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Everything posted by Ahrya.3097

  1. Bumping. Had the issue with this yesterday trying to help a friend do the achievement... I've always recommended this achievement to people who want a good jumping challenge as I believe it to contain probably the hardest dev implemented jumping in the game if done as originally intended without the gliders or mounts. As it is, players are literally unable to complete it without both of these things or some very niche advanced jumping tech aiding them in map breaking to follow the only known non barrier break route into the chamber. Hoping the cave in can be cleared so I can recommend this achievement again in its entirety to prospective jumpers. original method for badge 4
  2. ! You need 12 for the achievement, i think, but the orbs are not unique, and do not disappear unless used - meaning, you can get the easy ones, wait a day for all orbs to reset, get them again, and so on until you get 12 or more, and only then open the chests for achieve.Personally I would consider doing that a form of cheating the achievement, like taking a shortcut, because it prevents you from having to do the whole puzzle as intended, so I didn't mention it. Otherwise, you can again chuck scavanger's chasm in very easy and just come back each day grabbing the easiest orbs then complete it once you have enough. I think any difficulty tier list should assume the JP is being done as it was oringinally intended to be done.
  3. Ha Ha, fairly close agreement between Dulfy's assessment and my own. Should point out though that Troll's End is not the same as Troll's Revenge. Troll's End was a JP that mainly took place underneath LA before LA was reconstructed during which Toll's End was removed and Troll's Revenge added.
  4. There is no option to disable or turn off the glider. Personally posted and asked for such an option perviously and am aware it has been asked for by others as well, fingers crossed I guess :s
  5. I'm assuming you'll be tackling these as they were intended to be done which means no shortcuts, no position rewind, no glider, no mount, just jumping. Otherwise you may aswell put them all in the very easy category and just use youtube to find mount/glider skips. As has been pointed out, peoples varying skill level will give them a different impression of difficulty so i've just tried to compare the JPs to each other. I would only really consider troll's revenge to be somewhat difficult of the ones you've listed, maybe try the "go for the gold" achievement in silverwastes without the mount and glider if that's still too easy for you (noticed you've already done not so secret). The worst JP ever made: Very Easy: Easy: Medium: Hard: Very Hard:
  6. Could maybe try vorpX, I've used it in the past for Border Lands 2, but it's only to get the game working visually in VR. Also it will probably require a fair bit of tweaking so you don't spill your guts within about 5 minutes of immersion. I never tried it for gw2 and there are probably other options out there by now so maybe look around?
  7. Regarding adequacy of current rewards and difficulty ~~ ~~~~ ~~Regarding promoting improvement of player skill? this is more of an @Mungo Zen.9364 ~~ ~~~~ ~~Regarding Self Interest: So the amount of tip money porters get is miniscule in comparison to other activities in game. Personally I don't ask for tips, I say thankyou when I get them, and I return the excess of 1g back to the player on the rare occasion someone gives more. Probably 90% of people don't tip. I also only really bother porting daily when there is only 1 other doing it. So again about 90% of the time I am just hanging around at the end interacting with people and helping those who ask for assistance in learning how to do the JP the intended way. The other place I've been tipped is NSS where I try to checkpoint people up the JP, not port them to the end. I essentially mentor them on the way up and teach them how to do some of the more annoying jumps or ones that require tricks like the gears on the way to the goggles which are just straight up broken. Again I don't ask for tips and anything that's excessive gets mailed back. Unless they insist and they keep sending it.I could do without the tip money, it's really not an income I rely on and I don't much care for having stuff in this game. Played on and off since 2012 on 2 differenct accounts and never once had a legendary lol. I just don't care for that stuff; I like developing skills, exploring and interacting; that's where my fun comes from in this game. It's that interaction part that I see best displayed at daily JPs where people are just there to get their daily done and are thankful for the people who stick around to expediate that process. I don't think there is much more difficulty in other dailies like interact with a vista or mine nodes in your home instance or guild hall that interacting with a mesmer portal becomes such an outlier and egrigous offender. I don't think the current rewards for JPs are anything to celebrate over either which is probably why their exploitability hasn't been a top priority for being adderssed. The restricted and time trial modes would return the integrity that you want and I also want, but I am trying to be diplomatic about it and strike some compromise that is beneficial for everyone. These devisive topics tend to lead to people being all one way or the other and the thread quickly degrades into ever louder shouting at each other that each sides respective stance is the correct one. That is not what I want, as Obi-Wan said "only a sith deals in absolutes". I think you'll find I'm more on your side than you know, but shutting down porting would be removing an emergent part of the game that fosters player interaction and does very little in the way of excessively rewarding the player. Also, how would you propose dealing with everyone who has already recieved the achievements and rewards? How would you distinguish between who completed the puzzles legitimately and who relied on assistance? Would you propose a complete wipe of jumping puzzle related achievements and ask everyone to go do them again, or just say from this date forth they have to be done legitimately while everyone else who got in before then can get away with it? That's why im saying add a second tier, with possible title as a reward, which is earned by doing them in restricted.
