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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. I believe they will keep the Quickness nerf since it was unrelated to the Gyro ground-targeted issue.
  2. Yeah if I take your point of view on I could see why Untamed and by extension Ranger sucks. I also don't think it will change anytime soon. Ranger is a survivalist class, the only real exception is certain Soulbeast builds which remove all the survival elements (Hybrid or Power). If you had a choice between 2 classes one was good at end game content lets say Guardian or Necromancer and Ranger I think most people would pick them. I barely see any Rangers in Fractals, or at least any that do well on Arc.
  3. You are never always in combat, i run away then change and come back. Its a pretty common practice in WvW. Druid to Soulbeast is a common way to deal with Roaming players.
  4. Most people don't use Greatsword on any PvE build. In terms of PvP only predictable Silver players use both since its very easy to counter play those weapon. My most used weapon would have to be Axe + Warhorn since the Ambush especially is very nice for Untamed. When I did main Soulbeast I used an odd Condition Version with Shortbow and Axe + Torch. It was particularly effective at cleaving downed players. Again its why I advocate Build switching. It is very strong when you can get away and most organized Zergs will not chase which I use to my advantage. This is also one of the builds I use the Smokescale Stealth combos. If a Zerg is up for dueling the enemy players then I tend to play Druid so I can stall them until my allies arrive.
  5. Another unsung Hero is most is Ranger or Even Warrior Builds. Generally you play them very bursty and they have lots of ways of turning damage or the rotation into healing. Untamed for example has Fervent Force which can reset cooldowns very quickly when you stun and yes that does mean the healing skill. If you want to go down the Mesmer route there are a tone of hidden gems in the class. For example on Virtuoso if you slot in Inspiration you can turn yourself into a hybrid healer with roughly 10-15% drop in over all damage and almost no drop in upfront damage (so first 10 seconds). Now you can heal all Dungeons, Fractals, and Strikes as a backup healer.
  6. The funny thing is I might make a post about my WvW Untamed build. Ranger is really funny WvW since the best way to play is build switching. Arguably all classes can benefit by switching builds between any given scenario but Ranger my god benefits from this the most. So the next question is what to I use Untamed for? Hit and Run counter offensives especially with keep defense. The generally idea is you Teleport down with active Forest Fortification, do a tone of damage and then leave. This is crazy OP against organized Zergs. Often the tail will lag behind or trying and snipe people so you can teleport in, try one shot them and then leave with Super Speed. I might even do Video of this working at some point.
  7. This is why i like the hybrid so much, that and its all melee which is amazing for pugs. 100% critical chance and 100% bleed duration is a nice mix.
  8. Honestly the more we argue the more I agree with the thread in general, dam you @anduriell.6280. Ranger is just a different type class. It has never really been Meta even when Druid dominated the healing role. It is my main class because it has always had such good Survivability and Damage ratio. The variety in the class is amazing, just take a look at the 3 dominant Soulbeast builds which are all radically different. Untamed is just a new frontier with arguably more consistent damage and survivability.
  9. I was watching some videos on it, i think my problem is elect to use the melee only options like with Untamed which gets me trouble more. My Soulbeast build is the hybrid high damage one which is Dagger/Axe + Axe/Torch so I can benefit from Ambidexterity 240 condition damage. Its a beast and arguably better than the Snowcrow Version. Its just very low survivability, the Longbow one would be better but if you had to camp Longbow you would get much lower dps than Untamed. You are super reliant on hitting the Axe 5 with your setup skills. I have moved well past L2P issue since I have used Soulbeast the longest out of any class and my conclusion was the survivability is to low VS's other class like Mesmer which I started to Main.
  10. Well I was never able to solo them on Soulbeast rather Untamed was my elite of choice. I guess I could if I played super safe but that would mean well below 10k DPS. I am also talking about the Melee Snowcrow builds which normally don't involve full ranged even though the shortbow is now best in slot for Condition Soulbeast.
