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Everything posted by Custodio.6134

  1. you didn´t choose a team after the start of the beta, didn´t you? Because, the locks are only shown, if you try to enter WvW without being assigned to a team. This only happens in these scenarios: didn´t choose a guild before the deadline you didn´t choose a team after the beta started (assuming you were eligible to do so) And if you´re only here to complain about the queues: What did you expect? This has been a thing since the very first beta. The WR-beta attracts a ton of players of ALL "types", the currently frequently active players + all the players that occasionally got into WvW, but didn't play on a regular basis + all those that never joined WvW before + all of those that only want to get the new infusion and/or grab the Call of War bonus (e.g. for gifts of battle).
  2. yes, happened to me too, but just as Ruby already confirmede here: this is just a visual bug. I had this issue too, but still got assigned correctly based on my Guild-choice
  3. Well, i´d actually appreciate if they introduced the remaining missing items of legendary quality (Weapons, Accessories, Amulet). I´m honestly not sure if i would go for the accessories/amulet tho, since i already did those in PvE (and i´m not really tempted to build a legendary for the same slot twice just for the skin). If it were WvW-specific legendary weapons tho: count me in. I probably wouldn´t even care too much about the skins of those (since you can always transmute them), but some legendary weapons with appealing skins would be the best thing they could do. And in the best case, they handle those just like the Gen.1 and Gen.3 legendaries (meaning, they were tradeable)
  4. this would only be valuable to newer players that still need tickets tho. But for long-time players, Skirmish-Tickets are basically worthless. Look at what you can (currently) get for Skirmish-Tickets: items for the warclaw-collection (one-time purchase, unobtainable and useless afterwards) Backpacks (worthless purchase after finishing Warbringer) Legendary War Insight and similar materials (worthless after finishing the WvW legendary armor) Ascended Salvage Kits (WAY too expensive due to the value of Memories of Battle) canned food (waste of tickets since those are also obtainable from skirmish-chests) WvW-infusions (that are not required anywhere, but nice to have for minmaxing. also basically worthless as you can max out on infusions pretty quickly) Mist Pendant/Mist Talisman (way too expensive, considering the price of MoB compared to other, way easier and cheaper PvE-options) Mist Band (only useful if you craft conflux, way too expensive just to use as an ascended ring. all PvE-options are easier and cheaper) exotic/ascended Weapons (WAY too expensive due to the value of Memories of Battle) Exotic/Ascended Armor (WAY too expensive if only used in their base form. under the precursor-standpoint, they´re useless once you crafted the legendary armor) So, any player that has legendary armor (from any source) and doesn´t care about the skins, is running out of viable options to even spend them. And even IF you consider going for the armor-sets, once you get them your Skirmish-Tickets basically lose all of its value. Sure, you can buy weapons and stuff, but if you do that you´re basically flushing tons of gold down the toilet for basically no reason. (reminder, that a stack of Memories of Battle is currently worth ~50 gold)
  5. ArenaNet has NEVER, not even ONCE called the whole process of World Restructuring "alliances". The concept of the "alliance-system" is a concept, that was entirely player-made, in an attempt from the PLAYERS to solve population imbalance. This name basically established itself within the community, even before ANet even STARTED to even begin planning for a world restructuring. If you check the old forums ( https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum ) you will find posts dating back to early 2016 and earlier, discussing potential solutions for population-imbalance, including alliances. The first time ArenaNet actually used the term "alliances" is in the February 1st 2018-post, announcing that they actually work on World restructuring: If you read carefully, you will notice that they don´t call it "the alliance system". The official name of the whole process (replacing servers, building new matchups, seasons and the transition to the new system) is ALWAYS called "World Restructuring". the only context ANet uses the word "alliance" is always in explanation of a PART of the system. The "alliance"-part is exclusively the option for players to band together to get placed into the same team, and potentially multiple alliances banding together. This does NOT include anything else (like matchmaking, seasons, or any other rework that may come with WR) And it´s fascinating, that even to this day, people are confusing "World Restructuring" with "alliances", not realizing that alliances are only one PART of world restructuring.
  6. That is a different story, and usually also handled different. The important part is: do those that genuinely are not ABLE to follow the requirements also communicating that they aren't able to? I personally know a deaf player. He is member of our WvW guild, that has voice requirement when raiding. Of course we allow them to raid with us, because we know that it literally makes no sense for them to join our voice chat they cannot even hear. The difference here is (again): it gets communicated, and is a valid reason (a physical disability). Most will make an exception if you are physically unable to. But we're talking about players that ARE able to follow the requirements, but REFUSE TO DO SO. And THAT is a VALID reason to exclude them. Also: you will always meet people that have expectations. That can be anything, fulfilling a certain role, being on voice, having a certain amount of experience. People (especially commanders) have expectations, for various reasons. And this is fine, and they clearly communicate what they expect from you. If YOU however try to join these groups, while knowingly not meeting their expectations, YOU are the problem. Because YOU did not respect their requirements, but knowingly joined anyway.
