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Everything posted by WorldofBay.8160

  1. At least here the loot boxes only contain cosmetics and convinience items, most of which (except a few of the cosmetics) are available in other ways if you want them. I agree it's not ideal and I'd prefer no loot boxes, but I've never bought black lion keys and never had problems as a result. In a lot of games with loot boxes trying to avoid them would mean a lot of time farming to compensate or going without a lot of good equipment. not entirely true since those loot boxes also contain glyphs which are a real enhancement beyond convenience. but you can buy them from people who opened loot boxes ...
  2. people thinking that a game will noticeably improve just by producing more money are a big facepalm. the publisher will just suck in the money and use it to publich yet another game. that's basic business. you don't waste money for a cashcow that's working. you do just enough to keep it working which is actually less than what happens now. i won't ever get why people want to have to pay for stuff they already bought. i get why people want to pay but not why they want to be forced to do so. also the gem price rose every year in august which happens soon*, so expect a rise in the conversion. *according to last year august started only 30 days after june ended and july began
  3. no, they should just revert the patch. the patch was nothing near big enough to prefer keeping it over game-breaking bugs. anyways as a dev i know that any commit is logged and revertible isolated from the rest even in the worst code base possible. the best solution would be to take any change related to builds, revert it and ship that as an update. since nothing has been in the change logs it must've been a fully internal change that broke the game. maybe a code refactoring. maybe preparation for future changes. maybe performance optimization. whatever it was it was neglectable enough to stay out of the patch notes so it has to be neglectable enough to get removed, right?
  4. the bug isn't so bad, it's just baffling again and again that ArenaNet employees have no access to the forums. i can't see any other reason for the silence. even without being told i would have posted as support member that the issue is known, just to stop the possible flood of tickets.
  5. glasscannon stats should never be the way to go in pve. if you manage your abilities well you might be able to go glasscannon but a glasscannon build is not a brawler build, it is a group build. you need someone to tank for you to shine ... or rather you should need because this game isn't consequent enough on stopping glasscannons. if you expect to survive big hits on a glasscannon ... well then you expect the game to be super easy and boring. i can't help you on that because i don't want a game to be super easy and boring. in other games you don't die 1hit but other games don't have the means of damage mitigation this game has. a hit of let's say 1/3 of the hp of a tank means a lot if the tank can't negate further damage and has to heal against ongoing dps. in this game however the tank can negate further damage and heal hp back with ease. that said, big hits in pve have to count and be real big (pve opponents don't react and interrupt your heal). this might kill your glasscannon 1hit but well you chose a group stat without having a group that supported it or without having the knowledge to avoid the hit/deflect it to someone else who can take it, so you die. doesn't sound like a problem. if you run full soldier gear and get ohko'd then there is something to complain about, no matter on which class it happened ... well unless it is a basic game mechanic like if you fail to see the white area in vinewrath or run into the central brandstorm and get unmounted.
  6. Yes that is exactly what I am talking about so the number is not wrong at all. Yes the basic unlimited gathering tools with no animations or bonuses is 300 gems cheaper at base price. And they have only been available for 1.2k gems on two occasions both of which only lasted for 2 days and was also limited to 1 purchase per account. So its not like you can just easily buy them at 1.2k. non-permanent gathering tools cost ingame gold, be it direct via master craftsmen or indirect via different currencies you could convert into ingame gold (laurels, karma, valtile/unbound magic) or by replacing other stuff in random containers (dragonite ore/bloodstone dust/empyreal fragments conversions) that could've been sold for ingame gold.combined with their duration those tools have a cost per use.permanent gathering tools have no cost per use. their high pricing is necessary to keep it somewhat balanced. compare it to the most comparable QoL that is permanent salvage kits:non-permanent salvage kits cost ingame gold, be it direct ... yada yada.combined with their duration those tools have a cost per use.permanent salvage kits have a cost per use as well and it is very close to the normal cost. copper is a bit cheaper, silver even more expensive. do you get the difference? the even more expensive version of permanent gathering tools (1k per tool = 3k or the rare pack of 2.7k for all 3) comes with an additional skin. a skin that costs 100-200 gems per tool! now that is actually cheap compared to other skins, isn't it? not to mention that skinned tools sometimes have a glyph in them that can be worth a lot of of gold. permanent gathering tools imo aren't a normal QoL thing, instead, they are a permanent character enhancement that removes all cost from gathering. this enhancement is worth a lot!gathering a salad normally isn't worth the tool as the tool usage costs more than the salad. but with a permanent tool you suddenly make profit off of an otherwise useless node. but on the pricing of templates i fully agree they are very expensive. it can be noted however that we played thsi game for a lot of years without even the possibility and got along well, so it is a pure luxury item and as in the real world, luxury is a lot more expensive than it is useful.
