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Everything posted by Lysica.1027

  1. Congratulations for getting a refunded item even if it was an error that's still more success with Support than some of us have been able to achieve.
  2. Confirmed this bug is still there and still unfixed. Now new bugs with invisible parts of fire phase. Good luck getting Dances With Demons that ladder has been pulled up for now.
  3. There seems to be a fundamental problem with glyphs because factually you can't get a refund if you mistakenly buy a gem store gathering tool with a glyph in it. Maybe the problem with glyphs goes very deep. I'm seeing odd things with volatile and unbound behaviour.
  4. Confirmed the recipe is still missing. Made a thread about this months ago. Have seen various other long threads too. They should be merged by mods into a 25 page megathread.
  5. Problem: Since the recent patch Sunqua fractal bosses known as Tiger and End Boss Lady are doing fire phase attacks that are completely or partially invisible making progress 'difficult' without boon misuse (Stability, Aegis) and lucky dodges/blocks all of which is frequently unsuccessful.Regardless of graphics settings the issue is consistent and confirmed with other players in various parties. It is not a DX12 issue as that software is not installed.Detailed description: As the fire phase attacks begin, the spawn points for the shockwaves are partially visible but rendered incorrectly and the ground indicators are missing, then the shockwaves are invisible, and so are the rocks you are meant to hide behind. As the shockwaves pass the rocks suddenly appear but the ground indicators and animations for the actual firestorm explosion are not shown. The second attack is slightly more complete but still mostly missing visually.Solution: fix it.
  6. Confirming performance impact. Maybe they should be renamed Powerpoint Slideshow Wings.
  7. Good looking item stealth banned by the devs. Perhaps it contains subliminal symbols of the patriarchy?
  8. I also checked:Tailor's Elegant Backpack (recipe) is still there at the crafting station.Artificer's Elegant Backpack (recipe) is missing.
  9. Ah you might still be seeing them if you already had your crafting leveled up past 400 before this happened (from the gw2 wiki):The October 27, 2020 game update removed one of the duplicate recipes.I'm seeing a problem with a craft I only just leveled up to max in the last few days, since that date. Possibly the wrong recipe got removed, or they weren't merged correctly, no idea exactly but something like that. Possibly this problem is affecting other recipes too, there could be various ones missing; only ANet can really know.
  10. If you have leveled a crafting profession to recently then you might find the Elegant Backpack, supposed to be there once you get to 400, is unavailable to you for crafting. This won't bother players with Ascended/Legendary backpacks but even If you just like the skins then these crafted Exotic level 78 stat selectable backpacks are cool. Hopefully it's a simple bug and an easy fix and they'll be back in the crafting station list for us to make again soon. Not sure if any other craftable items are affected by the same bug.
  11. Update a few minutes ago, Support has replaced what looks like the correct amount of missing gold so well done and thank you whoever figured it out, good job hopefully there's a method in place now if it ever happens again. Any players with open tickets don't give up.
  12. I haven't played since my gold disappeared. So far no further information.
  13. I reply via the 'My Tickets' page not email, although I would expect no difference either way. I bump the ticket page every few days in case there is some kind of automated 'case closed' after a fixed period of inactivity. Recently I got a message saying that I didn't need to keep doing so. I check the ticket daily to make sure it is still open and otherwise wait while playing other games until it gets properly resolved.
  14. Today I got a reply to my original ticket about missing gold with a message saying thanks for patience the investigation is ongoing. Good to know it hasn't been abandoned yet.
  15. I keep my ticket open bumping it every couple of days but the only response I've ever had from support since the beginning is an automated one. I've disengaged from playing since this fiasco and several friends have quit. If Anet had gone bust or were keeping silent because of a takeover/buyout or a massive data breach or something of that magnitude I could understand it.
  16. My ticket appears to still be open but at the top of the screen says 'How would you rate the support you received?' which sounds like the issue is closed.I don't know how to rate something that does not exist.
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