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Posts posted by Lucy.3728

  1. I don't know if people would complain if the Skyscale got rid of its altitude penalty and it flies like a dragon flies.

    But the Griffon is cool as it is. With enough space below you get further and way faster too than with the Skyscale. The SotO maps are great for the Griffon.

    And gliding is like one would it expect to be. Or what do you expect from gliding? The masteries to get to the point for it to work as imagined?
    It may be redundant by now, how far the game progressed, but it is a leftover of when it got implemented in the game. No you couldn't have just a glider working like you expect a glider to work. You need to level that and thus spend time on the maps.

    I think this is better than stupid grinding quests.

  2. 6 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

    Where's Dailies at now? Chest of Loyalty?

    The world has moved on without you and things still change.

    I had a break of 7 years.
    It was much, much more difficult to get back into the game and it took a lot of effort to reach a standard to keep up with the majority of the other players.

    If such a small change puts you off, then you don't really want to play. Adjust or let it.

    • Like 1
  3. I think I play a little less now, but I'm not sure.
    I def. play way less pve/open world since I have only wvw active now because I didn't like the pve tasks of the new system when I mixed wvw+pve (like in the old daily system which resulted in me playing more open world).

    On the other hand I got myself a new account. That has needed a lot of time investment to set up for a decent and convenient play style and is still not done. The new system animated me to play my other accounts more to finish the weeklies but that has lessened now to almost the level of before. Or even less. Had some days I couldn't be arsed to do the dailys because there was no reward anymore that motivated me.

    6 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

    Because dailies could not be monetised? 

    What are you talking about?


  4. 22 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    A 14"  pepperoni pizza from a mid-tier chain pizzeria in my area will cost you around $30.

    And I though a $7 (6.50€) kebab is expensive. (Before corona is was $4.30-5.30.)
    A common pizza in Germany is 10.2" A large pizza is 11.8". A large one is about $12-13. But I order a normal one for about $9-10 (fungi or tonno).

    I guess with your prices the staff gets better paid than here.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Splat.7981 said:

    About the Fashion Wars, aren't the best/good looking skins all in the cash shop?



    Your taste.

    Most of my Charrs wear gemshops items (which I bought for gold not for real money) and I prefer entire wardrobes over single armor pieces. Because most armor pieces look butt ugly on Charr if you're no fan of skirts. Most of my Asuras wear non-gem-shop skins. Humans and Norn is evened out.

    The gemshop is meant to be a sink for the in game currency. A lot of convenient stuff is locked there. Not just skins.

    GW2 is a game for you if you know how to play for fun and not to collect something. Or if you like to perfect/complete collections just for the sake of completing things. If you want goals, then it's skill to play the professions. They have different difficulty. If you can play piano on your keyboard and like to trains up to muscle memory, you're up for top pvp, gvg and raids.

  6. On 8/25/2023 at 12:07 AM, Static.4258 said:

    Now I find out that the daily log in rewards are cancelled in lieu of the battlepass?

    Reading the definition of battlepass on Wikipedia. No we have no battlepass.

    If any system remotely comes close to that, then it was the old login system with its tiers that required you to log in every day to get to a higher tier.

    Now you get 5 points (if you don't do anything but log in) and can choose your reward yourself.

    • Like 4
  7. I've a MX518 by Logitech and a SGK30 mechanical keyboard from Sharkoon.
    I'm not a fan of the rather short lifespan of my Logitech mice (I usually get the double-click bug after about 1.5-2 years, someone recommended the 518 and it seems to be more robust), but I love their drivers, which are so customizable that I have different settings for different games and even desktop and Photoshop.

    A key is my healing skill
    D key is my stun break (which I put on/replaced #7)

    I play wvw much and it is important to reach those two fast. Clicking them takes too long.

    The 0 (for the elite skill) I set on a mouse button. As well as skyscale mount, griffon, weapon switch and the skill #9 (because I need a fast toggle for dwarf hammer rotation on my rev). It'd be way better if I could choose in which slot the elite skill is set .

    <> is my raptor mount
    Shift for bunny mount (yeah it is sometimes trouble with combos like shift+h for disabling the ui for screenshots)
    I don't know anymore what crazy key combination I set for the special action key, but with the keyboard driver I put that combination on the other way most useless and annoying key a keyboard hast... Caps Lock. 😉
    So caps lock is my special action key without locking.

    Since ctrl+T is for setting a target I set alt+T for the personal target (also only sth I need in wvw, commander tags get drowned by player names)

    Scrollwheel-click is set to double click (set with a mouse script). A left over from the time I didn't know I can right click a stack to consume/open all xD But it is still handy from time to time.


