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Noah Salazar.5430

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Everything posted by Noah Salazar.5430

  1. This rune will be removed in pvp only for wvw/pve
  2. Usualy you can have -% condi duration, but thers stats you no need like condi dmg, or toughness with it when you run power buildInsted i propose this one : [superior Rune of Menzies]25 Power-5% condi duration50 Power-10% condi duration100 Power+10% Health, 6s dark aura after heal (20s cd) Runes you culd get from strikes using crystals, also in wvw Symbol: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:Shadow_Warrior.jpgMenzies : https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Menzies
  3. @wasss.1208 True, rework is to make it work in pve as well Good feedbackWhat you think about wells give instant Aegis but that trait gona have 3s cd? Yep, want bind aoe superspeed more to heal and tool-belt heal skill insted Yep but ther was 1s daze, here you got only 0,5sbut good point, gona reduce daze from 0,5s to 0,3s No no no, read description12s is only for self-superspeed aoe superspeed is only from heal (5s) So in my rework, i gived Tool belt heal skill aoe insted of self, as compensation for wells so with med-kit it's 10s aoe evry 14s (with tool-belt tree) Other healings have around 50-60% up time, and are harder to pull of as superspeed refresh, not addEventualy duration can be buffed to 7s+7s or more if it's too shortBut like i said that are raw numbers, that prob can be better balanced Yep, but Soulbeast have 5s + that one who recover alot of hp I think 40s cd for 2s is reasonable Same as downstie of it is that you taking more dmg on yourselfAsuming that that 4ppl around will get 8k dmg in same time that will make you take adional 6400 splited to 3200+3200, making you downed fast if you not block itAfter geting bombarded that trait off, give you 2s life saver and heal for ammount you got in interval So if you play solo, you got only 2s, and 0 heal as you have no sorce from interval Good point, i will make 50% Daze onlyi think stab is ok, don't forget that you can make it 4s with 100% boon it's binded to gyro who have 25s (not wells) until i miscalculatedif you leave combat your stacks gone, but you not granting auras15 stacks gona make 7,5s aurasSo to make it perm, you need 4 scrapers in same teamYet thay need have stacked up Drak/Light Adaptive armorAlso make it perfectly as Auras have Superspeed treatment and not stack, only refresh About pve, yes thats true, for pve is more +20% self-barier from that trait Yep it's like 50% good and bad, but i think it's better what is right nowInentions will give might+fury up to that
  4. @"juno.1840"I expect from scrapper to be defensive support role (that mean sup+tanky or sup+heal or tank+heal)You can give up tank traits to be more of boon support buffing perm Quickness (but that will need from you at last 50-75% boon duration gear, 100% if you can't cc any target, what is Minstriel gear as Healer, as you can stack up Quickness only with cc, Quickness from Superspeed you can't stack as it have 4s boon applificer cd, Alternative to Minstriel gear can be 50% Diviner for power dps/support) in first tier you chosing light barrier+light cc vs Aegisin secound trait you chosing between superspeed/dmg redirection to you and 2s Distrortion (2s immune to dmg and condi)in last tier you chosing stronger cc + stab+ personal superspeed to buff Quickness vs 30% condi dmg reduction and Auras that will reduc -30% condi dmg from team and buff Retaliation/Tormnet On top of that Scrapper will give -30% (around -25%) condi dmg with aoe Light+Dark aura Quickness will help you heal faster if your full healer, after using Bandage self + having Acceleration module you gona get some Quickness from time to time same as your teamIf that gona be too strong we can always reduc Quickness from supperspeed from 2s->1s right now ther are more of raw numbers that can be changed/edited Definltly not, more of alternativie to it, or support to it as secoundary Compare to FB, Scrapper will still can't remove stuns from team only prevent with stab Same FB will still have Resistence boon, and more precisely aegis spam, scrapper need wait for final puls of gyro so it's more about timing and number of aegis is limited to how many wells you have yep, but in pve your not