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Noah Salazar.5430

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Everything posted by Noah Salazar.5430

  1. Hello What you think about that: Insted of having healer your taking that 2 builds: Harbringer: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSABoitjlhyAZpMNWLm6X1xVA-zRRYVh3MmyI3UojKw7DiIUHEP8tc/0G-e -> Quicknes,10 might, Swifness, Vampirism, Resses , 22k dps Mechanist: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeABkql7lZw4YdMYWMWqP6RVA-zRJYoRPfg0GCdJQYF4cIE0eoPHBul3PrA-e -> +100condi aoe, Alac, 22might, Prot,Vigor,Regen, Team Barrier, 20k dps Mechanists gives 2-3k barrier, and Harbringers offheal rest that when tought with life stel from Vampirism/ ress ppl that get downed Comp: qdps,adps,2dps,bs Have you any ideas to improve synergy better?
  2. Have you tried attemp it as guild or pre-made squad? Chosing your team is not part of luck but skill And skill you earn by practice togheter with similar ppl with goals similar as you And from giving thay best to achive what thay did, thay erned my "wow😮" Turtle Mount is not good compare to other mounts in any way, it's good only as "Treasure" to show off you have somethink that other not, and thats what making that mount valuable
  3. As engi main i confirm it, quickness harbringer brings more resses as mechanist lack it, and Vampirism is nice to have I mean Cele Mech+Condi Quickness harbringer with Vampirism (blood magic) Or Magi Mech+ pure Condi Quicknes harbringer (33k) With that combo Mech can only focus to spam 3-5k perm barrier while Harbringer will offheal anythink that pass tought
  4. We got a little love with 15% barier nerf to 5% while -180 vitality stayed, so much love i pew with raindbow
  5. As mechanist you want keep up barrier insted of heal, but if you need heal you use Elixir gun 5+Mortal 5 (also healing turret insted of med kit) with correct stats you spam 1030 barrier per hit upkeeping overall 5k barrier on your team http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAk6lZwaZuMPWKeyTbRVA-zxIYwoh/MqWBkuEwuzS7fWA-e
  6. if your full magi+rebirth runes, you can reaplece a healer, and get pair with qfb spaming 1030 barrier per hit (perm 5k barrier) You racher migrate dmg then heal, but you have healing options that with max healing stats work rly well When i tested it worked effective on t4 fractals (with qfb/qharbringer as you missing stab)
  7. Anyone tried it expec of me and had fun as well on build+stats i provided?
  8. you go as halac, and qfb/qscraper/qharbringer resing all 3 qdps options have aoe ress also if your on duo with qfb, you can bring 100condi boon, and qfb condi sigil togheter
  9. So i tested it on t4 fractals and i need say it's viable with pair of qharbringer or qfb even with qscrap (mostly for Quicknes+Stability) your mace 4-5k barrier is inaf as base "heal" as you migrate dmg before team can get any and in cause of bigger hit you press Super Elixir+Elixir Shell while using barrier signe or barrier burst you also provid 25 might, fury, protection(+5% more effective),regen(+20% more efective),vigor - you only have 1 aoe stab as you don't have any other skills to bring stability to team (no tool belt so no 3stab from elixir b) ->In my opinion it schold be buffed to 2 stability stacks (as no other sources) -Barrier from mace culd have base +100 more barrier (but it's fine as it is now) + Shift signet is your stun break or self condi clease for root + I rate Mech Ai good, mostly mech stayed with me, and it's much easier to navigate now + your boon duration is fine with 45-70% range (as qfb+qharbringer brings missing fury/might in cause you run it outside fractal) here is build i used : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAk6lZwaZuMPWKeqTbRVA-zxIYwoh/MqWBkuEwuzS7fWA-e
  10. So Reaper can have secound hp bar, but Scraper for only "5%" barrier geting -180 vitality, also having less dmg then meta builds 😕 Perfect
  11. Anet Can you buff it to 10% at last? 5% is tot harash and destroy whole concept of bruiser that did less dmg for having good sustain with only 5% the -180 vitality is not even worth it anymore and scraper became to squishy now Can't even survive medium pulsing arena on trening golem
  12. what like ... can't it be at last 10% in pve?
