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Everything posted by Danikat.8537

  1. I think that's what they're saying too. But that's why I don't understand it. The only difference between a wolf and a drakehound is that the wolf's howl (F2 ability) causes fear and the drakehound's causes immobilize. All their other skills are identical and all their stats are identical. And it's the same for all the other pets - the family determines the stats and 3/4 skills and then the last skill is a variation on a theme. I could understand it more if they were asking for new, unique pet skins - which is why I think other people interpreted it that way. If you could reskin your pet - give your drakehound a hat or get a white tiger or a glowing golden pig or whatever - then I could understand the appeal. But swapping one pet's appearance for another in the same family achieves almost nothing we can't already do by just swapping to that pet.
  2. I don't understand this suggestion either. If you want your pet to look like another one in the same family you can just swap to the one you want. The only difference between pets in the same family is their F2 ability, and unless you're a really hardcore min-maxer that's not going to impact your build so there's no need to feel restricted to a specific one.
  3. They gave us harder open-world content in HoT and people complained until it was made easier, then continued to complain about the things that couldn't be changed (like the map design) whilst focusing almost entirely on farming the most rewarding things. What makes you think a 2nd attempt at adding harder open-world content would go any differently?
  4. Edit: So apparently 2 topics have been merged, making this post a duplicate. I've deleted everything except the updated screenshot for my main character. This is my main (ranger). Her 'theme' is 'skins & colours I like'. I try to make them look good together but literally the only criteria is that I like it.
  5. Edit: This request has been fulfilled! I feel kind of guilty asking this, but here goes: Would anyone be willing to send me some candy corn? I really want to get both the mini Lord Humphrey Faren and the mini Halloween Gourdon, but both together cost 120 candy corn cobs (120,000 candy corn). I managed to get 110 last year for Oxidecimus, but that took everything I had. Literally - I stripped my account of everything I could sell and farmed the Labyrinth until I was dreaming about it. The idea of trying to get even more this year is...overwhelming. If anyone is willing to send me some candy corn then any amount would be greatly appreciated. Edit: So far I'm up to 58/120 candy corn cobs, so just under 1/2 way. :) In more practical terms the help of some extremely generous individuals got me a relaxed Saturday completing the Mad Memories scavenger hunt without looking up the locations. As opposed to rushing through it ASAP so I could get back to farming, which is what I would have had to do without their help. So, thank you kind people! Edit 2: Thank you so much to all the generous people who have sent me candy corn! Between your amazing donations, farming and gold/mats I had saved up I should be able to get enough candy corn by the time I go away (which is annoyingly before Halloween ends). :D
  6. I don't understand what you're actually asking for here. How would a remastered version of GW1 work? Would it be a separate game, or use the same servers as the existing game? What would be the same and what would be different? Are you just asking for updated graphics, or more changes?
  7. Imgur isn't a bad site. I only recently signed up after Photobucket (which I'd been using for over 10 years) finally got so utterly useless even I gave up on it. It actually took me less time to create an account on Imgur, set it up so my pictures aren't public and no one can see them unless I provide a link and upload my first image than it took to upload the same image to my existing Photobucket account. You can also drag and drop to upload multiple images, so you could possibly copy them over in batches. Although I opted for a fresh start - 10 years of every random thing I wanted online was kind of cool for nostalgia but not really useful.
  8. Imgur has a way of posting an image with a small thumbnail.Example:This is a medium thumbnail of a 1366x768 pic. The difference is an "m" was added at the end of "Py" in the url link.When you open your image from your "images" section (you click on the image), there should be a "sizes" option near the bottom of the window. There you select different sizes, and imgur gives you the link for the "re-sized" image. Edit: OH. I see what you're referring to. Yup, those are big thumbnails the forums are using. :p Thanks for that. :) It appears to be posting pictures at full size by default, so it's good to know there are options to re-size them, at least with 1 site.