using any of it (expect of to boon x3 stab) in wvw thay are nice to have, but don't forget that not only you can make thatMesmer can make team stealth same as tiefFB have Sanctuary what have x2 more cd and wall of reflection Damege reduction? you mean bulwark gyro? yes, but it's for 4s, and Resistence or Aegis beat that With new "Recovery Matrix" Scrapper will have some acces to aegis too, but not that much as FB, same it's limited to how many Wells you take Also if you chose superspeed trait, you will can't pasivly take -20% from team, and if you take -20% redirect from team trait, you have no aoe superspeed same as Quickness coming from it until you take tier 3 Kinetic Stabilizers, but that give only Superspeed to you
  5. @"juno.1840"Yeh it's only one game mode, max 2 if couting pvpwith ther rework you can be pve, and even better for wvw/pvpYou still have over 12s aoe superspeed after that rework if you chose boon support trait over tank trait Asuming that you will use med kit + tools tree, it's 10s superspeed with 14s cd (even less with Alacrity) what actualy i mean is, that class lack some mechanics to be needed support in end gameAnd if your tank, you not benefiting your team much like mesmer do having this in mind yeh it's 1/2 tank, 1/2 sup, insted of 1 tank and/or 1 sup So here that rework solving all that problems, look how i made the tank traits and boon traits I agree with that, as support you need be more tankier, as if you die your whole team lose boons and mechanics that you offer What my rework do is that you chosing about did you want be more tanky, or provid more and eazier boons, same you can mix it but ratcher optional think it's more of sacrifice on what you focus more
  6. Hmh paid DLC, and in raid you have chance to drop Costume (ther can be even 2-3 costumes), or glider skin with small chance binded to that raid theme, also you will can't sell them on ah or give by postman Last boss also culd drop toy, that after use, you will do some crazy stuff (same with rng 2% drop chance) DLC also will give new 1 time reward track for wvw/pvp (like it was with warclaw skin track) with mount skin to unlock that match that raid,in reward track you can hide Heroic boosters, kays to lion chest, 2 weeks pass, and etc for all of that i culd pay even 25$ For poor ppl you culd buy dlc for 2000 gems after 6 months , and after 12 months ther can be 45-65% discounts
  7. I think to make Tanks work, thay need provid dmg negation, or protect team, insted of just tanking In term of Tank i mean that his dmg is at last 1/2 of dps In term of reworked Scrapper you will : a) protection boon -35%b) 20% redirect dmg on youc) 35% redirect dmg on you by bulwarkd) aoe -30% condi dmge) Aegis or Bariers it's like -45-65% stabile with 80% temp (bulwark gyro) @Taril.8619@"Kodama.6453" Best roles for that are tanks are Support , or BS role as i not see why 1 class schold be that much favorized Thats why i also as boonus changed Pinpoint Disctribution Than insted of boons you run somethink like this :http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAIJlRwcYHsEWJWOP1tKA-e And you will be nice Turret Slave also protecting your team Maybe we culd rework other tank spec that way, than we no need Quickness or Alacracity anymore, as tanks will take BS role providing similar think and on top of that benefit team with tanknes like i did with my Scrapper rework
  8. I think the sorce is more of a problem, many ppl like raids but not have much reason to do themthay schold add something to raids, that will motivate more ppl to do them In diferent games that motivation is better eq or some chance to get new mount or skin or even a toy Until than strikes looks like better investitionThay can make new raids, but most ppl have leg items, so prob that ppl will do that raid 3-5 times than stop and join eazier conten than use thay time betterSimilar prob was with dungeons
  9. This ^^ @Kodama.6453Me too, but like it was mentionet before selfish tanks are not much needed So insted i reworked scrapper tank traits that not only make scrapper tanky but also benefiting your team,So i think players like you who prefer be more of kind tank than sup will be happy using all upper traits and still be valuabe to team :) True, evrythink is more interesing when it's unknowBut look on that with that wayAfter that rework, Scrapper will be Defensive boon support That not closing a way to make as 3 elit Ofeensive support that insted of Quickness, he gona buff Alacrity, and insted of protecting team, will temporary increst pover dmg or condi dmg or add other effects that increst a dmg of team Thats like win/win situation
