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Everything posted by Dante.1508

  1. I don't mind Taimi shes evolved well imo, Zojja was my first fav though.
  2. Interesting thanks. I spend about $300 AU on GW2 a month but it fluctuates up and down.
  3. I agree something like the Warclaw thats basic with no skills that can be rented. that would work imo.
  4. Is that even in game legit legal? or is it more akin to botting and hacking.
  5. I really loved Zojja it sucks what the writers of HoT did to her... Maybe the Voice actress is the one Awol..
  6. It gets way more painful as it progresses. This was just released after Southsun i believe, so its just a step up after Tyria content.
  7. http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?POwAUd%2FlFUwUzbf9tu62ZoWaPlxtUK4c7hE-zxQY1wzj6JM6qqwU1%2FAEu%2FK+G-e I use that in open world.
  8. Uh DPS isn't too high its just slightly better than all the other useless Mesmer classes.
  9. No... i give up its such a mess. I'm so sick of getting the same fish over and over.. Also what the point in making it so hardcore? So nothing useful then, thanks for the heads up, i'll avoid the mess. Trying to get the little yellow thing to keep up the little blue randomly moving thing is inane and its got to be exact.. even if its off by a hair its a loss, the devs that created this mess need to be fired, or the people who instructed the devs to make it like this need to go. Horrible mess. Another useless waste of code to avoid. You'd be wrong.. Its designed to feed yourself and others, relaxing - check, hanging out with friends - check, pondering life the universe and why guildwars 2 got it all wrong.. - check.
  10. I used to like jumping puzzles but then Southsun and after Anet went full kitten.. I gave up doing them.
  11. LOL anything that does well in this game gets destroyed....
  12. No one knows, i'm sure the classes that are performing well will get destroyed and the ones that aren't wont change...
  13. Do people actually waste their lives doing dailies daily? I think you are over estimating what other players have.. Like i've never pvp'd and i'm level 11 in wvw.. also i have like 8 nodes in my home instance and most are useless.. I have only 1 account with 28 characters..
  14. To this day i still haven't maxed out two of my tyria masteries because they are so hard to get.
  15. I don't think in 9 years i've ever seen a 20% off Gem card thing in Australia..
  16. No company in their right mind would want to work under Games Workshop.
  17. Pois, Hero points, Masteries the 4 set of Amber in the Kurzick forest and the mini dungeon after.
  18. Great yes i know but it doesn't tell you how to get to them or where they are exactly.. Also some are so convoluted its pointless using the Masteries tab.
  19. What the heck do people do to make 150g an hour.. And it must be hugely tedious.
  20. I agree having to go to youtube and wiki just to find them is really bad design..
  21. Same i'm like .... wat! 9 years and i still don't get these people.
  22. I agree i'd never get it myself far too much grind but i feel its a good idea.
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