  7. that number is plain wrong btw, the base price of unlimited gathering tools is 2.4k.what you are talking about is a full set of gathering tool skins. btw i got my full set of gathering tools for 1.2k gems.
  8. my game crashed as well on revenant when opening build tabi was using glint + jalis, but i might have a shiro build saved as template
  9. since you can use quite a lot of the special actions while mounted i guess the bug is rather that it is possible to bind both actions to the same key.
  10. I'd go with Oola personally, even in GW she was seen as a nearly legendary figure.Master donjon guide: Oola, a reclusive Asura whose magical skills and achievements have made her a nearly legendary figure, once resided at the bottom of a labyrinthine system of caverns. Disdaining polite society, she sequestered herself in a hidden laboratory to continue her work in peace and quiet. When her fellow Asura needed her expertise in the battle against the Destroyers, Oola rejoined them. With no one left to maintain the golems that once guarded the lab, her creations went berserk. The only way to restore order was by tracking down the TPS regulator, the ultimate source of these major malfunctions. oola is another possibility, yes While something about the gods wouldn't be out of the picture, we got Shiro there. Outside of that, I think an e-spec related to Abaddon with a Legendary margonite could fit. Margonites used to be human seafarers worshipping abaddon which is the god of depth, magic and secrets. There is a prominent figure amongst them named Jadoth. i don't want any GW1 legends, purely legends that are visible in GW2, legends the average GW2 player (that didn't play GW1) recognizes. shiro is definitely not one of those, same for the rest you mentioned.with PoF we get a whole bunch of lore about abaddon's fall but mostly about his opponents, so i'd rather have either abaddon himself or one of kormir's squad than any abaddon worshipper.turai ossa appears everywhere throughout the story, which is why i put him in the mix. PoF also tells us that he defeated palawa joko, so we have a strong basis to build on. Like the human, I think ventari already fill the role. In this case, there is even the "stone" which can be likened to the turrets found on sylvari's racial skills. ventari is a centaur and not a sylvari, a sylvari racial spec imo should use a sylvari (or their relatives, the pale tree or mordremoth ... but mordremoth from start on would be a rather big spoiler which is why i said after defeating him) Charrs got the renegade. It's difficult to make anything more charr-like, there is the full warband and the tactical attack all included into the e-spec. again that renegade squad is not well-known in GW2 as far as i know.given the nature of charr in GW2 a good choice would be some legendary engineer whose tools are used as skills. I do agree, I think somewhere on the forum I put together a "norn" inspired e-spec with the spirit of the frog as the basis and an hylek as a legend. The idea was to recycle an hylek skin as an upkeeped transform for F2 and a focus on poison/trap as utility. I had chosen Ameyalli as the legend, making her a legendary figure linked to the spirit of the frog that would have achieved a state similar to the gw's druids. i specifically mentioned owl spirit because of the owl shrine in hoelbrak that makes your character experience the scary owl death that is also accompanied with hope. i think it would fit very well that the owl spirit still fights beyond death - via norn revenants.
  11. back to topic: rev doesn't fit the other classes' handling of racial skills and imo it would only be bad to have them. that said, rev has a different approach to skills and that can also be used in racial skills. revs could summon a racial legend! and those legends would be obviously worse than other legends but if you want to use them for lore or because they fit your build, why not?those legends would suit better than current legends because who the hell is mallyx from the perspective of a gw2 player? nowhere to be found, just a name, could be anything. shiro the same. renegade squad same. only fitting legends are ventari, glint and just recently the dwarf. now, which racial legend?asura: snaff or zinn are possibilities that are actually rooted in this gamehuman: turai ossa, pre-god kormir, maybe even kosssylvari: wynne or the pale tree --- edit: sylvari could summon mordremoth after defeating him, that would be cool.charr idk, i don't really know charr things but any of the statues in the black citadel fits this placenorn: owl spirit. or one of the other lost spirits.
