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Posts posted by uberkingkong.8041

  1. @Dawdler.8521 said:

    @"uberkingkong.8041" said:Well it got merged, do I agree, no.Its 2020.

    2020 thinking shouldn't be merged with 2017 thinking.

    If anyone wondering where the 2020 thinking started, its page 6, you probably didn't read it too. Everyone reads 1st page and maybe last page, 2020 thinking is not on first page now sadly.

    Well, I was thinking that.EQ made EQ2 unsuccessfulOSRS made new runescape unsuccessfulDiablo2 made Diablo3 and called it an MMORPG!? It's pretty much Diablo2 again, Diablo2 is better, also unsuccessful

    Successful games?World of Warcraft, 15 years later, still #1. If they made WoW2, guess what, WoW would probably be dead and WoW2.Same kind of fate EQ and EQ2 faced, you don't divide the playerbase.

    So GW3?What will happen to GW2?Will it be another EQ and EQ2?What happened again?

    You think WoW is "we need to goto a better development platform, we gotta be on the new UNREAL ENGINE GUYS, its key to our success!"shake my head

    unreal engine, the latest development engine doesn't mean anything. Its the tiny details that makes a good game.

    Thats why WoW is still KINGWoW is STILL #1

    WoW is just WoWnot WoW2 WoW3

    Just WoWHere in 2020, still kicking everyone's butt because the new games
    business analysts they all listening to wrong people."Open World PvP, nayyy nayyy I say!"

    Its #1 thing going for it for the game with #1 population #1 MMORPGAlliance vs HordeOpen World PvP.

    If GW2 decides to make GW3, it better be because of the fact they want to do Open World PvP

    If its because they want to be on the latest and greatest unreal engine, thats a dumb move if you ask me.Just look at Everquest and Everquest2, OSRS new runescape.... etc etc etc

    WoW gonna still kick all yall butts on their Quake 3 engine or whatever back 15 years ago. Yall be on unreal engine thinking its key to success, and still getting whooped by engine from 15 years back.

    GW2 needs to start thinking about player housingstart thinking about what it can exploit as a niche, racing if you ask meneeds to think about bringing back that PvP from GW1, battlegrounds, that was a hitneeds to start thinking about guild warsneeds to start thinking about stuff people do for fun and not just for rewards

    this game right now its too reward focused and commander icon that just signifies rewards will come easy hereneeds to think about building actual bonds, like people party up in the open world

    yeah solo is fun, being able to do events so is cool and hype.... But your missing on the friendship aspect.Maybe need to add faster/double rewards if you group with 3 or more friends in zones.

    I can beat this whole game and not even have a friend.

    Most of this stuff is all stuff WoW does, the little things. The big thing isAlliance vs HordeHow's that done you ask?Open World PvP

    Define open world PvP?Thats me coming to The Grove and just going ham on everything slyvari

    Yes you heard right, me going to a city where others are in too, and freely being able to kill whoever is not on my team, even the NPCs.Thats Open World PvP

    No safe places.

    See this video? ... btw this is just 1 of several servers.. this is 2019, recent.

    You just wanna do PvE, too bad, The Charr is here, we raiding you tonight.Thats what people want, thats why WoW is #1

    Aint no game challenging its Open World PvP.Thats why none of the other games even close to greatness

    "lag we need better engine to solve lag problems"Meanwhile Quake 3 engine or whatever 15 years ago engine WoW is running, we doing good enough, its not what makes or breaks people, its the tiny details and we do them right and thats why people stick around and keep playing WoW.

    "hey children why have you came back to WoW?"These other games, they just don't want to do Open World PvP, they listen to wrong people advice.This only game that has good Open World PvP."Alliance vs Horde!!!! same thing that drew in people 15 years ago... STILL same thing people seeking"

    As Mr.Mcmahon says "Controversy creates cash" Thats exactly what Open World PvP does, it ticks off people that they keep coming back for more.

    If they do make GW3, this should be the main reason why. Open World PvP

    ..FPS games, what game is making big $$$?Oh its an open world FPS, 100 players in it?Ok ok okYou didnt even watch the video, did you?