  8. i think kharmin is saying the topic has been discussed before and so a new thread wasn't required. However, I think this is proabably the first time rebinding the key for the glider has been brought up as part of the main topic. Also unless the community facing members of anet staff have hyperthymesia, i think 8 months, and over a year before that is a decent enough time gap before bringing up the topic again? IDK maybe not. Not sure what the rules are around these parts on necroing threads or reposting an already discussed topic.
  9. Regarding over complication: Regarding the JPs being hidden: Regarding poorly designed JPs that are difficult to know where to go: Regarding cheese of JPs: Regarding the distribution of developer time, I already addressed that in the original post because I knew everyone on these forums have different priorities. I knew from lurking @kharmin.7683 among other were likely to comment too and that they are not a fan of JPs. I'm just trying to provide perspective from the opposite side of someone who really enjoys them. I have tried to make sure my suggestions would require very little development time by picking from other features that already exist in the game and applying them to JPs. Also SAB is coming and development time is bound to be allocated to jumping related stuff and this is how I feel is the best it could be done; obviously aside form world 3 in SAB.
  10. So a discussion was necro'd recently about the jumping puzzles being poorly designed and it goes over 3 pages: thread. Personally I think they're fine and the vast majority of players just don't practice jumping which is also fine because it's not really a conventional mmo thing. Though it is sad to me when that continuously leads to claims that anet is asking for pixel perfection, and that the core mechanics are broken; then subsequently that jumping puzzles should be simplified or removed. I go into why none of that is the case in the original thread but this digresses from why this thread is being made. I want to come at the issue from the angle that the JPs are mostly ok but maybe require some modernisation and to highlight some suggestions i've seen as well as my own. First the no mount and no glide zones that are haphazardly plastered all over them should be removed. This prevents people from being annoyingly dismounted when just trying to explore the open world, and also allows for much easier recovery so that people can practice and explore the JPs to figure out which way to go and get better at tricky jumps. They are already unfit for purpose because they are easily bypassed. As a daily JP porter I see people bypassing the zones all the time.An NPC is at the begining of the JPs with a key/transformation for being able to access the final chest, the chest is obviously locked and interactables that are intended to be reached through doing the JP are non-interactable unless the the player has the key/transformation (goggles at NSS, gold badges at retrospective runaround, orbs at scavangers chasm).The player has 3 options, unrestricted, restricted, time trial:Unrestricted places the no glide, no mount debuffs that currently get forced through zones on the player; but otherwise gives them full access to skills, interactions with other players, items like position rewinder etc (essentially allowing the JPs to be as they are now without the annoying zones). Having the key/transformation allows access to final chest and other interactables, and can be used for the daily JP / interactables / current crappy JP rewards while still allowing porters / helpers etc.Restricted places both debuffs, unless its a JP where glider is intended, and gives players a set list of skills/traits (stability, stealth, swiftness, block etc... no targetted leaps, passive speed etc) whilst preventing interactions with other players and using items. This would ensure the JP is done as it was intended to be done when it was first introduced. A second tier added to the JP achievements for completing them in restricted (possible title for completing them all in restricted). Better rewards or a currency for a JP vendor like the beetle races have for skins, resources, minis, sellable vendor junk or title w/e (you decide what's fair compensation).Time trial gives the same conditions as restricted but adds checkpoints that have to be passed through like the races in SAB (prevents speed runners pixel jumping and bypassing 80% of the JP). I figure either have tiered rewards (bronze, silver, gold) like adventures and beetle races and/or allow betting with payout every 3-4 hours (factors of 24) to the fastest 3-5 times. I think a betting thing could also be added to the beetle races and player/community made guild events (arena, custom JPs, custom beetle tracks etc) but that's a whole other thread. If betting is done, prevent winners from reentering for the day or week or some appropriate time frame inbetween. Again JP currency rewarded could also be considered and dependant on time trial performance.