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Everything posted by DanSH.6143

  1. Longbow didn't get huge buffs. It was a terrible weapon that got buffed to an ok weapon. Zerk DH wasn't popular until literaly every every other build was nerfed.
  2. True, the PvE community in GW2 is the best I've ever seen in an mmo. In PvP it's just a loud minority, but it's still worse than any other game I played including mobas. In my opinion Anet doesn't do enough to ban these toxic players, atleast from pvp. If you've been reported several times for match manipulation (such as afking intentionaly), you should atleast get a month long ban from pvp.
  3. The tell is that you get tethered by the spear, how is that not obvious? When I'm fighting other DH it's really obvious and predictable. You also have a spear of justice debuff when you're tethered. The only problem I have fighting DH is that sometimes it's not clear who's actually tethered to who if we're both targeting each other lol. And I forgot to mention, that dmg is also dependent on you having Aegis for the +20% dmg modifier (assuming you are using the build most of us run). That's also one of the reasons I use Retreat as I can use right before True Shot hits the target for the extra dmg. Zerk DH is a low low budget version of Deadeye, with 1 perk of having AoE dmg that isn't projectile based. Nice bow btw
  4. It won't hit for 9k most of the times. You need Spear of Justice tethered to the target for that. If you have the spear you have a tell. Otherwise it will hit for 7k at most - if the target is at max range and the DH has resolution on. Both Deadeye and any Longbow Ranger can deal more than that from range with much better consistency, and they both have stealth.
  5. Just had a match in Revenge of the Capricorn. We were leading by about 100 points, won the first bell objective. At the second bell objective, we fought what ended up being 3v4 and lost. One of the players then started to blame the other 2, calling them idiots for not coming to the bell, and then proceeded to afk the entire match. We played for about 5 minutes without him, actually still being in the lead up until the last minute or so. He refused to continue playing, still calling us names. causing us to lose the match. before the match ended I asked in map chat to report that player, and after the match ended got a whisper by one of the enemy players "trap spammer crying 2 much". So yeah, thought I'd share this experience lol.
  6. What are you talking about, mesmer has arguably the best defensive in the game baked in (F4). And yes, if you don't take Retreat for swiftness you actually have very limited mobility, as to get from point A to B you use your traps for superspeed, which will be up for about 50% of the trip on most maps. but you get there with 2 of your utilities and your healing skill on cooldown. Anyone with swiftness will get from point A to B faster without spending as much utilities. I actually take Retreat on my DH instead of JI because I can get to fights without wasting my traps and actually have a bit more mobility during the fight itself. The AoE Aegis from retreat is pretty useful too in a lot of scenarios. Your point about baiting dodges and cooldowns is true for all specs. Litreally all our defensives are active abilities we have to carefuly use, we have 0 passive defensives. That's the whole idea of Guardians. We have 11k health. That's the opposite of passive.
  7. So Thief, Mesmer and Ranger are uninteractive too? In terms of dmg from stealth, zerker DH is the least offender, as it will mostly use True Shot when Spear of Justice is applied to the target, which reveals the DH. The traps are decent but they don't 1 Shot anyone, if you're talking about Dragon's Maw, Zerk DH doesn't use it.
  8. Most Burn Trapper DH's didn't even use procession of blades. The burn stacks were caused by Sword of Justice and symbols mostly. It has since been super nerfed, while taking any other condi guard build down with it. So now DPS guards don't have that many options. And now people are calling for yet another DPS guardian build to be nerfed to the ground.
  9. The poll is meant as a joke. But what's uninteractive about them?
  10. That's understanding it completely backwards. His point was that Deadeyes *can* take Shadow Arts, a defensive traitline, while still dealing a lot of dmg. Zerk DH has to run full dmg traits, even on Virtues which is genrally a hybrid between defense and offence, we take 2 DPS traits. We only have 1 defensive trait in the entire build. Most other specs can take a lot more defensive traits than us, because they have more damage baked in. I don't think I've even lost 1 game vs a DH in the enemy team. They die instantly when focused. I always focus them first, since they're the easiest target to kill.
  11. IMO trapper runes are more obnovious on rangers than on DH. rangers have very low cd traps so they're actually in stealth for 50% of the time, while they're also condi builds. So they deal dmg while stealthed. Trapper DH doesn't deal dmg while stealthed, if you lose against a 11k full glass cannon DH with trapper runes it's on you. I, as a trapper DH myself (after every condi guard build was nerfed to the ground) focus the enemy DH every time, because they melt in seconds. If you're complaining about Scourge I get it, but DH's are not a problem
  12. Tempest Aura Share is very viable in this meta.
  13. I just a match with 4 supports on my team, and 3 supports on the enemy team. Yes not one of them swapped to another build. There was a team fight that lasted about 7 minutes in mid. Anet why are you neglecting sPvP this much?