    It shows WoW is completely unplayable like that because the WoW engine breaks with that many players.

    Difference between WoW and GW2

    WoW allows itGW2 they'd be making 6 instances of it.

    I prefer a game that is as open as it can be, like WoW.GW2, player restrictionGW2, WvW restriction, invisible wallGW2 has a bunch of restrictions meanwhile WoW...You want open world PvP and that includes HOMECITIES. By all means, come into the enemy HOMECITY and destroy them all.

    If WoW had a WvW mode, it would include going into the enemys starting WP and being able to wipe them. Complete domination.Restriction Wars 2, you can't do that.

    You wont ever see another MMORPG especially GW2 having a 1000 vs 1000 fight.In WoW if you can dream it, it can be done.In GW2 if you can dream it, probably a restriction

  2. @Cyninja.2954 said:

    @"uberkingkong.8041" said:This game making a fortune from its Gemstore too, I aint wanna hear about not making enough money.

    The game is doing better, but hardly a fortune. You might want to take a look at those financial reports first before making stuff up and to even mention Fortnite in any relationship to what a developer "could" do is just strait up hilarious. The revenue numbers are out there, start reading.

    I'll make it easy on you: Fortnite revenue for 2019 was around 1.8 billion dollars. NCSofts revenue from GW2 for 2019 was 59 billion won (that's 51 million US dollars). Fortnite's revenue was 3 times the revenue in 1 month than GW2 made in the entire year.

    Exactlythis game is making a fortune

  3. We talking about glory rank?Man they nerfed it, they listened to everyone whining about they aren't Bear rank and cool like the hardcore PvP'ers.

    Rank doesn't mean squat anymore.They also got rid of glory, I should be getting EASY 20 slot bags with 1000 glory....

    Hey man I had 3million glory points and it went poof because I took a year and half break so yeah I'm pretty worked on that.

    But this game, idk what there issue is. Some people complain and they take it serious.EoTM too much door vs door, no one is WvWing now.They END EoTM, use to be 5+ instances ALL DAY LONG, now its EMPTY ALL DAY LONG.

    8v8 HOTJOINSpros be like "hey man aint nobody watching us, nobody focused on #esports"they got rid of HOTJOINS for a bit nothing but unranked and ranked. They bring back HOTJOINS but its 5v5 and not 8v8.Then they get rid of the glory system, because ya know HOTJOINS was the way to get glory FAST unless you win every match in ranked.

    HOTJOINS 30+ SERVERS ALL DAY LONG. Now its pretty much DEAD except for people doing dailies or something.

    8v8????? What happened it was the GOLDEN AGE OF PVPPros complained people wasn't #esports minded, forced people into 5v5.

    All these maps, yall probably say "thats not meant for 8v8"GIRL 8v8 was around BEFORE 5v5, these maps DEFINITELY designed for 8v8.

    Somebody whinesShadow Behemoth dies way too quickThis Molten Boss fractal WAY TOO EASY

    OK OKEoTM GONE8v8 GONEHotjoin GONEeasy fractals GONESB easy to do (I mean its a lvl 1-15 boss) GONE

    All these whiners getting what they want. Its true. Harsh but true.

    So back to pvp awards with glory.Oh yeahGLORY GONEdoesn't exist anymore, my 3million glory GONE

    Really is ZERO point in the ranks.Everybody is pretty much dragon rank.Dragon rank finisher aint even special anymore

    Bear Tiger, those ranks used to be special.Phoenix WHOA boy use to be super special.

    Everybody dragon, doesn't make sense to give better rewards if everybody is a dragon.The level just increases for ego purposes,

    I mean if they do what you suggesting, someone is gonna whine and its gonna change so much its crazy.

    Look at fractals, too many dang changes.Whoever complained about Jade Maw, and now its gotta do all this weird stuff too, idk man. Be thankful its at where its at now.

    Cuz what you suggesting how I expect them to do it.Everyone will get WORSE rewards and the people with high rank/glory whatever, will get the reward we getting now.

