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Everything posted by QueenKeriti.5176

  1. I do hope we eventually get a Sylvari themed mini expansion that addresses the whole Malyck thing + the fallout of Mordremoth's demise on the Sylvari + the fate of the Nightmare Court + Pale Mommy's recovery + anything about the other "trees." New zone screencap there is a super nice homage to Pre-Searing Ascalon, and I'm curious what we're gonna be doing in what I'm guessing is another Charr area.
  2. Is it being held in Lion's Arch this year, or is there a new venue? What kind of vendors will be there? Panels? Do we have to wear a costume, or can we just show up in regular t shirt and jeans? Will there be any autograph signings? Are there any costume/prop rules? Are we going to get mad at whoever wins the world championship cosplay contest this year because we can't see the masterwork they put into their cosplay from the audience and think the One Punch Randulf cosplay is the actual winner for looking "cooler" and "more detailed" from a distance? 😂
  3. I dunno, you can get some nice looks with some infusions if you use them right. Not all infusions are eye burning abominations! 😂
  4. Effort and brainpower required to copy something you see and trying to make it yourself vs instantly seeing what the items/dyes are (especially an actually unique/original outfit that uses more than the painfully obvious Shadow Abyss/Permafrost dyes) are different. Props to anyone who can immediately realize someone is using a niche dye like "Phlox" and "Peanut Butter." 😂 I don't care either way; like I said, if someone wants to make a 1:1 of my characters, dang, I'm flattered, especially if they're insane enough to go get the infusions or go out of their way to get skins/dyes that are otherwise very difficult to attain, but other people do care, and an "opt out" button for them isn't an outlandish request nor is it something ultra gamebreaking to have an opt out for.
  5. Sorry, dude, this is over 14k words. You have a novella going on. :|
  6. HIPAA/PIPEDA violations in GW2? Time to get out the big lawyer money! Like I said in the other thread, I don't mind if someone copies me, even on looks I've spent significant time on (especially with items/dyes that they will have a hell of a difficult time getting 😂), but I understand other people not liking an easy way for someone to do a one-to-one rip of their drip, and an opt-out button for them could be an option. I have no idea how long it'd take Anet to implement such an option, but, yeah.
  7. I don't care if someone matches me. If they like my look enough to copy me, good on them, I'm flattered. HOWEVER, I understand other people not liking that, and I wouldn't say no to an "opt out" option being added for them.
  8. Sorry if it's been mentioned somewhere here in 403 pages, but some kind of way of consolidating all our teleport scrolls and/or lounge scrolls into a single usable item would be suuuuuuuper nice. Then I could use my max shared inventory slots for other things. 😂 The changes to the gobblers is suuuuuper welcome, btw. Not having to carry the stupid dust and stuff has been nice + I love the change to the candy corn gobbler.
  9. I had someone randomly send me a legendary weapon once. Sent it back because I don't like unsolicited high value items sent to me from random people, especially since I have no way to know if it isn't a mistake or someone trying to engage in some kind of RMT or something. :| Found out later they were trying to "thank"(???) me for commanding AB every day multiple times a day but did not put that in the mail or anything. Wouldn't have accepted it anyway because, again, unsolicited high value item from a random person, and it was weird. :x It is very easy to autofill the wrong name, though. Sending people things from the gemstore is fraught with peril. 😂😭I triple check names before mailing/buying things.
  10. I'd forgotten how bad it is until I did WvW the other day and got boxes in boxes in boxes. 😂 "WHAT'S IN THE BOX!"
  11. I only got SoTO after the latest update came out and have had a ton of catching up to do (masteries, materials, story, etc), but I still have everything for at least one piece now. Convergences + weekly rifts = easy essences. Metas have been lots of XP and ectos. Waiting for the T2 announcement to determine what set I get first out of med/heavy 😂
  12. I like legendary armor because unlimited builds and stuff on all chars, plus free reskins. Just took my headstart necro, that I haven't ever played, and had her decked out in full gear for power reaper in a couple mins because of my legendaries. 😂 I have the light raid armor. It's hideous. My skin collection gets put to good use on it lol
  13. Yeah. :( They're just really trying to get world restructuring working at all, which I 100% understand. I do hope they can address this AFK runner thing, too, but I understand it not being Priority #1.