  8. 5 hours ago, PoppaSmoke.1987 said:

    Imagine having zero masteries and having no elite specs available

    I started a new account like 4-5 weeks ago and know this situation. Although I've knowledge about everything that account misses, so I'm still in an advantage since I know what to do and reach faster than a player that has no clue. My worst experience was actually the lack of auto loot xD

    For story you don't need the mounts anyway. They're a nice to have for the between chapter tasks but in the chapters you can't use mounts anyway in HoT.
    The masteries, you are asked to level, are needed in later story parts, like the updraft.
    For the points and exp you can do the meta on the maps. Use everything that increases your exp gain per kill/event (guild buff, food, booster,...).
    The weekend is often a good time for Verdant Brink metas (night and day meta). Do the night bosses too. Each gives you a mastery point.
    For that it'd be actually nice if Anet would somehow help to identify which copter leads to which boss. I had it that other players linked wps to the closest chopter in map chat, but that's not always a given.

    You often need to ask for help. That's part of the game.

    Ask in map chat for a community guild. They're usually large and have newbies and very experienced players who like to help.
    If you're a German speaking player, I recommend DC: https://gw2community.de/forum/board/4-communitygilden-dc/ They're so large, they've 2 guilds.
    Playing story with another person is a way better experience. I found 3 other ppl in that forum to play all stories incl lw, of all expansions.

    • Like 1
  9. 20 minutes ago, Balance.4082 said:

    Honestly what is the point of me spending sometimes up to an hour getting killed coming back getting killed on and on.

    Sounds like my usual wvw day 😄
    (or me doing jumping puzzles)

    But in pve story mode? That's new.

    edit: I just remembered that my first experience with the last hot chapter was like that :s I was unable to finish it alone, dropped it for 2 months until 2 friends helped me (which ended up me being dead and not doing anything and they doing everything)

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    Remember that most games are 70 euros

    I paid 70€ for SotO.

    Or how much was the ultimate?

    Wasn't cheaper than EoD.

    And I expected a story with an end. Had no bad experience before so I was ofc disappointed. And I wont touch it again before it is completed. And I hope the next time this happens, I get informed about an incomplete story in the shop, so the next whatever-they-release wont be my next disappointment.

    • Like 7
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    • Confused 14
  11. On 11/3/2023 at 7:09 AM, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    If a player has a favorite commander they would look to join that Comm's guild.

    I have a commander whom I prefer to join when he sets up a squad, but I've no interest in his guild. They have rules and schedules, bleh.

    I'm pleased with the server's community guild. No rules but the common behaviour ones.

    I like my wvw casual.

  12. On 11/6/2023 at 3:13 AM, enigmatic.3576 said:

    They won't unless there's some carrot to follow.  It's no different from every other meta event without one; throwaway content meant to only keep people busy until the next release.

    It probably needs maps like that when they want to release new content yearly. Before the community thins even more, or loses interest entirely because even decent maps aren't visited anymore, it seems a not so bad tactic to release unimportant maps to neglect.

    The ppl that cant live if they dont get to see a shiny new toy every year are satisfied and the people that don't play crap or play slowly and don't new new content so fast, just can skip it.

    I like to play dragon stand and silver wastes meta every now and then just for the fun. There isn't anything interesting for me to get there anyway. No carrot but fun.

    • Confused 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    The bodies also don't disappear anywhere near as fast when there's loot in them.

    I have them regular disappear instantly after kill. Some stay, some disappear and I don't see any connection to loot. (Been playing the personal story up to chapter 8 atm) The ones that stay don't always have loot and the ones that disappear don't always have no loot.

    Like I already said in my first posting.

    Can you loot every killed mob?
    I can't.
    And I don't run back when I don't see if there is something to loot or not, just for a chance that there is which isn't even 50:50. But that depends on event, map and mob.


    3 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    There are "difficulties" and then there is "lack of understanding". In this case it seems to be the latter.

    I can assure you the latter is not the case.

    Except for Danikat, whom I thanked, no-one posted anything I didn't know yet.

    And what is your problem if there are sparkles or bags?

    • Confused 5
  14. On 10/8/2023 at 12:15 AM, Teknomancer.4895 said:

    What are some good "practice" maps for getting used to how to get it up to height and speed, pilot it and use the skills?

    The griffon races/adventures in the desert.

    Check the video before and if your fingers are as clumsy as mine, disable keys like B.

    The good point is, that you can teleport yourself back to the start point via the adventure interface when you fail (or wish, even when you succeed) and thus can try again and again and again.