(optional) when possessing the key/transformation, dying allows the player to restart at the begining like in griffon rook run or spekk's lab. Maybe include checkpoints for the unresticted version like in spekk's lab.(optional) allow the player to choose to have a buff added to them that turns all other players / mounts into wisps/invisible like is done for the mad king clock tower. Prevents visual obfuscation from people just exploring /practicing the JP and possible trolls with skyscales parked in awkward spots.I think these changes would allow people to far more easily practice them without having to run back from a waypoint every time they fall. It retains their ability to be used in the dailies rotation whilst not removing the need to do the JP entirely and not putting porters out of work which I think is a cool emergent part of the game. It removes the ineffective and annoying zones. It opens up options for being more challenging/ engaging for the people that enjoy them and want more out of them. I understand many people would prefer development time being spent on raids or refreshing dungeons or reimplimenting shelved season 1 living world content but i'll leave those topics for people who have more interest in that. I figure I'll try come at the JPs from the perspective of someone who really enjoys them and as we are a few months out from SAB, there is probably development time being allocated to jumping related stuff soon anyway. If you have other good points to add i'll see if i can edit this post and include them below:
  11. I think the claims about the core mechanics being faulty are coming from a place of lack of practice (barring the high ping glider claims). Core jumping is thankfully all handled client side and is the one thing in this game living in australia doesn't turn into a frustration. It is the one thing I have been able to practice and get good at without hitting an impassable cap as a result of lag. I will admit, jumping in this game can be incredibly precise, but that also allows for a very high skill ceiling as well as a very low floor. Not a single official jumping puzzle or task in this game requires pixel perfection as has been claimed. I know this because there are unofficial jumping activities which do (or something very close to pixel perfection; it's literally called pixel jumping). If you still think Anet is making things too hard, be thankful they don't ask of you to do anything like the jump at 26 seconds here (not even pixel perfect): And especially be thankful they don't require pixel jumping (or wall jump w/e you prefer) like at 28 seconds here: I suggest you give them a few attempts to see the difference between this sort of stuff that a lot of practice enables, and what is actually required from an official jumping puzzle. GW2 is a skill based MMO, you can't just grind to get the best gear and be among the best. Entering a raid in all ascended or legendary, isn't going to guarantee it succeeds, not even close. All other facets of the game seem to be understood to require practice to even attempt and especially to be good at. Same goes for jumping and the various difficulties of jumping puzzle on offer. Consider Not So Secret or Chalice of Tears to be the raid of jumping puzzles, whilst something like Spelunker's Delve is like an open world event. I rarely see complaints for the easier JPs, I suspect because they are super accessible for nearly everyone. The harder ones however attract alot of calls for nerfing or simplifying because suddenly what is mostly considered side content requires practice to be achieveable with any consistancy or ease. It's disheartening because there are those of us who would actually want harder JPs, or better rewards for harder versions or a good performance in a JP time trial. Instead we kinda have to resort to sequence breaking or map breaking to get the challenge. However, I also wouldnt want to force upon people who struggle with this stuff and don't want to or can't get better at it; far harder Jumping content. So, I respectfully ask, please stop requesting it be taken away from those of us who are starved for it. Speedruns in SAB tribulation a few weeks a year is kinda all we have. Last thing I have to say is I used to suck at jumping and would struggle just to make it across the floating stones bridging the canyon thing at Loch Jezt waypoint in Metrica Province. Now, after lots and lots of practice, getting to the goggles at NSS is as easy as walking from A to B in the open world. Some of the speedrun routes for JPs and SAB however; not so much. The skill level exhibited by certain players goes so unbelieveably high, and that's awesome. So honestly, consider practice before claiming the game is broken; at least in this department. I will however concede that the gears at the top of Not So Secret on the way to the goggles are badly placed/ programmed and require one of a number of tricks to be able to do consistently (these should be fixed). I also request the glider be given an option to be toggled off or rebindable to its own key and not tied to the jump key.