  7. changing stealth into a boon wil absolutely achieve nothing against perma-stealth. the result will only be, that instead of an effect, you now have to strip/corrupt an additional boon from an invisible target. while as result, any non-AoE (aka, any targeted) boonstrip/corrupt being unusable anyway. you want EVEN MORE stat-combos, out of which only a handful is already used anyway? WE ALREADY HAVE 48 DIFFERENT COMBOS!!!! and out of those 48, there´s basically only 8 that actually see common play (Berserker, Viper, Harrier, Minstrel, Trailblazer, Celestial, Marauder, Diviner), while the other 40 are either barely used, or literally never used at all. also, you already noticed, that you can always mix-and-match stats to achieve the same. love it or hate it, but you already have the option to build basically anything you want (note: even with different stat-combos, this doesn´t even guarantee that with for example a build using "Condition Diviner" in all slots, a boon-condition build will even work due to skills balancing)
  8. this is not entirely true. As you then own a level 80 character, the daylies will be set to level 80 and no longer be scaled down to your level. this means, that they will send you to areas you haven´t been yet, or you cannot even access easily yet, making it way harder to complete them (which is a big deal, 3 gold a day really adds up). and then there´s the other issues that more or less also have been mentioned already. you unlock everything at once, which overwhelms most people because they didn´t have, or don´t take time to read through: 75 traits that instantly got unlocked, 26 abilities you unlocked at once, and to be honest: the majority of players will NOT take the time to read through all of this, and probably won´t even understand the interactions. you are going into basically expansion-content, without having even learned fundamental gameplay-stuff. However: expansions expect you to have practise on at least your core-class. have fun getting your underpants get eaten by pocket-raptors, and getting oneshot by snipers you haven´t even remotely learned what your class is capable of, and you cannot even be sure yet that the profession you picked is one you wanna stick with. if you now boost, and then realize this profession is not what you imagined it to be, you basically wasted your boost, that you could have used to make an alt-character in the subreddit's Discord, there are people coming in basically every day, regretting their boost and still ending up making a new character they level normally. While that´s an option, you´re basically wasting the free boost you could just use for a second/third/whatever new character, to skip all the learning-process you already know. Also: leveling nowadays is extremely fast, you can rush to 80 within just a few hours, especially when you properly utilize the character-adventure-gude.
  9. Okay, so you basically want to remove skill-splits. which would mean, using PvE-balance in WvW. which doesn´t work. You have to split the balance between PvE and PvP/WvW in order to be able to even remotely achieve something like "balance". Without splitting, it is literally impossible to balance anything in PvP/WvW. PvP/WvW-balance works entirely different compared to PvE-balance, one thing that is weak in PvE can become overpowered in WvW extremely quickly. This goes the other direction as well. you need to tune something down in WvW? congratulations, you just destroyed a build in PvE that didn´t need a nerf. In my opinion, it should be even more extreme. WvW-balance should be completely seperated from any PvE-changes. like... at all. This includes functionality of skills, if necessary. Idk, after every balance-patch, give everyone a popup that reminds them that skills have been changed and may work differently. Or especially a message that reminds you of the balance-split when you first enter PvP/WvW after a patch (or for the first time). EDIT: Example: imagine having no skill-splits between PvE and WvW. Now, take Quickness-scrapper for example. Which version of "Gyroscopic Acceleration" will you pick now? The Quickness-version? congratz, you completely reverted the needed change and just pumped up the healing from heal-scrapper, as well as the dps of every DPS-profession through the roof. (this was the initial reason why this trait was split, and changed in WvW in the first place) The Might+Fury-version? congratulations, you just obliterated quickness-scrapper in PvE.
  10. Well, it hasn't been updated since... Basically release. You don't get pips (which slows down reward-track progress), no access to mounts (which makes traversing the map way slower), no access to gliding (debatable, but sometimes annoying too), and it doesn't have much influence to the actual matchup (winning in EotM only gives your color some supplies. That's it). There's basically no reason to play there, unless you're waiting for a queue, or you are using the arena for scrims.
