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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. Hmm I remember it differently then, I also remember the gate keeping in fractals. I mean HB problem still exist there and still no one complains.
  2. I feel like if they chopped out the bronze tier it might incentivise more people to play PvP since it is more rewarding. I mean 4 extra plips is not nothing. Yeah the win-trading is a bit a problem, even if its not as common as people claim the accusation alone can derail any game into people camping in their base.
  3. No one uses it in competitive modes because other Weapons become more important like Warhorn(Power) or Torch(Condition). People still run Fervent Force though, especially condition builds. Also I don't think you understand why people use Path of Scars.
  4. Mell.4873

    Spamming 1

    Looking through the threads on Engineer, I think the main complaint about mechanist (besides the obscene damage numbers) is simply the fact that using any other weapon skills in your rotation lowers you DPS. This problem has actually plagued Engineer right from the start, almost all Weapon skills outside of a few kits are lower damage than the Auto-attack. Everything Engineer does is back to front, most Weapons skills and utilities skills subtract from your damage rather than adding to it. Spamming 1 and some toolbelt skills is how you achieve 80% of your DPS. A perfect example is why people take the Rifle Turret and it is not for the Turret, rather the toolbelt skill has no cast time and a low cooldown so it adds to your damage.
  5. Very true, almost no one complained when that was the case. I do agree though on class being dominating is a bad thing. I mean the other day I pugged a dungeon with a mechanist, he did 10k more than my Soulbeast Ranger burst, in a dungeon 😑
  6. I agree with this sentiment, I mean most ranger specs do something other than dealing damage and then Soulbeast is entirely damage and not much else. Untamed like Druid is just hard to push into a meta where you Zerg up and smash together. Conditions/projectiles/Pets are mostly a waste of time so Ranger doesn't have much left. Even with this in mind I do believe Untamed under the right conditions could assist classes like Engineer and Guardian in a Zerg push though CC.
  7. I noticed this too, I think if you are top 250 players you should be at least plat 3, right now that is gold 3. I guess losing to a low rank drops you way to many points or you gain almost nothing by beating them. Good breakdown and I 100% agree this could fix the issue. Maybe a static amount of MMR regardless of the other teams rank. I will say my suggestion would also work and probably be better than a different MMR system since the current system prevents you being carried (well not entirely)
  8. Mesmer is a confusing bag of worms, until you play it for 300 hours you wont understand the true beauty of the class. Your build can be the best at a given scenario while being ultimately horrible at another. Virtuoso has amazing condition DPS but if you try solo OW champions you will drop dead.
  9. oh true I always forget the split, its similar to the super speed applications.
  10. This thread and by extension most of the posts on the profession forum are a mess. People clearly want 'their' playstyle protected and no one else to have a Meta build. I mean before EoD we had 2 elites to play Firebrand and Scourge. No one complained then but it was by far the worst and most toxic meta since if you did any content (like Fractal CM) and were not those classes you where kicked. PS: they probably should lock this thread, since its unproductive
  11. Currently in the US one person is in Legendary (those 4 extra blips are really going to good use). Why not cycle down the ranks, Remove Bronze and replace it with Silver so on and so on.
  12. Top 250 has dropped to 1450+, getting into Plat puts you in the top 150 players.
  13. Yeah it's a bit of a mixed bag. I mean in small to medium size zerg clashes Untamed is fine but anything bigger pets and you melt. I mean you can permanently unleash your pet to receive 25% damage reduction which is nice but ultimately you have to many long cooldown skills to manage to make sure you don't die.
  14. I can confirm it is broken too 😞 I really wanted to go underwater on my hover bike (skin)
  15. I feel like the only place you can reliably heal is Strikes (Icebrood mostly) or Open World but if you are good enough you can heal in fractals. The real trick to healing (which I picked up in fractals) is to focus more on resurrecting people with Illusion of Life rather than truly controlling the chaos by not moving. If you didn't already know but Healbrand does have problems healing when people don't stack and with Chronomancer Wells can be places at a distance so it has some advantages when people don't move (think OW Boss stacking) . When people do move and go down they can be resurrected just as quick with well timed Illusion of Life which is in fact an AoE.
  16. Arg Support Chronomancer is such a touchy subject for this forum since it was one of the best Supports, a very long time ago and now it is not. The reality is Chronomancer is really a Support Healer and can even apply more boons that other classes but it needs to be used in conjunction with other supports. Inspiration is a very good tree but lends itself more to healing rather than Boon application so people don't take to trait Signet of Inspiration to boost the boons of 5 people. They can also output a silly amount of Aegis, more than any other class in fact so in the right hands you can avoid almost any mechanic. This will all go on deaf ears and I will most likely get many confused faces for even saying all this. Mostly due the prior skills that where better like the old Signet of Inspiration.
  17. True, getting legendary armor isn't to bad I think the trinkets are much harder (I have never attempted that part) Weapons are sometimes easy depending on what content you like to play. Over all if you get a few sets of different ascended then you can make almost any build.
  18. Yeah they do and although they are more opportunists rather than outright downing someone from full health. Again I do see more Daredevils than Specters in the US ranked PvP and they normally do better.
  19. I think people should take a page out of my book (and probably a large portion of the population) Stick to one profession and make every type of build from it. I mean I have been lampooned many time on Mesmer forum for even suggesting a Support Chronomancer build since its not technically Meta what ever that means. I did it anyway and brought it into Strikes and Fractals even to replace (bad) Healbrands. For the most part you should not follow the benchmark website I mean the highest DPS build now is Untamed but you the APM of an esports champion to pull of the 40k dps.
  20. Yes but you still have to be wait for the cooldowns to consistently AoE. Don't get me wrong I do use Soulbeast and on single targets like bosses it can easily get more 10k extra dps on top (especially from ranged attacks.) Im meaning more general content where the extra upfront damage doesn't mean much when you will either die or be waiting for cooldowns since you blew them on ads. In terms of PvP, Untamed has great chasing potential to bad other classes are just better like Willbender. It could be used in a Zerg push but requires good timing on your skills and ultimately Druid is better.
  21. I more meant the stationary nature of the attack chains. I mean Axe 5 and Longbow 5 leave you unable to move for the attack animation. Even Greatsword has similar issues when using its skills but the advantage Hammer has its all its skills are AoE and not cleave so they hit in circle not a cone.
  22. It has far more mobility than both of those weapons combine so outside Golem DPS I'm able to pull much higher numbers. Edit: I meant during the rotation in combat not any movement skills.
  23. I have been playing around with Hammer and trying to flesh out a rotation with Fervent Force in mind. I will say that the Hammer is a crazy combo machine. Normal 3 and 5 produce a stun while Unleashed 2 and 4 are your damage. If you weave them together you can easily get a 20k burst over a very short duration. This in Open World is brutal and can end fights especially with lots of Mobs much quicker than a Soulbeast rotation ever could. Not to mention the Combo loop is very short and can maintained almost indefinitely.
  24. Honestly people need to get off the forums, i had a break from posting here for a while after getting bullied and having all my posts locked by moderators (I was at fault but not for a great reason, like sticking up for Virtuoso during initial EoD launch) All classes can be played in the OW and in end-game content, if they have group boon or heal they can technically preform these roles. If you consistently look at the Meta classes and builds it will be depressing for anyone that starts but they have to remember most people who follow the Meta are in the top 1% of players.
  25. I would prefer these types of nerfs over anything that games like ESO ever did. They nerf classes by removing core mechanics and make every class play the exact same. Here all we get is a tweak on the number so the build still exists and it is just not Meta anymore.
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