  12. That Canthan looking building on top of a hill, where is that I'm afraid that particular building no longer exists in the place this screenshot was taken. This is way up the top of a gilded hollow guild hall, atop a tree. It was the end of the most difficult custom jumping puzzle i've completed and the view was very nice up there. The fact they added a canthan style building was just cherry on icing. From up there it looks like the map stretches on forever in all direction.
  13. Screenshots that stood out to me in my collection. I have to admit most are from off the beaten path. https://imgur.com/a/Wqvln6a
  14. I personally prefer the solution proposed by Bunji, or something along these lines. Wrote about a similar thing in the SAB thread (skip the TL;DR part and below): SAB thread
  15. You could try dodge bouncing. Gives you a lot of distance and a fair bit of hang time in the air. Basically dodge as the trampoline is about to bounce you. Maybe it's as soon as you land for other people, I consistently have over 300 ping so you'll probably have to work the timing out and get a feel for it yourself. If the trampoline decides not to bounce you, you're just going to dodge to your death though so keep that in mind. Probably best to practice somewhere like the beginning of w1z2.
  16. Disable/ Dedicated Keybind option for glider please. :3(keybind can still be same as jump to keep current functionality or changed to its own key to stop accidental glider activation when trying to jump)
  17. Figured I'd actually make a thread on it rather than continuing to mention it in passing. Basically I enjoy exploration and somehow that lead to enjoying jumping, which lead to jumping puzzles, and then trying to master that skill. I want to progress through the game in order of the story but that forces me to get the glider which is then forever tied to my jumping keybind. I know this is very niche, but there are certain unofficial challenges or activities that i've observed friends and other players in general with the glider finding impossible or being hindered because it keeps getting unintentionally activated (things like JP speed running, Guild Hall JPs, pixel jumps, climbing certain structure etc). It seems like it would be an easy thing to give players the option of having their glider active or not, like a check box in the equipment menu much the same as you have for miniatures. JPs already even force disabled glider on people, so just an option to turn that debuff on maybe? Or else just give it an option to be keybound to something other than what jump is keybound to. AFAIK the game doesn't force you onto a mount if you hit w in succession too quickly because it suspects you want to go faster. Likewise; because I pushed space-bar in succession quickly, doesn't necessarily mean I wanted to start flying. This is all I want for christmas please and thankyou :3 ... seemed more appropriate to bring it up with SAB though.
