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Everything posted by noiwk.2760

  1. i agree about core necro (condi only) and scourge . i think reaper is on a good place.. its a good class but far from being op.. or "too strong".. . but yeah definitely condi core is tanky and has good damage and lots of cc.. and scourge.. oh well.. as someone who used to be main scourge and stopped playing it becuase of how toxic it is.. i agree.. core condi necro and scourge must be nerfed. about minions.. idk... i dont think minions are op.. but i do agree that they can be very annoying especially for classes without aoe to cleave them.. and i dont really think minions should be a thing in pvp so i think they should really nerf the hell out of all summoning in PVP not because they are op but just as making it that summons has no place in pvp.
  2. by all means! i dont want thief to stealth classes to become trash.. no one need more useless warriors in game .. please give them back some of the power they lost to keep the abusive stealth.. give them sustain they can build to make up for the stealth nerf.. but gosh do something about this stealth nonesense too much stealth with 0 drawbacks
  3. then we simply dont agree because i claim that when fighting against stealth it highly depends on what class you are playing more than how you play .. sure and true enough there are high lvl thief players who dont even abuse stealth and barely use it.. whatever they outplay you or not beat you or not.. you are not even annoyed.. and there are these thieves who build around endless stealth that they are not even too strong but they constantly go into stealth change location attack stealth attack stealth and this is where its annoying and kitten you off regardless of if you ended up killing them or not.. its just .. NOT FUN! and the fact that stealth right now is all over the place is what i said.. NOT FUN.. you have rangers and DH that spam stealth with trapper rune which im not even gonna ask you to explain to me why DH or rangers need stealth .. and there is Daredevil in pvp and DeadEye in wvw roaming that are just annoying regardless if you end up wining the battle or not simply for the fact that it feels even worse than killing a half immortal with low damage side node bunker because they just use stealth whenever they figure out they cant win the fight.. is this outplaying? hell no this is not playing or outplaying fromt heir side is just saying im sooooo bad i cant fight anyone ill just kitten them off with constnatly stealthing .. and boost my own ego. fighting against stealth makes pvp less fun in the current state stealth is at ,, i dont want thief to give up any trait or any power for stealth i want thief to give up the ability to spam stealth every few seconds in return to some of the power and sustain it lost for keeping the stealth.. sure keep some stealth on thief for people who minmax and learn how to actually play thief good and learn to use stelth only when must ! rather than allowing to to be something you can spam and allow players that dont even know how to play thief run into stealth every 2 seconds and think they are pro..
  4. you honestly said that? cant something be OP and be used by a class that isnt OP (assuming ill accept thief isnt op) lets make simple example.. lets assume there is a class that all his skills does 0 damage but it has 1 skill that literally always 1 shoot with some long CD and cant be avoided .. the class most likely still be kitten but would it be healthy ? no because everyone would just be annoyed and upset for the 1 time in forever this skill 1 shooted them . thief doesnt have to be op to prove that stealth is op. and despite what you say stealth isnt really that time limited on some builds.. and its wrong that you can even use skills on stealth without reveal your self.. and breaking out of stealth
  5. stealth along with hacking was reason i quit back then when i was plat .. i dont even get the point you try to make about stealth being related to the lvl of play.. and yes you are free to disagree with me its fine.. but i dont care that stealth "can" be countered by some classes stealth is still toxic and will forever so long it exist the way it is thief hate will last. you insist on defending stealth be ready to accept the thief hate ^^
  6. 100% this post of yours literally says it all idk how anyone can think this mechanic of stealth isnt op.. its stupid stealth the way it is is kitten the reason people dont cry too much about mesmer is that mesmer stealth is short and they dont have as much stealth... but some builds of thief can literally use stealth every few seconds ... stealth really has to go.. remove trapper rune while on it..
  7. honestly not even gonna argue with you about it.. you want to defend your class and abusive stealth i understand its np. im still free to state my own opinion that stealth on thief is awfully annoying that its kitten , not for nothing this is 1 of the more common topics on forum and many players hate thief .
