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Everything posted by Kondor.2904

  1. Is there a specific reason as to why Phantasmal Defender doesn't proc Delayed Reactions, even though it clearly states taunt counts as a disable ? If no, then I suppose it's just another bug report topic.
  2. I'm pretty sure most complains are towards the specific PvE build and its performance in instanced PvE content. Not sure why people keep mixing it up with WvW, PvP. The weapon/build performance in those modes is a completely different story. Talking about PvE, our profession has already had several efficient builds before the patch that had to be twitcked in certain areas to optimise general class performance, including the more fast-pased lowman content, like fractals. It did not need another kitten build to balance, especially a one that's supplying alacrity and confusion, when we're supposed to already have a spec and builds that were specifically designed to do that.
  3. You get perma might from ambushes. Scuffed aa fury is irrelevant, since you can get perma fury from dueling or chaos anyway, even if it, for some reason, not supplied by your group. I already mentioned chaos armor, as an exception, yes. But you only don't need to camp melee for it, you only need to get into melee range once every 25s (not accounting alac). That's not what's called melee ranged weapon, mate. The point of a ranged weapon is not that you can camp dps from 1200, you don't want to do that on any spec. The point is that you have way more leeway during mechanics, aoe spam, etc. Like with scourge, you can keep getting value from your ranged dps when more risky melee classes cannot.
  4. Exactly what are you gaining by being melee with staff ? Scuffed fury uptime from bounces ? Yeah, super important for the build /s The reason you stay melee with staff is the chaos armor blind+confusion procs, as well as group boon coverage. Greatsword is not a superior dmg weapon for power builds. It has its niche, and even then it has a more sophisticated rotation where you want to minimize the amount of time you spend auto attacking since it's omega weak cuz ranged (you know, a trade off). Staff has always supposed to be a monkey stick with the sole utility purpose of kiting and minor boon supply. It made total sense it dealt less damage than more risky melee axe or extremely niche confusion oriented scepter with NO utility. And it did not make any sense to buff it to such an extent that it does not only deal more damage than more risk or niche oriented options, but it actually supplies one of the rarest boons in the game better than the original spec that was designed around it omegalul. Like, I get it, some people looked it up and enjoyed playing no brain staff/staff "spam 1" build before the patch, and were utterly happy to know they can now not just chill and spam 1 but actually deal proper damage AND share 25 might + alacrity, but that's not ok for the rest of the players. Seriously, how dumb can a build be that it becomes more efficient the less skills you press. Come on, it's not a mobile afk game. If devs thought staff was in a scuffed spot prior to the patch (which imo it was not, aside from maybe couple UTILITY skills), the weapon should have had its skills properly reworked not just buffed up to the stratosphere.
  5. It's 27k+ with 43 avg confusion without boon duration swaps, pre patch it was ~30k with 48 confusion. So it's still a top dog for high attack rate bosses. And with those numbers it should still be among top dogs on anything that doesn't require immediate burst, considering you also supply might and alacrity.
  6. This 2 button fiesta build is not only viable but still supposedly beats cChrono and Axe mirage dps-wise on 4/5 bosses even with 37% BD while providing might and alacrity kekw. So yes, people will still play it.
  7. Even though the likelyhoof of such QoL happening is low, It would be great to have at least an official response from the dev team as to why it can/cannot be implemented now/at all, considering this has been a reoccuring discussion topic for ages, and has never been addressed properly, despite the effort numerous player communities put into getting the devs attention. And yet we get like 7 paragraphs of text addressing something like the in-game food naming, which, i guess, is a more urgent issue.
  8. The same reason why gemstore supports it 🙂
  9. Sorry for necroing this, but does anyone know if that's still an issue ? Kinda don't want to waste time and gold to test it myself.
  10. I already presented my factual explanation as to why gw2 can be considered a p2w, if you don't agree with it, without making any counter-arguments and just saying "it's wrong and non-factual", it's your opinion. But ok, whatever, if you don't understand the point I was trying to make, I don't really want to keep trying to prove you something, while you keep repeating the same question I've already answered several times. It's all cool 🙂
  11. Well, that's just, like, your opinion. It is as factual as your definition of gw2 not being p2w. That's why I stated several times that it's just one point of view, and it's subjective. Fashion might be subjective, the rarity of skins however is not tho. I also mentioned that. And yes, you can techincally buy all the gear in the game for gems->gold too. But I wouldn't include anything gear related to the discussion the "best" gear in guild wars is literally handed to you almost for free. And it's not like the content is so hard or gets harder every release, so you wouldn't be able to complete it in the exotics gear from 80lvl booster. Yes, looks are subjective, but rarity of the skin is not. And if you don't agree that with best looks = win, then you can also purchase the rarest skins in the game with gems effectively. Same thing how people compete in WoW for the mount skins. But like I said, it's a matter of perspective. But just to clarify, it's not like I'm insisting that GW2 is p2w, I'm just pointing out that from a certain perspective it can retain p2w traits, since there's nothing to compete for in this game except for the skins.
