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Everything posted by ilMasa.2546

  1. Dejavu: been saying this for years2019 i got suspended several times for calling out "AMAZING" changes/fixes 2018 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/536321#Comment_5363212017 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/138707#Comment_138707 ... but you know: bEtTeR iMpLEmENT MOUNTS and GLIDERS....if only TREBS had SKINS in the gemstore :)
  2. Yes i understand @"AdaLollA.8463" . But the point is they added that feature after player requested a way for WvWersto unlock things.While in the other portion of the game the unlocks were structured in a way that made sense for that "mode",in WvW people had to ask because there was none.
  3. How about downstate as a trait?Every professions has atleast one trash trait noone gets,ever.Maybe its a dumb idea but i can see people have to choose it over something else,so its a trade.Plus imo it adds a sort of surprise element in encounters?! I dont know was just an idea i got. But ofc must be a significant trade:if you pick the downstate u miss something of HUGE value?!I mean with downstate u have a good chance to avoid getting punished for a mistake or a missplay so could be a fair trade for a glasscannon guy while on a zerg build its a waste if u miss something that gives you/your party more benefits?! Dunno maybe its just a dumb idea ahah , i voted no btw but i can still see it being "intresting" if implemented in a different way EDIT:INB4 ANET puts out a TWISTED Version of this and people wants my head: NOT WvW TRAITS but PROFESSION TRAITS.
  4. To me they are walking on the wrong path.I mean GW2 was a Great Game because of its accessibilitiy and simplicity. Levelling: so easy and enjoiable with no "oldschool" quest hub,world events with partecipation...Gearing: remember when the max quality was Exotic(u could use Karma to buy items and that gear was good across all modes),meaning everyone was on equal terms (stats speaking) and u didnt have to farm specific currency in a specific map or having Ascended crafting with all that time gating and rs farm?Spvp: just get to the required level and have pvpWvW: same thing.Gw2 was Great for these reasons: just log in,get what u need in a reasonable ammount of time (faster than any mmorpg out there) and PLAY.Nowdays its totally different. The maximum example was how to unlock new professions (coming with any new expansion): PvE: if you like PvE,u are playing PvE and so u unlock those while doing what you like,PvESPvP: You only enjoy log in and have structured pvp matches: there you go instant unlockWvW: You mostly do WvW yea yuck fou go play PvE .... until they sort of fixed this and people karma train for a week to unlock things to get more currency,but its wvw specific while i have billions of Karma i could use it to unlock things,but no,here: MOAR currency to make it tedious.I actually find this funny.In one hand you have WoW trying to semplify the game as much as possible for accessibility from what it was,in the other you have Gw2 complicating things from what is was,for no reasons. i dont know: 2019 was the first year i uninstalled this game.I still hope,a little,they fix WvW but yea im so ready to go.
  5. 800 to 900 changes.Considering most of the latest changes were bs...i have no expectations at this point.They fix things breaking PvE (perma stealth trapper thief),they "balance" things for PvE (conditions,skill changes...) Meanwhile you ask for server balance and sieges rework: dead silence. Sooo...yeah
  6. Its the element of "rng" i get while roaming,well when i used to roam.I dont like arenas cos there is no surprise involved,talking about ecounters.So to me even if the map is years old,every encounter is always different.One time i get run over by a blob,one time i get 1vx and i lose,one time i get 1vsx and i win to get instantly into an other fight without resting,one time i get to fight a dude we both are having fun so we fight again...take a camp,escort a caravan,scout the enemy...there is always something to do without being and ACTUAL daily.Every time i queue up its cos i want to WvW,not the reward tracker or anything else tbh.
  7. You shuld add "Balance" in the "class" list ... for the devs.
  8. Yo. Garbage choices/changes as always. Just like i said 3 months ago,before getting banned for 3 days multiple times by "Forum Moderator.4923" for expressing my opinions in an "uNsAfE wAY FoR aLL tHe mEmBERs" on BS changes by the BS dev team. Im asking again: can we have the dev team just focusing on releasing mounts and skins?!Clearly they dont know what the hell they are doing anymore with classes.MAYBE Detection Pulse was fine where it was...MAYBE the FUNCTION gyro was FINE how it was. Cant wait for 2020: Detection Pulse on Glue Shot cos WHY Not right!?No damn clues anyway.WHY update unused/poor utility skills (no one cares from 2011) when you can just ruin whats working and call it a day. @ForumModerator.4923 im expecting you to send me an other BS mail soon. "You have been warned" lel EDIT: HOW ABOUT putting Detection Pulse on Forum Moderator.4923
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