    Just look at Fractals, they made it all HARDER, not easier. Look at swampland, wtf gotta kill both bosses always now?

    So you can expect THEY WILL make it so diehards will get better reward... But it will be NERFING the non diehards.This will just make people not interested in PvP anymore because too much effort to be on the level to get the rewards at pace we are getting them right now.


    If you want rewards faster just thinking of a way to do it.I suggest the longer you keep playing PvP, like Ranked, if you que constantly for say an hour, your rewards get boosted, 3 hours they get boosted to max.So if you keep doing PvP for an hour say you get 15% reward track right now, now its 25%, 3 hours its 40%.

    That is something what they do in WvW, and yes I think that would be great in PvP.This doesn't punish those who haven't been around PvPing since 2013. This benefits everyone, even those coming back, all you do is keep PvPing.

    ..Theres already something that benefits people who been around since 2015, its called Ascended Shards of Glory and/or those season league tickets.

  4. @Dawdler.8521 said:EoTM is all servers (sided by color).

    And no there isnt any real point of EoTM since it was a solution to a problem (completely broken queue system) that wasnt there anymore (it was fixed some months before EoTM came out).

    Anet should have incorporated the map in WvW proper long ago (replacing one of the duplicate alpines) but here we are in 2020, 2 expansions and 4 or so LS worth of PvE content later with next to no new WvW content.

    @gousgou.5438 said:EotM is a missed opportunity to shake things up a bit with WvW. They could give it the same rewards and rotate buffs/debuffs weekly (like no downstate etc). No mounts and no gliding as well to bring back the old WvW feeling as well.

    EoTM was a huge success.GW2 nerfed the rewardsGW2 killed EoTM

    I remember the days of 5+ instances of EoTM FULLY PACKED ALL SIDES

  5. @Nogothanc.5014 said:The tower is fine as it is and the challenge has been reduced already. Today, you dont see the other player characters in their real form. Today the other players are nearly invisible. Do you know how hard it was as every player was visible? How hard it is when you have Charr and Norn in your group and you cant see where to jump because of these big guys? That was a real mean challenge.

    They need to make them visible.A lot of the fun events, get taken down, its so sad.

    I remember FUN Skyhammer.Knock people off.Fight at hammer was intense sumo match.

    People whine.Fun stuff goes away.

    The joy of Halloween and moreso Wintersday JP. You compete with others.

  6. @"Timbersword.9014" said:I appreciate the down state on toxic knights, but it works there because they're like the lieutenants among a group of chaff. It sets them apart as "leaders" that refuse to die and not just some mob with a color ring around their portrait indicating a bigger stat pool.Getting a "captain" mob mixed into the chaff in events like a rare spawn (as in one every 3-5 repeats of an event) or as an event boss could be pretty cool.

    Exactly this.

    The new expansion is a city right? Bunch of thieves guild thugs?Need some meta events with boss like mobs.

    They need to be able to go into downstate and not just die.

    Its a city expansion, they mimicking real players. Real players go into downstate.

  7. @Scavarius.6059 said:

    @"uberkingkong.8041" said:Look at Mario KartThey make the same dang game, and flocks of people come back to play same dang thing just on better system.

    let's see: fifa, cod, diverse simulator, and a whole lot more trashgames that get a "new" game every year with a new feature every 2-4 years, and plebs still buy that kitten every year. having a franchise that's good at one thing dosnt make the concept good on another game.but they probably will add more races over time, since every map since pof got some form of race(griffon adventure). personaly i'll stay away from that, but i dont speak for others that might enjoy it.

    Merged again?This is bad because I have different view on whatever this thread is about.Mines not just GW2 and GW3

    Got all these random views in here.Thing is, Mario Kart reference has nothing to do with GW2 and GW3

    All its about is GW2 needs to go ALL IN in a niche.Racing is one of the niches.

    WoW has mounts, do you see 10+ racetracks in WoW?


    btwthis is an MMORPG, CoD FIFA making a new game every year makes sense, they aint a MMORPG.btwWoW is more successful than all those games you mentioned combined.It has 0 new game versions of WoW.