  18. Probably zone 2 in both worlds. When I'm wandering around tyria I'm constantly on the look out for things to climb and how to get into hidden areas and so I'm often looking upwards and trying to figure out how to get on top of some roof or tree. W1Z2 sort of captured that experience especially when it came to looking for all the baubels. You'd come out of the dark forest area and see pretty much flat ground to the next gate, but then you'd look up and see a multi leveled canopy above you and sure enough it was possible to get up there. Then there was also a hidden room under the floor which required jumping on tree roots above an instant death pit to access. There felt to be a lot of optional stuff off the main route which was just fun to explore and try to reach. Honestly this is true of a lot of the zones but W1Z2 felt like the optional areas were vertically placed along the main path and you could instantly see where you could go, it was a matter of figuring out how to get there. The optional areas in other zones were placed more horizontally to the main path and hidden away behind waterfalls or obscured from line of sight. W2Z2 I'm mainly picking because of the aesthetic and the feeling that came with taking precarious leaps above the clouds. Honestly I love exploring in all of them but I guess those zones left the biggest impression. I honestly can't comment on this because I didn't get to do last years SAB and had no interaction with a Weekly Vendor. As for SAB related items though, the main thing that comes to mind is decorations for guild halls so that the master scribes can build more custom jumping puzzles for us to enjoy >:3 (please don't make them too expensive). As for a specific item, how about something that allows time trials to be run on those custom jump puzzles (doesn't even have to be just jumping puzzles... looking at you custom beetle race tracks). I want to go into time trials in a bit more detail toward the end of the post. To me SAB is a festival that captures adventure platforming gaming. So when it comes to asking about minigames I look immediately at the Mario and Zelda franchises it seems to be based off. I think if new worlds and content continued to take inspiration from there it should work out fine. Inside the box I'd simply be happy with new zones, but (and this may be unpopular) I'd prefer not to see mounts enter the box. I can see gliding maybe; BUT if you are going to implement gliding, please, for the love of god, let me disable the glider or be able to keybind its activation to something other than what jump is bound to. TL;DR: Fix JPs so they need to be done legitimately again, give SAB related rewards during SAB festival, implement time trials/races with increased rewards. I mainly wanted to talk about what could happen outside the box. SAB is a festival heavily revolving around jumping. You have what? over 40 jumping puzzles in core tyria? I don't know how many are in the expansions because I don't want to progress in them since than I have to get that damn glider I won't be able to turn off. Point is why not incorporate them into the festival by rewarding SAB related items from their end chests (likely mainly baubels), could also have an achievement track based on them (complete all of them during SAB and have distinction and honours in applied jumping to get doctorate in applied jumping mayhaps?). HOWEVER , a great many of them have been trivialised thanks to gliders, mounts, mesmer/thief portals, position rewinders, leap or teleport skills and various items that enable leaps or portals. Anyone can now get the Not So Secret JP achievement by pushing their interaction button on a mesmer portal. Anyone can get the 5 chests in Troll's Revenge simply but hopping on a rabbit or skyscale and just jumping up or flying to them. Additionally, the mount and glider restrictions placed around many jumping puzzles are simply ineffective at making people do the puzzles legitimately and simultaneously annoying to people who are just trying to explore the map when suddenly they get thrown off their mount or stripped of their glider possibly killing them and forcing them to waypoint. To me at least, the solution is simple and you should surely have the technology to do it. SAB has demonstrated you can force any class and race to be limited to the same skill bar. Beetle track races has shown you can place checkpoints around a map forcing people to take a praticular route in a race and conduct races at set intervals while allowing time trials inbetween. In fact, in the SAB lobby you already have a jumping and beedog based race. PvP and WvW has shown you can prevent people from being beneficially affected by other peoples boons (enemies can't give swiftness or stability to each other, more importantly you can't use an enemies mesmer/thief portal). So, it seems highly possible that a time trial and racing system could be implemented on the jumping puzzles, whilst ensuring that those participating do the puzzle legitimately. The problem here is that JPs are also supposed to be hidden areas of the map that you stumble upon through exploring. However the no mount or glider debuff that pops up when you get close to them is already a major spoiler for this and if you've found it once you usually remember where they are. My proposition is to have an NPC or some kind of interactable object at the begining