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Remus Darkblight.1673

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Everything posted by Remus Darkblight.1673

  1. The most valuable items I got were 3 infusions (Sadly not ember though). I also got a couple of weapons and one of the refractor necklaces that used to be valuable but are now almost worthless.
  2. While I don't doubt that the majority of players probably do fit into the over 30 range now, I would question as to whether the results here reflect the demographic of the game itself or rather be more a reflection of the sort of users who frequent forums and respond to polls. It is also quite probably indicative of the MMO genre as a whole probably having a more mature audience than it used to having shrunk in popularity over the years. TL;DR - Interesting poll, there are probably a number of different contributing factors to the end result beyond just GW2 and its development choices.
  3. The two worst feelings roaming solo. When you are losing a fight and can't escape and when you are winning a fight and the enemy escapes. Similarly, the best feelings are when the enemy runs and you chase them down and finish them, and when you escape a tough situation to taunt from afar.
  4. I'm currently roaming on Sword/Dagger and Shortbow cele soulbeast. I gave up bothering with power, you had to give up all utility to realistically one shot anyone even before the nerfs. So my move to cele really felt like a matter of necessity. I lean into immobilize and poison to win fights, Muddy Terrain, Vulture Stance, Entangle, etc. while using the two melee evades for sustain. It can keep up perma-swiftness with the quickening screech on owl. The only downside really is that the damage output is probably quite low compared to other classes on cele.
  5. So all roamers? Sounds like your build would be best suited to small group where your allies can cover that particular weakness. When solo, mobility is king.
  6. Well someone is lying here. I've seen one person claim to get buttery smooth FPS in 3-way WvW blob fights (Please tell me your settings) while claiming ESO gets poor performance with only a handful of players present. While in the same conversation someone else is claiming to get sub-30 FPS in an empty GW2 map on a beast of a PC while themselves stating that ESO is always locked at a 160fps refresh rate. Which is it? Someone isn't telling the truth. Differences in hardware only accounts for so much, I find it highly unlikely that any setup is going to experience such a complete disparity in performance on the two games assuming all other things being equal (e.g. game settings), while another experiences the same extremes but reversed. I haven't played ESO for several years, and didn't really play for long so I can't say anything for that game, although I have no reason to doubt that if they did some engine optimization overhaul perhaps the current performance of the game is good. However my GW2 experience, on a PC that although admittedly quite old now is still more than sufficient to expect a smooth experience from a game of this age (were it properly optimized), is that large scale fights and newer areas do suffer in terms of performance. I don't believe anyone that claims to be getting 60fps+ in a 50v50v50 WvW blob, you're lying. If you are getting that you must be playing with only standard models, no shadows, maximum effect culling, at a low resolution. In which case you are only fooling yourself into believing there is no optimization issue in this game. Hyperbole aside, anyone that reckons they have GW2 running at 60fps at all times, please list your exact settings. I'm curious to know what exactly gives you that FPS boost, since to my understanding there has always been a huge CPU bottleneck, so throwing hardware at it won't help. I have the same performance now as I did in 2012 on a much older system, and it seems people with current gen high end hardware are also experiencing the same.
  7. Yes, salvaging gear can give luck. Just salvage everything you get and keep the luck.
  8. You also don't have to go to a DE specific server to find plenty of German speakers. Many of the EN EU servers have a broad mix of players, many of whom would probably be more than happy to speak German as well as English with you.
  9. Why not Pistol & Shield? 🤔 I know a lot of people take issue with Pistol (and Rifle) for thematic reasons, but there would be no reason not to have them as a set from a purely game mechanic standpoint. Engineer is currently the only profession with access to that combo, and Guardian will be following in the next release.
  10. True, it just means I clean up each refresh a few days earlier by effectively pushing 1,300 worth of 30point gold purchases to the end indefinitely.
