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Everything posted by Lillbryschan.3281

  1. Not sure if this is what you mean but... I think it does. Target a foe and check if there’s a red line beneath the kneel skill or not. Red line meaning “out of range”.
  2. Actually, I’ve experienced those typical wvw skill lags in pve a couple of times post patch. Not on my side since the whole map started complaining in map chat at the same time. And no pve blobs anywhere either. Just a standard mid populated map. Sandswept Isle one time.
  3. Yeah, Celerity Sigil is nice. :)I'd try core as well. Either DA or maybe play around with SA and the "Stealth on steal" trait. Might work nice with HK.
  4. Hi!Funny, I did the Holosmith sword just yesterday, one of the last weapon achievements I had in that elite spec section. What follows is how I did these 2 parts. Hope it can be of help. For the skritt, I choose to do it in Crystal oasis but this tactic will surely work regardless of the map. Check the wiki page for the caffeinated skritt. There’s a section that shows every known place for the chest to spawn. I made a private squad to be able to mark each location on my map, but you don’t have to do this. Then just run around like crazy to check each location again and again till you find a spawned chest. Open it and kill the skritt burglar, make sure you loot it’s stuff after. The chest spawn is on a timer so don’t give up if you can’t find it the first round, stay at it, it will spawn. Finding a group for the specific bounty can be difficult depending on time and map population. Make sure you find the bounty on the board. Announce in map chat that you will run it (tag up). Don’t go to close to the bounty target since the bounty will spawn and a timer will start. First engage the target on the map when there’s enough people around.Also. Announcing it in LFG will surely help as well. Good luck!
  5. Most ele weapons are possible to build around whichever, or hybrid. Mainhand sword (weaver) or dagger might be the better choices.
  6. Yes. Swapping attunements counts as weapon swap so, in my opinion, those sigils are even more fulfilling on ele than for other professions. Not sure if they trigger on overloads though, but that should be easy enough to test. Not sure if your talking about PvE or WvW. You have a strong cleanse in Fire traitline; Smothering auras. Giving up the Sunspot trait though. I’m currently experimenting with some Condi builds in PvE, both Tempest and Weaver, in which I currently run Fire 1-2-2 Earth 2-1-2. In earth there’s also a nice cleanse trait in the grandmaster line; Diamond skin. Because of this, I don’t need any cleansing sigil, being able to run some damaging sigil instead. I’d go with the burn sigil in your case.
  7. What I don’t understand is why Feel the burn isn’t a blast finisher. It says “Heat waves Blast our from the player...” and the skill description states “Blast radius:....”But I guess one can’t have everything :tongue:
  8. The interrupts are server side. Not sure what they're testing but everyone is getting it on queued maps. kitten really messes up rotations and muscle memory lol Yeah, very annoying... But thanks of letting me know :)
  9. Im actually experiencing my Power Staff Weaver doing more dmg than before—able to down more players compared to the crazy sustain party we had prepatch. Nothing special build wise. Fire, Air (instead of Arcane), Weaver. Mix of Zerk and Marauder with scholar runes.Roaming on Fire Weaver. Durability runes, Marshal gear and weapons with mix of Plague and Trail trinkets. Dunno if its just me but Im actually enjoying this patch. Edit: Experiencing some really quick, like interrupts, I haven't experienced before. Especially when doing the Burning retreat into MS combo. Interrupt happening just before casting MS. Cant figure out what it is since I really don't seem to be hit, neither having AoEs out that might trigger stuff like this. Seems weird. Bug or just me being ignorant?
  10. Battle standard?https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Battle_Standard
  11. I've been playing around with some variations of this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGwAwi3lVwiYPMJmJOSXbvfA-zRhYBBxIGUgb0yBDHkwZEmCoUpgGHA-eSwapping dagger offhand for focus in some situations and swapping some utility skills when needed. If running with other people I've also found it pretty fun to swap Weaver for D/W Tempest instead (http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGwEgEerMC2CDhdxOxR2arlB-zRpYBBxIGUgakAuRJHMcQCHSYKgSFCVLB04A-e). Also swapping Pyromancer's Puissance for Persisting Flames for more Fury. The aim was to build towards power with some condi, some healing and sustain and some boons. It might not be an optimal setup for what I wanted to achieve but instead a mix of the gear I had at hand. The quickness sigil is just for fun. You can of course swap it out for other stats if needed. Runes could be pretty much what you want, more condi, more power, more healing or w/e.
