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Remus Darkblight.1673

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Everything posted by Remus Darkblight.1673

  1. RIP my poison Soulbeast. Niche at the best of times but now dead. Relied on Refined Toxins to apply consistent poison on sword and made liberal use of Healing Spring for combo healing in 1v1's. At least I now migrated to playing a power untamed variant that isn't really affected by this patch.
  2. Is anyone actually in charge of balance though? 🤔🤭
  3. Given that I have played since launch, I more or less took all this stuff for granted. Is inventory management so poorly explained to newer players that it leads someone to to make a "why can't we?" post about something we absolutely do have?
  4. You have probably enabled one of the snap targeting modes in your options menu. It's in the targeting menu in control options. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Options#Targeting
  5. Kick - This skill has been reworked, will now launch the target instead of a push. Skill has been renamed "Punt" to reflect this.
  6. The problem is that it shares a slot with Forceful Greatsword and Great Fortitude, both of which are a DPS increase on power builds, the latter also giving you more sustain through raw HP as well - usually a good pick when not running a Greatsword. The majority of warrior weapon CC also comes on Hammer and Mace, which already have great access to weakness. Maybe you could make an argument for Dagger/Shield. The bleeding is almost pointless because Strength as a trait line doesn't really lean into conditions anyway, and warrior condition builds tend to lack many sources of CC. So while weakness is a great condition, the trait itself is overshadowed by better options, and isn't in the best trait line to actually get the most out of it either.
  7. I guess you may be right there, maybe it was called based on game mode before but has been reworked on a per player basis, (presumably because changing a ruleset used to be per map instance and is now dynamic?). Just a guess, without seeing the code I suppose we'll never know. My guess would be that something had to be copy/pasted somewhere, and someone forgot the no-invulnerable downstate flag on what they were using? Stands to reason though, coding for GW2 must be an absolute nightmare considering the age of the engine, and lack of access to original documentation. I'd love to see if there are some funny hacky comments left in the code by pas developers 😂 "//seems to work, don't know why, good luck fixing this if you break it".
  8. You obviously didn't read my initial statement, since it said nothing of adding anything only moving the timing of the current functionality. Adding evade was a second and separate thought and suggestion. I've since had my understanding of the skill corrected anyway, apparently the initial stab does occur on wind up, I thought it was all loaded after the animation (though I've not verified it myself yet, I've no reason to doubt the correction at this time). That's your opinion, great, do tell us more about it. No you. It is, I think it's a great skill, never said otherwise. Doesn't mean it isn't open to fair discussion, clearly some people don't think it's perfect or this thread would not exist.
  9. TBH I hadn't thought much of it in a PvP setting, my experience comes more from WvW so that's where my thoughts were coming from. I think the problem people have with using it as a stun break is that it still has a cast time, meaning if you do break stun with it you can still be stunned again before being able to take any other action. Though I think this probably happens infrequently in small scale or 1v1 scenarios, which is why it probably feels fine there. Does it? If so I stand completely corrected. Since I always thought from the tooltip that's how it worked but was under the impression that it only gave the stability at the end of the animation. One stack by default and additional for targets hit. If that is the case then I'd be more inclined to give it a 3/4s evade, maybe even in WvW only. Simply because no one is reaction stunning you out of it. If anyone lands a stun on you when stomping, it's always an accident due to getting hit by more than one CC or a boon strip during the animation. It's only a feel bad for the warrior. That said, it would still constitute a direct buff, so there is room to call for a suitable trade (increased cooldown?) or to completely disagree.
  10. It already does provide stab. I'm merely suggesting altering the timing of the current functionality.
  11. It does make you wonder just how bad some of the back-end coding has become over the years, where changes to seemingly unrelated things somehow reinstate the downstate invulnerability in PvP, something you kind of expect to be called once based on game mode.
  12. Because I was told that if I load up the latest meme template I wouldn't have to play, the OP build does all the work for me right? Right?
  13. How about make it give stability at the start rather than at the landing point, and then additional stability if it hits anything? Alternatively, give it evade during the animation. I think the main complaint people have is that it should be an excellent tool in large group content in WvW when you get locked down during a push. It removes immoblize when traited due to being a movement skill, it repositions you, breaks stun, then gives you stability, and is hard CC, which in turn synergises well with Spellbreaker. In reality unfortunate timing will sometimes cause you to get immediately stunned again due to the sheer volume of CC you're trying to fight through. Of course the answer might be that it is intended to be interruptible, though the animation is so quick getting interrupted is rarely the result of an enemy properly reacting to it, but just sheer dumb luck, which is always a feelsbad moment.
  14. Except they do. When you activate a spirit utility it summons the spirit at the target location. The spirit itself grants the effect of the tooltip, then slams and casts a completely different skill before disappearing. If you trait Nature's Vengeance it will slam again after a few seconds, and then disappear. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Storm_Spirit https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Call_Lightning_(Ranger) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spirit Water Spirit Aqua Surge heals for more based on your healing power Sun Spirit Solar Flare deals more burning Storm Spirit Call Lightning deals fixed damage and is unaffected by your power The boons/conditions caused by the spirit skills themselves are all affected by your concentration/expertise, including Storm Spirit.
  15. There is an artform to getting the right camera angle to put barrage right up on/behind some walls.
  16. Continuing to call it a grind won't make it a grind. If you have ever played other games with actual gear grind you would understand. Gear grind is needing to repeat content over and over often with random stat rolls or huge material/time sinks playing a big part in it. Here we have very specific, easy, one time tasks, with a defined reward. If you refuse to interact with the game on even this basic level I'm not sure why you're even playing.
  17. I think we misunderstood each other then, if you were referring to only the story then you are correct it is a little more than that. I meant the achievements are all one time tasks with very little repetition and a low difficulty, there isn't any stage that requires you to grind dozens of hours or sink hundreds of gold of materials. You can unlock a number of the relics from just completing the story if you pay attention to the achievements along the way (like not dying on some bosses). Many of these are so easy that you might even do them accidentally on the first go. My whole argument is that it's easy and not a grind. Any player who has even the slightest motivation to try and enjoy new content as it comes out should not have a hard time doing it. It serves only to incentivise you to give it at least a fair hearing before saying it sucks and you never want to play it again. At least you got some cool relics out of it.
  18. Do tell us when the Anet police come round and sit you down in front of your PC until you complete the content.
  19. You think doing a very simple task once or twice is a farm, you know who else has that mentality? Toddlers. Putting their shoes on is a task worthy of a complete meltdown.
  20. Then it's just as well there are other methods to obtain the relics than playing SotO content, i.e. PvP and WvW reward tracks. For the players who won't touch PvP, WvW, or SotO, they are fortunate to be given a way to obtain the legendary relic without having to touch SotO in the first place, given that it is tied so closely to the new content. It's a gesture by the devs to allow people without the SotO relics unlocked the opportunity to have the same QoL benefits with the core relics. It has already been established that Anet wanted to do this "unlocking functionality" thing with stats for previous legendaries, but chose not to, we've already been getting a free ride in terms of not having to engage with new content. Just take the carrot and give that 10% effort and then never touch it again if you don't like it.
  21. I never said that you get all the relics from playing through the story once. There are relics that you do get from playing the story once. I believe I explained in that same post how to get all of the relics added in the most recent content, and even went into detail about the only one that requires you to do more than a single task.
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