  11. that´s (in most cases) the "established guilds" (guilds that have been on the server for a very long time), combined with admins of their server-platforms (e.g. discord), the creators and/or leaders of the community-guilds or similar people. it´s nothing official, but the communities (if they exist) are usually organized around them.
  12. exactly. Also, guilds are mostly already the backbone of a server anyway, and alliances basically will result in the existing servers (more or less) be recreated in an alliance. Nothing is stopping the guilds from their server to make an alliance, and then fill the rest up with the people from the server. We don´t even know how exactly alliances will be handled for individual players, so there's a possibility to have the current servers just be packed into an alliance. So, in the end, in terms of how communities stay together, there probably won´t be that much change at all. No competetive guild can be that big to never serve public players, and neither will an alliance be. You know, guilds also play outside of their raiding times, excluding community-guilds ofc, but community-guilds are rarely on the higher competetive end. And a lot (not all ofc, but a large chunk) of public tags are already provided by the "leading guilds" of the respective server. doesn´t make much difference if its a server or an alliance (or a cluster of alliances) Will there be guilds/alliances trying to "stack all the good guilds without randoms"? sure Will these "mass-alliances" persist? probably not. Not only are there guilds rivaling each other, that will under no circumstances volunteerly join the same alliance as another, but any guild knows, that stacking all the "big" (in terms of strength or popularity) will just give them less enemies to actually fight. guilds will naturally try to avoid that as much as possible (for example: i know for a fact, that my guild has a "list" of at least 5 guilds they will never join into an alliance, probably more. at all cost) tbh: there´s like... 15 names that i recognize from my server in addition to the guilds we frequently interact with, however: even for the guilds, it´s mostly the commanders, and the rest are people you know because you have been on the server for a long time.
  13. this would still not be enough for a considerable amount of players. Especially players that already played a lot of WvW, and/or already have completed the full legendary WvW-armor, rings and back are basically drowning in tickets. Especially since the introduction of the legendary armory, tickets lost a lot of value (in terms of usefulness) for long-time players. Another thing to consider: the only "useful" thing you could spend tickets on, would be ascended weapons (since those are basically the only thing, that is not legendary, that you can spend tickets on while still being useful), however: Memories of Battle hold WAY too much value. You´re better off selling those, and crafting an ascended weapon. Yes, it would be nice for newer players that didn't reach that state yet, but long-time WvW-players gain basically nothing from it. It would be a different story if they introduced legendary WvW-weapons, where you can use up all the stacks of Emblems. However: even this "solution" comes to its limit once you have acquired all of them, basically bringing us all the way around to where we started. No use for excess emblems (or tickets)
  14. As the others said, there is no official source for how exactly outnumbered works. However: players assume, based on observation, that is should be somewhere around being outnumbered 3:1. The issue with this statement is, that it is usually nowhere communicated which this "3:1" relates to, but it is to be assumed, that it refers to the total count of enemies, in relation to your own numbers. again, this is just an assumption!
  15. Just as the others said, Guesting was a system intended exclusively for PvE-purposes. It is a leftover from the time, where we didn´t have megaservers, and every world was a seperate Server in PvE as well. It was a tool meant to allow players (e.g. friends) from different servers to play PvE together by temporarily playing in the PvE-world of a different server. Even back then, you were NOT able to temporarily join their WvW-team. Of course, with the introduction of megaservers, this system became obsolete and does nothing anymore. But for some reason (or proably, no reason at all) ANet never removed it from the game.
  16. Yep. It´s a completely normal mechanic, that not only applies to Ranger, but also to arrow-carts. Both of these skills don´t require full line of sight, you just have to be able to place the ground-target. And that is done by snapping ground-targets to your target (which is a keybind in your settings). And at least for arrowcarts (maybe works for ranger too, idk), by activating "Lock Ground Target at Maximum Skill Range" you don´t even require a target, you can just aim at the ground (even if it´s obstructed by a wall) and you´re good
  17. sorry, but this is plain wrong. PPT is generally used as a term to describe "doing anything to keep your tick above the enemy's tick". This can go both ways, flipping objectives (especially upgraded objectives in order to reset their tick down to paper), as well as defending objectives (especially upgrades to keep the points per tick up). Karma-training is used as a term to describe "flipping as much objectives as quickly as possible". So while PPT-ing in most cases targets upgraded structures (for both, offense and defense), Karma-trains usually aim for non-upgraded structures and no defending.
  18. correct, this is exactly what i meant. I may have been wrong on the aftercast-part tho, since i didn´t check in full detail.