  9. Mounts definitely provide some advantages in the base game, in certain situations. For example the other day I was in Beetletun on a low level character who hadn't explored much of Queensdale. I saw in map chat that the Shadow Behemoth was starting and I was able to jump on my raptor and run all the way down there in time for the first round of portals. Without the raptor I would have gotten there about 1/2 way through, or more likely decided it's not worth it. Likewise gliders make some things much easier. I can think of at least 1 vista where you can skip the entire intended path (which is somewhat hidden) by gliding, But there is absolutely nothing in the base game that requires gliders or mounts, and in some cases I think you get a better experience not using them. That vista for example - you can get there faster by gliding but then you'll never discover the little hidden cave which leads to it, or figure out a way through it (aka you skip some of the content) and if it's your first time playing the game skipping things like that can be a serious detriment because then you're not learning how Anet intended the game to be navigated and how to find your way around when shortcuts aren't available.
  10. Could we have a mini Mistfire Wolf? I seem to have some kind of mind blank where every few months I think it exists and go to equip it, then when I can't find it I go to the Wiki to check why I haven't unlocked it, then I get disappointed that it doesn't exist.
  11. I'm hoping at some point they bring out an expansion focused on underwater content. At the moment they're in a bit of a catch-22 situation - it's hard to justify putting in the work to improve underwater combat when there's so little content for it, but it's hard to make more underwater content when people don't enjoy playing it because of the combat. An expansion would allow them to work on both together. Now they've got the mount system in place they could add an underwater mount as part of that.
  12. I've been playing in Cursed Shore this evening and watching several people riding around on their griffons. Sometimes they're able to start from a height and with a careful mix of flapping up and diving to increase speed they can get further than you could simply by gliding, but in most cases it's more like jump, flap, glide, drop, run forward, jump, flap, glide, drop, run forward...And of course any time you're on or near the ground the risen can hit you. Overall I honestly think the people running around on raptors have an easier time. Of course this is a relatively flat map, so it's probably one of the ones least suited to the griffon, but it's also not that unusual among core maps.
  13. A plain brown horse skin for the raptor mount. It'd be really funny. In most games the default mount you get in the story/buy first and cheaply is a plain brown horse. Then you have to spend a lot of time/gold/real money to get cool exotic animals like raptors. GW2 is halfway to flipping that on it's head by making the first mount a freaking raptor (and giving us other unusual animals for the other mounts), but I'd love to see the other side of that as well - the horse as a special gem store skin. It'd also be appropriate since horses in GW lore seem to be some kind of mythological beast. People know what they are but we never see them in-game. They are rumoured to exist, or to have existed, in distant lands (in one of the books, Edge of Destiny I think, the character seeing horses in the distance was used to illustrate that an asura gate had taken them way, way off course) but no one seems to know any definite information about them. I heard one fan theory that humans brought horses with them when the gods brought them to Tyria, but they only ever lived in Orr and were wiped out in the Cataclysm (which does go a long way towards explaining the necrid horsemen). So from a lore perspective it'd actually be appropriate. Plus I like horses and I'd like to have one.
  14. Complete the chapter Prologue: Rally to Maguuma and you'll unlock the mastery track. Then you need to get enough XP to train up the first tier and 1 mastery point to spend on it. Importantly you can only earn XP towards HoT mastery tracks in HoT maps (same for the other mastery tracks) so you'll need to stay in Verdant Brink doing events and things until you unlock it. Longer term I strongly recommend unlocking Advanced Gliding when you can. It means you can glide indefinitely, instead of losing endurance and dropping after a while. It makes gliding a lot more useful, especially when combined with the earlier abilities like updrafts and lean techniques.
  15. I like jumping puzzles and ones like Sharkmaw Cavern especially, because it's more of an actual puzzle - there's relatively few tricky jumping sections, most of the challenge comes from figuring out where to go. Yes that does often involve trial and error, but that's fun to me. But as other people said what it comes down to is different people like different things. You can't make a game with this much stuff to do where absolutely everyone will enjoy everything in it. But to me that just means it needs to be balanced so you don't have too much of one thing, not that some of the content should be removed or dumbed down to the point where it's no longer a challenge for anyone, because it's not a game mode some people enjoy. That's interesting, I've often heard that puzzle praised for being one that doesn't have any really challenging jumps and where most of the difficulty comes from finding your way rather than having the reflexes to pull off perfectly timed jumps. Can you give some examples of the bits that required pixel accuracy to do, I think I know it fairly well but I can't think of any. There's 1 jump during the section with all the skritt tunnels and planks where I do find it easier with a speed boost (I normally don't use them at all in puzzles) but even then it's not a tricky jump, it's just I find I tend to miss it without the boost and it's safer to overshoot than under. (Also if you weren't already aware the skritt kitts on the floor of the cavern will teleport you back to the last continue point you used. It's not quite the same as a saved game but it does mean you don't have to repeat the whole puzzle.)
