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Noah Salazar.5430

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Everything posted by Noah Salazar.5430

  1. I think it's good change as it will allow synergy even better duo of hfb+Scrapper allowing hfb taking more healing or in cause his die your pt will not lose quickness
  2. @Jski.6180 In order to take quickness you no longer will can take Adaptive Armor, means scrapper will be less tanky if he decide to take quickness He will lose +15% barrier, and 20% condi dmg on him Same will happyn on Expert Examination, if scrapper will decide to take it, he will can't take Damage Dampener (33% dmg is deleyed by 2s) It's fair traid off, in cause your team don't have hfb for Quickness
  3. @LilBiM.3581 Scrapper will can have 100% Quickness with 75% boon dura even witchout that trait, think is if you add that trait you will can do it more smooth and Quickness will not be despended only from 1 trait Also your shields 4+5, and Hammer 5+3 will bit support you with team quickness allowing you to not rush that many gyros on your utylitis here is a build with 6 superspeed procs i'm refering to http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PezAo6JlNwcYesGWKeyTftaA-zRZYQhIyfMaA1Q7FcGVrASXCY3Zp9NL-e 75%= 2s->3,5s of quickness 6* 3,5=21s and your bandage self got 17s(that proc x2 tims), same as bulwark 20s Asuming that trait will be added you will add 1s->1,75s so shield 5 1,75s stun + 1,75s daze means 21s+3,5s=24,5s of quickness remeber it proc only from stun or daze, not knock/push or others So will also allow you save your Function gyro, in casue you use it for ress and incres it cd to 35s witchout droping quickness as you will have adional quickness on shield @Jski.6180 Remeber that Superspeed and Quickness will be all what scrapper have He don't have anythink that he culd buff theam to do adional dmg, like sigils on guardian, or spirits on druid Scrapper can't take Pinpoint distribution as it's in dps tier line Scrapper is can give 40% portection (insted 35%) tho, and have bulwark gyro insted of aegis, and alot blind for weak mobs
  4. @Infusion.7149 10 power per might 25might = 250 power :P
  5. @Infusion.7149 I propose to modificate adional trait (Expert Examination) :
  6. hi i propose that build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PezAo6JlNwcYesGWKeyTftaA-zRZYQhIyfMaA1Q7FcGVrASXCY3Zp9NL-e or full harrier yo got 6 procs of superspeed means 6*3=18s of quickness, and your Badage self is 17s cd, then blast gyro/function gyro, and last bypas coating that way you got around 90%-100% quickness with 75% boon dura But i agree with you, quickness schold be buffed to 2,1/2 or 3s allowing to take some other utilities in cause you will need them or giving some quickness to Expert Examination
  7. Hello i disagree with you Now you can get Mass monument that if you got stab you will get might And change to Adapt force that will give you stab if you got 10 might, will keep your might up all time providing adional bonus to your stats, also stab will be aoe Also you got multiple source of stab like Toss elixir b, and Defence Field, even Elixir U got 2stab, and if you play with flamethrower you got juggaranat trait
  8. Good idea @Labby.5840that is false, it was personal quickness only, i use that runes for open word so i can confirm it
  9. Welp i once went public drms only to get all locked mastery points and then left, why doing public drms when you got lfg option
  10. hi guys, pls don't spam with your opinions in bug section as you make hard time to find any usefull information it's totaly understandable that some ppl like easy mode and some other half like chalange mode to fight longer and harder Bug raport: Bug got fixed 5min ago after hotfix
  11. As roamer it's my favoutie map to roam around, actualy i prefer fight ther then other maps, as ther are most ppl after EB, and small scale action happyn ther often (eu Gunar Hold/Gandara) in my opinion that desert map is also much more interesing to me then other maps, and you have alot smaller objectives ther
  12. If i can suggest, it culd be good idea to change a way to get in to privat DRMs to how it looks like it is in Fractals/Dungeons Sometimes if person in your team dc/crash that person can't back to instantion(cuz if he try he will end up in diferent instantion), so as team we have only 2 options : Reset whole DRM, or countiune witchout that person It culd help much if it was like in dungeons/fractal when you can come in to instantion whenever you want ratcher then like it is now like with personal story system Thats my feedback, hope it will be taken by good way ^^And if system will be change in future, i hope it will help ppl with unstabile connections and thay teams ;)
