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Everything posted by Melech.4308

  1. ummm... Yea cause one outfit is representative of the whole game, sure. How many do you need? How about one more coming from the armor skins set on charr which makes you look like it lost in a game of Truth or Dare and was forced to wear this helmet that made him look like something that a chak just vomited out? Still not enough? How about the dreaded Scallywag helm on an Asura which makes it look like a bookah?
  2. Elder Aurene's legs sure grew a lot; it makes her look a little like a greyhound in the render
  3. I wouldn't go so far as to say on a whole that PvErs aren't as skilled as PvPers and just enjoy the game casually; I doubt that PvErs who raid just to get leggy armour enjoyed it every step of the way... PvP is different than PvE and PvP skills are different than PvE skills. PvP skills are: "How do I kill my foe(s) controlled by real humans with my teammates / solo?". PvE skills are: "How do I kill my AI foe(s) with my teammates / solo?". If nerfing and buffing won't work, then what is a guaranteed way to balance which will work? I'm all for the split because each game mode can now be separately balanced independent of each other without having to throw each balance patch under one umbrella and affecting all game modes
  4. I'd go one step further: Feedback while in CS -> Mimic -> Feedback -> Feedback -> Feedback from actual revive to proc it = 20 seconds to fully revive possibly an entire zerg army or two. If this is the case, then that 5% per second recharge is too OP (for me anyway); maybe an even better rate is 3% per second, or limit the number of targets to 5 or 10. Just my 2c
  5. I guess the point I was trying to make is if you have 150 ld/li, given that you have already crafted one set of legendary armour for one weight class, which would be more "bang for the buck" when spending those - do you go and create another set since you're halfway there already in terms of needed ld/li or do you spend all on just one ring? Side note: It would have been more reasonable to have a pair of legendary rings though instead of one with 150 LD, even if the mats doubled, but alas that's not the case
  6. I thought charrs filled in the roles of orcs in the game. I feel like orcs are already too prevalent as they are in fiction and MMOs, but I wouldn't mind if Anet does introduce them
  7. Question about this: Medic's Feedback: This trait no longer increases revival speed. It now causes Feedback to revive allies inside it by 5% per second. Does this mean that a mesmer can just tap F to cast the feedback then suddenly stop reviving but allies in the feedback still get revived?
  8. I imagine this is what it would look like on a female Asura: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/53/30/f4/5330f46b8e4f25c39c0d5791f3b24cb1.jpg
  9. "Super Strike Missions""Voyages""Adventures" Any of these sound better?
  10. yes, i know this, but why? i want to why specifically we cant have a toggle for shoulders. simply because they dont want us to be able to toggle shoulders and gloves? it simply doesnt make sense. if they can give us a headpiece toggle, they can give us a shoulder/glove toggle. nobody is asking to have the ability to use armor in its place, simply toggle them off. like we can headpieces Because it is more expensive and time consuming for them to create armor skins rather than outfits, and what you're asking for is almost halfway of turning outfits into armor skins: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/969914/#Comment_969914 "Armor sets are by far the most expensive reward we can make. A full set includes heavy, medium, light, times five races, times two sexes, so it's like developing 30 sets. It takes nine months to develop. (That's for a normal armor set -- legendary is much longer.) It's not something we can do for Living World episodes. Individual pieces are good rewards for Living World episodes; full sets are more something for expansion packs." - Mike O'Brien
  11. EDIT: I knew that I had seen this somewhere in the forums: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/969914/#Comment_969914 Mike-OBrien-ArenaNetArmor sets are by far the most expensive reward we can make. A full set includes heavy, medium, light, times five races, times two sexes, so it's like developing 30 sets. It takes nine months to develop. (That's for a normal armor set -- legendary is much longer.) It's not something we can do for Living World episodes. Individual pieces are good rewards for Living World episodes; full sets are more something for expansion packs. If that's the case, how I wish Anet would start releasing expansion packs more frequently with armor skins and charge us money rather than developing Living World episodes with little to no armor skins, among other things.
  12. This is also a bit of a running issue in the game industry, which makes me doubt we'll have real Lovecraftian inspiration. Especially since the Elder Dragons themselves, since day 1, were said to be Lovecraftian eldritch horrors and, if you ask me, they fall short. Visually, Zhaitan hit the bar but the encounter was so lackluster you just couldn't really care after the five second intro of his model, and conceptually and impactfully the whole group have all fallen short so far - and worse, the closest cases to actually feeling like a cosmic untouchable horror (which is more Lovecraftian than just "horror") ends up being undermined by some development, or is simply overused (or underused in the plot). For example of an underused development, the sylvari turning could have been a grand plot to focus on, but it got ignored in large outside of one meta that did a bit to circumvent the horror of not knowing who among your allies is trustworthy. While an overused development is "the enemies' forces are enslaved to the will of their master" which gets used not just by Zhaitan and Kralkatorrik who introduced it (depending on whether you read EoD before playing the PS), but then gets used by every other Elder Dragon rather than having their own unique thing, and then gets ALSO used by Scarlet, then Balthazar, then Dhuum, and then Joko. And I bet it will come up again, too.Zhaitan set the bar for me for creative visual display of an Elder Dragon which could have had so much potential. Maybe, just maybe, if lorewise Zhaitan would be revived and we get a very dark turn of events, it would be a win...but hears hoping to that, I'm not holding my breath.
  13. To each his/her own; in this case, for those who want to look like a sasquatch
  14. For me, what worked was connecting via VPN. Which servers are you playing on? NA or EU? If NA, I found it best to connect directly to a US based VPN. If EU, what worked for me was connecting to Singapore instead of connecting to a European country. I’m not 100% sure why that is the case, but I believe Anet’s EU servers are hosted by Hetzner, if that information helps.
  15. This is coming from a non-altoholic and who always plays PvE, only plays WvW when I need a gift of battle, never PvP, and who never used ArcDps I actually like it, it’s a welcome addition since I can swap builds in one second. I struggled at first with why there was no way of changing both build and equipment templates in one key binding, but I just bound one build template to a set of keys and one equipment template to another; sure there’s a loss of 200 - 300 milliseconds compared to just having one key binding to change but it’s not that big a deal for me. Pricewise, I cannot complain given my usage of having to switch between 3-4 in PvE. It’s convenient but convenience comes with a price; if I don’t like it, no big deal, just need to live with manual switching. But I do like it, so I don’t mind paying their asking price for it.
  16. Just wanted to see what everyone’s opinion is regarding requiring 150 LD for Coalescence; I’ve already crafted Aurora and almost done with Vision. For me, it seems that it’s overkill for what you’re getting and I’m tending towards just crafting another set of leggy armour with that much by purchasing LI with LD. I could understand 25 LD because 150 LI gets you an entire set of armour but 150? Hmmm..... Thoughts?
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