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bq pd.2148

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Everything posted by bq pd.2148

  1. checked now all weapons: -none of my gen 3 weapons / variants has any drawing sound. -dreamer , quip , predator, juggernaut , twilight, sunrise did not have unique drawing sounds. my gen 2 weapons all have their drawing sound. my collection is far from complete so there might be more with missing sounds
  2. it takes you to silverwastes, where the prologue for HoT starts.
  3. i only have the primordus axe of those 2 and can confirm no sound on drawing it (tested in armistice bastion on thief). other legendaries have their drawing sounds.
  4. to unlock masteries you need to start with the HoT story: press H -> Story Journal -> start Heat of Thorns story as you will want those masteries to traverse the HoT maps, it is advised to start working on them while getting the Hero Points, which do give some decent experience to help level the masteries up.
  5. yes you always need the listing fee, regardless if you actually list or sell instantly.
  6. to rule out the obvious, you do have enough gold for the listing fee on that account?
  7. scaling the timer based on how many people take it would also be fine, use it for your map queue and you need to wait long, use it by a troll and it will be up in no time.
  8. i am pretty sure it didnt have any cooldown for me, regardless of patchnotes mentioning 30s. for example you could eat the toxic bacon in AB and it would spamm those boons on you every second and the alacrity from it would be enough to not need the adrenal shroom, that doesnt work anymore. i liked it for map exploration as i would just kill everything in sight and that way stack up quickness to harvest nodes on the way faster without needing to build for quickness myself.
  9. coming up next: 'omg infinite teleports' with a bit of 'evade evade evade'.
  10. a new guild hall location in the mists would also be nice and help with this
  11. for pve i dont think power mirage is a thing yet aside from clearing trash in openworld, here GS will be much better than dagger/sword, unless you are in PoF maps where enemies get protection when hit from range, then dagger ambush removes that protection right away with its daze and sword is inferior for being melee. in wvw however the power scaling of the ambush skills are untouched from the latest adjustments. so its dagger 1.49 > gs 1.35 (before mirage mantle) > sword 1.0. personally i still prefer 1h sword over dagger for power mirage, because of the clone generation for shatter, defensive/utility skills 2/3, boonrip, mobility. + same daze spamm now for condi in PvE its good for solo things again to break defiance bars, you also need a might source so its either staff or dagger with midnight king relic. dagger has better ramp up time and it has vulnerability, which staff would not have enough for solo play. in group play axe/staff will still be ahead. in wvw for condi (or more like cele) dagger is pretty good as it can utilize all the offensive stats that overbloated set is handing out. however it lacks defense and thus should be paired with a weapon that can help in that regard staff (but then you are all projectile) or sword for more daze spamm + boonrip. any mirage i ran into thus far that was using dagger in WvW, i would guess were running cele as their power damage was too low and toughness/health too high for a power build.
  12. you dont have aura on you in the keep = the guild did not upgrade the object aura.
  13. that might be, personally i just have played thief a lot more than any other class (i deleted way too many characters to give accurate numbers, but just the thieves i still have got ~10k hours on them) and so for me no other class comes even close to how safe it feels to roam on thief. but i also dont worry too much about 1 vs 1 on any class because the bigger threat in WvW is that fights can quickly turn into 1 vs 2 or worse odds and thief is just excellent when it comes setting the terms for the fights and thus more likely win.
  14. did you use the metabattle version for this? it uses Be Quick or be Killed , that will increase the burst damage and help with +1 or if you use it similar to d/p thief, kiting around and waiting for the right time to burst. however you could instead use m7 trait to apply more consistent pressure from the ini regain and have more sustain from the boons, this way you can play more aggressively. you can also use shadow portal in the flex spot to have a safe escape if needed to fight always on your own terms. i think there is no other class better for being able to select your fights and perform decent enough versus any other build, even if deadeye now is just a pale shadow of what is was a couple years back. because of this its difficult to suggest something 'better' for that. personally i switch too much between roaming and larger scales these days that thief is not my first pick anymore. instead i have a lot of fun with mesmer that i wish i was better at and necro that seems way too efficient.
  15. a commander does not speed up your path to the gift of battle, unless you are the commander and have enough people in your squad, as that grants an extra pip. the reward track can be sped up with exp. booster, celebration booster, enrichment, guild potion and (black lion booster). you also get instant reward track potions (replacing the old daily ones) within the pip reward track. you only need to keep participation up, that can be done with PvE activities too as can be seen in this table (most of the table is still up to date). flipping some sentries or camps should be quite doable without being OP, else there is always the option to escort dolyaks.
  16. only 3 warclaws can be used at a time. it is about speed. 50 people with 20-25 supplies could use a powder keg and build max siege. of course you wouldnt always do that, but when there is a large enough enemy group that would defend a heavily sieged objective. then you might want to get in before the bulk of the defenders arrive to clear the siege. its not like you would use those extra supplies more efficiently when they are lost to the cow shots from the trebs.
  17. also keep track on when Ember Bay is the daily LW3 map, then there will be more activity on the map and more likely someone that will offer portals or that knows someone that can help. i would but am on EU, don't thinkt it would be worth the transfer.
  18. you do not need to light the minibeacons, they are just to help people reach the northern one if they are too slow. after reaching north beacon once you can use the Prototype Position Rewinder to mark your location up there use griffon (should be faster than skyscale) to ride the ley-line back grab the flame Rewind back to the north beacon. that way you get another charge up there every 30-35 seconds. the most i was able to get up there was 9 before the event completed from other people also doing it, so not entirely sure if the time is enough to do it solo.
  19. would that be a projectile and if so would it be unblockable? current tricks cost 10 supply because 10 supply is the default one can carry. to carry 15 one needs to either train WvW abilities or own a structure that is claimed by a guild with sufficient upgrades. by keeping the cost at 10 you can get that amount without WvW abilities by killing dolyaks. Of course if it were to cost only 10, then often people will be able to use 2 without resupply. not sure which is better but something to keep in mind. would there be a limit on how many can be triggered per side in a given area/time or can we use that with 50 people to blast away half the walls/gates HP almost in an instant?
  20. Relic of the Ice had a power coefficient of 1.0 per hit before the patch and so did about twice as much damage as the mirage eltie Jaunt. According to the Patchnotes the power coefficient of Relic of Ice (ingame Relic of the Ice) was reduced from 1.0 to 0.5 in WvW. however now it deals about half as much damage as Jaunt per hit, i would therefor assume the power coefficient was nerfed to 0.25 in WvW. have only tried with a Legendary Relic not with the regular one if that makes a difference.
  21. i havent done the event much since the 2nd part of nayos opened, does the northern beacon scale with people on the entire map? if it only scales with people on the eastern part of the map, it should be doable with few. thunderhead peaks also has the advantage that the metas are on a timer and do not occur at the same time. when the last part of the map is released, it might make sense to do heitor meta to unlock the fangs that gnash to then progress the map to the 3rd meta -> new map.
  22. i think it should be possible for a template to try to build that weapon as saved and leave upgrades empty that you do not have available. a bit similar to when you apply a build template for an elite spec that you didnt unlock on that character yet, its still all selected but greyed out and not in effect.
  23. to at least swap back quickly, i would like templates to not update permanently when you swap an item. so if you have a template and swap out a weapon, but don't save the 'new' template in the slot, you could just reapply the template to swap it back.
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