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Everything posted by santenal.1054

  1. They wanted to make elixir x a more reliable offensive threat and they did it by adding more randomness. 😕 That doesn't make sens at all....
  2. Good, now turn the elite skill slot into a multipurpose utility/elite skill slot. That would really make things intresting.
  3. Gear shield needs the cooldown reduction made baseline in all game modes. (the skill is too important)
  4. Use the following settings/keybinds in order to make Elite Mortar Kit and Grenade Kit most usable and effective: Set "Ground Targeting" on "Instant" Disable "Autotargeting" Enable "Lock Ground Target at maximum Skill Range" Enable "Snap Ground target to Current Target" (this will make mortar shells fly to your enemy without you having to aim manually with the cursor (just select the target)) Enable "Allow Skill Retargeting" (This will make the landing spot of ground targeted skills be determined after the initial skill animation instead of before the animation, which means that the mortar shell/grenade will land closer to a moving target) (Be wary of the delay (animation time) when you do not have a target selected and you use a ground targeted skill that you want to use on yourself, make sure your cursor is at the location where you want the skill to land. Moving the cursor away too soon will make the skill land somewhere you didn't intend. ) Keybind "Lock Autotarget" (when you press this key you detarget whatever you have selected, which is important when you for example want to throw {{Skill|Toss Elixir S}} at your feet). Jumping right after you used a skill will make the grenades/mortar shells fly higher. Use combo finishers in the combo fields of Mortar Kit. (Wiki: combos) I personally really like leaps in the ice field (5 sec Frost Aura). PS: Always use the Grenadier trait when using the Grenade kit, because it makes the explosion radius bigger and increases the throw velocity (untraited too many of your grenades will miss a moving target because of the combination of the standard 120 range explosion radius and the slow throw velocity)
  5. Another thing I want to mention is that the new "Lesser Utility Goggles" (verry good trait) only benefit builds with off-hand shield and hammer builds because builds with more offensive mainhand weapon sets relly too much on power wrench (for the 33% cooldown reduction on their Gear Shield block). The trait is really good, just the position is bad. Change "Gear Shield" cooldown to 16 sec and nerf "power wrench" to 20% cooldown reduction." (speaking of WVW roaming builds and it's only my opinion)
  6. The main function of the healing skill (healing) is pretty low under 50 heat. The healing of cooling vapor should be made baseline, the chill and the frost aura should be the enhancements above 50 heat, also the self damage of cauterize should be removed. (I don't care about uniqueness, just about function) But the reduction of heat on the healing skill actually makes sens to me.
  7. A few years ago they removed cleanses that were not a problem (they decided to delete random condi cleanses for the sake of balance or something ) (I remember super elixir cleansing 2 condies, healing mist cleansing 1 condi and even a mortar skill cleansing a condi) Classes should get a proper baseline amount of cleanses. Disruptive runes like antitoxin and rune of the speed shouldn't exist imo. (not gonna argue over it, it's just my opinion)
  8. The way "balance devs" purposely destroy (not tweak for the beterment of balance) entire specs, I find quite disrespectfull . Too many people have already quit this game because of it. On the 4th of october my build (s) will also become virtually immortal to condition builds, because the "balance devs" don't think their decisions through.
  9. Guardian has a trait called "Indomitable Courage" that turns non instant cast skills into stun breakers, maybe it will work like that.
  10. On the video it says: "Utility Goggles: now also removes one damaging condition" In the forum notes it says: "Lesser Utility Goggles: Increased resistance duration from 2 seconds to 3 seconds. This skill now removes one damaging condition in addition to its other effects." Both are probably true.
  11. Oh is that what that meant? When you take that trait in Tools your heal becomes a stunbreak? I did not see that one coming. That is what I hope it does (difficult to imagine) Things I'm wondering about: Would that make heal skills instant ? Maybe they will remove the stun breaker part? Maybe lesser utility goggles will inherit the new condi cleans of Utility goggles ?
  12. The active stunbreaker on heal skill and toolbelt skill condi cleanses are really strong, making the tools traitline verry good (probably gonna get nerfed eventually). The baseline cooldown reduction of static shield is also good.