  8. @Steve The Cynic.3217 said:

    @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:It would be nice to have a downstate on at least some mobs. I have a bunch of finishers I’ve never used and if I could use them in PvE I would.

    Sylvari members of the
    get downed in combat, and can be Finished.

    Dude,he wants to showoff his finisher.Thats the whole point of a finisher is to show it off to others, just like buying armor, you want to show it off.

    Just because some mobs have it doesn't mean we don't need it elsewhere.Those mobs, hardly anyone is even at those locations. He doesn't want to see finisher himself, he wants others to see it.We need it in meta events, popular events, some people just want to show it off.


    GW2 is nothing but a showoff game.Whats point in getting a legendary other than showing it off?

    So having this in the next expansion,fulfills that urge, heck I want to showoff my finishers too.Also adds another level of difficulty rather than "lets increase the health to make this a tougher event"

  9. @DeanBB.4268 said:

    @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

    If you been playing nonstop of course you may know this stuff, but people who come and go, they don't memorize racing spots, its not easy thing to remember.If they knew about it, who knows maybe they'd be racing more often.Especially if they make the rewards pretty decent... Like PvP tournaments.

    If people care about racing,
    they can quickly look on the wiki to find the 16+ races that are available
    . If you say they are under-utilized, that would be because few care about them. If it is a lack of rewards, I can understand how that would be difficult for Anet to balance. How long does a race take? A couple of minutes? How do you compare that to a map meta event or world boss event? If you can do 10 races in the time of 1 meta, should those rewards be equal? Not sure. Level of effort doesn't seem to match.

    Exactly this."they can quickly look on the wiki to find the 16+ races that are available"

    Thats the problem, they have to look it up.

    It should be dang obvious, not something you'd have to look up.I love racing, I know zones that have it, but I don't memorize where it starts except for obvious ones like PoF starter zone, the race is by the pinata thing.

    @kharmin.7683 said:

    @"uberkingkong.8041" said:Not everything about the new expansion should be racing, but 1 zone specifically for racing, is that too much to ask for?It might be. Only Anet knows how many players actually participate in races now. It may be so few as to not make it worth the development time for an entire racing zone.

    When I say a zone dedicated to racing, I don't mean its nothing but racing. But have an actual racetrack or.What I prefer.


    I'd like them to make the zone a racetrack... THEN make it PvE.

    All the races right now, the zone is designed PvE first then they analyze it for racing.

    ..I'd like zone be built for RACING first, THEN PvE it up. Make the meta events racing related.

    I aint want a 100% racing zone. I want a zone focused on racing first THEN they work on the PvE content.Racing doesn't have to cover the entire zone too, it could just be 25% of the zone, but make it useful.


    8v8 hotjoins died, because they made it die.EoTM died, because they made it die.

    Racing not fun anymore??? CUZ THEY MADE IT DIE

    Doesn't mean people aren't looking to do it anymore.They just nerfed the heck outta it or something and even though people enjoy it, aint nobody else around.(How they do that? Wasn't it during some event? How about just make the event indefinite.if people willing to play it during event, and keep playing it, because rewards are decent others do itkeep it going. No event, its garbage, rewards garbage, not worth doing,

    Just like how 8v8 was PACKED, tourny and seasons and that stuff, PEOPLE COULD CARE LESS about those tournament modes,EVERYONE WAS DOIN hotjoins when hotjoins was on par or a little less reward than tourny.once they nerfed the fuck outta hotjoins, PEOPLE QUIT or they forced into 5v5... Which lead to unfun casualwhich lead to death of #esportsman they didn't just nerf the fuck outta hotjoins, they turned it into 5v5 so people would stop doing it and go do rankedbecause ranked is 5v5 and a bit better reward.GW2 killed hotjoins, one of the good things going for the pvp community.

    ...look at hotjoins, nobody really does it anymore.Just like racing, nobody really does it anymore.

