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Noah Salazar.5430

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Everything posted by Noah Salazar.5430

  1. @"Kodama.6453" Than descryption of skill is wrong, but also nice to know that @Infusion.7149you got right, when x1 immob remove don't sound scary, togheter with other stuff it will be too muchclosing topic then
  2. @Infusion.7149Powercreep with x1 immobilize remove? what? :oby x1 immobility remove i mean that it will work only on you not aoe @Kodama.6453Arent stunbreak only for you?Descyption says that superspeed is aoe
  3. I think you schold find guild for that activitis pugs are only for ppl that lack role in guild, so thay need someone from outside of guild to fill up a role like it is with raids Many ppl are not aware of it, and guild for them is only for collecting nodes from guild hall, what is wrong :/ Ask on lion arch "lf guild that do cm, or cm trainings" you no need any kp or titles that way only ppl that have social distancing pay for that remowing of kp, was one of way to force ppl to group up with small communitis, insted only using lfg, and having bad experience with ppl that don't know you (as cuz of no bounds, thay not feel that much regret to remove you from party) At last it's how in other games work, i noticed in gw2 ppl are more of guild-less and use pug insted
  4. well if you can't break cc look when red circle will spawn, 1-2s after boss will spin to win like warrior, so you just need move 2-3 steps back and wait till boss stop spining, then your safe to go even if your not break bar, this boss will not one shot you if you stay far as aoe are super small (mele range) i usualy do cm solo as scrapper so know mech well (yes i know if you break cc, you have +50% dmg for 5s)
  5. Have you tried colorblind googles? thay will prob not fix your problem 100%, but will make color more contrast, so you will can see dif eazier Also race are not impactful in gw2 so don't worry if you can't recognize one of them Sylvari have 2 thinks thay body and hair usualy will light despend from time of day Also sylwari don't have hairs, thay have some kind of flowers/leaves/twigs
  6. Add "remove x1 imobilize" to https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bypass_Coatingthat skill give you only superspeed (0dmg), and you feel frustrated when mob in pve immobilze you i have that build on mind http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAIJlRwgYcsGWJ2+B-w
  7. @"Aeolus.3615"35% is better then 100%From both sidesCondi will not be blocked full so you alwyas will do some dmg (revs nerf )And with 35% but more often, and on more skills you will can defend you better then with 1-2s with 30s "condi block shield"As condi not disapering full like power strikes so blocking have not much sens vs condifor blocking you have condi cleanseAlso resitatnce will no longer block chill, root, and etc But your dmg will not be full blocked1s of old resistence will be like 3s of new resistenceSame you can remove boons from someone withhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Sigil_of_Absorptionhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Sigil_of_Nullification @ollbirtan.2915have you even readed what i posted? what i propose is huge buff, insted of usless 2s condi block evry 30s you will can spam resistence like with protection, and have them on x2 more skills but resistence will block only 35% insted 100%
  8. Na it's duable on trabalizer/maruder, i only joked that it's "tank"prob you misundersted that it's "full" tank that don't do any dmg, what is not true@ParadoX.3124 @"borgs.6103" it gona look similar to this full berserked holo did 16-20kmaruder 12-14kand it took 2-3minBut for full confrim, i gona make maruder gear myself, and check on golem dif in numberson trabalizer gear you can check result here you just do 40-45% less dmg for x2hp pool Compare to raids you don't have dps check for one shot (only time limit) So that change can be legit, alowing more ppl to do that content, with ppl that do less dmg or usualy die often If that gona by popularized, ppl like that will can come togheter for [casual] tag with trab+maruder but geting bronze/silver reward insted but this time thay will can even try Wispers of Jormag on chill (Bonskineer will be more forgiving) Problem is new/casual player can't come with maruder or trab gear, cuz 99% teams have point to clear boss fastes posible with hightest damage I think that topic have big potential, even ending on creating guild that will play that way not only on strikes but fractals t4(hight dps alowing you to skip some mechanics, but on trab/maruder, you will end up more alive, and will actualy learning mechanics) Same reason why when you boost your character to 80lv, your geting knight gear insted of berserk If more ppl will like do strikes, fractals cuz of trabalizer/maruder partys (when normaly thay skip that activitis), that modes can be alot increst with player base and same it gona impact veteras, as more ppl will change from trabalizer/maruder to berserk/viper when thay gona be much confortable to switch insted of geting kicked, or having problem with finding party As community we need discues it and find way for less skilled players to do content witchout nerfing content that we are like as more skilled players or next thay gona remove kp from raids :/ We need to do somethink or anet will do it for us with worse results >_<