    If you have the jackal you can reach a really high adventure spot in the desolation with it: see path there: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pristine_Piece_of_Forged_Armor#/media/File:Path_to_Pristine_Piece_of_Forged_Armor.png (just dont drop down to the end point, stay up there where the adventure is)

  15. 7 minutes ago, Riba.3271 said:

    You don't understand how destructive linking system is for average player, guild or commander.

    I'm an average player.

    My server has a low wvw population. It has the lack of players. Without linking, the wvw would consist of turning camps and do a bit wvw outside of any prime times. Like early in the morning and afternoon.
    Linking gives us back wvw life.

    Being on an EU server there's not problem with the timezones.

    After work time is different for a lot of players. My work ends at 2 pm.
    Prime time on EU server is around 7/8 pm for 2-3 hours. Those are the times with queues.

    If you are only after filled wvw maps but not overfilled, then wvw servers would need to act like the pve megaservers. A map with low population gets closed and the people get transferred to maps with higher population. It gives night players some content. But the identity of the single servers get lost, just like what happened in pve. Guilds would become more meaningless because you have to manage with the people that are currently on your map.

    But who wants that? Wvw would feel so meaningless.

    The compromise seems to be that alliance system. (A compromise is when nobody is happy with the solution but can live with it.)

    • Like 1
  16. 5 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    It's Anet's design that players engage with the game and earn the mastery for it.

    If you think it is about to question the mastery, then you didn't understand the topic.
    (In wvw you need to level up to autoloot as well.)


    5 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

    How is the glittering corpses hard to spot?

    I don't know?

    I just hardly see it. Sometimes not at all.
    Today I ran back a path and could loot something I killed like 2 min before and didn't notice the "glittering" (there was no corpse).

    I've 4 accounts and always had that problem.
    #4 is the newest, 3 weeks old.
    Rest has autoloot.

    Although I don't know how that all is relevant.

    Why do people always compare themselves when other people have problems? I do have problems to see that, you don't. Nice for you, but how does that help me?
    I even posted the very easy solution.
    Are you bothered by that solution?

    • Like 1
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  17. On 3/11/2023 at 11:31 PM, Sparetent.9756 said:

    CC (Crowd Control) - By far the most annoying and game-breaking mechanic currently in WvW!

    I also find this very suboptimal in a pvp situation. Making another player a mere spectator of his death because he can't do anything more than watch. Made completely helpless.
    I quit Aion because of that, back then. I had a Godstone on my bow and when it triggered, the opponent was paralyzed (petrified) and could go make himself a coffee.

  18. On 3/8/2023 at 1:15 PM, Riba.3271 said:

    how widespread is the damage this system causes to stability and player mentality

    I get sometimes complained at for using my mother tongue on my German server when linked to other language servers.

    I see the problem, but it wasn't my descension to start linking to others. Nor can I change it. I chose a German server for a reason, which is German. There are enough German servers to just rotate linking among those.

    You may think that since I write in English here, where is my problem? Well, I actually often use deepl.com for this forum. For longer text or complicated explanations.

    Apart from the language barrier I like the linking system. Sure there are servers I don't want to be linked with because of bad experience in the past (toxic chats, sabotage players) but most I get to know are good to play with and I learn something new. Like learning from the enemy, learning from the linked ally.


    The worst things about wvw:

    • The demand to play meta. Because it is effective. This is a game, I want fun. If people want to play ranger, let them.
    • The opinion, that not just some have, that when you do towers, camps and keeps you do ppt, and ppt is bad. (No it isn't) All what counts is ppk. Zergs that do nothing but meeting somewhere to fight each other. They don't play wvw. They play gvg or something. If they attack a structure then only to lure the opposing zerg to them.
    • Another bad thing are the roamers whose only goal it is to hassle other players that don't want anything to do with them. There's a mode for pvp. It's called spvp. It's not wvw.

    In short: wvw gets abused for pvp and gvg. There Anet is to blame. Apparently the spvp got neglected and disimproved until it was ruined for many players. And a gvg system in a game  called Guild Wars, wasn't implemented.

    The actual wvw players, those that play every role above, because that is wvw, and not just one, they get laughed at and offended.

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  19. 11 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    It's not really hard to notice the loot

    Too me it is very hard.

    I like how it is in wvw.

    If several loot is on one place then even in pve there is a chest (wood or steel). Means that system exists, it just needs to be expanded for the single loot to bags.

    Where is your problem helping people that have difficulties? When you don't have one then nobody is meant to have one?

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