  16. I would rather see raids removed. The combat in this game is different to other MMOs with no trinity system or specific group formats. Without that raids aren't fun. If they would implement the same combat system other games like WoW have then it would be ok. I play GW2 for exploration, story and jumping puzzles, not for hours trying to beat an arbitrary DPS check on a boss. Does that still seem so reasonable? Or are you really asking for an aspect of the game you don't personally enjoy to be removed just because you don't enjoy it?
  17. What Greener said. The important thing is to keep moving. The only time you should be standing still during this fight is when you're throwing the rock in his mouth and possibly when he's stunned by that and you're attacking. It's definitely easier with more people - that way even if one of you loses the rock or misses a throw chances are someone else will succeed and you'll all still get a chance to attack.
  18. I've always had good experiences with the durability of Logitech products, and my current mouse (G400) is no exception. It's about 5 or 6 years old now and the only problem I've had is the logo at the back is starting to wear away. Before this I had a Razer Diamondback which came with my PC and developed problems after a year or two. Most importantly the scroll wheel stopped working completely and the right-click was unreliable. Sometimes it wouldn't detect it at all, sometimes it would read click and hold as several repeated clicks - which caused all kinds of problems like accidentally using an item when I was trying to click and drag it into the bank. On top of that I could never get the software working correctly so I wasn't able to use it as anything more than a basic mouse. But then I know other people who have had a great experience with Razer products.
  19. Wow, I completely forgot that this game had a manual! I knew GW1 did because I remember reading it while downloading the game over my agonisingly slow internet connection. I think I'd read the whole thing through and gone back to re-read some sections, and decided my first character would be a ranger/ele before the game downloaded.
  20. I wish there was a way to find out why someone gave my post a thumbs down. Otherwise I'm just going to assume it's because of The Dreamer.
  21. Am I the only one who loves all those scrolls? I use them to level my other classes that I don't play that much. I like them too. I don't use them on my permanent characters because I want to actually play those fully, but I make a lot of temporary alts for different reasons and being able to skip ahead to a certain level is useful. If nothing else you can use them for key runners (you can even get a 2nd key from the 1st level 40 storyline, it doesn't take that long to get through level 20 and 30 and you get some other useful stuff along the way - e.g. level up rewards are now one of the only places to get karma boosters).
  22. How would it make stalking easier? Especially since, as many people have shown, there are already several ways to see which names are taken, including adding it to your friends list. How is it easier to stalk someone via a searchable list of names than by adding them as a friend in-game?
  23. I think you're right. For one crazy example when I first started GW2 I didn't know how to move my character. Even though W,A,S,D is fairly universal, by some weird fluke it had been years since I'd played a PC game that didn't allow some form of click-to-move and I always used that, so at first I was totally thrown by not having that option. It didn't help that for months I'd been reading about how 'quests' in GW2 were different and if an NPC says centaurs are attacking the town that means they're attacking right now and will not wait for you to be ready to stop them...then I get into the game and I'm told centaurs are attacking the town and I need to go help right now! I figured it out fairly quickly and not long after discovered/was told (I don't remember which) that you can move by holding down both mouse buttons, which is my preferred method, combined with auto-run. So it wasn't a big problem, but it does go to show how literally even the most basic things can confuse people, depending on their prior experience. (And of course now you get a pop-up telling you to use W,A,S,D to move.) (I also learned that Shaemoor and those centaurs aren't going anywhere and I've got plenty of time to collect my golem banker, use a level scroll, collect all the level up rewards, change my skins and dyes, pick a title and guild to rep and everything else before I....run right past the town to skip ahead to the end of the "tutorial".) The problem is that it's also not easy to teach everything every player may not know within the game, at least not without boring and alienating all the ones who do already know or can work things out themselves, and potentially even the ones who don't know. GW1 had pretty comprehensive tutorials but people would still end up not knowing basic things because they skipped it or didn't pay attention or forgot. I played it every time I made a new character and I made a lot of characters but even so I can't say I paid full attention every time and I'm sure I forgot some stuff. Hell, earlier today I forgot what day of the week it is, so remembering all the details of all the games I play is pretty optimistic.
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