  13. Using Overclock Signet does nothing after just having used recall mech (the mech sould be summoned but that doesn't happen)
  14. The explosion (property) of Flame blast (=piercing skill) only procs where it explodes (skill), the piercing element of the skill does not proc the explosion (property). A similar thing can be made for Rifle burst grenade where the explosion only happens on the targeted enemy. The damage is gonna be fine, its only 40% of a weak auto attack. (If they make that, they can also implement it for Pistol #1) Flame blast's piercing element (Projectile Burning) also does less damage than the explosion (Explosion Burning) so that is also an option.
  15. Hip shot pierced without it saying it in the tooltip untill they updated the tooltip on 7-7-2020. (not that it mathers). It is a nerf to base rifle auto attack, so im drawing attention to it.
  16. So when there is standing something between you and your target, .... low damage.
  17. The trait descriptions that say something about burning damage (I didn't check other condition damage kinds) all seem to use the player condition damage level to do the calculations instead of the mech's conditions damage level. For example if you dont take trait "Mech Frame: Conductive Alloys" (your mech does not inherit 100% of your condition damage level and expertise level) the burning damage your mech does is significantly lower then what the trait descriptions say it would. Affected skills/descriptions: Rolling Smash , Sky circus , Jade Mortar , Mech Arms: Single-Edge Cutters , Rocket Punch
  18. Heavy trait investments to make stuff usefull is not something I like seeing, utility goggles should be buffed just like many other skills that are useless when untraited.
  19. Just saying it's an option for people who like to use gadgets, whether it is worth the trait/rune investment is up to the individual to decide for themself. (Besides, anticorrosion Plating is a pretty frequently taken trait for many players anyway) all in all a 24 sec stunbreaker with 2 condi cleanses (+ resistance + protection) ain't all that bad (I dont know if the blind cleans can trigger the anti toxin runes a second time, I know Rocket boots trigger the rune but rocket boots doesn't have a standard cleans) (Not gonna argue over it any further)
  20. fun fact: utility goggles + gadgeteer + Anticorrosion plating = condi cleans (+ superior rune of antitoxin = 2 condi cleanses)
  21. Ranger keeps getting new pets but we never get new engineering kits. 😡 RIOT! (since the replacement of mortar by mortar kit in 2015)
  22. Since Rocket punch doesn't stun anymore they could add power damage to the skill in PVP/WVW just like it has in PVE. Jump shot doesn't have the satisfying animation/sound anymore. Muzzle flash animation of rifle burst trails behind while moving to the side. "Time to do some real damage" (human female) soundbite overlapses with Blunderbuss sound/animation.
  23. Currently there is alot of censorship going on. 😉
  24. Im always talking about WVW so forgive me for not making this clear. I forgot bomb kit has power damage on big ol'bomb in PVE, it doesn't in WVW (the 3 sec fuse makes it pretty useless anyway) and the melee range auto attack with 1 sec fuse time isn't going to kill many enemies, Flamethrower has no apply and forget power damage so I dont consider that a power engineering kit (flamejet spammer builds are a niche and require a heavy investment of traits/utilities) I know many players consider this a power kit, I consider this a condi focused kit (not going to argue about it, untraited it is useless for power builds against enemies that fight back).
  25. You thinks these changes will increase the amount of core rifle engineers you will meet in WVW or PVP ? nope. Impactfull changes would be: -Putting stun breakers on F5 skills (the (only 3) utility slots of core engineer are just too limiting to slot the necessary defensive/offensive skills for core engineer to be reasonably competitive) -Making grenade kit usefull without having to slot the grenadier trait giving more freedom to choose other traitlines (Read grenadier part of this topic (a few things may be outdated/changed my opinion)) -Giving Flameblast (flamethrower #2) power damage back so all power builds can make good use of flamethrower and not just (specifically traited) flamejet spammer builds. here you go ... 3 easy to implement changes that would be way more impactful without being too overpowered, I can come up with more suggestions but it's a complete waste of time.
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