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Everything posted by Mell.4873

  1. This is a super bias example and it's in the open world. The funny thing is other day noticed the same thing but instead of Mechanists they where all Virtuosos, so nerf both elite specialisations? The alterative is not to complain so much and just wait for a fix. I mean Virtuoso was pushing 41k and now its at a modest 38k.
  2. Agreed, this whole thread was in response to each individual profession complaining about this support dps hybrid meta which doesn't really exist. Mechnaist is the perfect example, sure it can DPS at 28k with no skill and push out boons but is it really that relevent since when it needs to be a support it sits at 25k.
  3. I agree and I still play Inspiration Chrono Support.
  4. Thanks everyone for the suggestions, I will play around with it. I will probably pick something that has high health for the second pet incase Iboga dies for some reason. Honestly the rotation is so packed so much with skills I will barely have time to even use the pet skills. Even if I need CC, the cooldown reduction based on CC will probably account for more than any pet can preform.
  5. Okay but the author is asking about what to pick not whether it should exist.
  6. I mean the post started with a reply to the 10 Best PvE Squad Compositions, if anything the author is confused about the reddit post since it never mentioned PvP. Returning the second dodge would not change anything on that diagram.
  7. Sorry I added it later but I will agree with any PvP stuff since I only play Ranger there due to the lack of second dodge.
  8. I don't really want to argue but I find Mesmer in general very good. It is probably the only class that preform multiple roles even if is not always the meta pick. For example If do bounties or champion farming, Mirage lets me survival almost any type of encounter. If I join a Fractal/Strike I can now DPS with both Virtuoso and Mirage while supporting with Alacrity Mirage or Quickness Chrono. If at any point I need to heal the new Well changes allow me push out an crazy amounts of AoE healing, or if I want more on demand healing I can use Mantras. Once you commit the rotations and damage avoidance mechanics to muscle memory you just never die; nothing else I try even comes even close to Mesmer. Edit: I will agree with the PVP comments though
  9. It is normally the best (third) trait line to pick for condition damage so it is kind of irrelevant whether it is defensive or not.
  10. I don't think anyone here is arguing choas should have condition damage bonuses. All anyone is saying it that it does. We should be responsing to the auther post about picking traits from the Chaos line.
  11. I do agree but I believe the whole reason rifle was changed was due the lack of play time. I mean I never used rifle in any of my Engineer builds, since kits were so much better. I will agree though there is some end goal with all these changes, I mean we had a really stale meta before this where Firebrand and Scourge where you only options in end game content.
  12. Well Quickness Berserker is a thing and get numbers close 30k dps. Good alterative to HB setup if someone else is providing Healing + Alacrity.
  13. What a mess this thread is.... All I can say is Arena Net will probably nerf this playstyle, due solely to the play time of mechanist so why are we all panicking? Same thing happened with other specs. I mean Arena Net nerf or buff things based on numbers, if the Golem/player-time are to high they nerf, if they have low Golem/play-time numbers they buff. Simple formula so just wait and see what happens.
  14. I think now more than ever you play what ever you want. I was much worse a year ago when HB was in a much stronger position. I mean half the time i when play Strikes/Fractals i sneak in extra boons or healing to make sure we clear the runs.
  15. I don't think this build will be around forever at least in its high damage form. I want to start maining Engineer over Ranger soon but I'm waiting to see how Mechanist turns out. Honestly this is a problem, I mean I'm not allowed to play Longbow Ranger in any form in high-level WvW groups since for some reason I'm not playing the most effective role. I normally get kicked when I don't follow the group closely enough since I'm trying to snipe people from the back.
  16. Yeah that set-up sounds fine, I guess my overall point is the skipping of the mechanics though insane DPS in your case or defensive boon/heals with less experienced players.
  17. I have personally healed T4s with Chronomancer but not CMs only Alac Mirage. This was also before the buff too.
  18. Oh it was reported on all the Benchmark websites that its the best due to the auto attack. Then I compared it, it does seem to be ever so slightingly higher.
  19. The new Untamed build on the block is permanently keep your pet unleashed and spam F1-F3 off-cooldown due to Fervent Force (while swapping in and out for certain skills). With that in mind there is no time to even hit Pet skills, so my question is what pet should I run? Untamed kind of turned the pet into accessory and you can literally run anything without lowering your DPS numbers by much. I see the Iboga is the most popular due to its auto attack but are there any other suggestions?
  20. Well that is factually wrong, they cant provide both. They used to, but the rotation was a nightmare and nigh impossible to do. Right now It can only provide a tiny amount of quickness while providing Alacrity with Wells or just pure Quickness. I don't really know the answer to this whole conundrum. My guess is they will continue standardise more boons in the game so they can be stacked. Going forwards new elites can focus on these new boons rather than continuing to add to the pool of elites that use the old ones. I mean on-hit-enemy boons like we have with the Soulbeast stances have been requested for along time, mostly in response to replacing Auras.
  21. To quote you "Grandmaster trait which no one barely takes now to apply short AoE quickness" . This by definition would give to access to both Quickness and Alacrity. Same situation with Warrior. Even if you sacrificed some utility slots to preform a stance based quickness application it would still create problems where one profession could apply both boons, even if it was significantly nerfed to lets say 50% uptime (which would only mean no one uses either). I think its more realistic to have all stances apply a new type of boon. An AoE damage immunity Boon or an AoE Boon duration buff, this would be much better than what you are suggesting. I mean we have Auras which are not to dissimilar to Stances.
  22. I agree and to further your point the Fury buffs did nothing to Power Specializations that already had 100% critical chance. It's hard to say what needs to change but I would like to see a mass buff on something only Power Specializations need, maybe ferocity. Its tricky since all Condition builds are not solely based off Condition damage and duration rather they are technically hybrids hence why the fury benefits them more. Maybe a fourth stat just for Power builds so they can have Viper equivalent set?
  23. I agree but It just sounds like they need to buff Holosmith or power builds in general to fix this issue. The problem is definitely not that support dps exist.
  24. Firebrand is always a good bet and since your familar with the guardian kit so it won't be to dissimilar. Honestly these day most professions can be mained since one of their elites is meta, I mean Warrior, Necromancer both have Condition Quickness builds like Firebrand and with similar numbers. While Mesmer, Mechanist and Revenent have Alacrity builds.
  25. My comment wasn't directed at you, also you have given me very little context why Alacrity Renegade would not be bringing a Support? I never said it had to be a healer, you have two supports or two healers.
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