    Back then hotjoins WAS PACKED, 30+ servers FULL, 8V8 servers.Back when racing event was going on IT WAS PACKED.

    So yes rewards do come into play.

    To answer those of you saying, "if you love racing just do it"... Well no one is doing it because rewards sucks, so makes sense you dont do it, because rewards suck AND its just YOU, theres no fun in that even though ITS FUN.It's like playing mariokart solo, love the game, but no bots, no one else around? It dies. Boring even though its fun.

  10. @Cyninja.2954 said:The toxic knights were an interesting surprise.

    The trick to making downstate significant but not a bore in pve is to use it sparingly, say during boss fights.

    Make occasional bosses have a downstate. Let players have that short moment of victory after a difficult fight without getting slowed down every step of the way on trash mobs.


    Maybe an event, where in order to kill the boss, he needs 10 players to use a finisher on him.

  11. Should make an 8v8 season.Why 2v2 1v1 3v3 4v4???


    GW2 was originally 8v8 pvptaking too dang long to go back to how it was originally.how it was when it was at it's peak

    Before anybody whines"ques will be long"bro this 3v3 que is longer than 5v5

    8v8 is gonna be the same kinda wait as we have right now.

    Just do it.It was successful at launch, yeah because it had peak players.They changed to 5v5 and it went downhill.

    esports died because casual pvp went from 8v8 to 5v5

    no casual pvp equals dead #esports pvp

    Make the 8v8 happen. I aint want to discuss this.

  12. Thinking about the next expansion.Its gonna be in a city right?So NPCs like players right?

    What you think about PvE NPCs having a downstate, kinda like the lord in PvP modes Stronghold and the one in Conquest?I think NPCs having downstate would be cool, especially if they acted like a team too, trying to rez each other and if a player dies they comeback to life lol

    Would be fun to have meta event where the outcome is based on if anyone else at the meta event dies too. Say you get 50 NPCs in downstate, but all sudden a player dies, bam all 50 NPCs are back up.

    Make it like a brawl, meta event brawl, 70+ people going against 70+ NPCs.50 NPCs go down state, a couple players go down state.Stomp him! Stomp him! Dang, failed, 1 player went full dead, 50 NPCs now they all up again lol

    It would make finishers useful in PvE too. Finishers are pretty cool, its a GW2 niche.

  13. Well it got merged, do I agree, no.Its 2020.

    2020 thinking shouldn't be merged with 2017 thinking.

    If anyone wondering where the 2020 thinking started, its page 6, you probably didn't read it too. Everyone reads 1st page and maybe last page, 2020 thinking is not on first page now sadly.

    Well, I was thinking that.EQ made EQ2 unsuccessfulOSRS made new runescape unsuccessfulDiablo2 made Diablo3 and called it an MMORPG!? It's pretty much Diablo2 again, Diablo2 is better, also unsuccessful

    Successful games?World of Warcraft, 15 years later, still #1. If they made WoW2, guess what, WoW would probably be dead and WoW2.Same kind of fate EQ and EQ2 faced, you don't divide the playerbase.

    So GW3?What will happen to GW2?Will it be another EQ and EQ2?What happened again?

    You think WoW is "we need to goto a better development platform, we gotta be on the new UNREAL ENGINE GUYS, its key to our success!"shake my head

    unreal engine, the latest development engine doesn't mean anything. Its the tiny details that makes a good game.

    Thats why WoW is still KINGWoW is STILL #1

    WoW is just WoWnot WoW2 WoW3

    Just WoWHere in 2020, still kicking everyone's butt because the new games dev's business analysts they all listening to wrong people."Open World PvP, nayyy nayyy I say!"

    Its #1 thing going for it for the game with #1 population #1 MMORPGAlliance vs HordeOpen World PvP.

    If GW2 decides to make GW3, it better be because of the fact they want to do Open World PvP

    If its because they want to be on the latest and greatest unreal engine, thats a dumb move if you ask me.Just look at Everquest and Everquest2, OSRS new runescape.... etc etc etc

    WoW gonna still kick all yall butts on their Quake 3 engine or whatever back 15 years ago. Yall be on unreal engine thinking its key to success, and still getting whooped by engine from 15 years back.