  10. Why not? tell bit more about it thats what i actualy did with that rework :D Nope, it's defensive supportYou puting bariers on your teamYou can aegis your teamYou can take dmg of your team on youYou can give your team auras that are pure defensive giving togheter -30% condi, tornment and retaliationYou can control enemys with daze, same as Hammer have some daze and stunYou can stab your team, and remove stab from enemys I don't added anythink that increst dmg of your team until you mean Quickness, but that boon is nesesary to fit role of supportAlternative to Quickness can be Alacrity, but that boon not match theme like Quickness do with superspeed and swifness I think it's ok how it is right now having a role of Support in mind, you hit slower, and 2/3 traits not incresting any dmg for you until you go pure on dps, but that resulting that you losing support abilitis, and if you take 1 of support traits if your dps you losing big part of dmg like 15% dmg modificators, 200+ power and stacking might on stab Your more of monk with Hammer that hit faster and stronger with evry strike, and geting more defence with evry hit taken on you (for dmg it's barrier, for condi dmg it's adaptive armor)More of Technology Monk :D
  11. idk, some ppl can ignore what ppl write to them, some not and need special options for that
  12. Hi after discussion with some ppl on other topic, i decided that insted 1-2 small edits, Scrapper needs bigger rework to make it work and be more fun to play it, also needed more in end game content. Rightht now biggest Scrapper problem is that his half support, and half tank,because of it Scrapper have problems describing his role in party or squad, as both roles same as tank or support suck cuz no one need half tank, half support, thay prefer 1 class Main problem of tank traits are that them only benefiting Scrapper, not his team, and tanks are much no need in current contentMain problem of Support traits (superspeed) are not give inaf good value to be on support role Thx to binding his role to support, i reworked his tank traits around it to make them benefiting your team using your tanknesSame i reworked bit his boon traits, that from now you will have needed boons, that will alow you be used as support role more often Here is what i teorycrafted, in same time i invite you to discuse that :)Do you like that idea?, have you any questions? or maybe you have better ideas? Left your comment bellow, so maybe i can edit curent ideas to make them work even better :) That rework is made by Scrapper main, to Scrapper mains with pashion and love that thay can't use that class in end game, only in wvw Here is how i categorized Scrapper new traits : Green-> Support Tank traits [Grant barrier, redirect dmg to you, Increst barrier you grant]Orange->Support boon traits [Grant Quickness, Grant Superspeed, Grant Stability+Superspeed]Red -> DPS traits [Give stab+might to you, give +5% dmg, give Quickness to you and 200power] Now you grant barrier to your team, changed also symbol and name to match that trait better This will be your main sorce of team Quickness Now your wells grant you stab to help stack might on you Now your gyro and wells also grand you and your team swifness, this is more balanced for core trait, i also moved superspeed on other trait to make it more of choice Now you got dmg redirection to you insted, it will alow you to help your team much better, also save your life if your health drop too much becose of dmg you take becase i took superspeed from wells, i puted superspeed here, your heal tool belt skill grant aoe superspeed too Moved +5% dmg on Quickness Becase you take much more dmg with Damage Dumpster trait i incrested Bairrers to 20% same as that increst Barriers you grant with Recovery MatrixOn top of that i made id more of "adaptive" think, that your armor adapt to condi dmg overtime and grant small bonus to you and your team after reaching max stack treschold Now you grant superspeed and Stab to your team as well Aplied Force trait i left not changed What you think about all that changes?