  14. One of the Anet WvW guys recently said it's something they know is an issue and are looking for a way of addressing it. I will try to get the relevant article when I can. You can try reporting them for botting ingame and/or send a ticket to Support about it. Edit with relevant article: Queues Are Bad We hear you! This was a major issue for some teams. During this first week, this was heavily impacted by a population surge from the WvW Rush event, but even in later weeks we could see some significant queue times on certain teams. We’re looking into ways to reduce queue pressure in prime-time slots while protecting balance in lower population times. Many players have also pointed out that long queues led to an increase in AFK players; a vicious cycle. We are investigating better ways to clear inactive players from the maps to reduce this inflated pressure on queues. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/wvw-world-restructuring-beta-feedback-and-future/
  15. Arm, leg, firstborn child, and you have to foster a cat for 1 year. Also probably some weird timegated item that people will find an exploit for that Anet will have to hastily disable and patch. Maybe another 3-6 amalgamated kryptis essence (per piece) and a crackton more ecto, with a dusting of lucent motes for good measure.
  16. Being a Commander means you have to herd cats to get things done. Catmander.
  17. Same 😂 Gyala was already a bad meta, so I only did it 2 or 3 times when part 1 came out, and then the story killed any desire to experience part 2.
  18. Welcome to corporate, where execs will lie through their teeth, obfuscate data, misrepresent plausible things, and pull out any distraction they can to keep investors from leaving. And then have to have the PR team show up to clean up their mess. Gods bless your soul if you have never had to deal with the C suite of a company, let alone the mismanaged greedy mess that is NCsoft. What we know: Anet is hiring for both GW2 and some "established fantasy IP" game. GW2 performed well, especially in NA/EU, last year thanks to strong sales. Anet has at least two more mini expacs planned (so at least another 2 years of some degree of content), with the upcoming one under active development. There are more people working on GW2 now than there was for EoD, supposedly almost as many as we had with LWS4. Further things we have been told: they're working on core game (not necessarily core Tyria) content and improving it (we have had many QOL updates, and soon we're getting another guild slot). They're working on making changes for the long term health of the game. What we don't know: if "established fantasy IP" is GW3 (could it be? Absolutely, it's quite plausible and makes plenty of sense, but we don't KNOW) nor do we know what the exact nature, timeline, or progress on the unknown game. Further info in general: NCsoft PR had to come out and say GW3 is only being talked about and starting development is not finalized. Anet said focus is on GW2 and upcoming expac. NCsoft is a dumpster fire of bad and dumb decisions and mismanagement, as any dedicated, long term, unfortunate player of their games can probably tell you. Aion just announced some more stupidity today, so I guess NCWest still hasn't learned...
  19. " Business Post Korea’s article this evening includes a quote from NCsoft issued after the meeting; NCsoft says, “The Guild Wars 3 project is in the review stage and the start of development has not been finalized.” (Cheers, Wccftech!) ArenaNet itself gave a similar non-denial to MMORPG.com, saying, “”As an active game studio we are always doing internal exploratory work for possible future titles we’d want to create, however we have nothing to confirm right now. The team’s focus is on Guild Wars 2 development, including the game’s next expansion, which we’re excited to talk about soon.” https://massivelyop.com/2024/03/28/hostile-ncsoft-shareholder-meeting-reveals-arenanet-is-working-on-guild-wars-3/ " The person at NCsoft didn't "confirm it." They were panicking because the investors are pissed at NCsoft's abysmal performance last year + the obfuscation of some info on the financial report (where are the individual game breakdowns + T&L's report?) + the problematic nepo hire that's in charge of NCWest/NCAmerica and has had NCWest losing money for 8 years, and they threw out "WE'RE MAKING GW3" as a smoke bomb distraction.
  20. ArenaNet itself gave a similar non-denial to MMORPG.com, saying, “”As an active game studio we are always doing internal exploratory work for possible future titles we’d want to create, however we have nothing to confirm right now. The team’s focus is on Guild Wars 2 development, including the game’s next expansion, which we’re excited to talk about soon.”
  21. NCsoft literally just said GW2 is doing well in the 4Q23 financial report, though, lmao. It's carrying the NA/EU market. GW2 has been alternating between #2 and #3 PC MMO for NCsoft for a couple years now. If NCsoft should be closing anything, it should be Blade & Soul (and probably Aion retail, at least in NA, especially with the BS "promotion" Aion is doing/about to do in NA), but they won't because they refuse to close their own games, even if they're grossly underperforming for years.
  22. If this is the same bug as last time, it let people pretty much print gold by bypassing a timegate. Big patch coming up on the 16th. Hopefully they'll have the fix/push the fix then.
  23. Weird thing is they do (or did) seem to have EoD, unless I've absolutely lost my mind, which is highly probable. Today's been a really long day, and I'm still not done. 😭
  24. https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us Try sending a ticket to Support here about the accessory. They might (MIGHT) refund you. As to the first part, I'm confused as to what you're talking about. What merchant? What gold?
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