    GW2 needs to start thinking about player housingstart thinking about what it can exploit as a niche, racing if you ask meneeds to think about bringing back that PvP from GW1, battlegrounds, that was a hitneeds to start thinking about guild warsneeds to start thinking about stuff people do for fun and not just for rewards

    this game right now its too reward focused and commander icon that just signifies rewards will come easy hereneeds to think about building actual bonds, like people party up in the open world

    yeah solo is fun, being able to do events so is cool and hype.... But your missing on the friendship aspect.Maybe need to add faster/double rewards if you group with 3 or more friends in zones.

    I can beat this whole game and not even have a friend.

    Most of this stuff is all stuff WoW does, the little things. The big thing isAlliance vs HordeHow's that done you ask?Open World PvP

    Define open world PvP?Thats me coming to The Grove and just going ham on everything slyvari

    Yes you heard right, me going to a city where others are in too, and freely being able to kill whoever is not on my team, even the NPCs.Thats Open World PvP

    No safe places.

    See this video? ... btw this is just 1 of several servers.. this is 2019, recent.

    You just wanna do PvE, too bad, The Charr is here, we raiding you tonight.Thats what people want, thats why WoW is #1

    Aint no game challenging its Open World PvP.Thats why none of the other games even close to greatness

    "lag we need better engine to solve lag problems"Meanwhile Quake 3 engine or whatever 15 years ago engine WoW is running, we doing good enough, its not what makes or breaks people, its the tiny details and we do them right and thats why people stick around and keep playing WoW.

    "hey children why have you came back to WoW?"These other games, they just don't want to do Open World PvP, they listen to wrong people advice.This only game that has good Open World PvP."Alliance vs Horde!!!! same thing that drew in people 15 years ago... STILL same thing people seeking"

    As Mr.Mcmahon says "Controversy creates cash" Thats exactly what Open World PvP does, it ticks off people that they keep coming back for more.

    If they do make GW3, this should be the main reason why. Open World PvP

    ..FPS games, what game is making big $$$?Oh its an open world FPS, 100 players in it?Ok ok ok

  14. @kash.9213 said:

    @uberkingkong.8041 said:This is one of the reasons why ESO does it better when it comes to WvWESO you don't rely on commander.GW2, no commander, no noes complete useless feeling.

    PvE, no commander? :sadface:WvW, no commander? :sadface:

    ESO, its okay, no commander that fine. Even zerg fights it is more of 1v1 but very quick 1v1s in ESO.GW2 no commander means dead zone. Thats how important commanders are.

    It aint healthy.

    That's a random take. No one needs commanders in this game either, I regularly log on to our server not having any commanders or only hidden tags and everyone just finds something to do.

    Of course,you just want to gank or camp capture and be on outnumbered for pipes you no need a commander.

    If you want to do what WvW is designed for, you probably following a commander. Not saying you in his squad, but you following him.Only other time you wouldn't is if you going to take a tower you know is undefended on your side and the treb from the keep knocked the wall down.

    Now your take went from random to wrong. I'm talking about full blobs, squads, and groups along with all the floaters running around doing the usual stuff. Most people just know what to do at this point. The usual bunch I see when I log on rarely even join squad or anything but they'll jump in and do exactly what's needed and most squads hardly use markers and alerts anyway so there's not much point joining.

    They still end up following the zerg.You can do other stuff and let the zerg fully take down the wall and follow them for the cap. Thats following them.You not even in there squad and following them? Yep thats what I do. I mean theres a tag, why should I join them, all I follow is the tag.
    You let commander do all the heavy lifting as in standing sieging and guarding it, meanwhile you go capture stuff undefended?
    Yep what you do after that or when you know when wall is about to go down? Oh you follow them?

    In ESO, all your rewards is staying in a certain area. You could be on other side of keeping 1v1ing someone, you get the shared reward doing your own thing, no need to follow someone. DEFENCE gives much better reward than offense in ESO too.

