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Everything posted by Artyport.2084

  1. I'm sorry what are you not understanding about each of these abilities having attacks. yes we are getting rid of the phantasms but the armor literally all has an attack that can be powerful. its not just boons. Pistol: you gain Phantasmal armor and YOU SHOOT A BARRRAGE OF MISSLES. ITS similar to the phantasm only you perform the skill. YOU GAIN THE PROTECTION BECAUSE YOU ARE CLONELESS! but you also gain the boons and traits that phantasms would normally get on arrival!!!!
  2. Whether or not there is counterplay is not the point. I'm sure as a "amazing" pvp player it isnt a problem. However it really ruins the casual pvp experience. I shouldn't have to always build builds just to deal with one stupid build. no other cc can you not just stunbreak out of. honestly traps on dragon hunter was a bad idea in the first place
  3. well they don't just provide damage reduction there is also things that the armor allows thr mesmer to do. these skills would still be hard hitting but the armor would provide sone defense since we lost our clones
  4. im not trolling. i think it would add some interesting gameplay the virtuoso is missing. in gw1 mesmer was the denail class and my favorite skill was empathy every time they hit you they took big damage so it forced the other player to chose if it was worth it to hit you.
  5. Replace them with phantasmal armor that had damage reduction and different effects All reduce damage: x percent/ or gain x toughness. Sword-Armor of empathy: when you are hit send out a blade Focus: Inspiring armor: shine brightly granting allies boons. Pistol: illusionary armory: unleash a barrage of illusionary missles Torch: shimmering armor: shine brightly burning in an area and providing might to allies Staff: enchanted armor: block incoming attacks sending out waves of conditions for each attack blocked Greatsword: beserker armor: spin around unleashing waves of blades at foes all traits that would effect phantasm would effect you when applying phantasmal armor. get rid of bottom trait line and add: trait one: gain power while with phantamal armor. trait two: when the armor leaves heal for x percent. trait three: you can now target an ally to apply phantasmal armor to.
  6. no its not hard technically to get around it.. its just really trashy design and its not fun to play against i quit pvp today because i'm just over that one thing. someone lays down all their traps and pulls you with an ublockable skill. you have to get stability just to get out of the thing or stay still or blink. doging doesnt work.. blocking doesnt work.. i'm over it! also why the Heck are guardians dissapearing. like it make NOOOO sense. A heavy armor healing class that has blocks and invuls also go invisible.. make it make sense.
  7. Forum mesmers. hate everything lol actual mesmers...slinging blades and are spending time trying to make it work. there is no doubt its going to need buff in some areas and nerfs in others. Just chill lol
  8. Ok dont play it. You have two other specs that work. You are not gonna like them all
  9. I actually think there is tons of expansion they could add to mounts but these can be just for fun. They don't need to all be super functional. I do have a few dreams. a simple horse mount that could be evolved into a pegasus. half ground half soaring mount. mix of raptor and glider with a jumpoff based of your speed. essentially a faster ground based gryphon with less verticality a surf/hover board thats just for fun and lets you do trix. i would love of they had zones that had waves and we could catch big air or ocean events where you could just ride waves and whoever busses the most tricks get the best rewards. I think if they think fun and not essential they can expand on the mounts quite a bit
  10. update: they posted on twitter that its coming out next month.. no release date.. and no new info.. what a bizarre company...
  11. they took time off for the christmas break with a post that said see you in the new year. There has been zero communication since. but thats barely the point! this is the time to hype the game up. no be silent. this is something they do regularly and its stupid. there is tons of things they can talk about they said they are revamping the rewards system.. no info they could detail strikes so new players know what they are they could give raiders some hope that they plan on adding more raids its like they have no plans and are just winging it
  12. Ok, so apparently we are a little over a month away from an expansion. but you wouldn't even know it. we have seen only teaser trailers and trailers for zones and class trailers. All of which were tiny lil snippets that would invite no one new to play this AMAZING game. Why have you guys not figured this out yet. GW2 has: great combat: but you cannot tell that from the trailer (also why don't u have an ingame option to choose from tab targeting or action thats obvious so people know it exists!!! You have been told time and time again you hav the best mounts but No one who doesn't already play the game knows now we are a month away (supposedly) from an expansion still no release date there isn't anything that compare to a ffxiv trailer, kitten or even and elder scroll trailer. ive met gw2 players who didn't even know we have an expansion coming out. This studios biggest problem is commitment. You consistently leave your player base in the dark. If your player base is unaware of the games future so will prospective players. now dont get me wrong as a person who follows along very closely im excited for eod. But i have to put in the work to be excited because you dont do a good job of keeping us hype with the things you release. Do better.
  13. I hate torches animations i have this awesome torch in my hamd but i have to throw this random ugly one everytime. just change it throw a fire ball same with the axe! honestly rangers need an animation pass for sure
  14. No.. its not the hardest thing to counter but its stisll the laziest setup I have ever seen in a class. Place down all your traps. dissapear use a pull to push someone into them.. takes atleast 2 stun breaks to get out 1 if you are lucky its lazy and dumb.. and its all over the place.. and its not fun to fight against.
  15. Im really into this class but the sword feels slightly off and i think having dual skills will improve this a lot. the stationary sword 3 doesn’t play well with the rest of the kit and smacking things with scepter feels a but off. my suggestion: when weilding a sword change current skill 4 on sword to the dual skill. make skill 4 a range cripple attack when wielding a scepter the dual skill should immobilize and you should evade backwards this will make for a fun in and out duelist playstyle
  16. What really would make this spec shine is dual skills when using sword at least I’d move sword 4 to the dual skill for sword/sword new sword 4 range slash that cripples scepter sword should have a slash and a blink backwards
  17. if you are going to laugh at every post have the balls to defend your position with words
  18. Remove phantasms!!! Is my dream / give the f1 2 ammo naturally. scrap f2 and make it a mobility skill. Let it dash in a direction the range depending on number of blades.( Use that twirl animations the firebrand has on tome skills 2) f3 should be insta cast or make it a stun i agree blade renewal f4 personally: all f abilities except f1 should use an illusionary instrument to cast. No guitar please. this spec needs a personality scrap condi line its 100 percent not needed! Make this have some support/utility The two raining swords abilities need to be combined make the current f4 a utility and let it do damage give us a utility that makes our skills unblockable . It should be able to be shared with allies Dagger needs refining but its mostly numbers. id personally like unstable bladestorm to be a ground targeted aoe that stays in place
  19. Virtuoso is a cool spec but i agree with everyone that the condi line needs to be removed. not updated removed. change the f2 to be a movement skill. id love to see a cool skill where you condense the blades and ride on them to get away. f3 needs to stun dagger is meh.
  20. Name a spec of a guardian that doesnt have support? ill wait.. Retribution literally means getting justice from someone who has done you wrong. Retribution is still defense ps.. alacrity is offensive support.
  21. i think class fantasy is important otherwise we would all be playing the same class. class fantasy is gameplay guardians are not based on fire. do you even play guardian? Have you read the skill descriptions?
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