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Noah Salazar.5430

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Everything posted by Noah Salazar.5430

  1. Hi, asking for your opinion 0) Whats your skill lv?, Casual/medium/38kdps/Li Banker 1 )Why you chosing to pug, insted of do that content with your guild? 2) If lfg gone for raid/strikes, is it gona help socialize ppl with thay guild better? (closing an eye for any form to avoid that) 3) If your a solo player without a guild that pug, what wuld make you to joining a guild that organizing strikes/raids insted of pug and playing solo? 4) Is adding a tab with list of all guilds on your server+guasted (that gona show your guild message, number of members and some other info)(also you gona can filter guilds by size, name a->z, pve/pvp/wvw/other) will help you to join a guild or find more quality ones?
  2. Trueit culd be cool if thay rework turrets, to mobile mobs with aihttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mecha_Siege_DevourerRiffle Turret -> mecha scorpion that shoot from his left armRocect Turret -> mecha scorpion that shoot with rocket from his backNet Turret -> mecha scorpion that shoot with Net from his right armFlame Turret -> mecha scorpion that slit with fire Despend what scorpion you summon, part he using will be marked with red colorHealing Turret/Tuhmber turret actualy can stay Also buff hp of turrets by 100%https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Turret
  3. what culd change is to show true % number of drop per item, no need to ban them
  4. well similar story is with tengu, thay closed to others but have great weaponsmaybe not super advanced like asuras, but have some kind of thay ways, diference is thay trade with others
  5. Oh i was wrong thanBut same, you can put plot to CanthaHow thay started using new sorce of power xxx or developed new technology over yearsSo will say again that limiting to Cantha theme isin't much nesesery, eventualy only name
  6. @Vagrant.7206New spec don't need fit Cantha themeAre pof or hot spec did?I think it's ok for more cretivity this way
  7. yeh it's slowly geting balancedbut no holo aren't that much strong, scrapper right now is much stronger than holo, but pick rate of scrapper arent that hight yet, and most scrapper don't know how to build it to be strongif you don't belive me than prob you never got 2-3 shoted from stealth with Thunderclap+Granade barage+Sharpnel granade+Electo wirl if somone live yet all that on 11-18 might before even fight start
  8. Lightbringer with greatsword culd be nice as support spec with Alacrity, using electric technology to "boost" thay reaction speed and team, 4 new skills culd be https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shout Shout group, and as ult somethink like AED https://bit.ly/30egIlwbut for 5ppl 50% nerfedCan't wait for engi with all that fancy gratsword skins
  9. Go make a bit of break when you feel bored go buy some steam games you had not time to play before, 1-2 months schold make you back your determinationAlso remeber that cuz of covid, ppl work from home now, that can slow bit of progress making new content until ppl get used to itIn my opinion it's better to be a bit borred now, to get big kitten on 3 expedition ^^Don't force yourself to anythink or you will get burned fast and will even have less motivation if somethink new come
  10. @Lan Deathrider.5910 but with power stats you got only one, and no condi cleanse on power runes, while condi 3, toughness 3, heal 2also nice idea with name :D
  11. @"Lan Deathrider.5910"that rune is alternative to https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_Hoelbrakbut that topic is only focused on chosing name and symbol ;)
  12. Hi some time ago we tried make a rune that help a little vs condiProb you culd get it from strikes npc vendor or wvw Whats your proposition for name and symbol? [superior Rune of ???]25 Power-5% condi duration50 Power-10% condi duration100 Power+10% Health, 5s dark aura after using a heal skill (20s cd) kay words culd be Dark, Evil, Jormag
  13. ther was actualy proposition to make power rune that defense bit more against condi ::https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1297833#Comment_1297833
  14. Addon that use food and echantment from your bag whenever purple icone apper culd be nice but it's more job for coders
  15. @wasss.1208Ty for your opinion, i took a break to get somethink better, also you had right with that superspeed think, so i moved Quickness on wells insted, what you think?@draxynnic.3719I thinked about your idea with wells, so i puted it this way, what you think?@juno.1840i changed aegis to barries to not overboon guardians with your feedback@Reknarok.7582 @Kodama.6453 @Ghos.1326 I made changes more lighter, maybe now you gona like it much moreAlso that rework upgrade stuff what you got right now to do even betterthis allow you to play that class in pve as boon sup, or tank sup Support Tank traits [Grant barrier, redirect dmg to you, Increst barrier you grant]Support boon traits [Grant Quickness, Grant Superspeed, Grant Stability+Superspeed]DPS traits [Give stab+might to you, give +15%dmg, give Quickness to you and 200power] @"Taril.8619"Any thoughts on version 2.0 i made? Aslo i want thank evryone of you for spending your time leaving your comments here, as it helped me create scrapper rework even better than it was before :) Here are new reworked skills, i also added symbols to be eazier for you to find Repleced aegis to barrier, as that match Scrapper theme better Granted self stab after casting wells reworked to gyro and wells grant Quickness to team So now first traits are more about gyros and wells, not only gyro Now wells and gyro grant swifness to your teami know you can grant swifness by Lighting field + blast finisher, it's more of supportive think that you will give swifness more in montion witchout of need to stop for blast Removed heal, also in pvp/wvw that trait gona have 300s cd not changed anythink I made this trait more simple, also now barriers you grant are also incrested (Recovery Matrix trait) backed to what it was before, also now when you cc, you give stab+superspeed to team
  16. got 1s lag evry 3s on Crystal Desertit's unfun to play when evry 3s you need wait 1s to use skill, or got bombared by mobsasked ppl on map, and thay told thay have similar problems for pot+sezon 4 maps
  17. welp i will make other topic with ideas for name and symbol for it, for now it's placeholder until we balance it
  18. @"MidJuly.1839" Other than Resistance, i can propose Dark Aura https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dark_AuraWhos give -20% condi dmg So 10% hp + 6s dark aura after heal (20s cd) What you think about that replacement?
