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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. Honestly I cant really comment on this since we really just don't know. I do believe you were more right a few years back but it does seem like they listen now (seem....). Yeah I agree with that comment.
  2. I just end up in discussions about how bad this elite is at this particular gamemode. People wanted Untamed to be a carbon copy Soulbeast (pet removed) and by extension replace how they played soulbeast rather than what it truly is which is a different way to play Ranger (especially with Fervent Force). People want Mechanist to be a DPS spec while It clearly states it is a versatile elite so it should be a jack of all trades.
  3. I mean this is already the case only the top 50 players are in platinum and 1 in legend (last season)
  4. Oh I Won 7 and lost 3 and got into gold 3. I don't think placements do much, I lost all my 3v3 placements and I still ended up in gold 1.
  5. I see a lot of posts saying fix "X" Class, since It cant do "X". Since when did we everyone want every Elite Specialisation to be same, some are good at end-game Instanced content while others are better at Solo Open World or PvP. I think people need to wake up fact that not every Elite can played in every gamemode, sometimes the best alternative is to just change Class/Elite when you want more out of your Gw2 experience.
  6. You kind of made my point for me. If it is played by the majority of low skilled players, If it can go invisible for every Trap, If it can pull people into said Traps. At what point is it not Meta, that's like saying Mirage was never OP. How would making it better not result in the same problems as before. You would be better of asking for a new Elite specialisation to create the gameplay you want (Willbenders?) Okay......?
  7. It's a funny Specialisation. It doesn't really excel at any WvW match up so it's hard to predict when to go in with it. But.... The burst and mobility does make a good Zerg scout. I mostly duel the people the hover around the Zerg then run back into the zerg when I'm about to die. You have tones of ways to prevent or stall damage. Teleport in, do a tone of damage, run away.
  8. Didn't this whole thread start with the player count of Dragon Hunters decreasing over time. If that's not an indication of how meta it was I guess I'm playing a different game. The real reality the design philosophy of Arena Net has shifted from balance every class to leaving them alone. They are even trying to bring back mechanics that were nerfed like Mirage's second dodge. I honestly doubt they will change DH at all since its a burst spec. That's like saying Power Ranger builds should have more sustain. Try saying Mirage is okay on the Mesmer forum, I would know since I have tried to.
  9. I guess we are only just coming out of placement matches but still it does seem like pool of players in Conquest dropped even further. The top 250 player now fall under mid Gold @_@(US). To be in the elite top 1% of the PvP player base you only have to be Gold 2 now.
  10. There is still so much bitterness around how they have previously balanced the game. The whole thing with devs playing favourite or hating a particular class is really just conjecture. Again they tried to balance the game very directly then they tried to not balance the game at all. This has been the problem the whole time. This is essentially the life cycle of an MMO. I think the transparency and feedback are the key for this to work. I'm sure the Mirage one-dodge nerf would not have gone through (with maybe a different nerf instead) if they told us upfront that something needed to be done so expect some nerf. The Scrapper nerf reversal is the perfect example, they told us this needs a nerf and we said it was the a unique feature that if removed would be bad. Then they just nerf some of the problematic skills.
  11. It can be annoying especially when you miss one of your Cantraps Boon on either Unleash. If you use the Hammer this is doubly bad since you want to use skill 3, 5 not-Unleashed with Fervent Force and 2, 4 Unleashed when the enemy in stunned. So you have two competing uses and sometimes you unleash yourself only to die since you lost your damage resistance. This all might sound bad but honestly it just means there is more to learn. I have had tones of fun in WvW stomping around with it.
  12. I feel like post HoT the design philosophy around balance was to nerf what was either was over preforming and over played. The worst of this was with the one dodge Mirage which honestly to their credit did fix the problem but it alienated their whole player base. Then 1-2 years before EoD they switched to a hands-off approach which probably made most people very happy but it was by the far the most toxic time for Gw2. Most parties demanded those Trinity picks Firebrand Healers, Renegade Alacrity, Condition Scourge and there was not much choice outside these Elites. Now for the first time ever we are starting to other Classes being able to fill these roles. First with Engineer next with Ranger and potentially Warrior too.
  13. I feel like the conversation is lost on the wider player base. Most other classes have barely preforming Elite mechanics especially in PvP (I'm looking at you Mirage). DH might not be a Meta pick any more in PvP but in the right hands it is great. I mean most traps avoid the whole reflect Meta thing we are in, not to mention you can pull enemies into them.