  11. Agree here, solving for pet squishiness when the AI runs it into mass AoE is no easy task but still an unfortunate reality. Given the Ranger itself is supposed to be otherwise balanced around the pet, it leaves you weaker than comparable builds on other professions 95% of the time. I actually like Forest's Fortification (when it works out), if you pre-cast it and then get off a Relentless Whirl in an enemy zerg you can totally refresh the cooldown before it expires. I do wonder if it would become too strong if instead of the 1s cast time, it was a stun break instead. Mistiming the casting as it stands now is just too punishing. If that's the case, it is very noticeable. They are also as you suggest, not all created equal either. Sundering Volley (Axe), Savage Slash (Greatsword), and Relentless Whirl (Hammer), are by far the best. Deft Strike (Sword), and Neurotoxin Burst (Dagger), are also strong. However, Multishot (Longbow), and Toxic Shot (Shortbow) leave a lot to be desired. Solar Brilliance (Staff) I have only tried in PvE on a meme condi build, might be good though due to the AoE. I honestly wouldn't mind if they did away with the pet/ranger unleash mechanic, worked out another way to make pet interaction unique to the spec and focused on the ambushes. Also Cantrips are a bit meh in my opinion. Cage can be strong but a little situational, Mutate is just okay given that sure it clears all conditions but also has a downside. Compare it to Contemplation of Purity on Guardian that not only removes all conditions, it converts them to boons, and is only on a 2s longer cooldown compared to Mutate. Spores are also highly situational and never feel impactful, the requirement to get the knockdown is too strict. Unnatural Traversal is garbage since adding a cast time, the only thing that made it good was being able to precast before the teleport.
  12. Well if you discount pistol/pistol and rifle. You've only got Scepter, Focus, O/H Sword, and Shield left. I'd like to see Scepter/Focus as a way to really lean into druid thematically. I also wouldn't mind shield, or O/H Sword.
  13. Is it the propensity of the pet to get itself deleted? I kinda think Let Loose should be base for the class, at least the ambushes on weapon swap functionality. While the concept is kinda cool, I always found the implementation of the unleashing to be a bit clunky.
  14. Is this part of Halloween or has it always been there since SotO launched?
  15. Teach us your ways. I've tried to make Untamed work in organised groups with moderate success, mostly only because of spin to win, and boon rip. Still outperformed by other classes. I also don't get the crying about "Sic'em!" soul beasts, they burn all their cooldowns to one shot a single target, it's barely different from gunflame memes. There are similar very high burst builds on Mesmer, and Engineer too. Celestial builds are far more of an issue than burst damage builds. After they nerfed OWP and Let Loose I decided to try out a cele set on ranger for a laugh. It's like turning on easy-mode. You can win fights through sheer stats alone on soulbeast.
  16. This always bugged me because I don't know for certain that I need one of those items and many of them don't have a slot in the material storage. Leaving me with an inventory full of random odds and ends I don't know if I need or not. They also often aren't worth selling either. Plus, it is annoying when you use up some ingredients to make an intermediary, only to realise you now need those same ingredients for something else, especially when it turns out you didn't need the intermediary after all. I've maxed all my crafting but it would be nice to know all the cooking recipes, even the less useful stuff.
  17. I said "relaxing" not "epic fjord crossing, skull cleaving, town raiding, berserker screaming" way to fish 😉
  18. That's what I was going for, the original tagline in the marketing was "play your way" unless I am misremembering (also possible). maybe the strikethrough on the "Y" isn't obvious enough 😅
  19. Pretty sure mace is finalised at this stage. Hoping for a decent implementation is the best you can get.
  20. All they need to do is bring WvW and PvP skull grinder confusions stacks down from 5 to 4, problem basically fixed as it would remove the instant proc. Bring them in line with PvE and add a stack of bleeding to compensate if really necessary.
  21. Would have no problem with this, but I'd personally still take the coins. I've more transmutation charges than I know what to do with. They probably won't though since you can still buy them in the gem store (who the hell is buying them for gems I do not know).
  22. Give pounce evade frames too. Probably get called OP then because S/D would have 3 evades. Even though Mesmer can do similar with S/S and distortion, or D/D Thief spamming death blossom.
  23. Best skiff skin is floating garden, change my mind. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Floating_Garden_Skiff_Skin Most relaxing way to fish. I agree, I saw the ghost one and thought it was cool and seasonal. But it was a bit too much for me, that's okay though. I don't have to buy it.
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