  12. Yes. Almost the same traits as well if running fresh air. Although I run a sw/d power FA weaver the most, I sometimes swap to sc/w power FA tempest for some specific encounters or depending on the team comp for some encounters. For example needing more aoe for clearing adds. Swapping to Tempest or sometimes even staff Weaver (if staff I swap Fresh Air for BttH) can sometimes tip the scales. Full Zerk gear or a mix of zerk and marauders.Fire 1-3-1Air 3-2-2Weaver 1-2-1 or Tempest 1-3-x or 3-3-x(I tend to adapt the Major master (x) to fit the encounter and/or team comp). All you need to do is swap Weaver for Tempest, then swap your weapons and Utility skills.
  13. Also make sure to blast those fire fields for might since the passive might isn’t that great for Ele. Making the dmg way better.
  14. I’d say try them both and see which one you like the most, since they have almost the same gear (berserker gear with scholar runes and dual daggers). I think you’ll find the water one to be a bit more sustainable and the fire one more offensive. If you have trouble staying alive running the fire one, you can always swap out some berserker gear for some marauder, losing a small amount of dps but gaining a lot more vitality.
  15. I've started running something like this in dungeons and Open World, and sometimes in lower tier fractals just for fun (when being bored of the typical SW/D Weaver thing in T4 and CMs). This build is Tempest though, not Weaver. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJBIhdSfJ0yAWyA4fJwhJWEAsiOZT8MEEAKAHA3U7st2C-jhCXQB0RZyDUCaSdA2TLAA2fUK0DVIkl6L86BAoAlUj6EAAA-e The aim is to spam combos for Might which gives like perma Fury as well, and sharing them boons through Heat Sync and Sand Squall. Pretty good Protection uptime as well as some healing, but the main focus is spreading Might and Fury as well as doing dmg—still being able to sustain and "help out" more than them full dmg builds. Scepter instead of dagger is a nice setup as well, but I simple like the dagger more—more mobility. :) The utility skills are pretty optional. I run Arcane Wave for more blasts but other than that I swap them out to adapt to the situation at hand. The same goes for the Elite and the Heal skill, as well as almost all of the Arcane Traits. Maybe swap to Invigorating Torrents i Tempest line for even more self sustain. The build may not be the most optimal setup for the thing I'm looking for—more like what gear I already had as well as what traits and skills I like running. My aim was for around 500 Healing Power, around 15000 HP and some Toughness. The rest for dmg.In the end, it revolves more around buffing party or squad DPS.
  16. Yeah. Same here. I have 4 different ascended gear sets in my inventory and all weapons there is for Ele. Even multiples of some of them for different stats and Sigils. Legendary staff, sword and dagger as yet, working towards legendary armor then even more leg weapons—focus being the next up I think.
  17. You can get templates with arcdps, they are pretty useful. Yeah, I know. But I read there might be a risk of equipment being deleted using it so I got to chary to try. There's no risk, I've never heard about anyone's gear getting deleted and I've been using it with legendary gear since it got developed.Ok. I guess I’ll check it out then :)
  18. You can get templates with arcdps, they are pretty useful. Yeah, I know. But I read there might be a risk of equipment being deleted using it so I got to chary to try.
  19. As an Ele main I can’t wait for those build templates to get released. Different setups for different encounters may make ele more fun in WvW when it comes to these mixed situations. I’m no stranger to swapping weapons ooc in PvE, heck its even making it more fun and focused. But swapping all gear and traits between encounters is just to overwhelming. I really hope those build templates makes it quick and easy. EDIT: Not to as much help I guess, sry about that. But the state for Ele is currently as stated above.
  20. Once in a PUG group taking on VG, there was a big Charr with a huge Twilight, face tanking and swinging the GS like crazy—making everyone within melee of VG miss those blue teleport orbs because of the swords animations, thus teleporting everyone away constantly xD We beat it either way though. :)
  21. Check out this thread. It has some nice insights and priorities for levelling every profession—the ele section in your case. :)https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/72254/a-leveling-guide-early-builds-and-tips
  22. Running a tanky Dire Condi Weaver (Fire/Earth, with Stone Heart) popping Signet of Fire on mounted people are always fun :) Watching them burn off of that cat. Sw/F makes the build even more annoying with all evades, CCs, proj. denial, Obsidian Flesh, no crit when in Earth main and so on. May not be the most effective build but you’ll surely annoy a lot of people.
  23. Ele has great heal but are unfortunately outclassed by other healing specs, like Druids (Ranger healer spec), because of the additional things they bring (stuff that buff group DPS for example). However, Tempest (Elementalist healer spec) are good healers in some instances, e.g. as a secondary healer in a Raid format—see this build using Water, Arcane and Tempest specs:https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Tempest_-_Support_Healer EDIT: Yeah. What Aetatis said. :) And welcome to the game btw!
  24. i think the closest possibility would be scepter/sword off-hand Yeah, you’re probably right. But I like the idea non the less. :)
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