  14. I think they are fine the way they are and most Signets have very good situation active effects. The only real change I could see if give them more universal things. I will list some examples of what I mean. Guardian Signet of Resolve: Stun Break, Heal yourself and remove conditions Signet of Wrath: Immobilize your target and Stun them (PvE only) Warrior Dolyak Signet Active: Stun Break, Heal yourself and gain stability. Signet of Rage: Gain fury, might, and swiftness. (25 Might now) I guess you get my point
  15. Which I think they want to remove in the next patch but again we shall wait and see since the entire elite is built around making the Mech stronger so if they nerf that to much it might ruin the class.
  16. I play it while i'm at work, I just wait around for the night champion killing time so I guess it is my job......? This Skimmer isn't only good for underwater orb farming but it is by far the best mount for collecting chests and berries since it does not have an AoE dismount (its like a weird line attack). This mean you will not enter combat and able to mount up right away.
  17. I will take a stab and Ranger Druid: This is a bit a dead end for Solo capability since your damage will so low any survivability you will gain by having Celestial Avatar will just prolong your suffering. If you are dead set on using a Druid then don't use Staff rather go full condition duration(Vipers) with Shortbow + Axe/Torch. Soulbeast: Most of the Meta builds are fine except maybe the Hybrid ones. My personally favorite is the Condition Meta build since you can camp Shortbow without suffering to much of a DPS drop. This is not true for Power Soulbeast which suffers a lot if you stay in Longbow. You can also play the Rare stance share Soulbeast in Groups. Untamed: This is Rangers supreme survivalist since Fervent Force pared with any healing skill will let you survive an obscene amount of damage. The ranged options are rather limited but you can stack Spirits and cycle there active ability so fast you can tank Legendary Bounties. It is a class that takes a lot more practice to use especially if you want to play with Hammer.
  18. You have two ways to play: Play a meta build and spend you time avoiding damage Play a tanky build and spend you time maximizing your damage Generally people play the first one since if you can tag up you will be doing amazing damage. This is Virtuoso in a nutshell, while Chonomancers kit lends itself to being more defensive. My best experience on Virtuoso was with Illusion + Inspiration since the initial DPS was roughly the same and you are able to heal yourself/group by a consistent tick. Most will say it is over kill and you should have enough healing but again I go back to the two ways you want to play. I generally don't have have avoid mechanics and can just focus on my rotation and lining up enemies.
  19. I'm pretty sure they plan on returning it so no need to ask. They said this much during the recent stream, but they don't want to nerf the PvE version if they change some of the Traits to accommodate the second dodge. I'm just relaying what they said.
  20. I have but only on my Druid where I'm trying get as many Roots as possible and the poison field just helps me with my bleed damage. In terms of sniping people during Zerg clashes my Untamed doesn't use them rather Smokescale and Jacaranda for damage/survivability. When I tried the 41k Untamed build I used the Forest Spider (poison one) as the other pet when pared with Iboga mostly due to its health pool being greater (since you need your pet alive to do the rotation). Again they have their uses buts its only if you are really playing the game and not following a Snowcrow build to closely (which never ends well).
  21. Please don't reverse the Ranger Spirit changes since right now I can Solo (some) Legendary Bounties with the Untamed build I have. I also want to create a Quickness Warrior like I used to do back at launch with permanent Regen Warrior.
  22. They all have niche uses, the Cripple leap for example synergies well with Predator's Onslaught since it has really good uptime vs cooldown. The pet damage has always been negligent (Canines are one of the worst DPS pets) The Spider again has it uses especially in WvW, Poison Gas with its poison field can help you take on Zergs if you time it right. Not to mention Paralyzing Venom complements most Ranger builds since you control its application.
  23. I have heard different (maybe not with player numbers). They are slowly becoming much more playable especially in the Open World with the addition of Alacrity on Tempest. It does seem like they are truly defining what they want Elementalist to be, rather than what it was, a piano playing nightmare.
  24. I would say it is Revenant since Mechanist dominates most game modes. I find that it's the classes will the least customisation. I mean Engineer Kits look horrible and Revenant can't swap out their utilities and have a weird energy system.
  25. I mean you prove my point which I'm in agreement with that it is fine and I have once upon a time I played Ranger in all End-game Instanced content. At a certain point I wanted to play something better so Mesmer was my choice. Ranger though is still amazing, Soulbeast is a bit of an (L2P) issue but honestly the 1 time out of 10 you mess up you are dead while Untamed you spend your time trying to squeeze out damage rather than avoiding it.
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