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Noah Salazar.5430

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Everything posted by Noah Salazar.5430

  1. you can, same as when i created only enginner party Only diference is you gona have diferent results
  2. Hi i wuld like to propose you concept of creating squads and insted of creating "All strikes" split them on partsMake squds like that [Easy] Silverpeak->Kodan->Frenair | 3 Dps | 2 Heal 2 Quicknes/Alacrans 1 BS (or any setting you want it's just egzemple) then afer complite you disband and searching new Squad with :[Hard] Boneskinner-> Jormag | 3 Dps | 2 Heal | 2 Quicknes/Alacrans |1 BSThan another one[Long] Cold war-> Steel | 3 Dps | 2 Heal | 2 Quicknes/Alacrans |1 BS That waya) you will save time to fill up groups fasterb) avoid situation that you will jump person from group [Easy] instantly to [Hard] wher thay skill is not on that lvc) avoid cry of unskilled ppl after thay got kick like here : https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/110153/strikes-turning-into-raid-2-0#latestd) avoid demoralizing team after 3-4 ppl leave on harder strikes, or not leave and drowing your team down From my experience, as i created squads many timesif you split strikes like that you got more chance to complite them, as usualy to easy strikes will join ppl with random builds, for hard strikes will come ppl with more confidence, and for long strikes will come ppl who got long time If you mix it up, you got mixed results taging like that you will also got pretext to trash talk person why he joined to hard content with not meta buildor why he joined for long strike if he got not time If you think that idea is ok, start using tag [Easy] [Hard] [Long] , and start spliting strikes (yes i know Boneskinner-> Jormag are around medium lv dificulity but taging it as hard, will be more as warning that is less ignored) Share that ideas to your guild/friends and start using that system from now to see how your fun increst ;)
  3. @draxynnic.3719True, if Alacrity/Quckness wuld not be spreded perm, insted for like 6-8s aoe burst evry 25s ( lets say used for that time wher boss is stuned) than it culd be less punishing to take other sup, who insted offer dmg reduction or other mechanics benefiting team i'm ok with that but only if Alacrity/Quickness duration on other class will be nerfed, boon itself will be weaker or by class you will provid similar value to comepnsate lack of ituntil than best option is add what that class mising, or wait like you said to see what 3 elit spec will bring than yes you will have Holo for pve/pvp, Scrapper for pvp/wvw, and xxx for support in pve/wvw but it will not solve problem of boon supports whos lack that 2 boons to be inaf value for offmeta pick I think at that point topic can be closed, until someone have some ideas to upgrade Quickness mechanic that we came up with or other solutions
  4. @"Lan Deathrider.5910"it's raw idea, if some numbers will be too strong in pvp/wvw, it can always be tuned to that game modeSame as thay can inspirate of that idea and create better desing that syngery much better, for now you got 3 mechnics to prevent that to be too strong in pvp/wvw1 is that you need land cc (not block/evade, not miss)2 is that Aplied force is only 50% effective to allyslow number of Quickness on cc, so if you got 0 boon duration, it's only 1s, in that time you can fart, and most stuns do almost 0dmg in pvp/wvw (expect of Hammer 5) so its not beneficial to take too much cc, only to run more Quckness by dps, prob as dps you will have max 1-2 stuns, more will result in giving up defensive/offensive skillsin pvp Quickness from cc can be decrested from 1s>0,5 by that logic, and aplied force stay on 3s, so it's still only 1,5s for allys evry 10s on wich you can't keep up might that often cuz on pvp no Concetration stats (only by runes) and boons last much shorter That is balanced desing , all thx too ppl who gived thay opinion in that topic :) @"MrForz.1953"it's not only Quickness, you provid might, fury same as other boons that dps role have not much acces to it by itselfon top of that you providing stability so your dps person in party can use thay rotation, witchout being cc evry 1-2s by ennemy You provid 2 burst healings with Suply Crate, and Medic Gyro, so you can help your healer in bad situations, or rotate your heal betwenn of thay cd Scrapper on top of that offer to be mini tank and take agron on himself be rushing to mobs first, same as taking dmg from allys by bulwar gyro who is alternative to Aegis, that insted 1 stack, you provide 35% from whole duration of 4s same as defence field whos protect team from missiles Thats main concept of "Support" is to like name tell Supporting team to make thay life eazier, somethink like angel who always look on you from back(Scrapper is bit of more agresive angel who