  13. What? don't forget that healing turret trigger 4s prot https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Reconstruction_Enclosure and to adjust cd with alac boon yep, thats what teorycraft is if it will do dmg around or even bit less then qcfb/alac rene it will be fine
  14. becose qraper not brings anythink special expect of superspeed not it's dps is hight harbringer have dmg also can provid any boon+wampirsm halac mechanist on top of barriers will have 5-6k dps Also both halac mechanist and harbringer have acces to aegis
  15. I racher wanted split offensive boons to cqdps harbringer as his Elixir of Risk brings 15s fury with 20s cd mechanist just provid missing fury/might and mainly focus on defensive boons i can't decid yet will tools/alchemy will be better choise insted of 100condi firearms About runes for harbringer and sigils good point ty ❤️
  16. Hello i teorycrafted a bit and came up with that combo Mechanist role :halac http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAk6lZwaZuMPWKeqTbRVA-zxIYwoh/MqWBkuEwuzS7bWA-e You spam alot barrier (can upkeep perm 4-6k barrier) have protection/regen/stab/might and medium condi cleanse x2 missile reflect x1 missile block, alot cc +100 condi boon Harbringer role :qcdps http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSAFoE1aYZGMQWKjl1il6UfUF-zRRYmRwIH98nSLChUlAprCCRQ51TAQDIm2A-e Brings might/fury/quickness/swifness and rest mising boons from ult Blood magic for resses and healing team from Life Siphone dmg Do you have any ideas how to improve both builds to synergy togheter much better?
  17. I recomend full magi with runes of rebirth (2031 healing stats) for max barrier and 45% boon dura http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAk6lZwaZuMPWKeqTbRVA-zxIYwoh/MqWBkuEwuzS7bWA-e Your duo will be Quicknes Condi Harbringer : http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PSAFoE1aYZGMQWKjl1il6UfUF-zRRYmRwIH98nSLChUlAprCCRQ51TAAA-e You put 5-6k perm barrier on your team might/alac and rest And Harbringer provide dmg, quickness and blood magic (ressing/healing from siphion dmg) You both will be unstopable combo halac+qcdps
  18. it can be well paired with mechanist as halac (he will provid alot might togheter with other boons) and perm 4-5k barrier i worry harbringer and mechanist combo will be too good
  19. @Valisha.8650Yes but you will need play it as heal alac with quick fire brand (like old qfb+alac heal renegade) With this build you will upkeep insane amount of barrier (4-5k) perm + have x3 projectile blocks and 2 bigger barriers http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAk6lZwaZuMPWKeqTbRVA-zxIYwoh/MqWBkuEwuzS7bWA-e insted of using med kit, your job is spaming one to put barrier per sec that migrates dmg from team that way evry your 3 auto (that taking 1s witch quickness) your as effective as med kit
  20. @Alcatraznc.3869first ty for your answer ❤️ -> hmm full berserker/viper build do 435 barrier (on mace) so diference is x2 times compare to full magi as barrier scale from healing stats, maybe it will be inaf to be good alternative (not meta) -> Like i before said Scourge is not your competitor as it can't bring alac/quickness If you want bring Scourge you lose 1/2 of dmg -> For now we have : Quickness Heal|Alac dps|bs|2dps In my seting you replace alac spot, and bring qfb/qscraper with 1/2 dmg so it looks like that : Quickness DPS| Alac Heal |bs|2dps Alternativly you can do Heal alac Renegade + Quickness dps, sadly i need study renegade more as i'm not aware of limits of that class yet like with druid/firebrand/scrapper/scourge so can't rly say is it competitor to it Qfb brings missing vigor/regen with tome of resolve/azure sun Same your Healing Turret brings adional vigor/regen if nessesary
  21. @Alcatraznc.3869can you say more about on what settings you tested mechanist to say that I want you more of secound tought after considering my gear and runes
  22. => Yep i want point up it's build for 5ppl or new 10ppl content wher all boons are covered not open world My main idea was to use barrier as "healing" insted of med kit as you can up barrier constantly racher then scourge that do bigger barrier but temporarly => Also you can take role of alac it's prob -35% less effective then med kit, but in same time you can't rly compare 2 thinks as barrier have other positives that healing don't have I'm exited to test how well full magi gear will work with my build and eventualy ask if anyone got any ideas to improve it
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