  9. here you have protection skillshttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Protectionand here Resistance skillshttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Resistanceyou can notice that boon is x3 times more rare My proposition: Nerf Resistance from 100%->35% but make it more common, also increst it time x2-x3 time (from 1-2s to 3-5s)Resistance no longer block root, chill and etc Maybe add some of it to traitsAnd add Resistance to more skills
  10. Againsttogether with poison it would cause too many harm I propose insted nerf resistence from 100% to 40% but more common like Protection
  11. If your against dps metters, and want play like you want Wuld you join to meta of 8tanks+2healers squad? (bs/alac/quick maybe but for now not) So you not gona die and kill boss with your time? (doing 8-16k dps) Or will you join to that types of squads if more ppl will put them on lfg with tag [casual] power gearhttp://gw2skills.net/editor/?POTAMA-zVJYiKFcgovzoWJQ6KANOLyfGB-wcondi gearhttp://gw2skills.net/editor/?POTAUA-zVJYkKFcgovwoLBCLAnpBDfaA-whealer gearhttp://gw2skills.net/editor/?POTAY2AA-zVJYjKFcgovyo6CI9EQnZp9NL-w The order of the squad is not to finish strikes the fastest, but the safest while not going full tank (1k dps)(having in mind the slower you do, the less rewards you get) Pros:-> More casual players will can play togheter and play witchout any worry of kick/flame-> Posible to have more nice experience witchout of need nerfing content-> The more that gear setup gonna be popularized, devs will can notice and increst time for strikes (if it will be needed)-> Casuals will have thay lfg groups so thay will no need force more experienced players to play with them-> Meta players will can join that squad, but can't complain or warning/kick for not respecting others and breaking As squad was created with intention for lower dpsCons:-> less rewardsOver time the better players will play, thay can slowly replacing gear from trabalizer to viper/ maruder to berserk, and when thay full change to berserk/viper thay gona be ready to join normal squadsOr stay on [casual] lfg permament if ther are no have will to improve, but having fun witchout worry to be kicked and progresing safe and more fun If most ppl will approved that idea, and communtiy will use that types of lfg more often, also you will can find eazier ppl thay will have Trabalizer/Maruder gear insted of Berserk/Viper Even the faster than it is now, as more ppl (with lower skill) will want try that content In same time ppl that like chalange or like play on meta builds will can play on thay lv wichout wory of nerfing content (like it was with 100cm and removing kp :/) I think you need hard discusion on this topic as communityIf your gona comment, tell from what perspective Casual/Medium/Meta/Li player you see that idea
  12. i'm ok as long thay not gona ban old oneSame hps metter culd be rly nice
  13. "ppl in pvp coming to "fight" not to care about points"silver rank player said at gold+1diamond team vs team full of diamond and 1+100rank
  14. well i know many hardcore players that regulary top up 20-50$ even if thay have inaf gold, just to support game and prevent p2w ideasIt's like donating to favourit youtuber or person on twitch Answering both veteran/farmers/casuals are importent : Farmers farm mats for ppl that use gold to buy themVeteran using Commander tag to cordinate casuals on open map or wvw, or crating teams for ppl that whatever reson can't do it aloneCasuals buy items from ah, that thay usualy have to less knowlage/time to get alone holy trinity you culd say Witchout Farmers, you wuld need farm evrythink alone, or buy at hight rateWichout Veterans, you wuld have empty lfg or low quality commandersWitchout Casuals you wuld have less ppl to play and less needs for your products on ah @Sifu.9745You described a invalid, not a casualCasual term for me is a player that is not much active or play witchout bigger aspirationsIn same term, ther can be Casual that clean raids/and fractals but just not that frequency Invalid is a person that can't create party by himself and complain that game is dead whenever thers no squad on lfg, block you when you want pm a feedback,play bad on purpose, and is not nice to others on chat Casual usualy is ok when you send him feedback(sometimes it's him who ask player who play more often/better then him for some tips)do avangarge dmg/healis nice to others on chat, and asking for thinks his not knowreading descryption of lfg
