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Everything posted by ilMasa.2546

  1. My dude,this is not the right question,cos im 100% sure DEVS are playing the game The real question is do they actually know what's going on? Cos im 100% positive they don't understand a thing lol
  2. lel they are only showing what they gonna buff...prepare for a masive nerf hammer.
  3. The game was released 10 years ago....yea keep your fingers crossed for an other 10 years!? lol Unless it's a skin, anet doesnt read
  4. 100 accounts uh? So there is a possibility that everyone here is just the same guy posting with one of his accounts
  5. Guys,come on... Don't we have siege golems,bikes,warclaws already? Yes. And what people build 95% of the time since 2016?! Catapults. Every single commander just prefer to build 6 catapults on a SINGLE PIXEL without even taking in consideration the idea to set up 2 trebs in the distance,not even a single commander ask bikes for support,not even a single commander runs a squad of warclaw to open gates and if catapults did 100% dmg on gates they wouldn't even use rams,golem rushes sometimes they happen,but most of the time u see golems parked at spawn or in camps ... so yea ... Before adding new things to the shitshow, anet has to rework the whole siege system first: there is no actual siege warfare.
  6. It's not a last "straw" ,for me it's more like the chinese water torture aka the dripping machine: - every time they make changes for pve which then affect the WvW is a new drop - every time they rework a class for RAIDs (the kittening function gyro/detection pulse changes) and then i have to play that in WvW is a new drop - they add gliders and mounts new drop - they then nerfs warclaw speed new drop And so on... so WvW developement/care is actually becoming a real torture.
  7. Also they get upset and dramatical really quick for no real reason
  8. Again,u guys are OVERREACTING too much. Jesus lol,i only said that many players are lazy,which is a fact btw. Did i implied all that wall of text you posted? No,cos YOU came up with those drammatic conclusions. Once again. Stop being lazy and try it for yourself lol see...lazy people 😛
  9. You guys are so dramatical.... "this is not the player fault" "im not gonna financially recover from this" "im done" I said many peopla are lazy:it's a fact u can check on every single meta event,im not talking about bigfoot. And when i see 10 people die on the same attack 3,4 times in a row,cos they didnt bother to dodge roll away from the BIG BAD red cicrlce...it's not just cos the meta is hard.
  10. I meaan...ok the meta is kinda difficult to do,you have to be organized and actually have to pay attention BUT ALSO E V E R Y S I N G L E T I M E half of the players can't even dodge the 2 aoe the boss does or jump over the wave. Which is fine if it is the first time right?! Totally normal and understandable. But then,when i see people die MULTIPLE TIMES on the SAME AOE: it is just being lazy. The encounter is difficult but there is ALSO so much LAZYNESS going on aswell
  11. The thing is u gotta give the choice. If people want to listen to 10 minutes of dialogues, let them have it. BUT - If someone wants to skipp 10 minutes of TAIMI blabbing AGAIN about HER OPINIONS on what's happing,PLEASE let it HAPPEND. - If someone wants to get quickly to the next phase in a story mission PLEASE let them be able to skeep the dialogs. In this expac i actually MUTED all the voices,cos as someone already said i reached the same point where when i see unskippable dialogs in this game,ill just alt+tab and do something else. Also pls,get rid of the kitten "radio" feature: "tskk...tskk...commander do you read me?copy." IN MY HEARS 24/7. At least in the past, you could just walk away and not hear them talking. With the radio it's like the TRUMPET BOY MEME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpFiLtJ25Ys Less voice acting and add a kitten skipp button.
  12. Correct!!!! This is y having all the profession already unlocked on DAY ONE should be a thing. Cos i f the class suck i can just move one without wasting TIME
  13. Also imagine wasting time in the past 2 years to "PrEpArE wISeLy" to play bladesworn: yea...LOL. thx god i didnt
  14. OFc i did !!!! i played so many other AMAZING games,far better games in abetter state than gw2 wvw. I dont care,spvp gets all professions unlocked dayone,and so wvw should be.
  15. I tried all the new specs during all the past betas: NONE of them felt exciting. And i dont want to spend time unlocking something im not even excite about: it's a chore. I dont care about pve and masteries,i played yesterday for 6 hours to unlock only 3 traits....ill stick with the builds im playinf for years lol. Last time preordering btw.
  16. I guess the wvw comunity shuld just move on and change game. All i want is log in in any wvw map,on day one,with the full new spec ALREADY unlocked,and playing the F mode. In 6 hours of pve i unlocked 3 traits...
  17. Actually i kinda don't like the expansion so far. - I don't find intresting any of the new professions - for ONCE i would have liked to start with all the new professions unlocked.But nope. - im tired of unskippable long dialogues that increase the duration of quests TOO MUCH - and the "radio mechanic" is ANNOYING AF : always in my ears with pointless details i dont need to enjoy the story. (ended up muting all the voices) - fishing is actually fun,but i would have preferred it wasn't a mastery tho. - The jadebot mastery, played a bit with it,dont like the "battery" mechanic. Meh
  18. Mounts and gliders are a fine addition to pvp if it was an actual open world pvp game.But since it is just a "closed" game mode they just promote the zerg mentality of "rushing to a tower stack 5 catas and repeat". To be honest im missing the vanilla days where u HAD to defend a keep and a siege would last for some hours.Commanders asking people to run supplies to build a single treb to counter enemy sieges and so on. Nowdays is just a rush
  19. I am absolutely aware that my grammar is not the best,unfortunately English is not my main language (and yes i could practice it more,and that is totally on me), but I also believe that it is quite easy to understand the message between those mistakes. With that being said, in the history of "posting online", the grammar check always turns out to be a weak counter argument, especially if it is the only argument and it comes from those who can afford to correct others no offence
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