit by a stun like shieldbash cus it now deals very low dmg, press QZ for stunbreak and use your own CC instead and follow with maul or WI which will be hard to dodge cus of quickness ) So yea. Ws will also be good.
  7. I feel like soulbeast got gutted compared to holo. Soulbeast already losing to holo in wvw, and it's weak in spvp balance already.
  8. Interesting data, but soulbeast is obviously very different in spvp. I'm coming mostly from a wvw perspective. Soulbeast is close to being as strong as holo in wvw, and when you consider soulbeast has an easier time fighting some specs holo has trouble with, you could make the case they are equally as strong, but due to rock paper scissors, lose the 1v1 mu. WvW is a mass combat zone and Sb is wai comparatively well against all the other meta classes for small scale and roaming. Ppl can l2dodge and l2get friends. Enough with the sb qq, what r u gonna buff on core, druid and condition builds for small scale and roaming bc they all stink? What r u gonna buff on core, druid, condi builds and sb so they have a place in large teams? Hmm? Or are your ideas eternally fixated on meaningless duels inside a mode meant primarily for team based mass player combat? And do you have the secret patch notes? Why you even talking about “post” patch changes when the patch didn’t even drop yet and is still at least a month away? Edit- and I’m gonna help you bc you don’t seem aware... https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/95543/major-info-1-9-2020-stream There are going to be 800-900 split changes to skills and traits. There are going to be reworks. There is also going be a comparatively huge balance patch on top of what I just typed... So just wait like the rest of us and talk about “post patch” stuff until after the patch drops, bc this thread is as meaningful as us talking about balancing the nonexistent Ranger profession for gw3. Sigh, here we go again for the 3rd time. Read my posts. I'm literally asking YOU what are you hoping for in the patch. I already posted what I would like to see. Stop asking me about core and druid. YOU tell ME what you want on core / druid. That's what this thread is about. I hope you're not assuming I'm basing this thread off of qq or not having friends to play with cus you'd be wrong. Every time you post in my threads I always have to explain the point of the thread like 3 times.
  9. Condi mesmers should win the 1v1 long game. Either, you play NM - WS and your condi cleanses can keep up with mesmer, but you don't have the dmg to kill the mesmer. Ws - BM doesn't have enough boon and condi cleanse uptime if condi mes plays patiently. And NM + BM has 0 condi cleanse :) Yes that includes cleansing sigil.NM\WS have the potential to do a good burst, enough to make the mesmer to rethink the estrategy. Boonbeast i very vulnerable to corrupts also.Depends:In spvp, kinda true as boons aren't as overabundant as in wvw.In wvw, it only works if ranger is merged in beastmode. If you corrupt ranger while NOT merged, you can just press F5 and get all your boons back. Making it very hard to consistently corrupt, especially if only 1 person is doing it, considering beastmode cooldown is only 10s..
  10. NO axe mainhand is WAY better 1v1 AND 1vX, LB in a 1v1 any decent person is would punish you, and axe kite very well with 5 target chill. (if traited)Wh offhand 4 more boons and healing, axe off hand is ok-ishStealth on ranger is very situational and often not the best play as ranger have low dmg output so you need to do constant dps to kill or cleave downs (esp more sustain oriented build)id say make lb 1200 range so ppl stop crying then buff all dmg exept auto 30 -50% Remove hunter shot as it fails too mutch and cant be relied on. (Ranger used to not have stealth at all ) Wrong. You can't kite 5 people with aoe chill as well as you can with stealth. Condi clears, teleports, leaps, jumps. You name it. Stealth only has 1 counter and that is reveal. Thus stealth is more versatile. It allows you to relocate and then get the first shot. Only way axe wins a 1v1 if the fighting area is small. If not, the fight will stall. ( Both usually have enough sustain to not die. ) Also, LB RF hits harder than axe #3. They have the same cooldown. Axe doesn't proc quick quickness sigil..Axe #2 deals nearly no dmg unless you are literally in melee range. I cant see any good with lb it is only a +1 weapon ( best used when adding ) Then you probably just don't know how to play it right. Nothing wrong with that. I don't know how to use sword or offhand dagger either. I agree with Sansar, Longbow is a +1 weapon and a noob finisher. That weapon is trash tier against 1v1 or 1vX if the other players know what are they doing. Based in your experience which should be mainly in WvW where there most roamers are pretty bad I understand where you come from still doesn't make you right.No, longbow is bad in spvp because of limited space and node fighting. Obviously, when you have to fight in a very small space and fighting outside of that space is bad, longbow doesn't work. I don't use longbow in spvp either, I use axe. Also, axe offhand seems to do significantly more dmg in spvp than it does in wvw. But in wvw, when there's a lot more space to kite and fight, longbow is just better. Axe #5 is merely a noob killer, as people with half a brain don't run into a soulbeast on axe without having a stun breaker or condi cleanse ready. Freedom of movement renders axe offhand nearly useless.
  11. Stealth itself has to be reworked, there are worst offenders in game whom abuse that mechanic. Ranger does not need to nerf it's very limited access to stealth but add more sources so the ranger is not forced to equip that pet always. You're gonna risk giving rangers too much of it if they stack all the sources together..
  12. Condi mesmers should win the 1v1 long game. Either, you play NM - WS and your condi cleanses can keep up with mesmer, but you don't have the dmg to kill the mesmer. Ws - BM doesn't have enough boon and condi cleanse uptime if condi mes plays patiently. And NM + BM has 0 condi cleanse :) Yes that includes cleansing sigil.NM\WS have the potential to do a good burst, enough to make the mesmer to rethink the estrategy. Boonbeast i very vulnerable to corrupts also.Yea I realize I'm wrong about the ws nm variant not having dmg enough to kill mesmer.