  19. And this is totally fine. You are fulfilling a position, that doesn't rely on the tag. You're basically something in between of a roamer and a havoc group (at least I think that description would fit the best). If your intention is always wandering off, disrupting, responding, then being off-squad is totally legitimate.
  20. have you ever even tried to type something in the middle of a fight? of course not. you gotta press your buttons. And if you were to do it anyway, you will be standing still. which is a death-sentence.
  21. Yeah, i see that too. It´s slowly but steady progressing towards "unorganized" or "barely organized" squads, and (what i think is REALLY scary): Experienced players teaching "not-so-expierienced" players is slow but steady dying out. The biggest issue here is (at least on my server), that not only are there people rarely willing to teach others intensively (e.g. with a specific training-event that requires a bit more preparation and time). Even IF such an event gets organized, you find one to teach a specific class/build, you often rarely see players accepting the offer. Usually, the majority of people that actually show up, are also veterans that may not play said class too frequently and who want to know what´s new, checking professions out they may pick as alternative to their main etc. But those are not the people that the event is targeted at. Those that WOULD benefit from them just.... don´t seem to care at all. And THAT's an issue. Nobody is mad at a player that isn´t as good or expierienced, because that is literally a skill you need to acquire over time. HOWEVER: they are rightfully mad at them if they are not WILLING to improve at all. This comes all the way back around to the original topic: players not willing to basically "do stuff that benefits everyone". And that´s a variety of things, like joining squads, joining voice if the commander makes it a requirement, playing a suitable build (and just reminder, although i said that before: it doesn´t have to be a perfect meta-build, but it must be a VIABLE build), asking for clarification if one doesn´t understand something, appreciating commanders tagging up, making useful calls in chat, staying on tag and players teaching other players (or accepting the offer to learn from the experienced players).
  22. Absolutely. For a "good" commander it doesn´t matter which specc they are on. I´ve seen a lot of different speccs used on commanders (with the most popular ones being Firebrands, Scourges, with the occasional Chrono or Tempest here and there). And even if they´re unexpierienced: if they are actively leading (no matter how good that may be or not), they are most likely willing to learn, which not only takes time, but also great courage to even tag up. That MUST be honored. Most commanders choose Firebrand because 1: Firebrand has some of the most important cooldowns you need to keep track of, and 2: some cooldowns (especially on staff) not only have a 1200 range (which makes it easier to judge distances for ranged spikes etc), but also align (almost) perfectly with other important cooldowns for other classes. for example: Line of Warding has a 30 seconds CD, that almost aligns with Necro-Wells (25/32s), Mesmer-Pull (25s), Shield of Judgement has 20s CD (which aligns perfectly with the Shade-Spike) etc. But basically any other Zerg-Specc just works fine, as long as the commander has the game-knowledge needed to lead (for example, but not exclusively: good estimate of cooldowns, strategic knowledge, good judgement of the capabilities of their squad/squad-composition, ability to adapt to all kind of factors etc. etc.) Of course, a Specc that has high survivability (for example warrior or guardian) is preferred, because it really hurts if the commander gets downed. But expierienced commanders even often run slightly adapted builds just for leading in order to increase their own survivability, without giving up what their specc should do.
  23. While this is absolutely true, there is some limitation on that. If it is an open squad, that´s entirely on the players. Nobody is preventing you from joining an open squad, and in this case, i 100% aggree with you. If it is a closed squad, that´s also entirely on the players. If the "randoms" don´t manage to get in the squad (aka, being invited), there is a distinct reason for it: --> they don´t match the commander's expectations. And this is also not the commander's fault, the commander has to work with the people, classes, and potentially voice-chat he/she has available. The commander is completely free to set the rules (usually based on the competetiveness and expierience of the commander). So, if the player doesn´t get invited, or gets kicked out of the squad, there´s usually a distinct reason for that. That may be: not playing a viable class (Note: i´m explicitly mention "viable", NOT "meta". that´s a difference, since well-played viable classes can still be useful enough to play), not joining voice (if the commander specifies this as requirement), sometimes more competetive commanders also kick certain players IF they stand out extremely negatively (running completely off-tag, frequently and instantly dying in first-push, not playing the build they claim to play etc.). That´s especially the case when the squad is full/near-full, in order to make room for players that actively want to contribute.
  24. Gathering speed is already the same for every Tool, with the exception being those with glyph of industry (50% faster) or glyph of timekeeper (chance to instantly gather). The difference is the aftercast of the animation https://fast.farming-community.eu/gathering/unlimited-gathering-Tools Has an extensive list about that. Also: gathering is affected by quickness
  25. That's exactly what you do. Consuming Writs gives you IF
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