  13. @aspirine.6852 @Fueki.4753 no it's only afecting CMMeans if you create your own team, as you can't open cm in public
  14. Ok so it's : CM Powerfull FoesWhat happyn? : Not triggering buff on mobs, but CM count to rewardAre other CM not works? CM Final Boss on some (but CM count to reward)Are you geting 3/3 rewards? YesIs it game breaking bug? No
  15. Kinda sounds like Allods online, ther adionaly you got 6 runes that increst your dmg/def, adional stat scrols, and much more xd yep definitly Allods xd oh god thx i achived ther evrythink and run from it xd
  16. Yeh, look more on skills and rolesgood egzemple is scrapper that have self barrier, but in same time he got -vitality from trait so his hp is around low hp classes, nerfing his barrier wuld make him not inaf good to be front linder bruiser as he will die while try iniciate fight with enemy for your team
  17. @Siobhan.6027 try CM drms, in lfg lobby (champions) for me it fixed problem, and bringed back fun (not only that mobs are bit harder so you not sleep) it's around t3 fractal dificulity, and you have bunch of time to finish even if you fail time (what happyn rare as usualy you end with 5-7min before time run off) drm not fail and you still geting 2/3 reward Also cm give around 96-140 seals I not recomend to do public drms, as it will unmotivate you to that point you will stop doing them Na, but rly, try put lfg, it's active even if it's not look on that
  18. Hello, i just wanted share my experience So for long time i got problem that if i joined public drms(i was not aware thers lfg for it same like in strikes), i mostly feel like i play alone with bunsh of npc that play around me with low dmg(2-3k), or ppl that disappear in mid time or play hide and sick insted also in public most time you culd oversee that your party is downed, or not knowed thay position or how well thay do with boons That was unfun for me to that point i stoped doing them, also rewards was poor But then one person from my guild invited me to CM drms, and i need say, wow, thats totaly diferent experience! While i thinked lfg is not much active, reality was, it's rly active!, as teams are created fast once you post your lfg insted of waiting for others to do it CM drms was not hard, more of like t3 of fractal, but cuz mobs was more harder, it was rly more fun to do themAnd now i feeled like a team, depening on other 4 players with bunch of roles What other fun think i found out that if you fail time cm, your drm is no fail, you will get 2/3 cm reward insted ^^ So for ppl that got bit unmotivated to do drm, i say go check CM drms, on lfg (champions) Maybe your motivation and fun will back, same as it did to meAlso CM drms give much more rewards (x2-3 more compare to public) Go try them (no you no need li for that, even if your dps is bit lower you can complite them on time) What i can say i will never back to do them public... Also i noticed right now rewards overall are highter, and even you got daily in front page If not my guild mate, i prob wuld never do drms anymore, and not found fun in it, so i'm very glad for that ^^ Share your experience as well once you tried to form group for cm insted of public, is it was more fun for you that way as well?
  19. @Konrad Curze.5130 @"Dawdler.8521"Yes it's light version of build, point was to beat up full berserker on solo play, and that build achived that doing 35% more, and tankness was only side effectI still work on more tanky version tho, but need more time for min-max it right now my prototype is http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAIJlRwcYQsGWJO8LvteA-zRZYBRBBVJcQaHhedGhJBCUBoyDQAbgXDFmBA-e wher i exchanged 100 power, and 10% crit chance, for 345 toughness, so your hp will not jump that much on solo legendary bounty but like i said it's prototype and i will yet test/work on it to min/max it more I was more mean to make scrapper bit better, i'm aware that other classes can do better (condi guardian) or condi engi i wanted achive power build that will work well and is easy to play for less skilled players @"Kodama.6453"ty for correct, i was more mean it trigger the big boomer, so you get bit of pasive healing it is if you compare how that small change with runes and 3 parts in gear improved power scrapper drasticly (compare to full berserker)same as satisfaction from play
  20. nah sadly you can't do much with wvw infusions once you bought them
  21. Arent Rangers/thiefs roamer role, means to place supply traps, build defense, scout for enemy zerg?both class got hight mobility or dashes, i think that roles was not mean to fight in larger squads, more of taking down camps/towers in time your zerg fight other zerg
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