and end of the JP but the one at the begining has to be strategically placed so it's not so visually obvious to people who are exploring, and the one at the end may just be the chest itself. Completely remove the glider and mount restrictions on all JPs. If you have these things, you can use them to scout the JP and even practice it. Now lock the end chest or all chests if applicable. Once you enter the JP the first NPC should be pretty obvious and have a name that clearly indicates you need to interact with it "Jumping Puzzle Key Holder" or some such. Point is they give you the ability to unlock the chests much like what already happens in griffon rook run. The catch is that the key you need to get to the end locks your abilities and prevents you from using the things that might otherwise enable a person to cheese the puzzle (again, mounts, gliders in core tyria, portals, items like position rewind or experimental rifle, boons from other players). It should also provide you a set of abilities that would assist on getting past some obstacles in the JP, mainly thinking mobs here and enabling a stealth ability (things like swiftness, stability or aegis could also be considered but for core tyria at least are likely unnecessary). There should be at least 2 modes, adventure and time trial. Adventure would simply be having to get the key to the end to unlock the chest with NO beetle race like checkpoints along the way. The reason is a JP is at first a puzzle, and if checkpoints indicate where to go throughout, it's not much of a puzzle. When adventure has been completed once, it unlocks time trials. Time trials then function much like the beetle races. You have to follow a certain route through the puzzle (the route intended by the developers), and touch each checkpoint along the way. Trust me, there are some major shortcuts on some of the JPs which let you skip like 95% of the JP (even with the aforementioned restrictions), looking at you Weyandt's Revenge and Crimson Plateau. Time Trial rewards should be higher the faster a person is able to do the JP and thresholds for the reward tiers based on the times people are able to get, being sure to account for outliers. These leaderboards could be reset weekly or monthly and award the fastest participants something. Races could be held like they are for the beetles, and it'd be cool to see a kind of betting system. To participate players pay a certain amount which is accumulated and added to a base amount that is determined by the length, difficulty and/or number of particpants of the JP being raced on. Prizes are then distributed amoungst the fastest. I suggest this betting system because I would also love to see guild scribes being able to place begining and end NPCs as well as the checkpoints on their own custom guild hall JPs. Allowing guilds to conduct race events in their halls (this should also extend to custom beetle tracks); I mean Warframe has custom parkour courses in their dojos. Some of the shorter JPs might require laps (teleport back to begining from chest) so they are not blink and you miss it affairs and some might just not be suitable at all (spekk's lab, goems lab and skipping stones would be difficult) for time trials; although adventure should still be fine. By implementing such a system, possibly bringing it to a few JPs at a time each SAB festival, you could remove the no glider and mount zones, make the exploration related achievements actually mean something again (initially talking JPs here but could also be used for other achievements like silverwaste and dry top coin collections), possibly increase JP rewards to align with their length and clear rates as you'd probably start acquiring data on this, and enable race events in guilds. The one remaining problem I can think of is how this will disrupt daily jumping puzzle achievements. Currently a lot of people go for this daily when it's available because they can normally be sure a mesmer will be there to portal them to the end ie. daily JP becomes daily push interact button. With this system, either people will now have to do at least adventure mode to unlock the chest and get the achievement (no mesmer portal allowed), or they just have to get to where the chest is with mounts bypassing the need for portals. I'm not sure how this would effect the community. I portal the daily JP myself and am worried this might call down the wrath of JP portalers on me. However, at the same time I would love to see time trials and better rewards for JPs, and also some legitimacy returned to the achievements for having completed them, rather than leaving them as a cheesey mess. Another Idea for SAB festival is to have something like the luigi balloon world game in mario odyssey. Put a few starting point NPCs in various maps, NPC lets you choose what restrictions to apply to mobility, player under those restrictions hides an object somewhere while being timed, other players can choose to take on the hider's challenge from that NPC and have to find and reach the object in the same time. Sorry this became so long winded, but if such a system was brought into the game I wanted to address the concerns I had since JPs are currently very exploitable (although you get pittance for doing so, so no one would bother). Hopefully it is at least considered, because time trials and races on JPs sounds like a lot of fun, to me at least.
