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Remus Darkblight.1673

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Everything posted by Remus Darkblight.1673

  1. Suggests to me then that prices will likely peak shortly after the armour is finally released as the ecto starts to flood back into the market, after most people have finished the grind and made their armour?
  2. Does anyone know what is happening with Ecto at the moment? Prices are the highest they have been since September 2017 after a long period of relative stability, and supply is at the lowest level since August 2016. https://imgur.com/a/9xe7VCE There was a clear ramp up of supply and associated lowering of the prices between August 2022 and June 2023, peaking at 3.27m supply and a Buy/Sell of 1271 and 1378 (by far the highest supply and lowest prices ever). Supply has then taken a nose dive over the last 6 months leading to a subsequent doubling of prices to 2827 / 2961, currently supply sits at just over 480k. Perhaps more importantly, is this likely to continue or will things stabilise?
  3. Why not launch pumpkins on Halloween? Why stop at cata and cannons? Why can't we have more different siege skins? Replace all the NPCs with festival themed ones? Change the appearance of the destructibles like walls and gates to have a festival theme too? Or you know just keep promising to rework alliances and matchmaking but never actually seeming to make any progress.
  4. As has been pointed out by several people now, there is a lot contributing to a quick kill here. By your reasoning fall damage is OP because it can kill you instantly. 1) The thief in the video is not looking at the Engineer before the pull. 2) The thief is using berserker stats, with at most marauder trinkets judging by their 16k HP with both borderlands bloodlust and the guild objective buff. 3) The thief makes no attempt to stun break the pull, granted they have a very short window here, but this is because they are caught completely by surprise. 4) The Engineer has got a really tight execution on their burst, my best guess would be: Get near the target and Throw Elixir S for stealth, use Elixir U for quickness. Cast Magnet Pull Precast Throw Elixir X so it lands at your feet right as the target arrives I'm not 100% here but I think the Engineer uses static shock or similar from the A.E.D toolbelt to initiate a 2s stun once they are in Moa and still recovering from the pull, otherwise Moa can evade. Swap off of Tool Kit back to Rifle likely triggering a Sigil of Vision to guarantee crits on the burst. (You can see this in the second clip) Use Rifle 5 at your feet. You'll notice the landing from this hit's for almost 11k in both clips. So it stands to reason this engineer is just as fragile as the thief, if not more so because it has less mobility and a single stun break with Elixir S. I think the Engineer is using a build something like this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PegAQRlJw+YXMLmKO2LvrKA-DWRYBRVTM4DpJRRbKgGlKy8WQACY/8a0vTJA-w
  5. I get you, compared to Dolyak or even Vulture, it doesn't feel very "elite". It's certainly not a build defining skill. As you say, Soulbeast is largely the exception, in that running it with Dolyak, and Vulture, it compliments both quite well. You can very quickly attain 25 stacks of might and get the benefit of two skills with high stability stacks. In the broader sense I feel we could benefit from having some of the "missing" elites added to the game, e.g. an elite trap and signet for ranger. I don't know if this would perhaps also fuel a rework of underperforming choices like SotP that you only slot because there isn't anything better.
  6. Ever since the first dual core processors were launched in the early 2000's consumer CPU computing has focused on multi-thread performance for most applications. While yes, single thread performance does increase with better CPU's, the fact remains that GW2 is simply underutilising the capabilities of modern chips because of its single threaded nature. You can throw an i9 14900K with its 24 cores and 32 threads at GW2 and the entire thing will load just one of those cores and waste so much potential. This is also why you have people with current generation gaming PCs getting similar performance to people with 5 or even 10 year old rigs, all that additional performance is simply not utilised.
  7. I'll plus one this. I've seen enough of every conceivable variety of Nian now thank you.
  8. I already got a snow diamond infusion so I'm good for the rest of the festival. Probably barely opened 250 gifts so that's my luck used up already.
  9. Okay then, let's talk. Exactly, because it's a player issue and not an overperforming build issue. It just feels so much worse on thief because they are so fragile when denied their main source of damage mitigation, that being their mobility. I won't disagree that there is a lot of hate towards thieves, and stealth especially. But I assure you my comment was not born of a vendetta towards thief mechanics, but to highlight how this combo is particularly effective against the tools normally available to a thief, particularly when they prop up mediocre players. You're literally posing the argument that the skill combination is so completely broken as to warrant a not so humble ranting on the forums, and yet we are to somehow infer this from it only happening to you one time in thousands of hours? Which is it? Could it be that the combo actually isn't that strong, and is incredibly difficult to land reliably, thereby justifying its potency when it actually does? As the loser in that encounter, you only see it when it works, you don't see the failed attempts and the practice going into pulling it off. As for the video, I don't know what else to say, both kills come from behind, off camera, on a distracted target, what else did you expect? Unfortunately for you, I and many others disagree with your opinion. I'm sure you knew this judging from your opening post as well, so I'm not sure why you got so indignant about the whole thing. I stand by my original comment, sounds pretty salty to me.
  10. When you use it as merged Soulbeast you grant might to yourself. When used unmerged you grant might to your pet and your pet grants it to you. Yes to the first two, but I wouldn't compare it to Dolyak Stance since it can be run with Dolyak stance. SotP is a great pre-buff on engage to give you stability and might stacks, with Dolyak in reserve as a stun break and additional source of stability. I do agree that it could still use a buff or rework though, it's just a very bland "kinda tacks onto the end of a build" sort of skill when you don't explicitly need to (or can't) run one of the other elites. I find myself using it on Soulbeast more since the nerf to One Wolf Pack.
