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Remus Darkblight.1673

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Everything posted by Remus Darkblight.1673

  1. Body Blow is in Strength, which actually makes maximising your condi a little awkward, since you want to take Discipline on basically every warrior build for the movement speed, cleanse, swap and burst cooldown, and burst refund. Body Blow would actually otherwise work quite well on a condi Spellbreaker since you would be inflicting extra bleeding and weakness on a full counter too. But taking Strength would cripple a lot of your other utility needed for survival, which you kind of need on a condi build due to the bunker/damage over time nature.
  2. Three players, big deal. I don't think their playing or leaving has as big an effect on the game as you think it does. Considering I am a very active player and I only know who one of those guys is (and I don't even watch him). Source? I have roamed plenty in the past weeks, seems pretty business as usual. Though I can only speak for my little corner of the EU servers and beta match ups.
  3. Indeed, should start on the 30th Jan. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lunar_New_Year
  4. Dump them into Lunar New Year festival when it's on, and quit lamenting your obscene wealth, no one feels bad for you 😛 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lucky_Red_Bag
  5. Nerf colours, some people might have more trouble discerning one colour from another, even using default/team colours may give a psychological advantage to the "stronger" colour. This is totally unfair and gives an advantage to one team. Everything should be grey-shaded.
  6. While we're at it, can we talk about NPCs sending you whispers using the same chat text and notification sound as players? It was a cute 4th wall break the first time, but now it feels unwelcome.
  7. Okay understandable, then it really should work consitetntly.
  8. I mean, I think it's better that it doesn't. A slowed enemy attacks slower, meaning fewer blocks, meaning lower damage when the illusion explodes.
  9. Any chance of getting some explanation for how your build works and why? Gw2Skills theory crafting is good and all, but needs some support to whatever point you're trying to make.
  10. I would recommend Marauder/Dragon stats if you're buying the WvW stat-selectable exotic pieces. They give you a bit more health over berserkers while still having good damage output. If you want to go the Berserker stat route, as has been mentioned you're better off buying the cheap exotic pieces from the trading post, don't waste gold and badges unnecessarily. For weapons it may be worth noting that when you pick up the latest expansion Secrets of the Obscure, it is possible to unlock all weapons for all specialisations, they are no longer locked to their respective elite specs. You will be able to use greatsword on Scourge for example. Necromancer is overall a great pick, Reaper is very good in a DPS role for all PVE content and even some WvW. Scourge is more meta right now for large scale groups, but Reaper is still totally viable, again mostly in a DPS role. I think getting comfortable with a couple of power reaper variants using Greatsword and Axe/Focus on Berserker/Marauder/Dragon stats will get you off to a good start in all game modes.
  11. The official wiki, is as good as a GW2 for dummies. As you can see from other posts, there are a few wiki pages linked. In my opinion GW2 has one of the best, most comprehensive, and well curated wikis of any game I have ever played. If you're ever stuck, searching for the relevant quest, item, NPC, event, skill, etc. on the wiki will often answer your question. You can of course still come to the forum, but I can highly recommend having the wiki up on a second monitor while playing.
  12. I think you may have misunderstood the question. Solo queue, as in you cannot queue as a party of two for ranked, not that ranked becomes a 1v1. Also this request has been made multiple times in the past.
  13. They removed the usual PvP and WvW potions in August 2023 (the boosts they gave are now just applied automatically and the recipes that required them have been changed), given that the WvX potions haven't returned for some time now, it isn't unreasonable to conclude that Anet has moved away from these reward track potions in general. I think you can still get some PvP ones from achievements, but they are one-offs and presumably the exception to the new rule.
  14. Oh you sweet summer child 😅 Don't worry @maxwelgm.4315, I've seen enough internet to know where you were coming from there 😂
  15. Don't even start on those OP expansion only E-specs. They should never have been added to the game.
  16. Depends who you ask, of course we all know that real world taxes are supposed to go on public spending but it does feel like nought but a gold sink at times 😂
  17. 6-month bump? Someone else just brought attention to this issue again.
  18. Agreed on Hundred Blades, Flurry has had this since June. I like the idea of reworking Arms, someone actually posted some good suggestions on this one where most of the condi elements were moved onto the major traits instead of minor ones, so you don't end up with totally pointless expertise and bleed application. Yes, since Dual Wielding doesn't stack with anything e.g. quickness, it is a trait stuck in the stone age in the context of the boon heavy meta we have now. Shield Master also still needs addressing with that interaction with aegis, either fix it or confirm that it is the intended functionality. Yea, Axe burst, aka slapping your foe with a wet fish with a comically huge wind up, it sounds powerful but is always disappointing, much like my day job.