  19. Ha ha finally in my scrolling through some one said Gold Crest achievement without gliding/mounts. That's a whole bunch of seperate jumping puzzles in one although techincally not an official jumping puzzle. I love jumping puzzles and have done all the ones in core tyria over and over again. Unfortunately I haven't been able to do chalice and draconis because that would mean having to get my glider :s . I don't want my glider because i've seen people try to do some of the custom jumping challenges I hand out with it, and it messes them up so much. For the love of god anet, please allow me to either disable or alter glider key binding. Back on topic (official jumping puzzles I've had the please of doing):1) Not So Secret (diving goggles)... Purely because of the spinning platforms and my australian ping meaning I still haven't been able to get them to consistently cooperate. It's number 1 simply because I still die on it due to those platforms.2) Troll's Revenge (no mount or glider or items or mesmers or skips)... It's very long, there are decently difficult jumps throughout, if you fall in the wrong spot, you start from the begining. When i first did it after coming back to the game it took a while, but now I usually don't have any trouble so it gets number 2.3) Clocktower?.... It's seasonal so I'am hesitant to put it because then SAB tribulation modes should dominate the top 3, although I don't know if they count as JPs. However, aside from griffon rook run, it's the only one i can think of where you are forced to go fast which always adds challenge. Of the 2 I'd say Clocktower is harder. If you look outside official JPs there are quite a few hard jumping challenges. I'll give you 3 that I think are pretty good which won't require any map breaking or joining a guild to access and are actually part of official JPs. Also in about the order of difficulty and obviously no glider or mounts or mesmer/thief portals or items for any of these: 1) Do this shortcut for pigiron quarry:Link To GIFRoute involves what a certain speed runner i've watched call a "pixel jump" (not allowed to skip it with leap skill). If this doesn't take you 100s of trys to pull off, or even more amazingly if you are able to do it consistently, /bow @ you. 2) Climb this scaffolding near the chest at the end of Tribulation Rift Scaffolding JP in Dredgehaunt Cliffs :Not posting a GIF of the solution here because part of the challenge is finding what beams to jump on to be able to climb up. 3) Do the Branded Mine JP in feilds of ruin under the conditions of the Keanu Reeves Speed challenge:The conditions are: Use a class that can easily achieve a long and maintained duration of swiftness like mesmer and keep swiftness on throughout the run.NO using wasd; turn on autowalk and use camera control + jumping only, to complete the JP.Based on the movie Speed staring Keanu Reeves, but you play the role of the bus. If you stop moving or go slower than a centaur you blow up.
  20. Hey again, being a little nicer in this post than my previous ones.Here's a shortcut for todays daily jumping puzzle, unlike the last one, or the one before that, this shortcut is fairly simple to pull off. Copy paste link cause I can't seem to get imgur links working:https://imgur.com/4k9pBh3 But it wouldn't be a post of mine concerning the daily jumping puzzle if it didn't also have some kind of challenge. Todays is to get to the top of the tallest scaffold tower of the 2 towers right next to the jumping puzzles chest. There is a mount and gliding restriction for this area, but just for clarity; its a jumping challenge so its intended to be done without using a glider or mount. Should be doable with just normal jumps but swiftness is allowed if you think it'll help. Half the challenge is figuring out the route (despite it being small) so I'm only posting a picture of the final destination for this one. May reveal the route later if it's requested.
  21. The last one... Vizier's Tower Tribulation Mode (The number of requests for more was 0, then again the number of requests to not do more was also 0, Interest all round was pretty much 0, sooo....) Was I originally looking for a shortcut?... Yes.Could this be used as a shortcut?... In terms of distance maybe, in terms of time; that really depends on how consistently you can pull it off.What is it then?... A shorter, more difficult alternate route to the end of the JP that I consider to be this JPs tribulation mode, as a reference to SAB.Will there be tears?... One can only hope. Pig Iron Quarry Tribulation Route For copy paste, in case I can't get the link to work:https://imgur.com/tjUv3qA Edit: Including the words: jumping puzzle
  22. I like jumping in this game. I tend to hang around at the daily jumping puzzle if there is one and either guide people, find shortcuts, alternative paths, odd spots, what ever. So today with Vizier's Tower being the daily jumping puzzle I've gone and traced an alternative route up that maybe could be considered a shortcut without mounts, but I'd be surprised if you save time using it. I think of it more as a tribulation path like in super adventure box. Pretend any other routes are trapped and you can't use mounts or glider (if not using glider is even an option... I don't have one so I don't really know). You can however use a 25% passive speed boost, swiftness, and dodge jumps... no leaps or super speed. Try to follow the trail in the imgur album linked here and good luck =)Vizier's Tower Tribulation Mode http://imgur.com/a/HkFxlHR <--- for copy past if the above link doesn't work
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