  13. Nice video. Liked your knockbacks on the rev off the cliff :) I couldn't help but notice you're very squishy though. You should probably get a bit of armor in your build so you're not at risk of dying to burst builds. Perhaps some commanders stats?
  14. Yea. Tried using another sustain pet (brown bear) for a tanky sustain build with stance share for group play, and the sustain was barely any better than my regular build that uses less defensive traitlines and utilities.. swapped to smokescale and suddenly sustain was improved dramatically cus stealth gives me a 3s window where I can't be targeted and have time to relocate and recharge skills. Particularly in group play, stealth is too strong cus you can't do anything against it unless you have reveal built into your setup.
  15. Ah, French. What does that pop up screen say? I have no idea. I'll never know! I wonder what this thread is about.
  16. Again, mostly wvw perspective. I do think stealth in general needs to be toned down though, as any build not running reveal gets countered by it, and if you're fighting another spec with stealth, whoever has more of it has a pretty clear advantage.
  17. That has literally been possible since launch if I'm not mistaken... LOL
  18. I'm not calling for nerfs to ranger in this thread, I think you've misunderstood. I'm asking you guys, what changes would you like to see WHEN the patch hits. Since all classes are getting changes, what changes are you hoping ranger receives? And like I said, I'm hoping for changes to stealth so ranger doesn't have to rely on it so much.
  19. No, the problem is the elite which removes reveal, and the stealth on dodge. This is not a DE thread, it's a soulbeast thread. Yeah, I know it's not a DE thread. My point is that if you're going to place a 5 sec cool down constraint on what is arguably the main purpose of the SB build, then you should also limit other classes with the same cool down penalty.Okay yea, I agree. Which is why I also argued that it would be too much.
  20. Yep, 100% agree it is just a game... But uh, cough cough only works if i know what you're talking about or implying or who you are even? Oh I'm not calling you out. And I'm not going to name any other names! But, some people definitely take the game too seriously and are for some reason blinded by their ego of this game that comes from the fact that they may be in a popular guild. That is all!I'm zpooky
  21. You've got nothing to apologize for. No salt or hate here yo! Some people just chasing clout and get angry that others have more popularity than them - I never advertise my channel or stream - people find it they find it - or in this case someone else links it etc. I play for fun not for fame. You did a great job gathering content creators and it's sad people wanna tear others down instead of add to the list their favorites so others can also discover them.. Oh well great job / effort on your end, Stay positive always. -Xan It's just a game, ye. Some people.. COUGH COUGH, definitely take it too seriously..!Will go to great lengths to bash on others! XD
  22. Interesting data, but soulbeast is obviously very different in spvp. I'm coming mostly from a wvw perspective. Soulbeast is close to being as strong as holo in wvw, and when you consider soulbeast has an easier time fighting some specs holo has trouble with, you could make the case they are equally as strong, but due to rock paper scissors, lose the 1v1 mu.
  23. No, the problem is the elite which removes reveal, and the stealth on dodge. This is not a DE thread, it's a soulbeast thread.
  24. Sure I welcome a change like that but you choosing to put in the least amount of effort and afking is more on you then the system Putting in the minimum effort for the maximum gain is both efficient and human nature, I usually spent that time playing a different game or watching livestreams. Pointing out a flaw in the system based on an example is hardly "more on me". Lots of people do it. ~ Kovu Your right it's not "more on you" it's "all on you". You choose to do it that way to get skirmish tickets i bet you don't need but to then complain it's deadly as your bored whether it's a flaw or 100's others do it as well. Putting in 12h on you server a week doing nothing sure doesn't help them but have fun. By all means, sidestep valid concerns with the existing system and enjoy your ride on that nonexistent high horse. Aside from the hordes of afk-pip farmers, many people still "pip down", which is effectively the same thing albeit to a lesser degree. @"bigo.9037" I'm not one of the people shouting "dead game", nor am I suggesting people deserve "better rewards for afk'ing". Just the opposite in fact. Calm down. ~ Kovu edit- Did you guys actually read my initial post where I suggested that afk pip farming should maybe be replaced with something more proactive? Hating on me for working towards legendary armor for my ranger is like hating someone for roaming on condition mirage. Its downright broken and shouldn't be a thing, but I'm not going to get angry at someone for optimally utilizing the mechanics provided by the game. At most I'll be disappointed with the developers for those mechanics existing.Not like soulbeast is any less op than condi mirage just in a different way.Also disregard my previous statement, my bad. But I still don't like afk pippers.
  25. Sure I welcome a change like that but you choosing to put in the least amount of effort and afking is more on you then the system Putting in the minimum effort for the maximum gain is both efficient and human nature, I usually spent that time playing a different game or watching livestreams. Pointing out a flaw in the system based on an example is hardly "more on me". Lots of people do it. ~ Kovu @Kovu.7560 said: Sure I welcome a change like that but you choosing to put in the least amount of effort and afking is more on you then the system Putting in the minimum effort for the maximum gain is both efficient and human nature, I usually spent that time playing a different game or watching livestreams. Pointing out a flaw in the system based on an example is hardly "more on me". Lots of people do it. ~ Kovu"Dead game!" Does nothing but afk for pips "Wvw needs better rewards for afking " You're literally part of the problem. "Human nature"... Yea right. This is a GAME that people play for FUN. do you know what fun is? Go play mobile clicker game instead ... Jesus.
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