stay in front) In ShortDps -> looking on what boss do and put dmgHealer -> looking on players healt bars and fix dps errors in positioning after factSupport -> looking on what boss will do to harm team to defence team before fact In perfect word ther culd be prob2dps1 offensive support providing Quickness/Alacirty, might, fury, swifness (Revenant/Mesmer/Thief)1 defensive support whos tanky providing Aegis/Protection, Stability, Vigor (Enginner/Guardian/Warior) having some acess to team heal burst1 Healer, providing regeneration, resistance (wher insted of blocking 100% it culd reduc condi dmg by 35-40% same as protection)(Necromancer/Ranger/Elementalist) Having strong heal and ress mechanics but word isin't perfect And you got situation wher Offensive Support is in same time a tank, (mesmer) in raid, closing role of evry defensive support While Fractals don't need tanks or defensive class role and thers no agro to touchness mechanic, no boss do any bigger dmg to single target
  5. @"draxynnic.3719"If it was true, evry time you use 5 hammer on immunite to cc target you wuld do 0dmg from that skillSame with prime light beam ult on HoloMaybe daze,stun is not displayed on cc immune target, but on 100% is registered cc maybe not sound best, but from desing perspective, combo the best with weapon of that elit spec, other traits, and Engineer/Scrapper have alot acess to cc, even some turrets overcharge and hit with cc as first shot And thats only 2 small edits to make that all work and combo togheter Until we not get idea for better desing, or change from "small edit" to completly rework how to put Quckness, i think cc mechanic syngergy the best for now For Alacrity thay can make another Elite for engineer coming with 3 expanshon, (as we no need another dps elit while ther is holo) Thats why i think more on adding Quickness to Scrapper right now whos wuld work well with his tank, and superspeed mechanic (as the faster you hit the more barier you got on youreself) For now you can be Healer, or dps, but you have 0 sup role option @"Vagrant.7206"Yes 100% ture, i wuld like to have option to be support as scrapper, if you can't find "primary" roles for that, witchout acces to Quickness or Alacrity i can't do that, as Superspeed aren't inaf strong to comepnaste lack of that boon (until it's wvw)Maybe Support Elem , Scrapper wuld be fine if Gurardnian,Mesmer,Renegade wulnd not have acces to aoe might, unti than you need give Quckness or Alacrity to Scrapper sup/heal be wanted more 100% true, and that was main reason why i asked "schold Scrapper buff Quckness boon"
  6. @Lan Deathrider.5910I'm ratcher against it too, in my opinion support schold have acces on basic boons, othervise some class will have stronger boons then others and you will take only 1 class on 1 role Having multiple boons, make you alternative chosies for same role as you will have similar value what other classwhat make diferent are Unqie boons like enginner got Pinpoint Disctribution, warior got banners, scount got spotter, revenant got Assasins Precence, Guardian got Aegis And mechanics that thay offer Problem is even tho Scrapper got unqie boon named Pinpoint Disctribution, that role is not taken cuz it lack Quickness/Alacrity, what other supports can offer That's why i think giving acess Scrapper to that boon will alow him, to get chosed as alternative choise to support role or healer, insted having only 1 class for role cuz if you pick other class, you will get kicked cuz your squad losing too much value not having that class
  7. good idead thothink is that look good only on papaer i think it wuld be extremly unfun in 50vs50 situations, so alacracity+slow seems more reasonable (that way you can counter it by boon removal, or condi cleanse)
  8. @draxynnic.3719 Yeh i will reapet the dmg of cc will count to proc Quickness, not a cc effect, so your cc who will do nothink when boss is immune to cc, but still get Quckness to teamThe only rule is to land that hit even if it will not cc a target ( hit not blocked not evaded) It same like root boon, that boon is gray and not work, but still is applied Also by hit i mean you will get Quckness only once, not multiple times if you hit multiple targets with cc (read shield 5 block or Hammer 5) @Vagrant.7206Yes, that way you can use shield as alternative for condi dps builds, or healers so if your not using healing gyro, you still providing protection by shield insted of Reconstuction field, that way you can run med kit not losing acess to Quickness both Hammer and shiled are good synergy with that both trait, what was my purposue You can use Healing Gyro, or Med kit, that desing not limiting any of it Diference is that Hammer you will use more to do pover dmg, and shield for healers/condi
