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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. Honestly it adds flavour to the game. Remember Supports are not really for boons only, some can provide other buffs or resurrects to help people. In some sense a support is the tank in our trinity, there primarily goal is be useful. Every class applies boons differently and with the recent nerfs to Firebrand we have and will see more diversity in how they are applied. Spirit/Banner stacking is already a thing.
  2. Its just not a brawler spec so expecting to survive long in Open World PvE is just not going to happen. For instanced content it is little better but it has such a low skill ceiling that you cant really manipulate anything for more damage. I guess it biggest use was PvP but that rune nerf was a pretty big hit.
  3. I get it there is no defining team roles I would even go so far as to say that Support is slowly being phased out. The only Team roles left are Roamers/Duelists and Team Fighters. Honestly if I'm being frank, I believe this is what Arena Net wants. Now you no longer have to be berated or gate kept to participate in PvP and can bring anything you want. I do prefer this myself since I'm really good a particular Class and not a particular role. I don't think they can go back either since the main reason the roles are disappearing is due to the new elite specializations. I mean Willbender is some sort of Support/Roamer hybrid. I feel like everyone playing to there strengths works a lot better than trying to fit into a mold. Play your PvE class really well, Watch a Vullan tutorial and you should fine in PvP.
  4. Okay well we will have to wait and see.
  5. Either way its just an option for keeping your spirits topped up. My advice is just what I have been using, I guess I'm pretty good at controlling the pet.
  6. Oh I forgot to say you have the pets follow you on Guard stance. Its not fool proof but it does help if the boss does something you don't want your pet to die in.
  7. You stack on spirit so I'm not to sure what you are saying? Have you played this game, supports are used for Raids/Strikes/Fractals where you stack. The real environment like Open World?
  8. PvE: Raids/Strikes PvP: Conquest
  9. What is this thread.... anyone defending the Author definitely doesn't play dungeons. No one does them for the currency they do them for the achievement. I mean if you need the currency for what ever reason then you would do anything that is the LFG including an Arah run. I will tell the secret why, Dungeons are super easy and almost any braindead build can do them. If all you do all day is play them then you would jump on the chance to help someone else do them.
  10. The top 2 Ranger builds are condition damage
  11. I was having trouble with keeping my Spirits alive. It does seem like regen is just enough for the Utility Spirits topped up but not the Spirit on Nature. This is primary due to only heals targeting the spirits top them up so all the Ranger Healing Skills don't work even ones coming from other Spirits except Spirit of Nature itself. The solution I found was to use the Moa since its a nice 6.5k heal, this isn't fool proof since without some healing power Spirit of Nature will eventually die but it does help a lot.
  12. That is a good idea and as an Untamed main I could agree to that but there is more to one shotting people. I mean all that one shotting does is down them to then be resurrected which is a very good counter to the similar Soulbeast version. If your entire kits is made for a super burst build (maybe a macro) It wont hold up in tournaments.
  13. This was supposed to be a troll thread but I guess it went over everyone's head.
  14. Okay I will have a stab at this: Its just Hammer and Exploding spores (or Storm Spirit) with Fervent Force. The rotation is just hit every damage skill like Frost Trap off cooldown while preforming the stun rotation. Pet-Unleash then Hammer 2, Hammer 5, Hammer 2, Exploding Spores, Repeat; Self-Unleash Frost Trap off-cooldown. Unleashing yourself improves all strike damage which does mean Frost Trap. If the logic holds true its when the trap is triggered and not when placing it. No Muddy Terrain does not trigger Fervent Force Nature's Vengeance does help but that traitline is about 5k DPS loss.
  15. I can speak to Conquest PvP. Currently Ranger especially Untamed (which replaced Core) and Soulbeast dominate in high level pvp. They are a jack of all trades class with great ranged damage for team fights and great melee burst for duels. For Condition damage (my preference) Untamed has many controlling effects to shut down counter play. It is very easy to prevent a resurrections by combining stuns with projectile blocks to finish people. Pretty much the entire Untamed kit can have your chase someone (Unnatural Traversal) or provide AoE DPS(Ambush's) and normally at the same time. Honestly the main reason we don't see Druids used anymore because we don't see Supports/Bunker in high-level PvP outside of Tournaments. I never see people swap to support if there isn't any so that meta element is dead. For WvW This is more tricky since like i have stated before there are 3 different builds required per party size. Soulbeast is generally regarded as one of the best duelist Untamed is great for a raiding parties (projectile block) Druid is best for Zergs I have had a lot of fun recently with a very aggressive Druid build.
  16. Everything you said is very true. But the main reason I use Power Untamed over Power Soulbeast is due to its survivability. I always struggled to stay alive with Soulbeast in solo and instanced content with small pug teams. It does great with 10 people to keep you booned and healed but your rotation goes down the toilet when a feather can kill you. I mean I remember farming Silver Wastes and getting these amazing DPS numbers but as soon as anything hit interrupted me, bye bye 30k DPS. I don't suffer that problem on Untamed since every stun triggers Enhancing Impact (stability).
  17. I do play Untamed although a condition varient so I can attest to their strength in sPvP.
  18. So the gist is I want Mesmer (mostly Mirage) to go back to dominating high-level PvP. I think in reality Mesmer does see play in all PvP game modes and with the recent Chronomancer changes I'm seeing it being used a lot more in WvW.
  19. Just to add to our silly threads. I think having instant teleports kind or ruins all the duels I'm about to win.
  20. I have the complete opposite opinion. The Mesmers I see, especially Mirage dominate most PvP matches. Granted the Mirage I see almost always duo so they have someone covering their burst, still they easily snowball games when played correctly and in the current meta that works best. It probably wont win you any tournaments but hey it will get you Gold 3 or Plat.
  21. It does but if you que to many skills (Only one skill can be queued at a time) the last skills will be cut off, this also puts them short cooldown(3 seconds). So I guess if I was to give an example its lets say you spam 1, then you Splitblade and follow it up with Winter's Bite all while still spamming 1. The only skill that will activate correctly is Winter's Bite since you interrupted Splitblade with (spamming 1) Ricochet. For Soulbeast this was not much a problem since you waited for the full cooldown of Splitblade but for Untamed is on a 2 second cooldown.
  22. 1) Yeah I concede that point, I didn't elaborate but I meant the utilities and skills lend itself to supportive builds. 2) Condition Harbinger is giving up its Shroud survivability for more damage. 3) Hmm you might be right here, I'm only going off peoples benchmarks and most don't list the power equivalent for some reason. It does seem like Condition Willbender is better than Firebrand currently in terms of sustain. 4) I meant core Guardian skills + DH hunter power traits and utilities.
  23. People don't have access to Instanced content in the same way. I mean most hard instances content requires some metric of coordination and gear, while all open world meta events don't. The CM has to be triggered by everyone playing the map so if people are playing chill and not coordinating it wont activate. It will be for these guild wide organized groups to coordinate and get greater rewards. I will say I do see a better flaw in my suggestion, Most Open World content is in fact some of the highest Gold Per Hour you can achieve so I would be adding to that problem by suggestion a CM version. Amazing Idea
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