  13. K ty for all your opinion, after some thinking, insted of small change, i decided to make whole rework of scrapper i will create new topic wher you will can discuse that idea ther and also closing that topic so don't write here anythink more
  14. Collector editions that cost 12,50$ small, 25$ big one, and you only can get them if you pay, not by gems in game Small-> 1 uniqe costume, 1 uniqe mini, 5 heroic boosters, 1 month of acces pass of any choise, 5 total Makeover Kits, 10 lion kays Big-> 1 uniqe glyder skin, 1 uniqe mount skin, 5 heroic boosters, 20 lion kays, 1 month bank contract, 1 month auction house contract, 1 month black lion post experes contract, maybe Toy in game ( somethink like that balloon, or some effect that will apper on person you chose, or on yourself like that thinks from pvp) skins,toys,costumes,minis culd be put in Gem Store but only 1 year after collector edition Collector editions culd be make evry 3-4 months, and last in offer for 1-2 monthsOn last week of collector edition you culd put 20% discount You culd also add note "Part of earnings from collector editions will be used to finances better servers on wvw/global" (not that it will be actualy true) so more ppl will pay you for them You culd also send Collector editions to content creators for free, so thay will show them to audience and similar to hot/pof, if someone buy collector edition using code or link that Contet creator used, Contet creator will get some part from that purchase And make some giveaways on facebook for ppl that left like/comment and lets say "tell what was your best adventure you experienced in gw2 past year :) " than from tons of ppl moderators chosing random 5 ppl who will get small/big Collector edition for free after using special code in your shop page Also i don't mind geting 1 of that collector editions if you make somethink like that ;)
  15. yeh, it culd be nice if thay make poll for better serverswe culd donate togheter for better experience in game best option culd be to make collector editions that cost 10$ small, 30$ big one, or 35$ for both and you only can get them if you pay, not by gems ingame Small-> 1 uniqe mini, Toy, 80lv booster, 5 heroic boosters, 1 month of acces pass of any choise, Total Makeover KitBig-> 1 uniqe mount skin, 1 uniqe costume skin, 25 lion kays, 1 month bank acees scroll, 1 month auction house acess scroll lets say thay gona make 1 collector editions per 3 months Evry uniqe mini,toy,mount skin, costume, culd be puted to gemstore but only 1year after collection edition
  16. well i agree, you can have working li/kp suqads, same as notyou can have not working normal squads, same as perfect team evrythink despend what ppl will join True, i more base that opinion, on what ppl write in discord servers, or in raiding guilds chats evry day as i not joing to them as i have no li (only around 56 i think) personaly i joined kp/li only onc and that request appered after 2-3 boss we did ( i did 32k dps as holo and was top dps) after half ppl left, but most ppl who left was doing 8k dps, or culd not keep up boons ppl who joined on thay spot spamed 150-250 li or leg items, but thay dps was not highter than in normal squads, also more i can say half of them did 5-10k less that was in my party ofc, you can make your squad with your preferences, it's ratcher rquest to try that system checking is it gona be better for you like in my causei also see that not only i try split strikes, so prob for some ppl work it better that way or thay just try it out I'm not saying to stop doing all in strikes as diferent ppl have diferent preference I'm more say how my system will psychology change a motive that ppl join to it for all in strikes who ppl actualy did 50% of boss will prob not join as thay don't want doing same boss again That system offer more choises on wich boss you want come, and how many you want to do them ofc even in fractals you will alwyas have that 1 Bob who join party that search for healer/alacran, as dps warior but it's special casue
  17. don't worry it's just silver division poit of view forgeting that wvw same as pvp, is team play not 1vs1 No it's not, if you run that builds, you are tank but can't kill anyone and die on 8-13 hits, or if your berserk, you geting 3 shoted cuz you not managed your def stats well wvw is best pvp in my opinion, as you have much crativity and teory craftig how you want make your character, finding balance is the adveturre by itself pvp is more skill play as you don't have much choises to stats, and many boons are nerfed in duration
