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Everything posted by SLOTH.5231

  1. I got this from a chest yesterday and it’s an amazing skin. Anyone else get lucky and get this? I just wish we could dye it and it glowed just a little brighter.
  2. I really enjoyed it also. Very well thought out and the music kicked ass!!
  3. Death Magic merge with minions just like rangers each minion gives certain buff to traits.
  4. Maybe turn SMC into some sort of mega world Boss event where all the servers matched against each other have to work together to defeat it which at certain times and grants some nice swag in the end. An event that turns off pvp during that time and it switches back once it’s over for some blob vs blob action. Anything is better than the current state we are stuck in.
  5. As long as they keep bringing living story episodes and allowing people in WvW to one shot each other and run away people will play.
  6. Level 80 boosts should only work for characters that have a level 80 character thru leveling. Mounts I see no issue with.
  7. Two years later still posting and no changes ?
  8. Put us all in one server and be done with it.
  9. Well now that I think about it there is always TERA I invested a couple years in to that game before coming back to GW2 because of the expansions.
  10. I’ve never been a pve’r outside of the personal story 7 years ago before expansions which I stopped playing for two years came back and bought both expansions but not for the pve aspect of it. Now I’m pveing more than I’m doing WvW and trying to get the the skyscale after just getting the griffin. It’s a great game if you can stay away from the toxic WvW mode. I’ve also spent hundreds on the gem store and like the game. I’ve never raided and pretty much solo everything since I’m not really in to guilds but I may start getting in to it because I’m burnt out doing nothing but WvW casually for like 5 years since I took a two year break.
  11. +1 Make the changes! Rangers stop crying you are one of the best bursting classes in WvW and you get free bags all the time so shut up.
  12. Yknow, your complaint would make a bit more sense if you werent (seemingly) playing a build that does that exact same thing but much better. Especially since its daredevil, so its not got the only advantage of infinite stealth that deadeye builds have. The complaint isn’t about the class or I would have posted in the thief sub forum it’s more about the scaling of damage and how broken it is in WvW. Fair enough point and I would agree that damage scales too high. But don’t you own some responsibility in this encounter by being just shy of full glass?I have 8 toons this is just one of them I play time to time in small scale groups when taking camps or attacking sections of smc and keeps. I have personally never one shot anyone glass or not when illusions pop up most people know to dodge lol
  13. Yknow, your complaint would make a bit more sense if you werent (seemingly) playing a build that does that exact same thing but much better. Especially since its daredevil, so its not got the only advantage of infinite stealth that deadeye builds have. The complaint isn’t about the class or I would have posted in the thief sub forum it’s more about the scaling of damage and how broken it is in WvW.
  14. The one shot was backstab. There were 6 hits for your 40k. Likely not in 1 second but ok. You are running a Mesmer with greatsword. A power weapon. So likely you are running fairly glassy. So, a boosted up hit from stealth to a glassy class? Yes. It’s working as intended. Are you seriously defending this? None of what you said even MATTERS. It's freakin 40k lmao! I hate how players have accepted this as NORMAL. Check the previous posts it is not 40 k. Or at least check the picture. There is only one char that can do one shot 30k+ dmg (as far as I have seen in wvw) and it is (or was) norn-form-soulbeast. Thief damage is, although not healthy, quite normal and necessary to burst down other overperforming dps builds. This is caused by a bad game balance and a heavy power creep that includes cc chains. And mesmers burst damage is not that bad either when you compare. And OP, as a burst profession player yourself, you should not make unnecessary claims about others. If you claim that you were one shotted with 40 k dmg, show the proof. Otherwise please at least use the truth. Perma invis malicious backstab deadeye is not good, we all know that. But demanding nerf and balance are two different things.NOT ONCE HAVE I MENTIONED NERF At this point I guess it’s time to move on from WvW and really the game as a whole as it’s no longer enjoyable at this point. It’s really unfortunate.
  15. what gear are you using? and are you base or mirrage. Mirage Marauder trinkets and armor. I died from many thieves over the course of 7 years this is the first time this has happened like this instantly dead not a fighting chance in hell.
  16. No just a few of us were attacking smc and yes this thief instant killed me with those attacks no animations nothing just dead one shot in less than a second. I have no reason to lie guys or I wouldn’t be posting here. The funny thing he kept doing it to me until I finally got sick of it and logged. There needs to be some sort of dmg cap. I die a lot it’s part of the game but I at least want a dying chance lol.
  17. One shot at full HP 17kHP no time to react over 40k dmg in less than a second and don't fucking tell me it's a L2P issue. I don't mind dying but this is complete bullshit. https://ibb.co/0rnxT47
  18. My advice stay away from WvW it will ruin your gaming experience. You'll get slaughtered by broken game balance and nothing can save you.
  19. I watched Anet’s last video they streamed in WvW on twitch and I got to tell you the two guys streaming looked bored as hell and you can tell they weren’t enjoying it. That should tell you something about The state of WvW right there.
  20. WvW has turned into a duel map with gank squads. Most people who play on EB don’t take it serious anymore and it’s all about the one shot ganking now because Balance’s are so screwed up.
  21. If BG is open then that means when that closes other servers will open up as well. I’ve been on FA since release no plans on moving even though I WvW 99% of the time solo with pugs. If people want to go to BG I see no issue with it it’s there money.
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