  9. @"Vagrant.7206" You have alternative with Mass Momentum to keep up more might when you stab, or more Super Speed to team (same for dps role for +5% dmg) Damage Dampener is if you decide to come as healer tank in cost of Quckness, maybe some changes culd be make here but prob after Quckness we can think of it Object in Montion is for dps role (15%dps) So i think i desinged it well Yep, it's mean to be that way, so your more flexable to use it more as heal, or more as boon or both despend from situation or just to stack up Quckness in begining of fight, to just after some time switch only to Water fields you have core 40% Quickness that you need keep up with 15 might (with 100% boon duration stats)than you have 6s frame of time, thats meen you need put 3cc/3daze in that 6s evry 10s Hammer is only 1 of egzemples how to apply more Quickness, same as a main theme of that elit spec, thats why i showed how to use new desinged traits to make use of Hammer and how Hammer is good desinged with it Other combo can be https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Personal_Battering_Ramwhat is 12s cd 1s daze, and 2 lauch with 5s cd, with 25s recharge hard cc combo is Hammer 5, Blast gyrro Lauch, big oil bomb You can combine any cc combo as you want but you need put mini 3 of it in 6s frame of time, evry 10s The more more cc you have, the less boon duration you can take, prob it culd work well with 50% boon duration if you got inaf cc/daze to pull it off so you will use similar gear to qfb
  10. @draxynnic.3719@Vagrant.7206@Kodama.6453@Taril.8619@Wolfb.7025@"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" After your opinion it's how my desing will work with hammer and lighting fields What you think about that change? overall you need take 3 traits for quickness Spam By cc i mean hit (dmg) as inaf to proc QucknessAnd yes if you can't hit boss with cc you still will have this as back up
  11. @ParadoX.3124150 condi dmg +5% condi dmg seems more resonable with your proposition, as many condi build use 100% expertise, so that stats will not benefit them much cuz of limit
  12. Trash talk themInvest your time helping them, to later use as free slaves to carry your backMake your own 12ppl raid army to gank 1 person in wvw Profit"When it comes to besting the enemy, there's no such thing as overkill."— Bronk
  13. @ParadoX.3124Keep in mind it will be shared with Banner of Strenght What's your suggestion for numbers to make it inaf strong to take it?
  14. Hi my idea is to edit https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pinpoint_Distribution a)100 condi dmg -> 75 condi dmg + 75 power (somethink like smaller version of Banner of Strenght) I think that change will help if party comp is more power orientet than condi What you think, is it ok? or maybe cut more numbers to 50-60? What is your opinion?
  15. @"DRfear.5234"Nice video, ty for proving that scrapper can roam too :D I have 2 similars builds, if you will boring you can check on them :D Well abuse :http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAQJlRwcYdML2JW+SateA-zVhYBhJGFAsSQgwNC64MiQC0rCQlHgA2AvF9PjA-w And this one i used to roam on Gandara and solo taking lordshttp://gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAQJlFwcYdML2JW+SateA-zVZYBRBHOcSQYE0xZEhEoXFgGPABsBeL6fGB-w @Jaykay.9641yep but also keep in mind that is only skill that he using to do dmg so i think that is ok with scaling havy condi or roots spam counter that build from my 3months experience on similar build
  16. hmh good point what you think about spliting it to two than : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Applied_Force Self Quckness 3s->4sAdd number of Target 5Share 50% of Quickness to allys ( i mean 50% from that trait not overall 50% from scrapper)invterval is still 10sStack Treshold 10->15 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Expert_Examinationaoe Quckness 1s-> Stuning, Dazing, knocking, or lauching enemy i base more on quckness as right now it's builded in scrapper but only self and is more theme of it togheter with swfiness and superspeed So overall with 100% boon duration it is : 4s+2s evry stun/daze prob best option culd be https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Personal_Battering_Ram Price you pay isa) you need keep up15 stack treshold or you not get Qucknessb) -15% dmg cuz you not taking https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Object_in_Motionc) you need wast stuns to keep up Qucknessd) you need have 90%-100% boon duration gear for effectivly share Qucknesse) you need land stun, if you not hit it or miss in pve/pvp thay yeh, you not geting Quickness If full pover dps decicde to use it it will be 2s+1s so you need 3-5dps Scrappers to keep it up perm (asumming thay hit all stunes) (hammer stun is 20s)or 2 Scrappers but only to both of them, and ratcher dificulity and cd will not allow to perm stack it @Vagrant.7206@draxynnic.3719@Kodama.6453@Taril.8619@Blood Red Arachnid.2493 what you think?