  18. kp teams usualy perform worse than proper taged lfg, reson of if is that most ppl using fake one to be carred or just did only stikes and are good on them with 0-15liLi/kp squad was used more to find ppl that are confident inaf to come in and say "i don't have li, but i did that stike xx times, do you accept me" or li not even was checked science contet is sooo ez compare to raids But in the end Experiment was a fail, as you gathered more ppl that think that thay are good insted of be good But answering to your question Taging up Silverpeak->Kodan->Frenair as that 3, will make your squad feel up in 1min after searching, so you fast do that 3 boss, and you got time to search for better comp for harder strikesNow here less confident ppl will not join, if you splited stikes on parts, that will resulting in finding ppl that want do Boneskinner/Jormag directly racher than coming randomly Why Cold War/Steel? as that take usualy longer time, so if you split it, ppl who are dedicated to spend that much time will join I don't like peancakes, prefer more poland version wher it's roled up with white cheese and suggar eventualy with nuttela or Strawberry/Cherry jam
  19. Culd you show your ranks while you propose any changes in pvp? In diferent divisions, thinks are strong difrently Here is my opinion that Scrapper is much stronger than Holo in that division And that rank i hited with Scrapper while i played soloi was around 1355-1400 2 sezons in row with 55-60% win ratio I don't think that holo have too much survability or dmg, and wuld more say that holo more strugling compare to other full condi class or comps, as his moves are ez predictable, same most animations have big showing what Holo will do, yet Holo got much weaknes to cc and his mortal shots can be ez reflected or blocked What i wuld nerf more was Condi soulbeast/druids, that got 2 stealth, can pinpoint you to one location until you kill a root have hard to see throwed torth, who instantly giving you alot fire, yet after you used your condi cleanse, he just weapon swap to put tons of posion and bleeding, yet himself got alot of Touchnes with acces to long time protetion boon, whos he heal himself evry time he got that boon and pet whos doing dmg as well, or his pet can ress him, or finish you off even if his downed(not that i got problem with it druids, soulbeast got hight weaknes too cc, and you can eazly burst thay hp down, but in that division, i need help team with condi cleanse/offheal more oftean or thay just die on my eyes)
  20. @"nikelaus.9745" Not badIs that what you used?http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PelAIJlZw6YaML2JO+TatfA-zRRYBRFHmYQnlRtVQFpgaHgA2DvGKcGB-egood combo i need say :p if i can feedback, try using that http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PelAIJlZw6YaML2JO+LftfA-zRRYBRFHmYQnlRtVQFpgaHgA2DvGKcGB-e Stack up might on firethrower while your on invasibility (thats around 10), than just switch back for your stuff and burst with 25% crit and 150 Ferocity more :P if enemy surive your hammer-> granade combo, than you just push with Firethrower 3, and finish spaming 1 from flame Jet "When it comes to besting the enemy, there's no such thing as overkill." — Profesor Bronk
  21. Cuz ppl are more experienced on holos, yet scrapper became strong 1-2 months agoThay was 5ppl premade, with communication, in that couse Holo culd be more healpfull as just for dmg burst purpuse, while other class def/sup holo, that what was make holo strong Not couting that, Scrapper is much stronger than Holo, more specific after Beam started doing 0 dmg cuz of cc
  22. what? Scrapper is much stronger than holo in pvp/wvw right nowboth in roaming, same as in zergs and same in pvp Holo is more of pve spec, but you can use it as pvp too take weapon rune that provid you poison if you don't have acces to it What? Boon coruption? root? condi dmg? not killing him while 8s aed? CC cuz 0 stab boon, only on Elixir U? Not better than use Aed who heal you for 4300 or 12k if ppl rush your hp down? and on top of that removing evry condi? What? you kidding me? you played even Scrapper once correct? Whats your rank diamond?Also why most of you thinking only from 1vs1 perspective wher pvp/wvw is team oriented...
  23. Is that any kind of question/feedback to created idea of managing strikes tags? i'm glad you shared what you don't like tho, but that not make any sense Your free to do any Squad you prefer, same as i did showing full enginner raid Topic is more about how to name them, or tag them up to have more chance geting proper ppl to proper difigulity or time consumption to avoid experience similar to what you had ;) Ratcher then scharing what you like or not
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