  11. Shortest Answer I can give you: $ It is simply not worth the financial investment to do so. Also to get the best framerate you need a CPU capable of very fast single thread tasks. Almost any current GPU is actually overkill as far as the actual graphics go.
  12. There is a delay when you magnet someone. After you activate the skill there is an audio and visual cue, the pull happens at the end of the 1.25s channel. The only way to disguise this is to do it from stealth or with a retarget. It will also fail if the target becomes obstructed and remains so at the end of the channel. As others have said, this is most effective as an ambush against a distracted or otherwise unaware target. Thief player is just salty because they are used to being able to escape any situation they like with little risk. All this is doing is highlighting their lack of situational awareness and a weakness in their skills. Normally when caught unaware, even if stunned and immobilized a thief can shadowstep away to break stun, use their dodge to break movement impairment (if Daredevil), and then stealth/gain distance to drop combat and reengage, or flee. Getting pulled and moa'd kicks the crutches out from under them, opening them up to being punished for having such low health as well. You can't build a glass cannon and expect to always be the cannon.
  13. Signet of Humility Moa lasts 6 seconds at 1,200 range. Toss Elixir X Moa only lasts 3 seconds (3.5s traited) at 900 range and is also a projectile. But does affect 3 targets. The pure joy of the engineer version though, is as seen in the video, you combo it with magnet pull on the tool kit. Unblockable 1,200 range pull. It brings me absolute undiluted joy to pull people off of walls or out of their cloud into the loving embrace of my transmogrifying potion of feathery moa goodness.
  14. Pretty sure they are all any% runs, so skips are probably permitted. Either way doing every dungeon path in under an hour from forming your party to completing the last path is maybe a little bit of a stretch still, I will concede maybe not outside the realms of possibility though. Either way it's not really an appropriate comparison for someone struggling two hours on a single path. It also bears noting that you don't have to complete every dungeon path for the rush event, just one path from each dungeon. As it happens I completed the dungeon rush achievements yesterday, I did the whole thing with lfg, so only public parties. It took me about two hours total, I joined a couple of different parties and we dropped and gained members a couple of times between dungeons as well. The largest portion of time was spent doing Arah, I had to pull up the wiki and explain the encounters to the group but it was mostly painless if you have a little patience. Finally I did my dragon response mission solo, one random joined my instance half way through, but they scale down to be easy to solo. My opinion on the original posters question is that it is not at all too difficult for the rewards. Dungeons throw a surprising amount of loot at you for the time investment, then you get a skin at the end of the achievements. It is a positive thing that Anet even brings attention back to this old content at all. None of it is difficult, but it is no surprise that most players have either never touched dungeons or haven't revisited them for years. You have a week to dedicate 2-3 hours of time to the game, not really a tall order in my opinion.
  15. The number of poison stacks doesn't affect healing. The target is either poisoned or it isn't. I'm not aware of the healing reduction being completely broken. What was broken before with the new relic was the tooltip for poison, where it was stating an 83% reduced healing instead of 50%. However the actual functional healing reduction was correct. It wouldn't surprise me if in fixing this they have somehow completely broken poison. Will need to test it myself to confirm. What you should be experiencing is 100% healing on a target without poison, 67% (33% reduced) healing on a target with normal poison, and ~50% healing on a target that has been poisoned with Relic of the Demon Queen equipped.
  16. The Wizard vault resets roughly every 3 months. You can see the exact time remaining on the special objectives tab. When those reset, so does the store. Since you have so little spare time, if you haven't already I would just work on getting full ascended gear so you are at least then able to play anything you want stat-wise and just consider making a legendary to be a long term goal after that. Making Eternity by yourself from scratch is by far the longest and most expensive Legendary weapon in the game, as it is the only one that actually requires you to make two Legendary weapons in order to craft it. Since it is just visuals once you're in ascended gear (other than the stat swapping convenience, although there are ways to swap stats on ascended too, but it isn't free), check out the black lion weapon skins, even the expensive ones are cheap compared to a legendary and some of them look really nice.
  17. I get on quite well with core engi, granted it's a condi spec, but it's fun.
  18. It's the extreme exception though. I wouldn't use it as comparison to someone who struggled on just a couple for over two hours. Like you say, getting a smooth run with no bugs, achieving every skip perfectly first time, basically impossible. This is probably more like the average experience, I'd say doing every path in a single evening is what is to be expected from a group of competent players with some who don't necessarily know all the mechanics, and certainly aren't performing all the skips.
  19. This is also not limited to just hair styles or humans. There are exclusive colours for hair and eyes, as well as exclusive faces too. The hair styles and colours can be selected with a hair style kit, the eyes and faces require a total makeover kit. When you use one of these kits the exclusive options not normally available on character creation are marked with a star. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Physical_appearance/Exclusive_human https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Total_Makeover_Kit https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Self-Style_Hair_Kit
  20. If you like the visuals of Sunrise and Twilight equally then it's basically both in one (it switches between them during the day/night), but with an extra shiny gem on the pommel and slightly different footfalls. That's it, if you think that is worth it, then it's worth it. Functionally it is identical to any other legendary greatsword. In terms of stats (as with all legendary weapons), it is identical to an Ascended greatsword.
  21. Wiggle me this, why not just claim your rewards right away? As has already been said, right-click if you want to quickly dismiss them and get the items into your inventory and set them to be hidden when in combat. Once out of combat, if they are distracting you, why aren't you just claiming them?
  22. You do not need to keep them, you only need to have crafted one in order to purchase the Stellar weapon recipes.
  23. Yes the wiki page is maybe a little confusing, all of the containers where you could get it directly are discontinued. However you can still make it from the recipe, which is the normal method of obtaining it. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pharus You'll want to look at the full material list further down the page and start working on the collections for the precursor. Good luck!
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