  17. i wuld like to see global chat add megaphones that cost 125gems, and you will get 25 megaphones to write 25 mesages that evryone on evry map will see (in global chat) You can't sell megaphones in auction house (also if you add somethink like this, give free 25 megaphones evryone to test that think :P) Color of global chat culd be light Yellow
  18. @HnRkLnXqZ.1870 yeh but here i more asked about opinon, and focus of topic is did Scrapper Schold be Support elit spec and buff Quickness to team, and ideas how culd it do in diferent ways Ther you have feedback and topic stricle to that mechanic ratcher than open question
  19. @draxynnic.3719yep, thats why i want add quickness, witchout it you have not inaf vaule to be taken as support Yep, by this change i not mean to make Scrapper best support, but only to achive a option for it witchout huge lose to a team @Dadnir.5038i respect your opinion, but i can't agree with that Quckness is thematic boon, as Scrapper provide swifness, superspeed, and trait i proposed to edit match it up, same got alot acces to it but only as self-QucknessThis change will make Scrapper support elite spec, but ofc it will not be meta, and will be overperfom by other supports, but at last will allow Scrapper to play as off-meta Uniqe boon that enginner providing is 100 condi dmg Support whos providing 22-25might, fury, protetion, superspeed, swifness, retaliation, stability, vigor, and regeneration (missing only Aegis and Alracity) and now QucknessAlso moving combo fields, Healing and Tanknes with mechanic that takes dmg on you from allys by bulwark gyro and hammer block @"Taril.8619" Yep like i told, it's more of concept, if that boon will be too strong in pvp/wvw, can be make with note "that trait is share 50% less boon duration on team" or somethink like that
  20. Yes, support not come alone from hammer, but thx to hammer you can provid support with gyros, thats how it work :D @Kodama.6453-> yes, more dmg = more barier you have and with Quickness now stacking up might have more purpouse-> barier you can use to take enemy dmg on you so your glassy cannon dps friends that do 8k+ more than you can dps in peace, i think you will agree thats a support trait-> CC is used be other dps, but cuz Scrapper have alot of it, it's can be taken as solo stun-break boss, so your dps can take skills to dps, insted of cc @"draxynnic.3719"game support mele stack combat, maybe thers only 1 raid boss wher you stay as ranged, but you no need much survability on it, other that that, i explained in up i don't think so, in order to do it you will need 2 pover bomb scrappers or 1 boon healer scrapperDon't forget to do so, scrapper need have 10 might on himself provided by team or himselfSo boon coruption will hight impact on it It's more concept, but if that change will be too strong you can always add balance like "that trait is 50% less efective in pvp/wvw" so insted of 3,5s you have 1,75sother that that other classes can provid Quickness as well @Wolfb.7025yep, it can provid 25 might in pve, but don't have alacrity/qucknessthats why i want add quckness to scrapper, so it can be played as alternative supporti not mean to make that class instantly super op mega broken meta, but to change think, that at last that class will be can taken if you can't find main meta roles i tested might, and i did well 22-25 stacs in pve with help of turrets (or witchout them only with blasts)in pvp/wvw it's balanced more as i culd do 11-13 cuz it's not static fight thats why i think that one little edit inaf, ofc ther can be better ways to put qucness to that class but that one edit, looks like best and simplest option right now, thats why i asked did anyone have any better ideas Scrapper have nice support kit, but in my opinion cuz it not provide alacrity/quickness, his support kit is complitly ignored, or not even taken to count
  21. @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493"True, i got similar experience as you Holo do much more dmg, but need team much more to survive and boons to do that big dmg scrapper is more multi-task, and have highter survability and for that pay tax with 1/4 dps but insted of that 1/4 adionatly provide aoe ress and some stuff thx that scrapper can in same time by dps and tanky sup/heal and his stay as balanced Yep, thats why i'm pround from what i was figured out as change i propose a) is not a reworkb) not change any animationsc) is eazy to implementd)edit only 1 trait that actualy exist https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Applied_Force and is good to a theme what Scrapper (sup) actualy is and not changing function of ite) not adding any new mechanics whos not exist All that think give highter chance to be noticed and be implemented for testand maybe will open door for future changes to that direction as well :) like just imagine how many that small litle edit will help scrapper to be chosed as healer, dps or even sup in raid/fractals more often