    GW2 aint nobody plays defense except for the server with the bigger zerg.In ESO, everyone be defending it tooth and nail even if the enemy is vastly larger.

    Thing is, siege is bigger deal in ESO, and its easily deployed, making small groups very viable.

    Your wrong so now you're trying to put words into my mouth. No one needs a commander, we often have no tag, people just group up and go do stuff. I get that you like ESO, right now, but you're trying too hard to sell it and you'll probably be trashing that game on their forums while talking up GW2 at some point.

    Whether your in his squad or not.If you follow him solo, you still following the commander.

    You aint got a commander, you probably gonna be checking for another world unless you pip farming.Thats how big a commander is in this game.

    In ESO, they dont do commanders, its a guessing game.Especially since 4 players can do 16 siege, easily trick the opponent. Something ESO WvW does better than GW2. Not easy to deceive in GW2.

    There could be MANY players in WvW on your side. But if you don't see commander.... Everyone assumes its dead.Commander in this game is a drug.You don't see a commander you get really sad, fast.

    It aint healthy.

    I aint selling ESO, it just does it better.

  15. @sevenDEADLY.5281 said:It was purposely designed to be a WvW mount with little to no function in PvE. Anet devs themselves said this when it was designed and released. Give it up already

    I mean if you can't use other mounts in WvW, it should be same in PvE.If its designed to be useless in PvE, just don't allow it there.

    What they should have done was just let you use whatever mount you usually use and nerf the hell outta them when they in WvW.

    But since we have Warclaw, and it can be used in PvE.Mine as well make it somewhat useful.The best way to make it useful and not make other mounts feel bad, is by making it jack of trades mount. The only thing it shouldn't be able to do is fly, and teleport.

    I aint want any negativity in this thread.This is a glass half full thread.

  16. @Scavarius.6059 said:gw2 is more of a niche game, and we already got more than enought racing content that's prone to bugs and/or glitches anyhow.

    @"uberkingkong.8041" said:player housing

    so this is just the weekly "i WANT playerhousing" thread? can i interest you in a weekly tengu thread as well?

    Its a niche game, but jack of all trades niche.Niche games are only good if they go ALL IN.

    Kinda like WoW went ALL IN on Open World PvP. I mean, let me ask you a question.In WoW, what are the 2 sides that are at war with each other?


    Alliance and Horde.

    Other than that, probably don't know squat about WoW, all you DO KNOW is the Open World PvP aspect.

    GW2 its just green vs red vs bluenothing niche about its WvW

    Other games have you jump on stuff to get to treasure nothing niche about itOther games have mounts too nothing niche about it

    Gotta go ALL IN like WoW.

    Racing is one of the things that could draw in crowds.Why????

    Look at Mario KartThey make the same dang game, and flocks of people come back to play same dang thing just on better system.

    Racing can be very effective at bringing in a lot of people especially in MMORPG scene. But you gotta make it GOOD, GO ALL IN ON IT...Just because they go ALL IN, doesn't mean nothing else happens, its called a team effort.

    ..Racing needs to be as good as Blitzball in Final fantasy Xhttps://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/BlitzballIF I was Final Fantasy MMORPG, I'd go all in on that niche.OH and the card game in Final Fantasy X

    You may think GW2 has a lot of niches, but Final Fantasy way way more dude, they just havent went ALL IN like WoW did with Open World PvP.

  17. @CashCow.9548 said:Not this thread again...

    Takes literally less than 2 seconds to swap back to your beetle when you leave WvW. If you forget... well your problem. Complaining here will not change a thing.And there are already plenty of mounts for all your desires outside of WvW. Absolutely ZERO reason to make Warclaw any better outside of WvW. It's a niche mount, designed for WvW and WvW only.

    Please lets stop already.

    Bro I want the Warclaw to be a good mount.You know how they do balance?

    Warclaw needs a buff.

  18. @"Teratus.2859" said:Outside of the annual AP and rewards I'll likely not play much this year either.I may do a little lab farming for some gold if the ping issues allow for it but other than that im not playing much atm.

