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Remus Darkblight.1673

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Everything posted by Remus Darkblight.1673

  1. I think you exaggerate just a little there. 16 paths in 1 hour is 3 minutes 45 seconds per path, including all the unskippable dialogue and loading screens. Looking at the speedrun.com rankings there are only a couple of dungeons that can be done that quickly. Most of them take at least 4-6 minutes, or even as long as 15 minutes. The data is very thin but some of these runs were done in the last 8 months, i.e. during the last bonus event. I'm also not sure how these are timed but to complete them all "within an hour" you'd need to factor in moving between dungeons and starting each path too, which across 16 paths will quickly add up. But yes in terms of the general point, you could do all dungeons in just a couple of hours quite easily, so shouldn't be struggling to do two in one hour. But then this is the difference between people who are speed runners, people who have at least run the dungeon in the past, and people who have never touched them.
  2. You will continue to look forward to Alliances as they are delayed once again and you will like it.
  3. More like this: Heavy Shot is over performing in WvW so.. We reduced the damage coefficient of Maul, increased the cooldown of Sic'Em, removed the condition removal from Bear Stance, made Ranger traps visible to the enemy, Point blank shot no longer knocks back opponents and now cripples instead, Hunter's shot no longer grants stealth and grants 1 stack of might instead, Rapid shot has been reduced to 5 hits, but to compensate we increased the damage coefficient per hit by 0.001, soulbeast merging and pet swapping cooldown increased by 5 seconds, Rangers now take double damage while merging, Smokescale can now be equipped in PvE only.
  4. Which dev was bitten by someone's pet dog as a child to make them hate rangers so much?
  5. I do wonder sometimes how much they really do use videos like this as data for their balancing. Kiwituatara even states the footage is cherry picked, something I always question when people call a build in a montage "OP". It certainly reflects my own experiences using similar builds, sometimes it just doesn't work and you get flattened. Since the builds are often so focused into what they do, if you miss your shot or the enemy doesn't die to it, you're left with nothing. When you line up clips of it actually working, which may be only 10% of a play session, of course it's going to look broken. On top of that, Anet has something of a track record of nerfing part of a particular build or spec seemingly without actually taking into consideration all the other use cases for that skill.
  6. How long before they nerf it to do zero damage in WvW and PvP because it's a CC?
  7. This actually doesn't sound all that inaccurate. I'm a very casual PvP player, usually end up around 1350 and I am almost in the top 250. Plus my games can swing wildly from cake walk to getting absolutely steamrolled.
  8. Enjoy your Dye kit and Transmutation charge. Seriously though, if you do get an equivalent value item it will be the Clockwork Scythe Staff Skin, BL claim ticket, Vintage BL Weapon Box, or an Abyss Stalker Weapon, as these are all from the Uncommon list in the current box, the same as the Mining Tool. In all likelihood they will either refund a key, or give you a BL ticket.
  9. I'm not saying it was designed for the WvW playerbase, but that it was designed in an environment where CC skills do no damage in competitive. They knew going into the design process that it would be the case so you can only assume that the weapon is balanced around that fact. Whether they have actually done so or not, or if you agree with said balancing is another matter entirely.
  10. I think what they meant was Pistol didn't exist in the past so the CC skills on it would be designed with the current balance in mind. You may not agree with that, but that's how it is.
  11. Adding an animation or visual of some kind to the start of the attack and keeping it at 0.25s would have been better as it allows for counter play. Increasing the delay is just a feel bad for the warrior yet does nothing to give any indication to the opponent as to when the attack is actually coming.
  12. They are just skins for the rifle, it's still a rifle in terms of mechanics though. Also for a complete list, here are all the weapons with unique sounds. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_weapons_with_unique_sounds
  13. I dislike game design that just circumvents intended and learned mechanics for the sake of artificial difficulty. Adding enemies that have CC that cannot be negated or attacks that cannot be dodged is bad game design. Not least because it does not teach players to use these mechanics. It strips all complexity from the game and boils it down to "how can I do the most damage/healing possible in the shortest time". Big numbers are great and all, but when trying to play smart and skilfully only to be told "nope, sorry, doesn't work" is not very satisfying.
  14. Don't burn yourself out on a new activity as soon as it launches because you can guarantee it will be a special task at some point.
  15. Provided I can earn enough points to unlock everything in the vault by the end of the season, even with missing a few days or objectives, I don't really mind. Once everything is unlocked it's up to me if I want to tryhard some of the less desirable objectives to farm a bit more gold at the end of the season. What isn't acceptable to me is broken/bugged objectives that cannot be completed, if I want to 100% every possible point of AA each season, I should be able to do so.
  16. It's pretty straight forward... Items go on sale Many players want the items, so they convert gold into gems Gem pool decreases, gold pool increases Gold-to-Gem price goes up Fewer players are getting their wallets out for gems, or rather, more players are converting gold into gems. Given the sale you'd probably find both are up, but particularly conversions.
  17. I was about to suggest something similar to this. Although I would swap Nature's Vengeance for Invigorating Bond since you're not using any spirits. I'd also maybe swap the tiger for the owl or jacaranda since Unflinching Fortitude shares a cooldown across the pets. Alternatively drop the pet swapping altogether and pick up stance share to provide a bit of support to your squad. I'd also maybe swap "We Heal as One" for Bear Stance for additional cleanse. Ranger is never going to be optimal but your main focus as commander is staying alive and staying mobile, you don't want to get pulled or stuck so you can keep the tag moving where it needs to be.
  18. I wish I could say I am surprised this thread got to two pages. Only the forums could actually engage in a thread this long on a topic that isn't even in game yet 😂 Nerf Ele
  19. Exactly this. Nine times out of ten, confused react is "I hate what you said, I hate you, and I hate everything you stand for", the rest of the time it's either being used ironically or for genuine confusion.
  20. A nice idea in principal but I think the practicality of it in terms of implementing it would be prohibitively difficult. The fact they went down the route of split skirts/belts on legs/chest between heavy/light and medium in the first place suggests that the game doesn't differentiate between which armour pieces are being worn together in order to show/hide certain parts of each armour piece accordingly. What you're suggesting sounds like doubling up on a lot of armour skins to have a skirt/non-skirt version of each? This would not only massively increase the wardrobe size, but also require creating a multitude of new items for assets that already exist. Which brings a whole new set of hurdles in terms of development time invested and UI clutter that is probably not worth it for an end result where only half of the skins actually function with each other in order to gain a little bit of freedom with others.
  21. Could it be some goofy coding where the initiative cost is tried to the shadowstep and not the follow-up strike? Similarly on S/D 3, it evades then strikes? So as far as the coding goes, when you activate the skill and pay the cost the next action isn't a strike so it doesn't count?
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