  8. who cares if stealth is op or not op? stealth is bad and unhealthy for the game in the state it is and thats what matter... fighting a **** thief that constnatly use stealth and come back use stealth and come back use steath and come back none stop.. is annoying yes and it is bad design what matter is if pvp fun or not fun.. we could then argue that bots are not big damage can easily beat them and then we can argue learn how to get to legendary rank and no bots.. but they are annoying so they are bad and should be banned / removed. thief stealth is the same who cares if thief is op or not.. daredevil is giving you gray hair every game if you are a class without alot of Aoe.. yes thief can be countered by DH who cares? then now im waiting for all DH and guard mains to come here lecture me how thief is free food and i just need to learn how to play against it. . truth is.. the community dont like how stealth is right now.. and i know alot of thief mains also dont like how stealth is and are ok with some builds of thief not spaming stealth.. also stumping in stealth is also stupid.... .. to sum it up.. even if we assume that thief is not op and gosh stop all selling us the bs of how thief is weak.. its meta literally anywhere. and has so many available builds .. so its definitely far far far away from weak . stealth is something the community dont like becuase how stealth is in this game is awful and some builds can literally spam stealth constantly
  9. Umm i just dont think steath in its current form is healthy or anything.. i think its poorly designed it has 0 drawback as a mechanic .. and the fact that thief has basically no cd spamable stealth is just annoying .. i feel like the stealth spam with the stupid shadow heart is a toxic mechanic that just annoy and bully newer players. no class should ahve spamable stealth that heals them and clean conditions and provide damage reduction ..
  10. can you please delete stealth along with thief from the game? daredevil is just kinda kitten and stupid.. its not even fun anymore to fight someone who use stealth every 2 seconds .. rework stealth put some real cooldown on it ! its soooooooo annoying that thieves just stealth every few seconds and jump on you agian and then stealth again and again and agian even when they dont have to they stealth because they can.. get rid of it !
  11. i mean sure theres a need for a massive balance changes in pvp and rework alot of stuff personally i think scourge should be reworked completely and so does stealth .. and probably warrior. but also.. i think bots/hacks/afk/ and match making are just as big issue of pvp
  12. hey guys i want to hear your opinions about if you think Anet will improve pvp and fix the ranked pvp issues witht he upcoming expansion ? i really hope so because unranked is fun but ranked is ****... and i think they gonna lose lots of players if they dont improve pvp.
  13. with more than 1 second cast time too.. honestly.. amazing concept but in its current state.. really trash
  14. false definitely a cry from someone who isnt even playing the class.. firstly torment doesnt do much damage in pvp now days.. power build has 30k life marauder amu second.. you speak about great mobility and hard cc that are only on shroud let me remind you some stuff.. on shroud with this class no second life bar.. or yes that basically means normal necros has like 40k life due to life force. right.. no regen during shroud .. its only when NOT in shroud.. so how can you put that "great mobility" and "1k regen" on same line? when they literally dont work together its either this or that.. ohh yes.. and if you want to use them you also get blight stacks which reduce your life for 25 seconds and they also reduce your life force which reduce your healing..
  15. honestly.. death magic isnt that great as you think.. if you are playing condi it offers 0 offensive.. pretty much.. unless you want to explode some minions.. its nice but it need work to better suit builds.. stacking 25 stacks for the protection isnt so easy on every class.. and while condi build of the new spec can stack it fairly easily with the gun.. i dont think the nerfed torment is strong enough for pvp.. as for.. power build.. reaper can somewhat make good use of it.. its easy to stack these on shroud if you take the 2 vun stacks on shroud 1 .. .. but the new class design is kinda weird? im not saying its weak its decent class but it doesnt motivate you to use your shroud at all.. especially in power version.. you kinda only enter use mobility and cc and leave shroud ideally in 1-2 seconds max. or you stack stupid blights. .. so you cant make good use of shroud 1 to stack that protection. you also cant really stay much in shroud in pvp since you lose your only sustain you cant use elite skills you dont have second life bar no healing and you lose max life per second and get 1 shoot.. the new shroud while strong and fun combined with the mechanic of the new class simply not desinged or cant be used much for combat.. on power builds.. staying out of shroud and using axe is better.. back to deth magic.. death magic should either allow more ways to stacks their mechanic to be used or reduce some of the requirements lets say from 25 to 15 because these stacks does not refresh their duration.. or should increase the duration.. while theres nice trait for power 10 power per stack barely any power builds use it.. and they all decide to go blood magic even tho being able to stack death magic would be better.