  11. We are all over the place but I'm probably to blame mostly since I mixed in the different ways I use Ranger since its my Main. My other Main Class Mesmer handles most group content, although I do to have fun with Soulbeast especially during Meta events.
  12. Yes you are correct, but sometimes you need an extra special class like Untamed to do the job. The top Soulbeast build will just result in your death in most hard Open World Content. No L2P required then you spend your time trying to live by dodging and avoided attacks.
  13. Well I have two monitors so play on one and work on the another but saying that I was banned once when I accidentally left my computer on while I slept.
  14. Most of the Game is Open World PvE content. If you bring any type of Snowcrow optimized build into End-Game OW content you will fall flat on your face. This is whole benchmark issue all over again, Soulbeast is the perfect example of this since without a Support to hold your hand you will just die. Have you ever tried to farm Silver Wastes with Soulbeast, its absolutely garbage. Different builds for different game modes.
  15. If that's how you want to play that's fine, the whole point of this thread is Soloing Open World Content. I mean most of not all Post 80+ content is in the Open World, Skyscale is not obtained in any dungeon. I honestly would go so far to agree with you that Ranger is depression if all you played was Instanced Content since Ranger it pretty useless compared to some other Classes like Mesmer for example. My Mesmer alone can preform every role in a Fractal/Strike/Raid group, the Mesmer forums don't want to hear this but they can Alacrity or Quickness Support with just Chronomancer.
  16. Its only TOS if you are really afk. If you respond to personal messages you are technically not. To add to this you can't really stop this from happening since it rampant in the game. Alot of places I like to stand while I work from home are not dominated by AFK necromancers. If you want to prevent the worst kept secret, remove the login rewards and put them behind the dailies since that is main culprit I terms of exploit game systems.
  17. I use something similar without any spirits, I just tried to create a super tanky build is all. I'm not concerned about damage.
  18. Okay? What's your point. You can't die with this build and that's it......
  19. You have tried to solo any Champion or Legendary Enemies?
  20. My understanding is we were just talking about Open World. Instanced content requires alot more fine tuning and very specific builds. Which currently the Ranger has almost 0, except Soulbeast but arguably its pretty bad in any 5 man instance and does okay in Strikes (not great). Ranger really offers very little to team based content with almost no boons. The damage is to tied up in complex rotation that if interrupted mean 0 damage.
  21. Im claiming more than just being tanky, you can literally solo some Legendary Bounties with this build. It doesn't do to bad with damage either around 10k which is enough to down things rather quickly. Compared this to the roughly 25-35k that Soulbeast can get which will fall down with the slightlest breeze I would say that is a win. The Dungeon comment is weird since my Virtuoso can solo most dungeon and do them very quickly, all while getting close to full DPS. I normally don't bring Ranger anywhere near instanced content.
  22. There is no true rotation since Untamed is a situation beasts. The main rotation is the order of you skills on the utility bar. Utility skills 6-9 in that order then repeat 6-8 so you can get alacrity. After that you can move around since your spirits should have enough regen to survive. Hammer 3, 5 then 3. Refreah your spirits with 6-8 again and maybe drop you ultimate if you need extra healing. Unleash yourself so you can top-up your spirits with the Moa F1 while pet swaping for vigor off cooldown.
  23. Most of the Longbow damage especially in the open world comes from Barrage and you can lower the cooldown on Untamed to a silly degree. Traited Longbow Barrage is 16 seconds cooldown, Unleashed skill lowers it by a further 3 seconds + 1 per extra target. If you want to trait Fervent force that is another 4 seconds every point-blank. Finally if you want to use Quick Draw that lowers it by another 10 seconds. If you spam the rotation you can conceivably Barrage every 5-7 seconds. Finally because of the high rate of fire, Forest Fortification can come off cooldown indefinitely.
  24. What would be cool is Mushroom Bomber, especially for something like WvW since you want it to die in the Zerg to create Mega damage. Skills Flail - Runs around in a circle creating a small AoE dealing damage and summoning Sporelings. Fungal Explosion - Explodes after death creating a small AoE dealing high kitten mage.
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