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Everything posted by Dante.1508

  1. If customers lose over and over they do not continue trying to do it.. They feel defeated and either log out or move on to easier content. The percentage of people that try over and over on hours long seemingly unwinnable metas are very small. This is case on everything not just this meta.. Customers beaten down over and over are not likely to continue attempting it.
  2. More story and Focus on Asuras. Is Rata Sum the last populated Asura city left, are there more Asuras, are they more advanced or held back.. Anything on Asuras.. Less Charr Sylvari and Human lore, we've had so much, what about Asuras... Can we go underground back to where the Asuras originated from.
  3. I find 99% of the open world rewards to be really really bad and lackluster. Most achievements aren't worth the time and effort.. for their rewards. I'm not sure what keeps people chasing these things because for me most aren't worth getting out of bed for these days.
  4. I hate those gated maps that cannot be completed because the areas are behind meta areas on maps that are dead.. or behind masteries i'll never get.. Which probably also have Achievements i'll never see thinking about it..
  5. Luckily you aren't the entire player base.. And you should remove your Signature if you don't like player housing, that is a serious casual player pass time. +1 to Race changing, i've so many humans and norns i never play but would if they could become Asuras.
  6. I just cannot make this class work in anyway.. I've tried so many builds and they are all downstate, Its just trash but i'm sad about that.
  7. I am glad you moved on but i really don't understand why women deal with nut jobs like that..
  8. Is it even possible? can it be viable in open world pve. I'd love to make one but i have no idea where to start? Sword / pistol?
  9. I don't own one and if i ever got one i cannot ever see a reason to use it in open world pve.
  10. Well then over time the maps will get deader and deader, populations will dwindle.. But hey if thats what Anet wants more power to them.. I'm mostly avoiding EoD anyway i have no interest in fishing or raid content, if i never get a useless turtle more power to me..
  11. Yes. If they really want everybody to do it. Aim at the lowest not the highest.
  12. I have no interest in following a dude with power issues.. or chasing bars that give crap rewards.. No i want to play the story but more and more the story is being enforced into hardcore raid content. Or thirdly have no interest in it..
  13. That would be awesome, but gold farmers would lose so much Anet would never do it..
  14. Or Players don't want to do all that in open world.. Keep your hardcore content with skill rotations, cc and healing stuff out of open world and there wont be any issues.. Its not fun.
  15. I see the expense now the watchwork stuff, thanks either way on the offer.. out of my league.
  16. Adding raid content to the open world is a mistake anet will feel in the future if they continue down this path.. Their populations will die again like southsun and living story 1..
  17. So 60 days before you can make a character work.. are you insane. 10g at best.
  18. Early days i had a d/d bleed heal build that used wells to survive, that was amazing fun until anet nerfed the healing aspect.. No fun allowed "Anet" Celestial.
  19. Good luck with that, you are the problem not the solution.
  20. Do people not realize that 60% win is also a 40% fail, that is a huge percentage for a failure rate in an online game thats suppose to be fun and requires others to actually make it work.. No wonder people are mad and not interested..
  21. Recipe completely impossible to get and is a super rare rng drop...
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