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Remus Darkblight.1673

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Everything posted by Remus Darkblight.1673

  1. Don't get me wrong, it can be annoying. For example I like how the chest piece looks for the rift hunter armour set on heavy and light, but if I want to wear it on medium it has the big furry barbarian loincloth/belt attached. Unfortunately because of how the majority of other (especially older) medium chests work, that is they are all trench coats, there would be massive ugly clipping issues if the fur belt piece was attached to the legs when worn with those pieces. It sucks, but it's by design.
  2. So you want the lower skilled players to suffer immeasurably at the start of the season while they are the same rank as top rated players? Great way to alienate a good portion of players and cause them to leave an already low population game mode. The whole purpose of allowing players to start higher ranked is to give an approximate "initial spread" at the start of the season. The idea being players can move up and down accordingly afterwards. It prevents newer and more casual players from ever having to play against a top 100 player (unless they get that good).
  3. Fishing rod is only +25, the only upgrades to the rod itself are cosmetic skins. You can otherwise maximise fishing power with lure, bait, nourishment, fishing party bonus, and the fishing mastery track. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fishing_Power Maximum possible is currently 975.
  4. GeForce experience comes with clipping if you have a Nvidia card, or even Windows Game Bar (you might just have to enable it). By default you can clip the last 30 seconds by pressing the Windows Key + G.
  5. This is because the savage scale set doesn't have a skirt/coat, while the oneiros-spun set does. The sets are only "the same on all weights" when wearing the whole set. Presumably the design philosophy around mixing and matching is to avoid as many clipping issues as possible.
  6. Bloodtide Coast Timberline Falls Fireheart Rise Iron Marches Mount Malestrom Sparkfly Fen Happy lumberjacking
  7. Sounds like a skill issue. 👀
  8. Okay that's spooky, I was about to do the same thing and... https://ibb.co/6nKxgp9
  9. I think it is for mixing and matching with other armour pieces. Almost all medium armour is some type of long coat and therefore most medium-only legs are some kind of trousers or leggings. If you had the skirt pieces of multi-weight armour attached to the legs on medium armour there would be horrendous clipping issues with many of the other long coat pieces.
  10. To be more specific it's actually the 33% base reduction increased by 50% (of the base), which happens to be almost exactly 50% overall. This would make the tooltip on the Relic itself correct, but the implementation on the poison tooltip as being the error, someone did a straight addition when they should have multiplied and then added. 0.33 + 0.5 = 0.83 (83%) 0.33 + (0.33 * 0.5) = 0.495 (almost 50%)
  11. I meant to edit my post but clicked the wrong button. 😳
  12. Duo should be fine if matchmaking weighted it more, i.e. at least two duos in a match and on opposite teams. So yes you would have to queue longer if you duo. Otherwise premade of any size should all only play together in a separate ladder to solo. Being able to communicate directly on voice and have complimentary builds and a strategy in advance of the match is such a huge advantage. It accounts for far more than just the average of your elo. Given the low population the most sensible action would be to remove it from ranked and just have premade in unranked.
  13. Mount balance is fine. The only thing Skyscale does that no other mount can, is climbing walls and hovering. The combination of horizontal and vertical movement, when used with gliding boosts and endurance regeneration can allow you to reach places that other mounts can't, even when combining them. Every other thing the Skyscale does, other mounts to better. Horizontal flight: If you have a high point to start, Griffon is orders of magnitude faster. Even when you can't start with a dive, it's about even. Now with updrafts Griffon is literal non-stop aerial zoomies in some maps. Land-based movement: Almost every other mount is faster. Griffon hopping and flapping is better over rough terrain and small vertical cliffs, Raptor and Jackal are better generalists over medium distances and gaps, Roller Beetle better long distance over flat terrain. Underwater: Skyscale just doesn't, Skimmer can, and is also faster over water in general. Siege damage: Turtle does more siege damage and is more tanky in combat. The biggest pro for Skyscale is that if you hate constantly swapping mounts it can do almost everything, like a lot of end-game rewards, it's more quality of life than anything else. I'm lazy, I use Skyscale about 80-90% of the time, but when I am in a hurry, I often switch to Roller beetle, Griffon, or Raptor/Jackal. The only mount that is almost entirely obsolete for me is the Bunny.
  14. Agreed, the actual damage from marks isn't that great, they can still be evaded too. Staff isn't winning fights by itself, it's effectively an offensive support weapon for area denial. You're not destroying anyone with it, without support from your team. There are plenty of other potential issues to discuss and fix with way higher priority than this.
  15. I think you misunderstand how gem conversion works. The gems that the players with lots of gold buy have to come from somewhere, they are sold by the players with a lot of real world cash. The whole system is designed to reduce real money trading, and Anet gets to pocket that cash. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Currency_Exchange The exchange has a supply of both Gems and Gold. When you trade to the exchange you influence the supply of each. The exchange rate is relative to current supply of each. The price changes geometrically as one pool empties creating a better exchange rate for the low supplied currency. If you were to artificially limit the amount of gems players could purchase with gold you would completely break the exchange. The amount of gems being sold for gold would bottom out the market price, as the number of gems leaving the exchange would be limited while the amount of gems being sold into it would not.
  16. That's Guardian. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wings_of_Resolve Nine new weapons, one for every profession, are expected to be made available with the second major release (Update #2) after launch. - Guardian : Pistol (main and off hand) Already has Warhammer and Shield https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Special_Ops_armor#Acquisition https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Decorative_Molten_Jetpack_(skin) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jade_Tech_Jetpack_Backpack_(skin) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legion_Jetpack_(skin) Go cosplay a Space Marine right now, and then truly live the fantasy on the 28th when the Pistol comes out for beta.
  17. And yet here we are 😂 Yeah, extremely unlikely at this stage in the game. There is far too much that would need to be factored in, i.e. personal story, racial skills, models, animations, and general changes to the world lore etc. that are just not worth the investment to develop.
  18. Please make Ranger rifle where they just have your character hold it by the barrel and swing it like a club. It would be just the most perfect ending to the argument.
  19. I'm not going to state an opinion either way, but... I will say that montages do not carry as much weight for your case than a recorded livestream or at least continuous gameplay session would. As an average WvW / PvP player I could take any high damage glass cannon type build on any profession and produce a montage like this if you give me enough time. I would fail and die many times for each "gg ez" one shot play, but I can just cut those out. Love the honesty at the end though.
  20. Imagine if warrior BIGMODE elite stacked with BIGMODE Relic for B I G G E R M O D E
  21. It does but you still make a loss on just selling the ore. To make profits you need to be placing large bulk buy orders at good prices and then list your ingots and wait. Either way you'd still be talking months if not years to turn the kind of profit to break even on the quick sale value of the node. It's ultimately up to OP but home instance nodes are all a long term investment, generally speaking you want a full home instance that you farm every single day on multiple characters to be worth it.
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