  22. Or make ppl to join for that spot,if thay join to losing team, thay not losing rank but still geting tips and rewardi think it's best option
  23. @"Kodama.6453" i disagreewhole inventions tree is dedicated to a teamother trees can not looks like supporting your team in first pleace but thay actualy do TOOLSSoothing Detonation -> more heal from spaming Bandage Self https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bandage_Self and spaming other tool belt skill more often->Kinetic battery -> you spam with your heal more offten->Pover wreht -> Supply Crate more often, that mean cc and condi cleanse as well more heal to teamAlchemywell i think i no need tell anythink heremore heal to team, more boons durations that you provide, more condi cleanse, you can run, HGC to provid more might to youreslef, so with quickness change you can have 10 might with Elixir B ;) or change condi to boonsBomber-> evry explosion provid vulabirity on boss or ennemy = your team do more dmg-> Blass shield compensate barier that you can't get much when your full healer-> Big boomer -> heal yourself while healing gyro is on cd, heal 50% of it to team Overall that 3-4 spec have more sense when you look on them all togheter in same time But i also agree that some improvments can be make, if Scrapper will be stabile as support role, other that that Scrapper provid good support just by his tools and spells And adding quickness will make a direction wher that class will go insted stucking to role wher as you said Anet not doing content tho Disagree as well Bulwar gyro+Hammer block = support block dmgReconstruction Field+Hammer 3 = support heal teamReconstruction Field+Hammer 2 = support team projectile healHammer 1 = might to provid 10 stacs = Quickness to team ;) in same time vulnerability so your team do more dmg to boss/mobsand 5 is aoe cc that with what make vulabirity field as well bro, thats why i proposed only 1 change to https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Applied_Force, it's not reworking class at all, only improving it same in solo play as you will have more Quickness = more tankier brusher you will be Not rly, you will still rush in to 5-10 mobs before your team, so all mobs hit you, and your team can focus on dps them insted doding and trying survive, insted now you will give YOUR Quickness you actualy HAVE right now to TEAM, and with 8s interval insted 10s, you will keep your tanknes more effective thats why in beggining i mentioned 3 roles as well dps,sup,heal as tanks are not played you can still be tank but as role of healer or sup or even a tanky dps Why tanky dps is balanced? cuz it do less dps than holo by 6-8k(or even more), but insted provid somethink to team and you can die less often compare to glass cannon (Don't forget also about team Superspeed who is ingored by most ppl, but it make huge diference in positioning or doding red circles on floor)
  24. @Kodama.6453 i strong disagree usualy supports shold be tanky as thay most valuable in team, cuz once your support die you lose all boons that this role provide, scrapper in that term is perfect for support role as tank/bruser with posibility to buff hight might, protection, furry, regeneration and even other boons same can take other dmg on himself what is support mechanic with Quickness boon you will push it to support role what will be more playable and solve problem you mentioned in all game modes insted of one raid with havy cc/condi or 1 mistlock in fractal same it will open expermients on tank role in raids as well, cuz with Quickness Scrapper will be more valuable to team, and maybe insted of mesmer you will can put alacren+Scrapper with Minstriel gear as alternative thx to it Same in term of cc, Scrapper have tons of it (hammer 5, big oil bomb, glue bomb, blast gyro, Supply Crate what spawn net turret as well, Spare capacitor (if you using Shred gyro for more dps) If it's not a perefct desing for support with 1 missing puzzle that i don't know what it is it will not as scrapper you do 31k dps, holo do around 38k or morethink is if you chose scrapper, your team will have bonus stab and Quickness, that can compensate bad sups, or sups with 80% boons up time, same add some healing and survability to team As Healer role, now when Scrapper will have Quciness you will can play it as alternative or synergy with qfb/hfb in raids/fracs or even in wvw zerg Or even open for Scrapper+Necro healer combo as both class have aoe ress mechanicin that situaition Scrapper will be secound healer with Quickness i'm not main of that class, prob other players that main them, can provid better feedback how to make that spec more welcome but as main of scrapper i can feedback how make scrapper more helpfull to team with 1 simple change witchout any bigger rework
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