  12. I don't get what's so hard to understand about this perspective. You win the fashion war by having better, rare skins. So following that logic, let's say, I have a raid trinket skin + chak egg sac infusion + the latest gemstore set for 2900 gems, and you have common gear skin from the trading post for 50g in total. I'm better than you because I have the "best" skins in the game, and you don't. I "win" this fashion war. And I can win it by simply swiping my credit card, purchasing the amount of gems I need to pay raid guild to carry me through the raid wings so I can craft my trinket, I purchase chak egg sac for 8k gold (maybe even several), because I exchanged gems for it, and I bought the ice reaver set for 2900 gems too. That's the same concept if you were to play regular vertical progression p2w game, and you purchased actual gear from gemstore. But since gear doesn't matter in this game with horizontal progression, you purchase skins instead. Hope I made it clear enough.
  13. There's no other war in guild wars, that's the point. You do not compete with anyone for anything in PvE. So technically the only thing that can state you're better than someone else is the rarity of your skins. By subjective I meant that some might say, they don't care about your skins or how rare they are.
  14. You win the fashion war. In games with vertical progression gear = win. In games with horizontal progression skins = win. Sure, that can be subjective, but then again anything can be subjective. Still doesn't change the fact that skins is the only thing in guild wars that can differentiate you from others. So from that point of view, one can say gw2 does look like p2w.
  15. Hard work ? 300 drms ? What ? You need like 20 drms and maybe couple dragonstorm metas to finish the meta achievement, assuming you've never done any before. I finished both champions mastery and stretch goals in 3-4 days casually playing. And that's considering I wasn't grinding or doing any achievements for drms prior to that, just played each once at release + few CM's here and there. This is far from being hard or grindy, and you are rewarded appropriately.
  16. I'd rather see them introduce additional WvW masteries to make it on par with Jackal/Raptor in PvE. Idk, being a WvW player, i'd want to be able to use my mount with all the skins and and unlocked functionality in PvE too. Sort of like mistforged armor skins, legendary backpiece and a trinket. It's weird, people are against it 🤔
  17. Yeah, I don't get why marks still give life force even when dodged. If they remove that part, maybe necros will actually have to put some thought into mark placement and timing.
  18. A lot of people also seem to kind of ignore the fact that you have to like straight up face the target to cast mantra. It legit fails even if target is slightly off to the side. So people that are just trying to faceroll and free cast in front of the mesmer deserve to be punished tbh.
  19. cWeaver, an ultra glass piano, currently has one of the strongest dps in the game, outmatched, I think, only by a post-patch cDeadeye when with allies (which is kinda clunky but nuts too), and I assume it will get addressed as well. pChrono was holding a sustained dps throne for quite a while taking into account its rotation and slow requirement (and is still rather strong with 39k bench if you manage to meet all the requirements to pull it off). Also, while pDeadeye might have the simple rotation, it's still quite punishable and hard to pull off because you have to kneel and position yourself properly, so it still sort of falls under the "risk = reward" category. So I don't think think we've moved past the complex-spec-does-more-dmg era, and I don't think we will tbh.
  20. Berserker doesn't just spam f1, it has way more apm to pull off decent numbers on pace with other dps classes. And even if you do grind numbers, it still doesn't have the same performance level as others. I don't have problem with specs being braindead (I actually do, because I play mesmer and I don't like feeling like I need 2 active brain cells to play it, but it's personal preference), I have problem with specs being BOTH braindead and omega efficient. You pull like 45k/s with it on SH while chilling. Like it's fine if you want to play zoom-zoom ranged minion spec that relies on aa spamming, like necro mm or something, but then you accept that your performance level is somewhere beside the dumpster. Current mirage, however, not only outperforms axe mirage (AND broken cChrono kekw on its bosses) dps-wise, which is more complicated and has higher risk due to reliance on movement and rng tp's, but actually at the same time supplies alacrity and might WITHOUT any investment in stats, and it does ALL this by pressing 1 button while being on a ranged weapon and covered by evade frames. Dude, come on... Complexity and risk SHOULD be rewarded, not afk gameplay and spam. Less risk = less reward. I really don't get how anyone can disagree with this. Anyway, I am sure mirage will get nerfed, because pretty much everyone agrees it's a complete clowfiesta of a design right now. But it still bugs me that THIS was approved by balance team to be not just viable but legit efficient at endgame lvl. Edit. Just to clarify, I have neither any problems with anything related to OW, nor I care about it. I'm talking about more organised and structured environment.
  21. This bench is not up to date, the current bench is higher and more simple. Like I said, you simply press Crystal Sands, heal, f2 and staff 4 off cd and spam 1. The more extra actions you perform, the less dmg you do. If you really call this a rotation, well, there's really not much to talk about.
  22. I would guess by hot garbage he means the concept of the build that can maintain 10 man alacrity with 0 bd and bench 30k + avg 50 confusion stacks by mostly spamming 1 button. There's literally no rotation, the fewer buttons you press - the more dmg you deal.
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