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Noah Salazar.5430

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Everything posted by Noah Salazar.5430

  1. @"Kodama.6453"ty for feedback whats your opinion after that change?
  2. you got strikes as replacement for it thay can make similar strikes like steel, or dungeon like strikes if you like that type of content more new dung culd be nice idea only if thay increst lv cap by 5/10 (maybe with next expanshion) and plac it on last map of expansion for egzemple as final fight with army of evil + villain as last boss for budget cut to wings 3 boss wuld be eazy with ultra small number of mechanics (1g per boss kill), and last one normal dificulity with 1 max 2 mechanics (2g for kill)for more chalanging players ther culd be cm button to evry boss that add more mechanics/more patter of boss attackscm will drop more rewards, part to new legendarys, small chance to drop any skin from that dung that normaly you need pay with tokens, rare for infusions
  3. nice idea, but like other ppl mentioned, it culd be nice to see other elit spec diferent than support glascannon dps or tanky brusher (like scrapper) to not have x3 support spec in row
  4. well for me all power spells are ok (with speed) same as more impactfull strikes have longer strike/cast time most problem i have are condi spells as thay have light animation and are hard to notice or asume how hard hit will be as power user, i can't build armor to reduc condi dmg, or if i decide to take anty-condi superior runes, i'm geting punished with dmg lost too much
  5. @Poohinagi San.7619i think we need look on your build and stats new ppl or ppl that used full lv booster geting gear that help them surive, what is maybe ok, but in most cause you do x2 less dmg than you schold, so insted of killing enemys you geting problems at bigger number fights or boss fights as it taking x2-3 longer as full berserker scrapper i have no such problems like you, i can solo group boss, and fight 20 mobs at once but before i mastered scrapper, i used berserker+capitan amulet+knight rings for more toughness same hot/pof is not problem for me, i'm at sezon 4 atm doing mision wher you need unlock rolling mount i started play 3-4 months ago but overall i have 5-6y experience from other mmo
  6. @"yann.1946" For me best solution was to do raids/fractals/strikes with guild idk why in this game many ppl decide to do that by pug when you do it with guild, your more bind to ppl that you play evry day compare when you join as random wher no one know you or you not know them when i started play 3-4 months ago, first think i did was to find trening raid guild, i watched guides before joing raid aslo used meta build for rifle holo even found teacher that play holo, to see at my rotation and give some tips ( i meet him while i was roaming 1vs3 as scrapper at wvw) i came from huge p2w game called allods online when i survived over 6y as only f2p i can't understed why so many ppl have problems is it becase game is eazy, so ppl that used to it can't solve problems by themself or? i rare spot anyone that is toxic (if somone is, prob don't do dps well and leave fast after 1 wipe, so you can fast replace that person) if i pug, i usualy creating team by myself i never had problem with it, i usualy do raids with traning raids guilds and with 1 social guide that speak in my language maybe similar behavior was once at fractals when i jumped from t3 to t4 (pug before i had any guild), that 1 person said my dps is too low (as i had random stats and used only flaemthrower)but it was when i was complatly new, and i runed more of open word setings, also i said when i joined, that i'm new, and if i do somethink wrong, to sayso evryone was fine to me, and explained evrythink by cool way i think the worst think is not notify your team about your problems, so thay don't have suprise face while half way Maybe i not used to that community yet but i see you point problems, that never existed for me Are ppl at this game rly that casual and careless or just many ppl chosing play alone and gather only at pugs from wher all that bad experience coming? I don't understend all of you Maybe i sticked to hardcore/hard community at p2w game too long that teahced me how to take care of myself that experience you write is too much mindblowing for me
  7. Hi i wuld like to propose rework that trait https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/System_Shocker to this : As defensive support with 31-32k dps, team barrier gona bring scrapper more value to team similar to scourge , and allow scrapper by played as dps/heal on end game more offtenBarrier match theme of class and scrapper have many kit to apply it to himself, why not to make some for allys as well? If you like that idea press "Thumbs Up"
  8. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Booster you can use exp/track booster on pvp dmg/heal or other boosters are removed on pvp same as food or enchantyou got info wich booster are removed on the end of text
  9. @"archmagus.7249"Good idea, but it gona hurt pure dps spec too much Insted i propose to move adaptive armor on Speed of synergy spot, and on adaptive armor place, gona make new mechanicWhat you think about it? have you any ideas what i culd put ther (on adaptive armor spot) insted? Remeber that in my rework i also moved speed of synergy on Expert Examination spot with new name "Aceleration Module"
  10. well on 100 strikes i got situation similar to that 2-3 times on steel in my couse, commander kicked 3-4ppl from steel to add guild mates to get end chestalso he not gived reason as he not speaked english (i noticed that ppl he invited had same guild as his) As i was 10ppl army superspeed scrapper ther with posibility to fight 10-12 mobs alone, i just throwed and thay lost to basic mobs commander after that started spam pm to me "puta" multiple times but i don't knowed what that mean other sytuation was that person was in tank whole run or semi-afk not moving when around was demons to kill, i understend dc, but she did it 3 times in row last situation was when somone spamed on chat about blacklivematers when other at group asked to not bring policit to the game, so he got kicked aftet not stoping spreading propaganda if your in same squad, you can punsh commander actions be just leaving squad as well than put info on lfg "not join xxx group, commander is toxic"after that commander is forced to pass group or only bad ppl who not read lfg join him