  16. i think the class is fine.. everyone seems to forget that the mobility and hard cc comes at a price.. lets be honest and say people try not to be in shroud due to losing the recovery and the blight -2% hp is harsh.. outside of shroud this class is kitten without the regen the regen is all it has.. especially if you build power... i wonder how well condi even do in pvp now since its all torment didnt try condi but power build use same old weapons axe +focus its basically a core power necro who traded his shroud for constant sustain .. if they reduce healing they better reduce the -% of blight
  17. concept is nice.. but in reality this spec is weak and kitten
  18. i only tried in pvp so im clueless outside pvp.. however i actually used marauder ammu for the virality and i used divinity rune for the all stat and +10% HP yes i know it sound weird but HP % scale so well on this elite. then for traits i chose the new elite power based so basically all the 1 1 1 choices 240 base power? why not.. not even in shroud i took soul reaping 3/2/1 meaning the clean cc when entering shroud and speed. the 180 vit and extra healing and eternal life ofc constant regen of life force and protection on shroud then blood magic 2/3/1 as in movement speed + dagger cd reduce trait to get the movement and also the dagger 33% is really nice . some spell vamp and ofc blood bank i know it souund weird but worth try. for weapon i use main damage axe + focus (with the base 240 power it hits hard) and second set i use dagger + dagger . i think dagger is underated but.. it has transfer conditions which is useful for necro .. and 3 is immubilze and improve healing from dagger 2 dagger 2 is really strong healing and good damage both are 600 range. how the build work is .. basically i try go in shroud as less as possible i mainly go into shroud for either escape or close gap or for free 15% life force + clean cc and free swiftness basically enter and leave.. also sometimes i use it for the cc or to just burst when i know im safe. so you keep getting life force and you keep converting life force into hp so your Hp almost always full so you use dagger 2 to fill barrier with blood bank it works for me overall good damage.. . for utility i use consume condition well of power spectral armor and spectral walk and lich form. you basically have 32k base life and 2400 power base. 60% crit lich form gives 1k vit taking you to 42k life and if you have life force you recover life on lich form so you can stack up blight then go ino lich form and do crazy damage .. also even with 20+ stacks of blight you have like 19-20k life and your axe/dagger hit reallllyyyy hard..
  19. i agree and disagree at same time.. i just did some games to test in pvp... power with soul reaping and blood magic is quite op
  20. ok... to be honest.. this class is kinda very strong tanky class ! its funny tho that the class is entirely different than intended ... the issues are not about this class being bad cause its not.. pwoer very is quite strong.. the issue is.. that you basically almost never want to go on shroud? basically the constant regen is better ... and also pistol? trash weapon.. lack power damage to be used.. i play it with axe + focus and dagger dagger insane healing.. the issue tho is its kinda like playing core power necro just even more boring cause no shroud and more tanky.
  21. umm .. my opinion about it in pvp and then later my suggestions 1: sorry but as cool as the concept of blight is.. i think its not balanced at all and i think the blight system is why most players even dedicated necros who loved this class wont play it! the issues with blight that i saw is.. . the 2% life reduce for 25 seconds is way too much.. . it makes it not even worth to use the shroud .. because at 25 stacks you lose 50% of life with 0 defensive on the class you just die.. blight 2: the not only the 2% is way too large should be 1% at max or atleast add reduce to trait but it also reduce your life force along side the life.. and the life force already struggling .. it means that quickly your life force is down to 9k max simply again not worth using shroud.. bligt 3 : 0 ways to remove /clear blight ? bad really bad.. and 25 sconds is way too long.. 2: gun damage as power is just .. weak? you certainly add there options and traits for power build but the weapon does basically 0 power based damage. and necro already got bad weapons. also why 1 pistol and not 2 pistols or some other 2h weapon ? 3: not sure if its just me but it doesnt interact with some life force traits? i also think that outside of shroud the pistol wepon really lack life force.. basically only 1 skill that grant life force on pistol and not too much either like barely any on 8 seconds cd .. if you build power you probably just not gonna use it and you gonna be stuck again with just axe+focus with no other weapon good for power . suggestions . 1: reduce the blight drawback of HP reduce from 2% to 1% or add that to the power version of the first blight damage 1/2% since condi is more tanky due to item choice and traits. and the condi damage per blight also get poison on shroud 2 which is quite nice.. and power version is just 1/2% per blight add there HP redue from blight is halved ! 2: greatly reduce the duration of blight from 25 seconds to 10 seconds or add option to clear blight and reset it back to 10 or make blight removed when you come out of shroud ! to make you just use wisely the shroud time but that you can come off and reset blight . 3:find a way to seperate the life force reduction from the life reduction and fix life force traits 4: increase the power damage on pistol if you want power build this pistol is 0 damage and its just bad.. low life force regen low damage its pure torment based weapon. so please improve pistol for power build. also please consider allowing off hand pistol aswell !
  22. did you check the mechanic ? alittle bit time spent in shroud and your HP and life force is cut by 50% ?
  23. dont get me wrong.. i agree that its unfair.. in my opinion stealth ruins Pvp along with bots.. and thats why im kinda on a pause from GW2 playing other games atm sometimes i come and do unranked pvp .. but only 1-2 games a day ... rune of trapper in my opinion should;ve been deleted long ago and stealth should;ve gotten a complete rework.. given a drawback to it and increase CD of stealth in all classes like 60+ seconds CD for stealth .. bots/hackers are still main issue but second main issue is definitely stealth ... i have thief D Devil .. i hate traps and stealth its not fun its annoying and yah.. i was kinda serious.. if you are like me.. who doesnt enjoy pvp anymore because its full of stealth just quit play other game and maybe they realize they gotta fix this
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