  19. You kind of answered your own question there. The whole point is that it removes the gold from the game, it puts a dampener on inflation. It is important for any videogame economy to have sinks for gold and materials to keep the market afloat, the TP tax is just one such tool. It also has a number of other effects on the market. For example, The fact you pay a tax means you can't easily buy up the lowest sell offers and immediately relist them for a profit while still undercutting everyone by a copper. Since you lost gold both in the purchase and the listing, you have to relist the item at least 15% above what you paid for it (excluding the tax) just to break even. There are likely other derived effects of having a TP tax that are beyond the scope of a forum post, but the positive effects of it on the overall health of the game economy are reason enough to justify it's existence. If it breaks your immersion to know that the gold just evaporates, just pretend it is to pay the debt for rebuilding Lions Arch or something.
  20. My overall opinion on this is no. I would not have a problem as such with skins only, but there is a technical issue there in that the different weight classes don't mix. Butt capes on heavy would clip horribly with trench coats from medium for example. It would be a waste of development resources to try and make this work, plus there are also plenty of "all weight" sets in existence already that were designed that way from the get go, and an ever expanding selection of skins for almost any look you could wish for. Stats and all is a hard no, that would directly mess with game balance, why wouldn't I just wear heavy armour on my traditionally light armour classes? It is objectively better.
  21. From what was said it looks like it is the experience gain from consuming it. I don't know about reviving you from dead, but I could certainly understand it rallying you from downed depending on how it is coded. Wouldn't be the wackiest thing to come out of Anet.
  22. Irrespective of past transgressions, this particular instance does not read as being in any way malicious. Saying "you made a spelling mistake" is not the same as saying "you are bat at spelling". Hence my observation as a third party, your reaction does look way overboard for what was said. In fact I thought of exactly the same joke when I saw the topic. I understand that there are non-native English speakers but those that I know are more than happy to be corrected, as that is how you learn. As someone learning a second language myself, I certainly appreciate it, and if we can laugh about it while doing so, all the better. Granted in this particular case I would guess that the OP isn't a native speaker just from the grammar and that the mistake was repeated. Hopefully if they come back and see the ruckus that their post led to, they will find it highly amusing and also learn how to correctly spell "client", everyone is a winner. Except maybe us, arguing with strangers on the internet.
  23. Making light of the amusing word play of the mistake is not the same as directly ridiculing the person making it, or their spelling ability in general. If anything the joke was a more light hearted way of pointing out said mistake than just simply stating that they made a spelling mistake. And in anticipation of the expected "you didn't have to point it out at all", no they didn't, but as there is clearly no malice here there is no reason not to either. Most rational people aren't averse to criticism and being corrected, I for one appreciate friendly guidance and would have found this joke perfectly appropriate given the context. What you said is not bullying in any book, period. @vares.8457 and @yoni.7015 a kind word of advice, maybe try approaching written communications as if they are made with good intentions first, you might find yourself less frequently offended, particularly on behalf of others. I mean this sincerely, as a third party your reaction to what @Ashantara.8731 said, and particularly what you went on to say about it being bullying, looks grossly out of proportion.
  24. It depends on the skill and location, most teleport skills behave as you say, unobstructed line of sight with little elevation change. Basically if you can't walk there you can't teleport there. There are some minor and major exceptions to this though and it is also very inconsistent. An example of a minor exception is being able to shadowstep up through certain ceilings to a floor above or up certain cliffs in WvW. These give you a much greater advantage when disengaging enemies as the total "walk distance" that you teleport is often far greater than the maximum range of the skill (1,200 in most cases). These are inconsistent though as some very small cliffs or rocks, and perhaps most notably the stairs on WvW walls are completely obstructed to these skills despite being completely walkable. A major exception is something like the necromancer spectral walk, which can even teleport you back through walls or back up cliffs from what would otherwise be a fatal fall. None of these appear to be bugs, as they have been in the game with their current implementation more or less since launch. Whether or not teleportation itself is a problem is one argument, but how it is currently implemented is certainly too inconsistent. If we're going to have teleports it should be clear what is a valid teleport and what is not across all skills. If I can teleport up a cliff, through a wall, or over a gap of a certain size it should stand to reason that I can teleport up or across any smaller cliff, wall, or gap. At the very least if I can reach somewhere by directly walking and/or jumping alone, I should be able to teleport there.
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