  12. sounds like "remove classes" tbh.if every class has a build for everything and a counter build for every of those builds, that sounds like there are no classes at all. which is bad in a game that wants cooperation. it's totally fine if there is a class that can only deal dmg and never tank if it does its job well. same is true the other way round: it is totally fine if a class has no means to counter a certain tank build if it is useful elsewhere. at the very least any account, even free accounts, has access to multiple character slots -> not only the free choice of the class but also the possibility to adapt by switching class.
  13. rev has a trait that applys permanent torment, even out of combat, so you never leave combat again, but that also forces you on a condi traitline you might not want to use.
  14. if tanks are slow, all classes already have a counter. if core necro tanks so well you already have this exact counter as necro is the least mobile. engi however is quite mobile.mobility is the only good counter to a tank. attacks that deal a fixed percentage of the hp as damage are impossible to balance well in an environment with equip. is it fair to deal the same damage to a person in white gear and a person in legendary gear? i guess not. is it fair to deal the same damage to a glasscannon and a tank? for sure not. the tank sacrificed his dmg for it, he should have a safe benefit from doing so. i highly doubt any build with any equip can facetank a glasscannon without active defenses. any build capable to do relies on dodges coming back fast enough, blocks or other evades that delay a burst (regen is useless against a burst but any second of delay is great for regen), blinds or other ccs that stop the ongoing attack and - of course - some movement to delay anything that needs to be aimed.have you ever attacked a person standing still and couldn't kill them? for sure not, because that is what PvE opponents do and each of them is killable even with a lot more hp than any player.
  15. what is the problem about playing wvw for 3 hours without dying or killing players?wvw is not about killing people, it is about conquering the map and if you just capture undefended points you're still useful and valid in that mode, even if you never even saw a player. wvw is not just one style, it is a mix of many styles and unkillable builds don't exist in wvw because you can always stack up the numbers. even if people get away in wvw that isn't a problem because when running away you can't defend or capture any camps (or bigger structures). all you said sounds like you don't understand the power of numbers, teamplay and point mechanics. a build that is able to survive 1v3 in wvw can be shut down easily with bigger numbers or just get ignored entirely. a build doing the same in spvp where there are only 5 people pretty much decides the game by holding one of the three nodes for eternity and giving his team a free save spot right in the middle of the fight. now put 3 of those in a team, one on each node. the other team has to 5v1 them again and again or mirror the builds. that's unhealthy. in wvw however take 5 people to the node and force him off, take the node and have it secured for 5 minutes. other aspects like the fact that you can't stay online the entire wvw match or that the maps are far bigger or that these fights happen on minor points make it more ridiculous to complain about a build that you can't kill in a 1v1 in a mode that isn't meant to be 1v1. not to mention that you haven't told us that build yet.
  16. do you have a guild? you can go to the guild hall from that tutorial area.you can also use waypoints.plus at the western end of the map there is a portal to verdant brink, where the story torn from the sky starts. the portal should work if you did that story and is the inteded way out as you then arrive in HoT lands.
  17. JPs as adventure may sound good in the first moment but then the daily JP becomes really annoying for lots of players. i would prefer a solution that doesn't make dailies worse. i care more about the achievements and the challenge because the achievements say something and the challenge is fun. there is more than enough content that is no challenge. it is sad to see that so many people disagree to keep one of the very optional challenges an actual challenge. one of the things that don't need you to grind or spend a lot of money (cultural armor!) or have a good build/equip and still challenge. Your problem isn't Mesmer that portals people through JP, It is people who place their player character at end of JP to farm it. in what way is that a problem for me?