  15. @WorldofBay.8160i mean to move that option to outfit panelif you click it on outfit panel, you will have helm that you chosed at gear panel or none
  16. ->dps and hps meter (without baning outside ones)->ask request to check someone gear if he agree (3min cd for ask request)->ability to take off helm from gemstore outfit panel->global chat (some gemstore megaphones to use that chat)->mentor chat (evryone that taged as mentor will see that chat, others will can write ther but will not see that chat until thay tag as mentor)->post limit incrested to 25 (afer you buy game)-> remove "Your message was suppressed due to excessive messaging." from lfg->Marriage (you will see ring symbol next to someone avatar if his married, and if you point on that ring it will show who)Person whos you married will have name with pink color, if your close to that person you will get boon "United Hearts" that give +20stats, and +50 pasive healing evry 2sec, also you will can teleport to to wife/husband evry 30min (like charging teleport to friend)(yes you can marriage same gender same like diferent race (Norn+sylvari)-> on friend list you gona see lv of your friend character his on, lv of profesions, last time he was log in (not couting offline mode) and maybe bra size-> on friend list you will can put comment (only visable for you) to someone (as if you have too many friends you hard remeber who was who)-> /fart /spit (one someone)->Searching guild tab wher you will can find any guild that is in game, you can short them from a-z or by member size same as tag pve/wvw/pvp/RP/Farm/Social (yes guild can have more tags then 1)Also if you click on any guild you will see daily message and symbol of that guild, same as you will can apply to that guild by this tab All that are not nessesary but culd be nice to see
  17. Not rly, maybe only in pugs, with guild schold not be problemAlso ppl will see that you fail too many mechanicsyou can also ss and send photo on discord (cuz most cm groups use some communication device)
  18. i can do math with online build editior but for practic part calculator that do all job for you with multiple calctulations at same time while you fight culd be much helpfulthats why i asked is ther any in first place
  19. you schold change server for more populated, but not overpopulated same adionals severs can be nice wher main servers get to much overpopulated ( cuz new expanshion and new elit spec)
  20. Thats why i aslo chosed adional rune option that will help you at small scale with less dmg cost penaltybut you will do less dmg compare to true dps runes, but not that small dmg like with toughness/-condi duration runes
  21. @"Tiilimon.6094" i will ask a friend to fight 5-10 mobs at same time at hota on maruder gear and superior rune of durability and i will heal him for over 3-5min (he will not use any skills)Next i will change gear/runes, and compare numbersor +/- mobs he will agro and check how much he can take with my heals Next i will let 5-10 mobs take his hp to 10-20%, and use burst heal combo other time I will use some skils, then i will use only few of them, then only small farts and etc after all i can yet ask other friends that play dif class, to tell me thay hps and metrics Ofc the eaziest culd be if i culd just see skills of heals that was used, thay numbers, and etc to 1 target like it is showed in dps, but will do what i can, any info is good for me I don't have your "20y"of healer experience, that's why i need check and test evrythink alone My experience is 6y of support player that do 1/2 dmg 1/2heal and some def Thats why i aslo want push numbers max i can, while tesing other posibilitis while having inaf minimum thats needed or experiment on many ways Limit is only my creativity but for that i need have good "lab"looking on evrythink just by using eye can lead to many unaccuracy in before games i was usualy hardcore player that did hardest posible content, on hightest dificulity with less ppl that was recommended but for that you need alot data and preparation i'm not random person that just play a game thats why i also not asked about your opinion is hps needed or not, as for evry person this game in totaly different experience
  22. i think thay mean by someone to someoneself or recrived schold work
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