  11. @"unity.5089" Sometink like raids, but you fight only one bossAlso dificulity on most of them are ultra eazy2 are chalanging, and 2 are long but eazy but more rewarding (steel, cold war)here you have random pug from only enginners doing it for meme dps perspective healer perespective i was boon support ther you can get ther anytime by teleporting to this location :https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Eye_of_the_North but for more rewards you need get masterys doing last icebrood saga mapsboss on film are shiver,kodan and fraenirthe more you go the more harder boss are, Jormag is medium dificulity, and boneskinner is hardcold war is killining 3 boss on time, and steel is 10min tank escort mision wher on the end you geting 2g (with couting worth of mats) thay made strikes for ppl that have only limited time to play, also to pair veterans and casuals togheter, and help casuals start using meta builds
  12. Can confirm it, as 5 ppl randoms gathered on gandara we deleted 20-30 squad a) becose thay focused on killing lordb) becose we charged on smaller groups that was not close to raidc) kill 1by1 person that came to us this how with 2ranger, guardian heal, thief, and me as flamethrower scrapper, defeted 24-30 ppl while losing only 1 person dif was that we are 5 pvp/roam players, while that 25-30 ppl was bandwagon pve train other situation was when one person disabled 3-4 catas and couter-shoot place wher enemy catas was stoping whole bandwagon pve train it's not healer, good players are tanky by themself as know when to dodge/block/evade or condi cleanse, also having uniqe builds that give advantage to thay play style Same as gaming headphones that cost 300 euro, so thay can hear what skill you use even before you cast it or press button
  13. @Laila Lightness.8742nope, only Quickness @draxynnic.3719outside of Quickness you gona give team barier and redirect 20% to you from team thats all from new mechanics i addedas bonus you got aoe super speed + stab from Kinetic stabilizer @"Obtena.7952"I not understend your commentall i did was add new stuff to old one, so that part is incorectppl still can play with how the game allows people to play, same as how they want having more stuff than before on https://snowcrows.com/Enginner have only 3 choises while other class got around 4-5 Scrapper got only 1 choise, while alone scrapper not providing much to team expect of 4s bulwark gyro Rework of Damage Dampener + Recovery Matrix + Adaptive armor schold change that bringing more value to team insted only for 4s Rework of System Shocker + Aceleration Module+ Kinetic stabilizer schold help you if you decide to be more of boon support adding you more sorce of stab, and sorce of Quickness
  14. ok ty for all your sugestions and feedbacks i think we got to point wher rune is ok Also i decidet to name that rune, Superior rune of Menzieshttps://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/MenziesWith symbol of Shadow Warrior's helm https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:Shadow_Warrior.jpg Rest is up to Anet Closing topic here
  15. ok ty for all your sugestions, i decided to name that rune : Superior rune of Menzies with a Shadow Warrior's helm Is rune gona be added to game is up to anet now Topic close
  16. idk it's despend you may see usualy 2-3 partys per dung but after you create party you no need wait longer than 6-10min to make pt full, same as you no need specific classes or meta first 3-4 low lv dungeons are most popular as ppl do them for daily 5galso exploration paths are solo-duo able now Same like ppl said servers matter only for wvw in pve are megaservers EU(all servers from eu wvw) and NA insted of dungeons you got strike misons now ther your 10 insted of 5, same you fight only 1 boss per strikeexpection to it is Steel strike, wher you escord tank from point a to point b, fighitng a boss in the endSame as Cold war wher you got 2 mini boss, and 1 last boss about wvw you got list here :https://leaderboards.guildwars2.com/en/eu/wvw your server is rank 22, mean it's almost dead join to server one of tops, ther you ususaly got 2-3 commanders with zergs but que time is also longso most best choise are servers around tier 4 to 2tier one if you can wait to fight on big numbers
  17. Well ther was actualy idea to replace them with mech-scorpions, so turrets at last culd be mobilebut also x2 health pull culd be nicesame as dmg multiplicators other idea was to make turrets some kind of bannerslave kitwhile aliveflame turret +150 condi dmgRifle turret +150 precisionRocket turret +150 powerNet +150 expercisethumper turret +150 ferocityfor all team (no stack with other engineers)
  18. -15 % hp nerf to downstate in pvp/wvw culd be nice
  19. 10 mailbox size looks bit low, culd be nice to have 20/30 insted is ther any gemstore item incresting that think? with 10 my message box is red 99% 24/7h
  20. I culd recomend Scrapper cuz of 15%dmg you do turn to barier, so you not even need heal yourself in most situations and can solo most of bossAlso than turning back to Holo rifle is ez for end game
  21. is only gems mising?, you got info that your account got "upgraded" like here? : Yes? than prob some delay, reset game/ wait up to next day/ check postman No? than contact support by clicking "support" in up left site of this page or using that link https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us
  22. Or thay can focus on it, to gain more resourcesThers nothink more important than showing your dominance or flexing with your manly chest
  23. yeh it's anty-bot blala 2.0just wait 4dif you paid 80 coppers for that game, that's mean it was worth it ;)in that 4 days, focus on gathering mats than sell them after 4d gona also send you 5x18 slot bags as prob you gona need more space for mats to suvive that 4d ^^hf with new content :)
  24. I liked hot, as for first time it made more sens to group up, all best stories i got are actualy from hot when i invited other ppl trying to push/explore touch hordes of minions, Rhat added alot social thinks thx to that content was harder Despend how ppl look on it, it gona be positive or negative Map push you to find better build/gear/statsMap push you to find help/socialize with othersMap push you to break your limits, and get ful solving problems or developing strategy to kill boss :DMap teach you better doding/blocking or kait Thats for what i loved that map and wished ther was more for it Most problems with that map gona have casuals or ppl that can't solve problems by themself or are used to low lv skill playFor rest it was best multiple lv maps that got ever created and wher you culd eazly lost yourself xd
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