    You have a lot of other stuff you gotta do right?

    1. Work on Griffon mount
    2. Work on Skyscale mount
    3. PoF masteries
    4. Icebrood saga masteries
    5. Raids
    6. Work on collections
    7. Dailies
    8. Guild MissionsWould be nice if they just scattered all these halloween creatures everywhere and said"due to being too busy all the halloween creatures are all over tyria! We could not contain them in the labyrinth. TRICK OR TREAT!"

    Just think, if that was the case, you'd still be able to make your gold and do all the stuff you working on that takes you away from Halloween.

  19. @Kichwas.7152 said:It is purposefully a rather weak mount, with a curious ability early into the training to let people on foot who are near it run just as fast as it.

    • and even without that ability they can almost keep pace with you.
    • Anything else would make WvW something that accounts with Path of Fire would so dominate that it might as well end up being locked out for 'free' accounts.

    It's meant to be slightly useful in WvW, but not dominating. All of the other mounts are meant to be 'radical game changers' once you unlock them.

    Yeah it would be cool to have that look on a mount that worked like the raptor - which is actually what it is, a weakened raptor, but... if they did that it would need a version for WvW and a version for outside of WvW.

    Personally I'm fine with things as they are. One thing the mount does do is signify who on your WvW team is most likely dedicated enough to have at least been playing the format for a few days, and who is just a roaming tourist following the catmander icon... if you're planning an assault, that's useful information in deciding your odds of success or if you should just go it 'casual style' and accept that your team will get rolled.

    What about you leaving WvW, and before you had roller beetle, now back in PvE your defaulted to Warclaw.Do you enjoy this?

    It's a reward for WvW'ers to stay on Warclaw in PvE and it can do 1/3 1/2 1/4 good as other mounts can do.Jack of trades best at none in PvE is what I'd like to see with Warclaw.

    Instead of masteries, just use WvW points.

  20. @kash.9213 said:

    @uberkingkong.8041 said:This is one of the reasons why ESO does it better when it comes to WvWESO you don't rely on commander.GW2, no commander, no noes complete useless feeling.

    PvE, no commander? :sadface:WvW, no commander? :sadface:

    ESO, its okay, no commander that fine. Even zerg fights it is more of 1v1 but very quick 1v1s in ESO.GW2 no commander means dead zone. Thats how important commanders are.

    It aint healthy.

    That's a random take. No one needs commanders in this game either, I regularly log on to our server not having any commanders or only hidden tags and everyone just finds something to do.

    Of course,you just want to gank or camp capture and be on outnumbered for pipes you no need a commander.

    If you want to do what WvW is designed for, you probably following a commander. Not saying you in his squad, but you following him.Only other time you wouldn't is if you going to take a tower you know is undefended on your side and the treb from the keep knocked the wall down.

    Now your take went from random to wrong. I'm talking about full blobs, squads, and groups along with all the floaters running around doing the usual stuff. Most people just know what to do at this point. The usual bunch I see when I log on rarely even join squad or anything but they'll jump in and do exactly what's needed and most squads hardly use markers and alerts anyway so there's not much point joining.

    They still end up following the zerg.You can do other stuff and let the zerg fully take down the wall and follow them for the cap. Thats following them.You not even in there squad and following them? Yep thats what I do. I mean theres a tag, why should I join them, all I follow is the tag.You let commander do all the heavy lifting as in standing sieging and guarding it, meanwhile you go capture stuff undefended? Yep what you do after that or when you know when wall is about to go down? Oh you follow them?

    In ESO, all your rewards is staying in a certain area. You could be on other side of keeping 1v1ing someone, you get the shared reward doing your own thing, no need to follow someone. DEFENCE gives much better reward than offense in ESO too.

    GW2 aint nobody plays defense except for the server with the bigger zerg.In ESO, everyone be defending it tooth and nail even if the enemy is vastly larger.

    Thing is, siege is bigger deal in ESO, and its easily deployed, making small groups very viable.

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