  14. Just my opinion - I think reviving speed is fine in most cases, the only spec that seems to be reviving not only fast but most successfully is Bunker Scourge, and Core Support guard second. I think these two builds need their reviving abilities toned down as right now, having both in a team fight makes fights extremely long and exhausting as players keep getting revived on both sides. I'm not sure how Scourge could be appropriately toned down in this regard so I don't have any suggestions, but I think Core Guard's rezz signet could be toned down by either 1 of the following options: - least probable option as it would make it more distinct from its PvE version: Make it so you can't move while casting the signet, making it more noticeable and harder to pull off. - Another good solution would be make the animation more noticeable and increase the sound cue as well. - Increase the cooldown. - increase the cast time.
  15. I don't think there's any class bias at all. I think it's an absurd and childish idea. With that out of the way - Firebrand is very weak in sPvP and sees almost no play. Core guardian sees almost no play in end game PvE as Firebrand and DH are better there. Sure Guardian as a whole is a pretty flexible and viable class in general, as any class should be. If another class has very limited viability, it should be looked at and solved. The solution is not to nerf or hate on guardians.
  16. doesn't it have a 2 sec daze on it? Their 11k hp is a very big deal and I always focus the enemy DH if there is one because I kill them instantly.
  17. Yeah, atm there isn't any other spec that has any amout of barrier that should be concerning except for scourge (which should have more than others as it's the class mechanic instead of shroud, but still should be looked at)
  18. I voted for it's balanced because there wasn't any other otion. It is balanced in my opinion. Dragon Hunter and Ranger trapper builds are extremely weak without it. With the tune they're just ok. What's true is that the runes are annoying, because they're adding a lot of stealth to builds that won't have any at all without it. If you remove the runes, or just stealth from the runes. all Dragon Hunter and Ranger Trapper builds are dead completely. And personally why I find fighting trapper rangers and DH annoying too somewhat, it's still a lot less annoying than even just fighting against a d/p daredevil with a lot of evades, stealth and mobility (not saying it's op, just annoying). Condi DH was nerfed to the ground, its damage output was cut by more than half, Zerk DH got a very very slight buff to LB 5 and 4 which doesn't really affect its viablity. If you want to change trapper runes, you need to compensate Dragon Hunter as a whole, and maybe buff ranger trap builds too.
  19. DH (zerk build) has 11k health, it has very low survivability because of that. DH won't crit you for 10k most of the time, if they do it's almost immidetly after they hit you with Spear of Justice. It's worth mentioning True Shot is a 3/4 seconds cast time, makes the caster stand atill and has a huge tell. It's a single projectile hit so it's completely negated by any blok, blind and projectile denial. DH without trapper runes is dead. It's already bad now. If you're talking about burn dh, they were nerfed to the ground already. I'm for removing trapper runes because they're annoying, but they should buff DH if they do so.
  20. Against guardians: core medi guard: they will try to use focus 5 (blue shield around them) and then wait until it expires to teleport to you with sword 2 or judge's intervention, followed by sword 2 or GS 2. so if the guardian has focus 5 up, wait for the last second of it and try to dodge it (it lasts about 4 seconds). Other than that, just kite. core burn guard: they need to stay at melee to about 600 range to deal most of their dmg. If you don't have a lot of cleanses, try to kite as much as possible, avoid Purging Flames (blue circle of Fire) as it will burn you to death. If you have enough cleanses you won't notice the burn guard is there. DH power trapper: notice where they lay their traps. if you're hit by F1 (the spear) you're probably gonna get pulled to a trap, apply stability, or get as far away as possible. if you can get behind an object it's also good as the pull would only pull you at the object. dodge Longbow 2 (it has a big tell, the guard kneels down and there's a lot of light at the center of the bow). DH Burn: As long as you manage to avoid Dragon's Maw (elite trap) you're good, if you're in it, don't dodge without stability as you'll get knocked down. If you do get knocked down though, you might be out of the trap, so stunbreak and dodge again.
  21. They can buff dps amulets, like adding 200 Power to berzerker, marauder, demolisher. and so on for condi dps amulets too
  22. I'm currently playing at Gold 2, ussualy each team consists of - 2 Bunker/supports, like scourge, guardian, tempest. - At least 1 bruiser, like prot holo, fire weaver. So more than half of each team is ussualy very tanky. This causes team fights to take a very long time. The amount of rez power each team has is honestlu exhausting. I'm not asking for nerfs, I'm not saying it's op, I'm saying it's not fun to play that way. Bunker meta needs to go.
  23. That's just botting with 0 effort.
  24. It's true that we could use some more amulets. Too many amulets were removed already, some rightfuly so, some not so much.
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