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Everything posted by Bizgurk.5639

  1. The leaderbord ist bugged since years. The ranks 243 to 250 currently shown in your screenshot aren't actually among the top 250. There's almost always a buggy gap close to the 250th rank. You can recognize and decipher that gap by taking a look at the rating at the ranks above: If you go from 230 to 240 you'll notice multiple people having a rating of 1523 and 1522. Then the rating suddenly drops, which indicates the start of the bugged gap. Actually, there are several people at a rating of 1521, probably until the rank of 250. You ended on a rating of 1520, therefore you were not among the top 250, which is why you didn't earn the title. If you aim for a title, end the season above that gap, just to be sure. Don't trust the leaderboard!
  2. I do like fighting them and I hate fighting them likewise. I like fighting them because it's one of those professions where I notice a huge difference between an experienced player with a certain level of knowledge about this game and those that only picked that profession because they'd like to play a mage. And I hate fighting them because if I get defeated, I can't blame it on the class and I have to admit that I'm not as good as I hoped to be. 😆
  3. We had that once during february 2020. It brought many of previous PvP-only changes to WvW. Right now, a lot of specs are overperforming in WvW due to certain traits, which are nerfed in PvP for a reason, that are left unchanged in WvW. Adding certain gear types on top of those builds creates some very powerful builds. However, in my opinion, Anet should balance those traits first before removing/changing any gear types. The latter would just cause a shift to other powerful builds and barely solve anything.
  4. Game Update Notes only show a reduction to the healing power modifier. So it's either an undocumented change or a bug.
  5. It's certainly intended, but the Wiki had a wrong edit. I just changed at it and the Wiki should be correct now.
  6. I just logged in and tested it and it's working as intended, at least for me. I even made a video as proof. Not sure why it's not working for you.
  7. And while you're at it https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Streamlined_Kits Read the part related to Med Kit.
  8. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gadgeteer Read the part related to A.E.D.
  9. Same here. I'm at 10/100 and should be at 25. Something is bugged.
  10. People playing on EBG, which is the end of WvW? Sorry, but I even clicked on every single one of your pictures. Could you provide us with more insight and wisdom?
  11. Thief and Willbender. Since Willbender doesn't have its own section I chose Thief. Actually it's not the profession itself I dislike, but rather the way people play it. That "harrassing people and run away before defeat" playstyle is just disgraceful.
  12. The changes to Relic of Resistance sound a bit too strong. At least make it scale with the cooldown of the healing skill, else it'll be too easy to gain Resistance in WvW.
  13. - Core: Charr - Scrapper: Charr - Holosmith: Asura - Mechanist: Asura
  14. I wish for an "invader asks for a duel" emote. /wave, /bow or /rockout are misleading, confusing and don't indicate the actual intention of the dying duelist playerbase.
  15. But they're missing mobility. Glad they'll receive more of it with the upcoming main hand sword, so they can take it as secondary weapon for the sole purpose of running away from 1v1 fights they might actually lose! This will certainly create a more immerse feeling of balancing and I'm sure a vast majority of the roaming community is looking forward to it!
  16. I was curious, so I did a test. I logged on my Necromancer and moved to Armistice Bastion, cleared the build, put the Curse traitline in, let myself bleed out with BiP and applied Regeneration to myself, which healed for 130 Then I did the same again, but this time applied poison to myself. The Regeneration then healed for 87 That's a 33% reduce in healing received. So I couldn't reproduce any bugs so far.
  17. When replaying the Hearts and Minds story chapter and choosing the second option to fight Mordremoth, he receives the determined buff at 60% health, which makes him immune to damage. That effect never perishes, making the fight unable to complete.
  18. Missing an "I don't care about ranks, my target decision is based on other metrics" option in your poll.
  19. February 2020 Patch had a huge impact on damage. Most skills were cut by a third. There are still some builds that do an insane amount of damage in a very short time, but most of those builds also come with a disadvantage. Actually you're more likely to walk into a build that does almost no damage, but has very high self sustain, yet those builds also come with a disadvantage. Regarding the fun aspect: In my opinion it's much more fun than 2019, but less than 2021. It's far away from a perfect game. However, I often have funny moments and pleasant evenings and I really enjoy playing it, despite all the flaws it has.
  20. Found another bug related to Vindicator in WvW: The trait Song of Arboreum grants a greater amount of Vigor than stated in the tooltip. When the tooltip shows 10s, then I get something above 14s instead. Edit: Apparently the trait is using the Pve duration for Vigor in Wvw
  21. The Vindicator grandmaster trait Saint of zu Heltzer suddenly only grants an additional +10% healing to others in WvW only, instead of +20%. Either Anet forgot to add that change in the patchnotes or this is a bug.
  22. I'd like to disagree. The WvW community knows each other for years, even among different worlds. You could throw 30 people from blobbing guilds of each of the current worlda together and we'd still be able to create a blob. We're not strangers to each others anymore.
  23. They create these weapons with PvE in mind, as they did with anything that happened after the Core Game release. I'm not really looking forward to it in terms of WvW. They barely even balanced the SotO weapon mastery, even the EoD stuff doesn't feel in an appropriate spot.
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