  19. @"Edge.8724"glad to hear thatbut thers too much in that rune right now, i intentionaly made that rune bit stronger, to"balancing it" or change design with help of other ppl leaving a comment you geting 10% hp, condi reduction, and immunity from condi in one rune, that bit too much So as community what you think witch choise is better?@KrHome.1920@ShadowCatz.8437@RedShark.9548@juno.1840@Virdo.1540@MidJuly.1839 Remove 10% hp BUT 2s retaliation+2s superspeed stay Remove 2s retaliation+2s superspeed, BUT +10% hp stay Or both stay, but nerf retaliation and superspeed to 1s?
  20. @"KrHome.1920"your immune only for 2s with big cd most heal skills have cast time of around 1s, i think thats rewarding as you can't hit in that timeit's ratcher immune you from be pinpointed close after you used condi cleanse Not rly you got 23s for thatlike i mentioned before you got acces to boon remowal/steal to counter that runehttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Sigil_of_Nullificationhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Sigil_of_Absorptionor cc to stop person from using heal i ratcher want give it on heal skill than elit skillas evry class have heal skill around 20-30swhile only some class have ults that have no cd or schort one you got similar think on condi dmg runeshttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_Antitoxinsame here you have only power stats, no +5%dmg, fury,might,vigor boons, no addional stats, no precision/ferocity it's class desing problem that 1 class have teleport x2 dash and perm stealth, not that rune ok boomer
  21. @"ShadowCatz.8437" yep true, after some tests 3s bit overperform on offensive runei think 2s is resonable with 25s cd and offensive statsreduced superspeed to 2s also What you think? True, but keep in mind thers rune who give you -25% with 4s with also 20s cd https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_ResistanceAlso you have acces to that weapon sign https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Sigil_of_Absorption But i agree, here you got offensive stats so Resistance can be x2 times lower compare to it @MidJuly.1839Nerfed it a bitis it more aceptable now in your opinon?
  22. @"RedShark.9548" Incrested cd to 25s is it ok?similar situationy you got using https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_Resistance on low cd elit skills @"KrHome.1920" But you have it only temporary for 3s with cd of 25s You got other runes that can provid superspeed much more often like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_the_Zephyrite @aspirine.6852I acept any feedback or opinionif that superior run will be implemented one day, Anet will no need change it 5 times like me here
  23. Ah yeh i forget that you have skills that refresh endurence like engineer Elixir R 1s Resistence + 1s Superspeed -> gain 3s Resitence and 3s Superspeed after using a heal (25s cd)I think thats more resonable What you think?@KrHome.1920@juno.1840@Virdo.1540
  24. @"Sleepwalker.1398"https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_ResistanceYour runes can touch thay hearts insted
  25. @Virdo.1540idk, is it?if you burn someone for 8s it will be 7s instedif you dodge 7s will turn to 6s10% hp add you some defence to survive that 1s longer of condi bomb1s superspeed allow you to gapcloser after you got chilled, but it will take only 1s only op think i can see if you got 100% boon duration, and endurence weapon swap, but your dmg will be crap also roots exist and boon coruption same as boon steal I can say that runes are only 50% good You take them to have life bit eazier vs condi, and suffer less on power build, as now you got power stats insted of condi dmg, but in same time you dont recrive any ferocity/precision, +5%dmg or offensive boons
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