  18. for me HoT wins in every aspect. map design:PoF is too forced on mounts that the whole design became unbelievably ugly. i could never see the highlands as a real mountain range or the riverlands as a real delta. anything on PoF maps is forced to force mounts and everything looks bad because of it. HoT maps on the other hand got their artificial movement by air streams and magic flows in the air, things that don't affect the map design. therefore HoT maps are a lot more beautiful. enemies:the jacaranda single-handedly makes PoF inferior to any other place in this game. but even without it many PoF enemies are pretty annoying for not offering any difficulty in return. they can only swarm you to be hard and this game with its 5 target limits doesn't work well with swarming enemies. they do swarm you often enough nevertheless. PoF enemies also feel scattered around far too artificial as if the goal was to make every single spot on the map hostile instead of designing an immersive world. a desert? well then make it like a desert: few opponents and hard-fought water spots. a good desert design has few packed places and lots of space with rare encounters. yet you can't walk 3 meters through the open sand without getting a sand shark to bite you (another enemy that is just plain annoying and not worth the time). oh and did i mention the lions? only a true sadist could implement those. HoT enemies on the other hand are tough yet they offer their individual counterplay. some are really annoying but they offer a depth like itzel or have a valid reason to be so like the various versions of lesser dragons (why are drakes so bad?). HoT isn't flawless but i never requested a flawless game. performance:while HoT offers more eye-pleasing content, PoF heats my pc more. also PoF maps lags a lot. even here HoT wins. metas:didn't do enough mainland PoF metas to decide that. HoT metas are good imo. LS maps:PoF has some good maps and some bad maps. i do like dragonfall, jahai and the non-inquest part of sandswept isles, but i do hate istan, kourna and especially thunderhead peaks. HoT has on the good side ember bay, bloodstone fen and bitterfrost frontier and i only really dislike draconis mons. both +3 but HoT has only -1 while PoF has -3, so here also a win for HoT. anyone hating on tangled depths think about the branded half of vabbi. do you prefer that? i don't. it is the worst place in the open world (well maybe the blue area offers worse spots, i haven't explored that so far).
  19. we all know that one spider that eats asura. that is a rather short cycle of life ...
  20. you get a total of 2 central tyrian mastery points from JPs and currently you're allowed to cheese both of them as both have no zone at all. they are even without mounts already two of the easy points. they don't offer a challenge in jumping, only in patience as both are rather long. however they are a breeze compared to the mastery point earned by completing the ambrite weapon collection.
  21. JPs are fully optional, the chest contains stuff worth 10s if you're lucky. the reward is 10 AP and nothing more. if you don't like to do a JP the normal way, then don't do it at all or find people that do it for you, because, you know, this is a mmo, a game where community interactions are key. why do so many people feel entitled to get that achievement for free? i have nothing against looting the chest via mount or doing the daily via mount (mainly because i don't see any reason for JPs to be part of the dailies, that just makes them annoying). if you feeel good by standing at the end of the JP, cool, do it with your mount, no prob. if you want the achievement however, do the JP ... allowing mounts in JPs makes it necessary to block portals though. as well as any backport skill. so there has to be some better way.
  22. Problem with this thread is nobody really cares about people obtaining the rewards through a mesmer portal, but a mount and glider is to far for some reason. i mean you can ban helping, sure. will it be a good sign? doubtful.the thing is that you can get other achievements by their equivalent of a mesmer portal. if somebody gifts you 2 legendaries to bind them, who would deny you the twice told legend achievement and title? who would deny it if you bought 2 legendaries? that is a lot of gold to farm. but can you just click a button and have the achievement unlocked without ever having had a legendary? no. if a mesmer ports you, then the mesmer had to do the JP at least. someone has to do it. if they consider the time worth to help you, why not? if you pay them, well why not? ban it from JP achievements but not from other achievements? inconsistent.
  23. i would be one, probably my mesmer. but only if i then stay in central tyria though. i would be strong enough to beat all threats without dying myself or taking many hits and i have the nicest place in central tyria to live in. on the other hand i have no idea how much tyria is developed in hygienic standards ... the food is good as my mesmer is a cook but what about the aftermath? i do see a serious issue though: i want to be able to use my hands for climbing and not just my feet, tyrians seem to not know how to do this ...
  24. achievements are missing in this poll.dungeons in this game feel too restricted to me, fractals are fine. any pvp content in this game is far too short-lived to enjoy for me, lore needs to be more. story has virtually zero replay value due to its linear form. that isn't a bad thing but i play rpgs for their replay value so it can't be the favorite part.
  25. have you thought about a new mechanic for wvw/pvp only?like disable rezzing if in combat unless you have that specific trait in your build (that usually is located in a traitline for survivability or group play) that way stealth rez like a thief can do will work unchanged while in a 3v1 you can't rez the downed person unless one of you moves out of combat and even then a single touch interrupts it totally. but if you have this specific trait for it you can still rez mid-fight. support builds will most likely have it while dps builds won't. and in any case it takes 1 trait slot away from your build.that trait should always be located in core classes and not in elites and it could function like the old rez speed or fall dmg reduction traits did, i.e. it does allow the rez and has a class-specific bonus attached.
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