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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. Right before posting this i noticed Snowcrow switched all its builds to this one. Once I get my Legendary Armor I will play around, I also want to see if I can create a fast ramp-up poison build with 100% poison/bleed duration.
  2. Juant: Shadowstep to a targeted location and confuse nearby foes. This is what you use to dodge, your real dodge is used to trigger Ambush's so you don't want to use it for anything other than that. Axe skills Lingering Thoughts (2) and Axes of Symmetry (3), can also be used to dodge: Lingering Thoughts: You can use this to dodge Cleaves Axes of Symmetry: Has evade frames and can be used to reassign clones or close distances The golden rule here is you should never dodge with Mirage to reposition, rather dodge to Ambush/block
  3. Meh specter does 0 damage on higher MMR. You can sit the AoE and take almost no damage and then they just blink away when you focus them 😑. I found a normal Daredevil Thief more threatening since at least they can one shot you.
  4. It doesn't stop people pinging you. Funny thing I played the top US player yesterday and I was harassed by my team to go mid and not camp home. I didn't listen and we Won since I bated the top player to duel me for an extended period of time so essentially my gamble paid off. My point is PvP is just like this.
  5. Yes essentially most new condition main-hand weapons (Axe and Dagger), make the old conditions weapons obsolete. Even the staff for the large part is bad outside of the ambush provided by Mirage. With that in mind I do find Scepters only real use case is clone generation in service to a rather bad healer (I mean Mesmer doesn't have that many options if you want to heal anyway). Maybe in the future we will get a Confusion/Tank focused Mesmer elite that could be helped by scepter much like how Focus has become relevant for Virtuoso with the pull+piercing dynamic. Every block gives the target 5 stacks of confusion, something like that.
  6. Yeah it is not really that useful if you want to do damage, if you learn an encounter I could see it being okay to avoid a stun or one-shot mechanic. This is why I said it can work if you want to attempt a support/healer with Mesmer since DPS wont mater.
  7. I was just playing around with the top DPS build for Untamed involving cycling Path of Scars with Fervent Force trait. You can roughly CC once every 5-7 seconds. This pared with Enhancing Impact + Shared Anguish pretty much gives you permeant stability (I know you supposed to unleash yourself at points to get quickness but the APM is high enough without adding this) I also use healing Trap for open world so with all of this combined it essentially lets me stand at the feet of any Elite or Champion with 10k+ DPS. I don't even need any CC break skills since I have so much stability.
  8. It is currently the highest burst DPS class in the game, even Bladesworn isn't quite there although it is more reliable damage.
  9. Yeah prior to Mirage i could see some use as a sort condition stalling weapon but now it pretty useless outside core Mesmer. I do have one use for you, Support. Generally healing is based of clone generation + shattering. With that in mind you should never use anything other than Ether Bolt (1). The block (2) can be handy when you know when you use it, the confusion channel (3) is useless since you do 0 damage as support. Scepter + Chronomancer shield is the only valid use currently and can provide Alacrity or Quickness plus Healing.
  10. Yeah I mean this point solidifies PvP in this game. The only reason you would want to Conquest PvP is if you wanted to participate in tournaments (filled with cheese builds) or get a high gold per hour by climbing ranked (after that its pretty bad). Its hard to see how this would change since WvW is so much better especially if you plan to run with a group. The only downside to WvW is if you try solo roam.
  11. I dont see why you would smerf, afk or even boost in this game. I guess you could smerf then transfer the gold from all the wins but you would still have to buy the expansion to have a competitive advantage. A better option is to lose purposefuly between seasons to lower your MMR. Afking is the worst idea since it will lead you to a 3 day ban, If you get reported alot. Boosting is most common but if you are high MMR and lose one game that net loss won't be made up by winning the next 3 games so the end result is you and the other player averaging thier rank. (only valid one)
  12. I think the reason it works so well is due the stat combination of Carrion. It's very basic and if I use Bleed duration runes/sigils I can really pump out the condition damage. It is a strange build and I have a really hard time dueling but the chain CC can really shut down certain builds like Bladesworn. I have almost zero escapes so 1v2 it not really an option. My main strength is steam rolling team fights which I guess is the point of this build.
  13. You never know I'm sure something moves up the chain, otherwise it was all reddit users doing since some of Devs get information from there
  14. All true, well I did notice better moderation. I mean we don't even have report threads anymore before a moderator polices it so they must be looking through from time to time. If I had put it down single argument for why they reverted the change, the concept of difficult gameplay should be rewarding definitely is a good argument. I mean I never knew Mesmer was classed as the hardest rotation to master. I had been doing it this whole time without realizing (I'm not saying I'm perfect)
  15. True, I do use this in PvE so I know how effective it is. I guess I would keep that and the fire trap, Offhand torch with 25% longer burning duration would par nicely. Lock people down and trap them in fire.
  16. Hmmm not bad, if I ever want to play Soulbeast again I could try this. I would probably do offhand torch and not dagger like a did before. I think the only problem I had with Soulbeast was surviving Ranged attacks since I don't have Enveloping Haze. Also I would use Wilderness knowledge and the same utilities as what I'm currently running otherwise conditions would murder me. Not to many builds rely on condition damage any more but either way it will keep weakness and vulnerability off me.
  17. Love it, your are 100% right. the only thing that gets spammed now is Bladesworn and even that can be countered pretty easy.
  18. The point is I can survive a burst or being chased since have like zero mobility. Generally I can lure people away only for something else to kill them or for me to get lucky in a duel. My general strategy is to burn most of cooldowns and CC enough to get them back.
  19. Does that help http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwEU6MssAmHrjRxOxy7pNWVyxqA-zZoOBPOAA
  20. Arg that is to much work for me dude I just post on the forums. I don't even have any Video editing software on this computer to even upload to YouTube. Also gold 3 (1450) is top 250 players so how much better can I get. Do I need to be be in the top 25, which is plat 1600. I could go on, top 120 is platinum and I broke into that earlier today.
  21. Well I have no reason to lie, I'm currently at 1410 but I was in platinum earlier today. I'm trying to get Legendary Medium Armor so I'm playing a lot. To bad I don't have screenshots of that but these are two different instances of me being in gold 3. Skill rating 1450 is top 250 so I hover around top 500 most of the time. https://imgur.com/uRL3zjJ
  22. I know its pretty cool they listened, I had a hunch they did look at the forums as of late. If we keep it civil we get our way and changes we don't want get reverted.
  23. Ha ha Well all out complaining was not for nothing.
  24. Its a tricky thing since every new expansion adds a different design philosophy to the game. PoF has the most complex and difficult specializations and rewarded that complexity with better damage and PvP potential. Then ultimately the developers cycled and went back on that philosophy . I mean the entire reason Warrior was so relevant back at launch was because there was no Trinity and the only performance increase you could get was increasing defence/self-healing.
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